No Hurry Don't fret even. if Spring is gettlng on and the gardon isn'l. ln meost parts of Canada there is 21ill plenity of time for planling gowers and !Vegetables. lus many parts of this country as a mnal- ter cf facl, il is an early season Iideed wbere muicb pinnting is possible before mid.-May. Fiush- Ing will de far more harrni than good. Bath soul and air sbould- tarItac really warmn up beo re il las sale te xisk mnpst flower and vegebable seeds. There are a few lhings like the first lettuce and rodishes, garden peas and a few onions wbich one can plant just about as soon as the lasI snow l.eaves, Blut the big buik cf the vege- table planbing, things lîke car- rets, beels, beans, potatôues, cab- bage and se on are siet safe uni- fil danger from frost is about *ver, And tender things like melons, toimatoes, cucumbers and corn sbouid not be pianted or set outside until ail danger of frost is ever, The same holds rue in the fo-wer linos boa, The hardy things that wili wilbsland abi et frost are not toc numonrous and Inlude sweeî peas, cosmos, mar- 1!gods Pand aetfew clhers which are listed as hardy in the seed catalogue. Mcist flowors, haw- ever, sa far as Canada is con- cerned, are only semii-hardy and planting Ib-.ese wbile there à~ slili danger of frost and the gel I cold, Is largely a waste of lime, Therýift hoy do- llrow, they are liable to be stuntted by cold and Iter sown seed will be far- ther aheoud i Ihe end, A Fine Bed The finier the soul, the boetter the seed bed, a-nd especially wheus the seed :own Is smali, lke thal 0.,f the poppy orays VuuM arnong Ihe flowers, and lot- tuce and carrôts in the vegetable lâle. If the îsoed bed is connse, alid luMPy>, lb wiIl be imrpos- aibleta keep eut air and eitber Z1seeds wil not gernale a aIl or they are hiable to r-iroduceJ @n1y weak plants. Tt 'Mill puy well ta un rake or cultîvalor. lisrough a few extra limres, moud, In very hemvy lumpy Clay, if oexe can add a bit cf sand and humus, il -%vil! make a big and favourabie differonce. Avold These The lwo comnmonest mistakes madle by amnateur gardleners are planting Itbtick and boa deep, Seed i.s usua).ly imail but the plants produced freai thal seed mmy be severai feet tau. Bear- Jug Ibis in mind, we sbould 9ra d seed thiusly, nover cJoser O an ilich oir so, and evesi -when so spaced, most thing S will require rigid thirnnngla ter on. And almost every oneleus SLAYER SOUGHT-Bristol, Conn, police sought the sloyer of Brenc Jane Doucette, 9, whose body was found in the brush off G countfry rocid four miles from her home, Polioe said the girl had been stcbbed 17 limes' in the chest after being choked with a man's sweater. clîned ba plant four 100 deeply. With iny seed such as Ibat 0'f lettuce, carrots, cosmos, zinnias, poppios and aiyssumn, whicb are rot mucb larg-er Iban the head 0 f a, pin or shingie uail, it Is not necessary la caver aI al. We- s0W Ihese in the finest sai and merely press in. Thon, if pas- sible, -wo keep the soi' doumpened until germination starts. With larger seeds sucb as nosurtiumns, pens, beouns and camus, ane sbeould caver lighitly, Say a quarter le haifP inch, With bulbs er cerms "'f giadialus, dahlias, or Poltoes onse plants four ta eigbl inches dîeep, Power Saves Labour Wbero Ihe lot is f airiy large, a% gardoen radeorand' a powver lawn m-,ower will save lime and bard work. These malchÏies are r,0ot expënsive and, given mini- mium came, lbIey will lait for mnany years. Tb.Jýey vwiii do Ibe work at ieast five timnes faster Iboun by hand. Il fi ou mistake le purchase 10e largo equipaienl, especially lus tracors. The smal- Ier types aýre mucb mare easiiy houudled andi witb allachmenbs will1do almost every chare, ex- cepl