Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1957, p. 7

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Tales 0f Early Sportiig Pays Iu the days when the Peliican Club was flie main haunt cf pnlze-fighting - enthusisa a Britain, mnembers imported fram ý Paris a mnaster of the French stylie of fist-aud-faot boxlng fa r veademonstration. Jimi Donabue, a Birmingham- frlsh fight.r chosen f0 match hlhad f0 be warned of what fa e.xpect. So Johni Fleming, flie Pelican Chib's boxing -manager, ibld hini lu the changiug raauu. "Better guard the. point wvell, Jim, becaus. be'll try to kick yen lu the mout-'c -thaf's French." 'la if, h.gobs!' sajd Jim, 'Then Oill bite hlirn i.h back- solide -- tliat's Birrrilugharn!" The canteat qeuded with a vic- tory for Jirn. One .member oft the Peliltan Club, reculîs Guy Deghy lu bis llvely hoak, "'Noble and Manly", was* Squire George Baird, o! Stitch-, reor Kelsa, who bad! a retinue of "pu-g" friiênds ct- mafed f0 st fhlm aver ~.Q a weýek lnu rùks, as wveil a.* food, prises and pefty cash, apant from the damnage fo bis -towu bouses, fines and court fees disbursed for thei. Aithaugh lie beiivcd thut îniney eould 1buy -ve-rythirïg,'lie wus strRngely guiiible when hls, attendant bruisers assured hilm that his punch excelied theirs, and begged himn ot'fo bit theyn toa liard wheu they sparred w;th hlm. "You're nat au ordinary man, Squire," tliey protested. "Think wliat yer iid ta old'Ar" This referneq toana impromptul cauteaf beld lu the course of a- drunke.n party t bis Johni Street houa.s(, wheu- he wus saidf b, have knoc.1ed bis "pro" op- ponent< uncouisclous, and was 1later told fliat unifortiufe mn edied. To he bj2ackmrailed for !keep- Ing the 1~dx ouf of court1 mnade hlm so- proud ir -' -py D.gby says, that lie rmiie bliaafuily unawcare of the decep- tiou, evexn wheu '"old 'Arýry" ne- .mnerged fram jisolation and went back ou hiýý payroii! The- Pelican*dyfouinder:, were Wlliam Goldberg, Irnawu, as the 'Shifter" and "Swears" Weil-;(, bul' affer a tiieifwas* decided that-Swcars shouid buv the ý'hifter out for £50 Swears ixvifeÈ4 hlm tg dine ut a restaurant, where ie duly ap- p.eared witli a- lady friend on lis aarib" and the.-znoney wa, &anded over lun £5 notes. Horrifled ut the idea of bis goÏng oit his usuai nighlfy rouind wiiaIl flat mùney lui lits pockct, th*. girl said, "Let ime take cane 0f lb for yaul, WiI-' Mie dean-" and persuaded hirnI tl place hlaf of if inluier safe keepîing. Thon she wenf home, an -ho, à.od Sweans spent t he rest of flicev-----iD truc Pelicun Not until they wei'e ut break-î laf uat Swean.s' p3ince did'Sweana efer ugein to lber. Cliarming, FIVE FAIIIOMS DEEP - Tons cf water btow skyward from aç depîh charge. explosion ut f jvc fathomns Iust oster-n of Pacific Fleet huniter-kil1er escart destroyer Phip. Split-second camera timing caught the effect at sea level of the concussion of the 300-pound "ash con"'. Wonders 0f G reat SBarrier Reef The words ucoral" and "çcoral widie, ls often "ca1Ipedj' that islands" have generally call1e4 up ia to say, eut ln fiere an, there visions of rcomance and one cap~ by littie valeys. remiember bowi they not onily The saf est place., (keeping a formed the backgaround of manY very watchful eye openi for au stcsiies of boyhood, 'out made ut unusual swell> ta see things on least one. best-sqeller 0f recent the outer steep siope is prob- tilues. .ro