Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1957, p. 4

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îwlPr m ";îîaî ogg>:~o WE~LY _- ~ C 10ng$J 'I 5 2/3 c"P tsrea" tOfli ~A1lY ~ e~ oend i 1/2 p020 ~ke' V2 ~ ~ 1/3 ~ 9o ~ngredîel~tS MI ~r~tO ~ p2WY place eaC3' e aurgers h heat ~p eac ~ çbeCse YORK, CEICE SICED Tis35c luie, Gýreen, Pink, 3egbar3l 5cnsofReguJar price LIQUID DETERGE-NT I ffMapIe Leaf 12 oz 3GCg o BLOSSOMBlpkg 25e 8 Ur lLLOGG'S CIEREAL Se;etciael 'K' IGA ciLIIClE Apple Ju'cel BLUE and COMA) Fanicy Peas 6oz 25c 2 ins25ýÏc 2 l5o 33c je11-o Puddings 3 for 29e Margrene CONNORS KEY WRAP Kippered Snacks I lb pkg 35c ,2 tins 19c Blade Bone and Back Strap remioved -- Tablerite BLADE or SHORT RI -3ROAST lb 43c S'Ij-c.i 1-ik f r yring -- The chiildren love it' Family size Tabierite Bokgna approx 2 lb lb 35c Ehf tes items with $,2.50 BONUS BOOST'"IER TAPE chieken Loaf cor Pickle & Pi.ntoLoaf 6 oz pkg 29 VEGECTABLE VALUE0ORTUE VWEEK --California- CAULIFLOWR size29 A LJ-MC ITREAT -- FIEIRY RED Wat*ermnelous Ige Bise 950 Juicy, Fresh -- FlaNoured Valencias -- Suinkist ORANGES size 113 doz 49C siZe 163 doz 33C CRIP a,-ýpnd CLRU-NCHY -- NON-FATTENING £!WLKRY 2 lUMbO i» 36 359 PACKED NWJTH NUTRITION, C CARR"'%TS 2< WITHREE$5.00 BOýNUS BiOOS WITI FRE $.50BO'NUiS n100 FCYVACUIUM PACK Niblets Corn VPFRFE 82.50 ONU O ROYXL GUEST IGA Coffe WITH FREF $.56 Ou O ANGELUS WRIHTE alifornia SOZ poly bagz2f@r27Ve@ TER TAPE iSER TAPE 14 oztfin 2 for 35c 'STER TP 1ilb bag 95e iiafTVt, 'TÀP U 16 oz pkig 35c WIHFU EE $5. BNUS BOOSTER TAPE-"- Bayer Aispirin bOttie of 100 79eI FROZEN FOODS PICTSWEETr4 ~rrawoevîies 1i3j L- tJ qiJ~ >,>.5CTSU 100TEETTP LEToaeo frl You Save Tw. Ways At IGA! o Fo a' sAnd FflRE'E BONUS-ý GIFTS NO CASH REQUIRED WITH IGAICASHRECEIPT AND e"BON Us BOTR AE Mo~ IA usomrsare alreadty ea*oyg FeeBonus Gfs G A ahrcit ~wyil can get exraBOUS OOTE TAPS wtbspecil wekl 1Fo tiures. and daim your bonus Gifts TUIE As FAST, at no etacost. Sblop at your eares LCA 0oo0dStrennd ask for Oie bî, 0, Free Gift Ctlgewt ae nipgsof batiu,-otl ifis stlitable fr e ýVer-y nimero tefaîly omaeIGA foot ualt n rce -adesueyngtyorBn'Bose ae ith IGA weekly Footi Robbie Robinson Senda Weli Hit Bail Out 0f Orono Park Thie Orono lrtred t asebal rn IeWe egse Cl'ub bas benf1ying in high gear and: àn aits first fthree gamjes ofth j Inla igh Srorima Came, .scnhe Ile hve moarked them il as rictories. Tw,ýo vioios ihave been TeOooPeWeRsbl l pulesd(over ot Hopc andïî owovrtrvlldto 3Mapl1de rove on Moaday- the eoen,11esud jngtad in a hýigli seoring gamle re- OnSauda veig h local CiIl redwt a 27 to 19 victory.ý A full- defeated Poot iipe i Por Tc p 3Seven""0 ings weo played by tde Ain a game pop, sh wen ry five fuilpyoungsters. Signigs. on l it ooknthe in giv- I The Ororro squad threw in four ing p fur btsandtakig treepitcherqsLarry AMlerTerry Garlctoi-- strIke ous.allet took the los g'irlg Wayne Kenned and Ralph Kennedy,. the Oiono squad éne hits ove- the Terry Caneto offered Uie best huri- fieframes, . [Ronnlie, 1Dean and Jui-ior ngofte Tgt West aloig wMita Johniie Shetier, were te igt the beat batt.ers for Orono. lu the hStting departmient Barry The fin't scoring came la the bhrd 1Horbs came iip wl' two double and a wben Ronie, Dean andi JunIor scored i on'g triple with bases loaded. Chai-lie for,, thr(ee us Don Mlercer andi Ron-1 Reid, playing