eayplOwirsg. Broke 01<1 Record On âume 29, 1956, Jacques An- quetil of France breke a wrld'e record, whicb had stood imbi- cycle racing for 14 years,. by propelling bis bicyce oP-()ver a tôtal 0f 23.682 iles inus e boum. Success came on the Frenchmnan's third assault on Ihe record, wbicb be bout by 394 yards aI tbe Vigoreili ,*course in Mlan, Itly. And what ab'out the bicycil Well, lb was macle of aluminum, and the en-tire machine was a mere 14.3 Ibs, S JOURNEY - Members of the R.X4F. volun- ýhe Valiant four-jet bomber that dropped ýn bomb over Christmas lslarsd 1n the South7 oamrding th. craft before taki-ng off from nri March, 1957. Left to right cire. Wing I{ubbard, pilot (act top cf ladder enî.Iering Robert Beesqn, co-pilot; Fight Lt. Eçward officer Flîght Lt, A1;an Woshbrook, navi- r> and Fllight Lt. Eric Flood, n gao.At er of the ground cmrw, -v hIsects, Animais Forecast Weather Attending epn evening gardon party, Pa well-kno;Àn British naturaiist was asked byr a friend whether he thought it was time she febched bier jacket. He gazed at bis watch for several sec- onds, thon bold bier that he. lbought il was hardly cool enough, since the temrperaturc was 72 degrees. Mystified, the wornan asked te see the "wenilter" watch. But Ihe naturalist laughied and ex- plained bow lie had been able %.o tell the temperatir~e by lb. lI a n ar-by shrubbe,,ry a ti-e c-ricket bad beeui cbir-ping mer- riiy ail the evenîng. Ho bad recognized il as tibe kind known ta naturalists as tbe tempera- ture cricket, and ail he had ta do ta find out the temperature was bo count the number of chirps it gave in seven, seconds, double tbis number and, then add forty-two. It bad in f act chirped fifteeou limes in' tbe seven sec:onds. Many creatures make handy 1bemperature gauges, varying tbe activities according te whether it's bot or cold. For examnpie, excepl for the so-calied warm-blooded animais (mrammrrals and birds), al ani- mrial's de pend for Ibeir body tem- poratures upon tlhe temperature of the air surrounding ,tbemf. And the rate'-at wbicb they can, move depends upnm how warm Ibeir muscles are, This expiainis wby on a bot, aflemnri-oon a lizard run, away boa0 fasl for 'you tla catch il;P whereas on a cool day it is only 1capable of siuggisb mnovemrett The chirruping of the cricket is produ)cedt by rubbinig the ser- rated edges of ils foro-wvings ta- gether, while ils close relative, the grassbopper, "sinýgz" by rub- bing tie bind leg against the fore-wing. Both, of course, are tbe resuit, of tbe muscle m-ove- moents,an therefore the rt Varies according la the temiper- alure. . Perhaps the most famnous of ai,[ the insects -whose voices -veýry according ta the temperature is another kind cf tree- cricket caiied tLe katydidl, a cu-riouts fum:e cderîved frai bbe setuid Ibat il makes. As the sun boegins te set, se the katydids begin Iheir chorus. If the tiemrperature iîs abo-ve 77' they give their full eal,, wbich- .4ounds like "Katy did," w;î,th every s y 1 1a ble empbas,-ized. T-hesi, as Ihe eveniing wvears on and 'tho air rcools clown.,te zongs gets progressively shairter ai-d weaker. Bekaw 77' Katy suddenily ho- cornes innocenit cf wbabever mnis- demreanour she was formerly ,accused, for al! the crickets now aing "Katy dd'. At 731, hewwee, tbey again change their minds and proclaimr un- animnously thal "Kaly did," Adse tboy go on, cortraicj- ting tbemnseives every bimne the temperabure f ails another three degrees, passing fihrough "Katy and flnally reaching "dcl" at aibout 60', after wbich silence reigns for the rest of the nighl. Making use of insects ta d-- termine the temperature is quibte a niew idea, but the idJea cf get- lingc a wemther