scientists of, the last ably at tIhe edge of one ùf the-se hundred years they have, how- valleys. Here one may iook ever, been niuguets of great at- dowa., as it were ,into the abyss, tractive power and this attrac- as the siturtingly clear and bliie tion has Plot yet ceased. They itrsgelpando ,ai hav pio-.'de te mst ascýn;t- see some of the brauched rorap ingprbni for the marine growiug. (Professor Etephensn,,« bîolcogist. ojf the Zoology Depaitment, Austrailia is et continient rof the Queens1land UJnaversity, who, mnost, varied scenery both coustal viewed this wider-water, scenie and iuiand, and one of its worid- with goggles, des-ciid it as "a famnous features is the regior) of marvellous sight --- tbe tost im- the Great Barrïer ReefZ which 1 ressive of ail]vlws1 have j,; the greatest corai' grcôwth of ever seen.Y). its kind. This area providles ail The boulder zone is quite in- the beauty and aiso ail theý terestiug andi becomes more sao sc;ientifîc puzzles for which man as one passes inwards, fora the can, wý,ish. uràc ote. e ,,f %â s Îpnrr-A To land on Bannecr and succe.,eonie tices, and a - You will be both. a reef of the Outer make the visit a needs 10w sprng flat ocean ýtrface. itlcky if you have Asstiming you have the lucky 4aqy, it is profitable to leave your lauuich in good hands, and to make across the reef tIo the outer edge at once. This is flot the highest part of the re There is usuaily a sflght s'ope downward ta the extremne edge nand this strip, wiina.y be aï, hunrdred and fifty loetorp veryv charming indeed. What ight be bler nanle? "Dun-no," said the Shifter, "lne ver seen her before." He neyer saw her again, eitheri Sportlng fans eaui have a gay time with this highX,, -entertain- ing book which la liïberally il- lustrated witb photos phs ard cartoons. ,31ous everywhnene, aud the boul- jders lying iu themn hide al sorts of 0f n oeai-ares -- starfish, crabs, bec'h( d-atrochus and avoid Qhe terrifie asurf wh4cea bat- ters the, region. neax, aud ut thef gWtrene outside. Gruduaýliy as one Passes sf111i eurther inward (tawards thie iauuzch one ha eft behind) the water deepens, and lier. audýü there are blgger poiols with sauidy bottomi. Very n.ieh grawth cf coral and sofft canal illbe acen liere. Finally one lias ta wade deeply and the lugoon of our anchorage la reached. Our visit to the real barrier la aver. One. canuot canclude without saying that fa get the appropriate thriil dowan one's spinal columui when seeLig tIi. abave, on. Diugh-l'tao have been prevJIously niear euough ta the Outer Baýr- riez ou a day wheu thle sea la Inot, calim. This gives a greater respect for the lowly creatures 1 whose grow¶t eau withstand sucb batterirng ofthe ocean, and causes on.e$t-; keep a wxeather eye whilst inspecting what îs usuully hidden by the restiess sea. --Froam "Great Barrier Reef,"' by William J. Parkîn, D.Sc. Caught RaInbow sBy Bicycle Ever been caught hy a shrtwer on a sunuy day and found your- se"i; tnditug at th f9oot o& raîbbow? J'zabl5y iot, for few people see$ to 4ave had this --eerie experience which, accord- ing ta the suprstît.lous, foretelLs good luck~ An aid rhyme says: Where the. raînbow strikes, the. graund, - Tlwre a crock of gold la fouud. and -accordiug f to ý-rmnan folk- ton, 0 pair af golden alippers wili always be founid there. An COxfordsIiire hman and lis wifec clased a ýta4slbow on their bicycles *.arly oee morning in