*OmSo WEKL TMUWL r (r r' -r -r r r r r r r r r r' r -r -r r' r r (r r' - r' r r r' r r r r (r 'r r r r r r r r r r r r ~ r r' r r r r r r r r r, r' r r r r r a t the St"Lation Q"Ms"gs and Sun4ays I Viger Stardad Ca~oIine Vigor lligh Test 421%c STOVE OIL-4oî in. sm-ail i.~uantitie~. av ai I Op~a NKS =1 eh( t li 'nmng,1 LIr1uce 0i ieud LpaI acte I ~ <. 7~I - i1eh, PhOe 1406, Oroo. WANTED ORONO WIEEKLY TIMES1 CARD 0) F 1Aý Âubr7dap Se., C assNlati Post Office I»gpartntent. fltta w1b -W o u d lke ,to tibankl ïFoi, 0'r.R., î retr thise.R. C. Forrester j &tives Jrthei, in pitl ad sncecomni FOR SLECARD 0F TAK h>e~osn a r i~~to thew dru Oit 1e-e .3 e1o~ 20ppesSpea h nk toDr.jderfuillY àried forth ~. '~.O* I oMma atoe i~9.~ Rr.Kt*he nurses1 an1staff1 se ila . ks lY rs. ~~t ~P~P. Daey Oono ~e'n< l Hp~aI Bo avîl, orRundie, Ian to tlii s ne13-J. tei1inr. . viii wy remieml- safo eoi- o - be IlethxrRebuek I o~ie n a F01 SAE ~ thcada d i sduinlg m11s1lyCARD 0F T, HA] Coi imb r, Pur e Ra. erry àn n the ospiai I tdlietotan We're rea to b d no, 0 conel ,)Ut anýd voice oq't pin1iOn. a-p 24 HOUR EXPRTV SERVIC Ail parts guarante$d Phone MA. 3-3883 TELEVISION SE-RV1CE CO.) BowmanvilleO Ontario liamiltous Insuran ce Service Every class of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The 'follow- ing are some of the main coverages we can offer: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickne-ýs, Plate Glas,% Liabilîty, Flvre, Durglary, HoptaUmwA LivestocK, Boiler. Wimd, Polio, Rail, Fldelity Bonds etc. ORONO- PHIONE îtL1S FIRST MORTGÂGE LOANýS Leroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER Pluutblng A ND CALL US F'OR ESTIMÂLTES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 33 R 12 ORONO ONT. Plungng-Heating FR R EESTIMÂTe Ha wey Pquni TYRONe MA. 8-2240 WE EFIL IHE BEST AND SËRV ý,'E THE REST Oronj Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOtYSE WIRING Free smae APPLIANCE SALES A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIOKAN m=4SURGEON 1ornwe.Heurs: % swas suad Wednesdaye br ambolat*ent enly PHO'NE 1471 - OBOND MDL KJ. TAGGAILT VETINAIT SURGON V.t.rimary, umedîdeIe, bbologkaoh and ImtranM.ta etbîlly PÙONE 10616- ORONO, ONT. Lawrence C. Masen, D.A Barrtster and 8sior DowMANVILLE * ONT. Office MA $4486Home MA44M JOHN REGAN, B.A.' larister, Nutary Publie 8Tempipane St., Bown,.uuvil JACK REID OTmo'u LiceuaM Auctioseer and V~amr 8peciaiize in Purin a" Fïuititure S"I Consuit me for terma and dates Phonie 5 r 18 - Ores. TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatr CornisteAuction Sales ofsE mi o 1 ad et r.asenalrart« Coamiunleate vith hlm a# ?mm PrMy, OatarIeo, or aoc bis Ck*, A. EL Nfortîm, st Oramo, for dot. LIFE INSURANCE P.isf.i Plana; EdiWatiomal POuloka Protection and Saving. Plama ha RhOdren mand Adulte; Motgage Ig. aurauce Plansl. ' F. E. LYCE'I'1 Oronêo, Ont . - Phosno t1 STAFFORD BROS. ?Monumelltal Works ph~ eWlùtby 551 818 Duadma St. X, Whltb FINEQuAIJTT MONUMENTS AND Lot n ret a bandamwe, 41- Yen eadelffl mft. The RUITER Gp INMTT COMPAI Phonc Turner 5-5216 P.û. ilox 0, PortfHope, Outarlo EugraNing, Goldleafing «IBuy direct aud Ba5ve COMaÎI*Mei 1 REAL ISTATE FOR SALB Pr.pelioe ei~Rated t !M.ALLISUN Prompt and Gua.ranteedEpaira j to alil kiuds of Electrical Equlpmemtt elEfaeBee aidAppliellcee PU 2561N"atO Suc a Mf~ ' Wate Hif3lFirtTwo blocks torth of Traèic Light,ý Radir aeiv - fco. e~est :1 i ~hI I Professimal Direct.ry 4PANY [terview. ragea' d-14-c ýe )Wars re-ed to eveniflg, the 1.0. es from, Ltdu