his first gains bit 4 nie WVest scored in the fouth to brinrg foir G, ery -McMaekin 2 for 6 along the total Vo five. Two lbits for Port Minh strng httn'g Y Terry Carie Hope scored a sdingle ia the third ton. Wayný-ie Miller took six wal-kS ila which lwas again repeatet in the the gamie. Four-teen O0ronoý boys pla-y- fouith and fifth iialaiiga, ia tbr gamle. Tbe Orono aine returned to the Maple Grove led la the game 5 Y~ »loclamond for Tuesclay niglit and 3 At th end of the second.tanthe toi>, inmet the ,prride ofBwmn~i'e This~ of the thir-d Orono batted in thirteen gani drex a oijsýerabc, 1 uas.LMa)le Groveo tbreaitened Or-oao'Q game 'drei 1.abconstiderobce crmwd at tbe park whîchwatcbd Orono> tak e a l ntebto ftesvnhwt victory in a 8-3 couat. Keith WNest irus was tbe Wrnningr pitcher g'ivng 11) Cobourg face Orono in Oroiio Ai seven its in. the aine innin:gs 111play. Satrdy. lie aise earned five strikeout2s frorn__________________ the Bowmiainvlle playvers. sterad~y thr'oughout the gamne while 10roivo cournteti only sinigle runs in tthe Rofbhe Rouýi non pv'l4d off t!l4e spet'cuarof rdv a weil hit bal ouit of the paIrk over the 'srouth eae This seldes hqrpens at tbe local parký and in cerdtairvnalrqag drive toClear the frece. Tbe bit canme at a tiinie wýIi' h :nObarlesArsntrorg was on crifirst thus cn i both im and the baVer, Robliso. baIe-ýs ArmsIýtroag b lýeldf th(,e !ý igbt for- M1ie gmetaking twoi hits, for tbree ,,trinas to lbat Kith, -West folIowed( withn a 2 for, 4 reMcod Sinle it wetfo D'il rerRo'b-! betfor. Bowrîai1l e ilo aa~iardi. The local b tro1n:alyla in th1e firt s.o<g t1a-dio, we wibone la thýe s~ond, two ila the throne ila the -fift Iad nela the eigftb.Rowaavlledid motbite scor bord ntil h' xt- weatbey scuîed umi thiee sa4ngIeraandifllwd wihtwo ruas in tbesent off two bita and an eHrror by Juior West. Thie Orono teai ,gave(,the,,,r pitchelr, Keoitlh West', plenty olf support la thec 'game and the teamn ceirtaialy deserved tie victorIy over .tire Bowmanilville Club. Watdb j'or furtherin itermeidiate ac- tion at the local park this coming* Tuesdlay wlhen Cob(.rg is the visin team-. Orono And Newcasile -irs il TradeSh laigr The Nwcastle(Girs SomiWallta the local Pairk by La scor-e of 16 to 3. Thiis was ýiin a su1ddea r Iers fromjý tIhe Wdeaygaieae d ia New- catewhen 4 Olroo defeated the New- csinie by a n2'3-3 ýcouatt. On1 MondaLy the local girîrs planyed( ionlylathe field and nmroser- rors rlowdlcriiig 1bythe NýewrasLle belles. Eid lTeilann ith the first four wih elief from Manilenle Werry- for- oneaind GilCooper for, two ila- , tg. P ',r ws ,the ianing pit- cher. The adanee frINewc»ae was fis heeialniigs, Orono ruas were byi Thelmna Forrester,, Gaîl Willis an(L Gailj, Uoopc. ar was the big bat- ter f'or Newcastle. This defeait to Orolno gves the- sescounitofor ne ,wiln andf two losseaq for- their firs.t thiee gineýs. visi"torci --- - - -»- - - - - - ONTARIO TRAVEL 709 Parliament Bldgs. oot Address Onýtorjo Oeportmne of T ravel & PbI HOn. Bryan L. Cathcart, Mfnister g I "Srniley Aid Lis [ike" , of an Australian Boy FIzDA y AND SATURDAY eh C , lit Atg g Shows,ý at "6:45 & 8:20 Md~ -With Randolph Scott g N EXT MONDAY AND TUESPAY; SHIOWS. AT 6:45& 9:00 g Admîittan-ce lRestricted to Those 18S rnd 0Over G gJ "THEpBACIELORlPATY" ~Ocz2ozDoc~2,~4Y pouoad 1 >OC=*

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