a hilly part iof thie courity. They raji right ixuto one end of the raiubQw. The,. were so iutrigued that they alighted and, lu their owu words, "stood for several Sminutes ln the glariaus, indes- cribabiy lovely colora which seesned to sprig from the graun)d - ýneath u2."But they found r.si'gold! Our rural forefathers believed thiat a m.orning relribow Wds 'l bad sîgn, but one in the evGni- ing always meant a long speil -if fine weather. French peasauts taday say that if green la the domluating color of a rainbow, very stormy weather is inevi- table. If the dominant colar la red there will lie ruch wind; if blue the sky wil clear quickiy' and a fine day wîll foliow. Tlhat no rainbow wouid appear for forty years before thne end of the worid was a wideiy-held be.- lief in parts of Central Europe, and ln Greece they believed that the earth immediateiy under a rainbow gave a pleasaut odar. The aid Norsemen declared that a rainbow was a bridge -"let downi from the sky by gods." And lu Ireiland there still lingersaia iegend that the rainbow lsaa fairy ladd.er counecting this com-mouplace, world with the home of "the wee foik." Bi1rth Certificate Started Trouble Wheu she opened Pa drawer in her husband's desk while look- ing for sealiug wax, her eyes wideued lu astouisbment and dismnay. For rolled up wlth her rnarriage- certifiloate ~was a birth ceirtificafe -showiug it seeftmed to Mrs, Si2sie Sallas- that bher haie and hearty husband was not fifty-six but eighity-six. She started anx action for, di- vairc, ciaiming thut ber hubby had'deceaved ber, Thougb acting you ng for hi& age, xhe asserted lie nad woaeà and won ber un-. der false peecs Moreover, h. fnad boasted of the property he was due tolui-. herit fromn his father, but it was ebvlous, saici Susie, that a miani qÉeighty-six couldln't have "ex- But the court was shaken when laiging John Sallas pr.oduced a second birth certificate purport- ing ta prove that hie was pot eighity-six but one buudred -n sixteen! Then Johâi explaired that he_ bore the samne name i s his fa- th er and grandfather and they had been boni on the samie day of the month.' ne badaed the divorce nÉ~t to proc-eed just tri see how bïg a fuss a woman could make from a simiple mistake. Yet John had a sbock lu turu when is iË le persisted lun con- finuiug the case, changing ber complaint ta one of proved mnen- tal cruelty. He received a happier surprise wbeu she withdrew ý,her plea, however, claimin.g that skie bad contirued to mnake a fuas to teach hlm a lesson. Aud they settled downi happil1y once more lu their home in a HqUyý!1_wood suburb. Iu more romantýie vein %vas the rumpus raised %wb-eu Donna Luisa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTEWD bU YOUe oWN 1 088 I MiEN *r wonen, eau work your owpi hourz, end maire profits up Io f500% Aseffing exclusive housewîire products and appliances. No competition, flot atlailzble Iu stores, and -they are 4a neceseity ln ever-y homne, Write a't once foir free colour catalogue, show. ing retail prices plus coufidential wholesale pre.Ustl. Mur7ray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrenc, BIvd,, Montres!. ARTICLESFOR SALE SALE Feucing games, safe, dIffertnt and exclusive $1,98. Soccer Foott>Afl games $2,98. Hedipter, fies up t,> 60 feect *2,98. Smell compact portable li.