forecast frai animais dates fromi mucb earlier times, Onle of the m1-ost widely used of these animai Weathem prophets is the European, tre frog, a handisomne 11111e brîgbb green creatuire. In miany parts of Europe these frogs are kept in glass jar, n inside Eacb jour is a tiny laddder. T'pe frogs, climbl up anid dowu tbe iadders,' and the positions Ibey take up are suposed ta, indicate wbat kind of w1,eatber1 is on the waY, Thle whoie 0f- led h svery attractive, but ilsý reliability ÎS rathier doubtful. Ius somre parts of Europe there is a little froshwater fish caiied bhe weatber fisb or thunder fish, wbich is sensitive ta changes lus air pressure. Wben a storai is on bbe way these litt1e fisb becomne very eniergetic, and cani be seen sluhn about. on th, surface. Sometimes they g1UIv wumning as long as twenty-four heurs before a storm arrives. Eels arel sensitive la approach- ing stoirmy -weather and becomnei very active. Perhaps in Ibheir case they are, excited at the prospects cf a storm, because heouvy main wasbes an abuandance of worms and insecîs of vorlous kinds into the river, Ibus pro- viding theai witb a welcomre foast, lus eariier limes the eel fishermen of the fers useil ta entiýce eels towar-d3 the surface AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN boss i MEN or -om ecn wonlc your own bours, and make profits- up tri 500% gelllng exclusive houEeware products and appllances. No compqetition, not availalsle lni stores, and they artea necesslty in every home, Write ut4 onefor frec colour catalogue, hw tIug retaili pnces plus eonfidentia h.le- sale price list. Murray Baies, 3822 St. Lawrence Blvd., -Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE RETRACTABLE Bau PIens! Fully auto. matlc, clicker type, no-sear, leakproof, âl~lar to Paper Mate. Spectacular value, 50e each, supply llmtted. Bond now to: Konneth Strong, Box - 5 Muscatîne, Iowa. GUMSET Elastic Roo~f Coatlng, WvinI no Crack or Blster, 45 Gallon Barrels, $1.35 galion. Customoer Pays Freight. Gurnset Rooflng Product, Neustadt, Ont. 500 3-COLOR prïintee naine and iddress labels. 5/,x 1%. Light blue, dark blue, 9o1d. Plastic case, Send $1.00. Schueter, B3ox i419. Dept. C., Sprlngfield, Illinois. B3ABY CHICKS FOLLOW up foýr good mark-ets wlth Bray Chlicks. Also started -ples chlcks, cockerels. Wlde choîce fo-r ail markets. Ask for June U it. Bray Hafchery, 12o John N., Hamlton JUNE 1, a good monith to buy chicko. Lihe weather is good, you can lot tise birds outslde, it costs es-, for feecl mou the. puulets wvlil corne loto production when egg prices are good, TwIdl Chick flatcherlos have a reputation for selllng Top Quallty egg producers,, duai purpose breede, troiler treoda. Ail foundation stock purchaiedl from thse boist breeders ihotie United States and Canada, Also Turkey Poults. 1957 Cata- lo1g u e. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERES LTD, FERGUS ONTARIO 1 DOMESTIC 1IELP WANTED WANTED: Expeuienced cook.general,' two or three persons, In Muskoka, funo- tional. fireproof, $150 mnonthly. Apply lrnmedlately. Rosi Leslie, 62 014.le For- est Bill lRoad, Toronto 7, of the water by beating drums, The eels obviously tlhought a thunderstooem hlad >arrj.ved, lncidentally, the dying duck in a thunderstorm has some basis of fact, AA duck bas a particularly thin skull, and is for Ibis I'oason unusually sensitive to sudden changesjus air pressure. Fre- quently therefore ducks do be- corne extromely rostless and iii aI ease just before and during athiunderstorm. Sometimes, tbougb, Ihesýe ani- mal -weather signs are based on fallacies. For example, it, used tû be a conunon beliet amnong ,people who lived nin Hampstead that the sea lions at the