WimW$ l=TItUWSI For a gre-ater Canada e.. for tomorrow' s opportunities.. ML LB R.0 K LIVESTOCK 'SHOW WED., JUNE ITH /'~ 7N Z' -~ Fi Fl FZ FU The Greatest Good For The Greate-st NumrfberN flURHA-M CCF SOITO s ~'WOD~ F4V HEVCALL Hl9PUP$ DAY, 3TNE 6, 1.957_____________ ________ 4000 People Attend Opening 0f Provincial Reformatory In The Town 0f Millbr,,ook A silv-er key tbied with blue andsci1SChaist to disco(ver mIleans oft white ribhbonri wais LISed tomarkj thePraching them. ceremonies of the officý iai opening of thle mIost modem l"closeý custody" re- The bronze plaque univeiled by Jiii-: formatory on the Noýrthi Americnn C Pc up , LýJi-, bears the cres't of the Ànent at Millbrook, on satturda'y af- Province of Ontario, the naines of the ternoon, whejn nearrly 1000O attended, Premier, the MWinister- of PbleWork despite traeîgrain thie Mnse fRfr nttt and the ChiefL Justice of thie Province of Onitario. In br-inging t'he regretsý The key \was;presented by Mr. Mit- of his paren lts absence, due to bIs I huof the Hardy Cons-trucýtioni Com- fathier'a illnless, 3John Pickip said it 's future pany, who built the three illiiion dol- ha'd 1b(een their. wish tLo be preisent ment . ..lar steel and concriete fort wýlihic COV snnce both his miother and father were abunidant ers 141 acres on al hiit ovelo okinig the bornait MillIbrook. vilgto Mr. Bainett of the A-ch The, Rev. Hl. B. Neal, D.D, fuill thue i has;n- itectulral firmli of Ba'lrnett and Rei;.der. 1chanplaLin of thleIsiuin offered basiý ho drewu the plans for' the project.'pryels ad dedicated the L>uilding. w homes The key was ini turn acptdby Mr. e is retirjing from the 2Unitedi Church is igerNi'mmao Mitcýhell onl behaif or COL.Iat Lind i(say to acce-pt theý- positon. -iII bring Griesinger, M:iister of Public WrsrThe. Salivation Army band froif, id. and haudi(ed to Honi. John W. Foote, Petelinbloough providedc theu ie Ws and V.C., iuister of Reform nitios At the los of the serviceC guides Gerx-Major Foote withi John Pickupi, Jr., es'orted groups of fiIci tten thrugh tibeý CiaI ro sor, of the Hon. Chief of Julst-ice womeni, directed by -Miss Grace Brack.- security Pickup ini whcse absence he appeared, new buiilding and' a gr-oupl of Yo)Ung ai lgis-officially dc!ared the penaliinatitu enb iSperinýtenldant of Food Ser-~ ilistr. tion open and gave theke to the vies for- R'eform 'In lstitutions, aserved &prntnenCol. F. Patterson, re-fre-sh'lmen lts. mi S. ormier ha of Don JaiI in Toronito., The first inimates are expected te mb. Vot. arrive about June l5th., _0ouis st. The Minîsýterý paid a, fine tibuLte to Aftur the guests had ieft in thê, sttr lfethep wýork ýof Dty Mniser ol.If.evening, the statff nuumberrug about Basýher for his v:iInand forsight fift eeettie t the home in the plnnngad rig out of[of Hon., J. W. Fote and MIrs. Foote the details. E s poke of th e progres'- in Cbug He said the prison haisIthe 1best equip- sive policy and Iwork of rehabiitation. Amnng th ,1ose who were seaited on ,3e(ï hospita l, inte wil o reat- the pltomfrteoeiger- muent oftos scopth h are "nonius in the afternoon were Mr- and notresondugto thbltto and and Mrs. Peacock, dau!ghtIer and son- thedificut cseswil hae te bstin-law of Hon. ChieýfJutePikp.N VotAS You Like j1ButVOTlE"E ERNESTLDNT JLL SUPPORT TO PARM 0ROANIZATIONS.ý WITH TIIEIRI OWN de-mocratie program to build a strong A g riculture-Parity of icm -am r contr-al Of marketing- -Lo g ndshot er crdi a lo iteest1u--g fr -f .arm ' mý 1