- meruion heater wlth ees $1.98. Poat- pa4. ,Guaranteed. Romec fýa1ef, 51M5 DéeEschasse, Montres1.L BASV -CHICK6 -PROMPT shipmrent, Started chiche, pisi. lets, cocherais.En r vaiety of breeds. For productiiono ail msarkets. lu.- cluding Amres li-Cross (Egg production at mintimum overhead4 Eray Natchery. 120 John N., HamMlln. CHICK lime Is sny time. Il used to be that spring wAaq the only time te buy chicks, But, chick buylng limes have changed, So have chichi, The moat important thlng when buylng chiche la flot when you bu y thern but te buy the right breeds for the job p u want the chichi to do. W. have ecil Egg Breeds, Dualý Purpose )eeds, Broiler Breeds, Aiso Turkey Poults, Older Pullets. Catalogue er- plaining al. TWEDDLE CHICKR ATCHERIES LT4. FERGUS ONTAMIO' FARM MACHINERY FOR SbALE! NEW ldmiay Thresheui, gced thrcsh- ers, grain throwers. P>atent strawf cut- tersansd shredders, kits a aliMee ai thrieshers, your grain and çtraly put lui the barn at lesp coat, 4M years i ro d1uction. Gel our prices sud te>¶us de- Uivered auywliere lu Ontarlo. Lobainger Bras., Mildmsy. FOR SALI FULLY eýquipped Weldiug & Black.- smith Shop lu sure crop tobaecco dis- trict, dulng excellent business. Five. roorù modem bhouse, garage and gar- den. WiIl sel separate 0or Irade f0yr part cash sud large bouse lu good con- ditlau lu lty eason- for Selliug, IliI hlealth. ontact Agent, -Martha Reid, 304l 30, Moujnt Brydgeýs Ont., or Coughtrey Reiîstat,1 dDundas, London, rOnt. 100 ACRES day soil; ,(îacres bush,esut cleared. ToList site. Building, lve. stock, îmachineýry> etc. *5,500, 1½'2cash, Henry -)'Neill, Sturgeort Faila. SURPLUS rEQU#PMENT ONE Çedarýapld,ç 10 x 36 Jaw crushe3r. Onle qedaraplds le X 30 RaIl crusher. (Mouited iiu tandem witb discharge couveyor, Icreens used only on.* inonth. Crushera -AI condition. PrIc* M6000. One Laplante Chaste Tractor scraper 12 du. 7ds. AI conditîin. PrIce 45,000.ý Oua Little Giant 31,. cu, yd. Crane, dragilne. pullghovel sud shovel. Price ni ut, wlbtb enle on setand. Priesý Willinnc.AIl pricea .ob.Wlud- sor yard sud can b3e lnspecýted there' CENRfÉAL STONE & A,îUGREGATE 3101 1,wad Wve, uidsor, 0Ont. f i4EMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S, DRUG STORt 33 Elgin Ottuwzs 12M Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 2ANISH the tormeut cf dry aczema rashes sud waeping ekîn troubles. Post's Uczamaz Salve WIll not dlsap- point you. Itchîng. scaling sudbua ing aczernis; se, riugworm, pflnples and foiot ezema w/iil respond raadliy to the stainlesa odorless aintyment gardies3 of thaw s1ubb0rf) or bopefl~ they seem,. ent MPeitFret on ReceïpI tofPrîC4 FRICE $3.00 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2ù63 St. Clair Avenue lEst TORONTO How Can I? By Aune Ashiuj Q.low tan I exterminate ants? A. Keep smei bags ü+, sul- Shur in druwers anrd boxes. Orý ampen a îponge lua *flution of sugar >and water, put it In B eaucer, %Dd place near the haunits. It will sooi* be fuiliof ants and cau thep -b4 pluuiZed ito boling water. Q. ShouId the mllIk be hot ci coId when used for mashing potatees? A. It should be hot. Luke- warim or~ cold milk iil make the pota toes pasty a.nd hleavy, Q. How can I1 prevent Sun- stroke?! A. The we-akes,ýt part of the spine la at tlhe back of the r.eck.ý Wheu ir, danger af sunstroke se. that 'the back ùo- d7e X 'k S, well proteeted ferai the suii's rays. Q. IfOw evan I removeth>ile scorûhed topi or bottom of a cake? A. Grate over Ct iightly viW u utmeg grater insteadi of scrap- ig mwith a knife, This wil.lcave a mouth suface frte frost lie -lm 91STOPPED o>r money, bock Veýr>'first use f oohig.coollus liquid D.DD., PescrptIon positive!