London Zoo were able to foreteili min, because whenevor lbey could hear them barking rain usually followed. in f act, ail this meant was that the sea-lions could only be hearci wbon the winid was south-viesterly. At other times Voicos didn't carry as far as Hanipsteadl Spiders are said tû strengthen their webs if bad weatber la likely, and careful observation of a spider aIt work once en- abled the French army to cap- ture a Dutch towrn, In 1,794, a French officer lmi- prisoneda at Utrecht had notbing better to do than to watch the spiders in bis ceIl going abouti Iheir daîly Iasks of web bid ing. Soon Le realized theirmi- ities varied with the ,veather, and that tbey seemred able to foreteli changes. After a whIle lie, too, was able bo make a pretty accurate twenty-four- hour forecast by watcbing what they were doing. When the canais froze with the enset of winter, the French Armny invaded Holland, taking their artillery and oquipment acrossÊ the ice, Just when ithe operation was getting woil under way a sudden thaw sect in, and the French generai ordered a. hasty retreat, The prisoner had been watcb.- ing bis spiders carefully, how- over, and be learned from Ihem Ibat the thaw would last 'iess than bwenty-four heurs. Somre- hbow he mranaged ta get a mies- sage to Ibis effec thtrough te the general, and the retreat ' wa s cailed of b spiders' forecaît turned eut to, be quibe correct, and within a few day Utrfecht was taken and the observant prisoner was released, SLEEP SEDICIN tobiefs taken c«ording ta directions fi 2'.1f.wa o b nduce s4e.p or quiet lb. ne;-ves when tans.. SEIDICIe $100 495 FARM MACNtERY FOR SALE NEW BOLLAND No, 8e wlre ds Baler w1th engine usedý veryIlittie, Perfect Co'ndition Miydrafoorn.atlc bale tensieon rentroi. New price $3,000 - Our bamr. gain price $1,395, wiù paby fer Isi this year. L. Hewkeoi, Arknntro (No, . 7 Bghýwa). GARDENINO SUPPLIES SENATOR Dunlop, Barvest King Strawv- berry Plants, e2 -10N; $12 - l,'WC. Xervyn Brusso, Southampton, Ontarlo. 14OR Sou Imaprovement, fls;hlng bail, garbage disposai, relie eas'thw.orrns. Zou. rtruction bookiet 35c. Cîrcular froc. JEl- bon Huýmus Worm, Box 207, 1-ngerboIX, Ontarlo. FOR SALE USED parts for MasseyT1arrls 82, Oliver 70, Dr. C. Case IG-201530 Internsational TractoYr Don-Perris, Burgessville, Ont. MEICAL Have your neard &bout flixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy7 Mt gives, good resuits. MUNROIS ORUG STORE, 35Eugin 1 ottawff $.5Express Prepald POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thse torment of dry eczorna rashesaend weeplng akin troubles. Poît'î ilczema Salve will niot disap- f ont you. Itchlng, scaling and burn. ng ecrema; aclse, ringwormi, pimrpleâ andl foot eczemra will rebpond readlly te the stainloss odorless ointmient r.- gardiesi of how stuibborn or hopelesx they seorn. Senit Post Froc on Rerelpt 0f Prie ?iitCE $3.êa PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st. Clair Avenue Eait TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN PREE Catalogue over 1,800, !0ý pocket- editiosi books, send 5W. Your 50,,,e funded on flrst ordler Srnth Syîtemsý, 615-C No. Rosamore, Losi Angelqa& 38, California. If YOU Plan On enterlng, or tracllng with thse Unlted States, send $1-0,00,o "WVord, of Gold" by Ralpi Bedeli, Ver- sýhire, Vermont. EARN more! ilooýk-keeplng, a.emn ghlin, Shorthiand, Typewriting, ec.Les- sons !Oc. Ask for free circula)r No. 33. Canadian Coarrespcndence Courses, 12M0 Bay -,1treet, Toronto. SAVE -MONET on furniture for your homne. Our location means , 5aving ta you. We ship ail classes of house fur- nishinigs end McClary appliausces aniiy- where in Ontario. Authorlzed KR0ETB- LER deaier. Inqiry lnvited. Kobe Fur. niiture Ca., New Hamburg, Ont. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS STOP ' wilhing you could Increase your In- ýorne and zsecure your future DO somnething about it. With Our propo- aition ti 1, ispossible, mandail our rep- resentatives are making bilg moosoy, youi too could do as well. EverywhQre lî,usebld Noeesoitles iare Leeded, Coi.- mnetîco, Farm Speclaltbes, Toletrles, thnk of tise posibilllls titi market representi. Now Is lie lime. write for more dutalla ta Dept. W., station C., 1600 Deloninsier, Mo ntreal. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI400L Great Qpportunlty Learnfilalrdresing Plemiant dlgnified profession; good wageî. Thousa.ndi of succesiful Marvel Graduates. Amlerica's Greatesit Sy iterr Iliustrateci Catalog Free Write or Cmli MARVEL HIAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor S... Toronto Branches: 44 hIng St, W, Barnîilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa TEACHERS WANTED ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MALE COMMENCING sal1ary $4145 with annual Increments ,0f $275 per 1nnur n tmaxi. mum $5535 plus $100 per annumi for. eaci special certificat. ulsed sud an adiIn $30 for B.A- Degre.. Maderli 4-room echool, progressIve Northern Ontario town. Bouse avîllable at reasanatole rentaI. Dutîes Commence Sept. Applicant expected organize and direct school athieties and teacti grades 3 and, 6. Give f ull personal partlculars and narne of prient Inspector Public Scisool Board, Box '6%, mooth Rock Fills, Ont. 600 vn1wery Av.,Tor~onto, Ptttt pERsoNAL IF you favor ojr oppose hvn ega Stweepstakes lns Canada, vwrite Jeton Page, Crystal Beach 2, Otro $LW0 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxis personai requlrernetà. Latee1 cta. lgueincluded Tihe MlaleioAgency, Box 2, Terrnlînal "Q 'oDronto, Ont. HLAVE yoU seen the new Lndîsce magazine? Il anewers a lot 0f yOll questions iàd pute yoçu ln toucis with Caniada's best breederi. $LOG peor yeae (quarterïly)'. Single eopy 25e. Çainadiaol Landrace 'Swlne Association, 564 Cote St. Francols, Ste. Tlserese fte BiaIs- ville,' Que. ONE 0f the. qulÂcieset ad topaI wayz t* get started Inulhe Landrace Swiine touai. neas Is wlth a bred sow, iàz lew weeks Urne you wlll not only owos your sow bhut a0fne litter of pigs, pos- sltoy 10 or more. We have sone rosi choice imported sows. guaranteed lIn plg at reasonabie prices. Also weanLinkg, four suontis oid sows aBnd boire. Cata- logue. TONRA STOCK FARM, R.R. No. 2 BOLIAND CENTrRE, ONT,- Landrace purchased from thse beçt breeders ln Scotland but we have several prollffle trainç of Lanxdrace. Our lmported sow No. CFO1 Oak Bill Daga farrowved 19 Plgs ti week, rais;- lng 15, 1Ber finIt litter was 10, her second litter 17, 'l'ls lait titter wae elred by Cartwell Vikçing 3rd c, u r Churchilil boar. Weanling, 4 imontis 014, 6 -non*h 014, sows and boars, guaran- teod lii pig emales. Serviceable boira for ïImmediate dellvery. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE F7ARM FERGUS ONT'AIIO WANTED WAýNTED: Steam eiigine' ln 8004 con- dition; AModel T Ford or other car froým 1900 to 1930); Oxen Yoke and cra410; ana icythe. Pay cash. H. P. llawlulk, -Newma-,rket, Ontarno. XS-SUE 22 - »957 THEY'RE SAFE when you build wifh a ERECTS IN Ï2HOURS LASTS A LIFETIME tetimÏe StaTliso Steci ilura-Pise user s re.prot, îcid prooi 11No asnr-roo oa' oteosocel Faclery-prefaoircated metal sections crac fast i ilhosl sýpeciai tours Culsb coîs i i bail vets. Siipped cumpiete. Iinderwritrs ao-d CMHC approved Write for tree (eMer-~ Re Ri; LIDO BEACH ON THE GULF C CLASSIFUED ADVERTISINO N N N N N s N N -i s N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N b