>' rel'ee xaw red itCh-caused by eczema, a. s scalp ir rit ation. chafin-otiier î tchtruls Grseea tables,, 39, trial bottle must astis!>'or mamy bc. o'tffer . Ask jOros dus*for D.D.0,Pe, RPJN OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND W8JMEN 100 LETrTER sizeaet iegah~ aine articles reprinted. Ratturu po-t igge pald. Rcel Reprnt, Box z386, Golden, BC BE A HAIRDRESSER ffIN CAN4ADA'$ LEASING SCNOOiL Great Opportunity Learu llalrdressing pleasaut dtgifled profession; «go4 wae.Thousands ao sccf, u MarVel Graduates. Ael'sGreatest Systeni iilstrated Catalog Fret Write or Call MARVtL IAIZ USSING SCHOOLS a58 Bloor St, W., 'Toronu Brancies: 44KIng St. W., Haitn 72 Rideau St, OttaWA IXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN9TY GiLS, GREASUS, PAINTS A.NDi Colloidai Graphite Additives Deal. ers wanted t'asel teFarinera, Fleet Ownars sud Service Stations. WritQ Warco Greas. & Ü011 Umited. Toronte 3. Ont. PATENTS PETIIERSTONHAIUGU & C (o nipauy Patent Attorneys, Establisbed 1390. M0 UnIvarslty- Ave.. Toronto. Patents aI] countrias. 1,.00 TRIAL, offer. Tweuty-flve daltux* Ss0a requIremet6. Lateat cal. jua Wiudad. The Medico Agenicy, Box 22. Termnial "Q Torouto. Ont. SWINE TXIERE la so-me satisfaction ïluira. prti2I%, bree ding sud selng the best. Thr sonly one resson for us aallung a lot of Landrace Swine. The suswesr la Top Qualit>' Zandrace 1ha1 satisfy aur customars who camne back for more sud tell their frieuds sud nelgh- boums about our top quality stock. Many blood Unes to choose froni. WVeanling four mnonth olcI, six innth old saiva sud boars, guaranteed iu ï ,Ig ows srviccable boars, al! tram 1ýnparted stock. Catalogue. FEPRGUT S 1LANDRACE $1TINE IFARM FEIIUS ' ONT.ARIO KINDROCB.1ET Imported Landrace for qusllty sud type, faor the new breeder we eau ,:upply unmelsted stock andI or commercial try s Kindrochet Boar sud sea tCe diffarance. Appi>': Iosel)b Berna3rd, Waterford, Ont. QUALIFIED Yarkshires - semvlceable, sgeýd boars $75; weanlings, aithetr se,% $25. Registered, f.o.b, J. E. Dixuu, MJoorfileldï, Ontario, .ST eeeved a large importtî4.ot of' oýutstandlng lu pig sows, picked frora some of the bheu hards lu Great Brit- alu. Alsa eeeLved s eally out.staud- lug boar to add ta aui almaady large herd of 1imported Laudrace. %Weailing, four mouth oId saws sud boima, guar- auteed îlu pig sowz. Prices reasouabi)e. catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM R.R.3, Koiiendl Centre, Ont. New Stamps INDEPENDENCE STAMP -- Cn- mem-orofing the centenary cd the 1857 struggle for natiap~ independence-, ig this colorfu dark green gfamap issued by the Pakistan Poest unid Telegraph Departrnenf. If h one of fwo stamps Issued fo mark the event, the other heinq a np cf higher denomnination h-ý blue. STAR STAMP - Th;s Yaîrikirng design, featuring the North Star-, las been no'med the win- nied cf flie Minnesota Stateliood Centenniial stamp competich1., Designed by Paul Konsterlie of ýt, Paul, Mînn., the stamp wiilI ibe issued durhng the weekend 1of Statehood Day S Mqy, 1958, 0 S LEEP AND RELIEVE NERVOfISES; OF. quiet the nerves wlsen tene. SEDJICINr$.O-4.95 V'WIJE '7-1957 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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