Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1957, p. 7

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pupular version of the wage- piespiral which, he saws, lis generated by strong tisions, which iesiand and obtais wage rate increilses in excess of in- ereases s preductivity, asd large eorporations, which raise prices t#1 pretect profit miargins. Mone-. tary asd fiscal restraints, suffi.- gleitly stringent to break the 'Waeprice sjPiral, w'ould cause -havdC in the more compet-itivt, sections 0f the economy and reeate an intolerable aineunt f unemploymnent. The alternative. direct price and ,vagecntls t-re po-litïrally îusacc:eptaý-ble in a fr-ee îOciety. 50, conhldes Gai- bFBth, Wlv cannot have e Ml em. ployment withôut persistent inl- flËatiôn. Qulte apart from admminstýered prices, wage increases lu excess q1 Produetiy, escalator clauses &Md the l'ike, segotiated -wage jates lixtited tc increasestinisout-. put per plan hour h-jr: tE indus-. Mies cceý-rned inevitably lead to m persstent upward pressure on thPe cosi price structure and usn- dermine general aniti-inflation- ary policie.,s. As long as average h-koney wages for the whole la-. toCur force iscrease proportion- ately wit'h increases is' net out- puit Per nan heur, both mosey wrd real wages casi fise together xat a stable geseral level of With al gardening equtip- mient, it wllpay i5dolas nd in. toil saved to keep it in good shape. 11t takes only a minute or 'twù o toscrape fthe dt E off a cuiltivato)r or spade before put- isg away and inot manymiýtore mr-*ýinutes Wa add a drop of 1tu prevermt rust. Aise ïan caso! scrape with anoidfile will make a hoe or cuitivator 'kil about tes tirnes as miany wceeds.With power tools it ise ssentJ1iata they ibe iled an"'md greased re- guiarly and movLnig ptý,s éshoulci be W-i-Lc offi th an coily rag, especiÎally ater mowing vwhen the grpasn is damp or ou,-ltivýating when tlie garderi i,- dusty. It lu aoanexcellent rule aftler usngay po.wer achine-ry to check cver main bolts nd nlutse and spee that they ar-e tight. Properly handled &nc1a o- aMly cared for, a powver mow-,er or gardes, tractoýr wïl' last for years. Watch Foir Bugs With so inan.y zesily applied chemnical mixtures on the mar- ket, there îs lti if any excuse for having our fliers andi veg- fetables dpaaged lby insects eor disense. It is no longer necessary to prepare varlous coùncoctiosvs, IF Yeu FeI T1u2se daye meut people verte under pressuire, wonry more, uleep Jasa, This airaini on1body and brain nmakes phyzicail fin"esesier to loe-harder tu regain, Today'e tenue 1linig, Iowered estne oeverter, wry-any cf ihese may afet Dormal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, e cida &ad wastet geain in thé, syutem. Thenb bacteache, dýishirbed rail, that "tired-out"hav. Ileaded feeing eftenl folow. Tbat'.s fft lima le laite DOdd'.t Kidney PuIs. Dodd'* et'iiulale Itie kidneys to normal action, Then yen feel belt er-île elr-work baller. Astefor ïDdd's lUclney Pilata cny dxug cowner. s:ý * .CLASSIFIED AflVERTISINO &GENTS WANTEC ILGREASES, PAItSTS And Colloidal Graphite Atitives. Dealers wý.anted to seil to Farmners; Fleet Ownersý andi Servtce Stat1ons. Write Warco Greuse & 011 Limiteti, Toronto .3, Ontarto. BE YOUR OWN BOSS i MUEN or womren, cain work your own hours, andi-nalke profits Up te 500%., selling exclusive housewère products and appliances. No competition, not avallable in stores, and they are &z xecessity li every ho>me. Write et once for free colouir eatalogue, show. ing retail pries plus confidentiel wholesale priceligt. Murray Salee M822 St. Lawvrençe BIrd., Môntreal. ARTiCLES FOR SALE 500 3-COLOFR printeti naine andi address labelîs, % x 1%, Light bitte, dark blue, gohlt Plastic case. Send $1.00. Sehuister, - BABY CHUCKS WE have chicks, Ir. a vvIde choice. Alsoa ta'rteti chicks and pillets. Get oir Hayy ilat vith prices. F'ollow up the better nmarkets with tBray. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamiton, The time to plant potatoea is when the other fellow isn't planttng. The Urne to~ ralse eblcks i15 when the other îelcw laIs ot bu.ing. Buy,chicks this year. Eggs are llkeiy to be a gooti price this faffl and winter. When huy- ing for e-gg production, be sure andi purchase egg lireeds. Our tops Aines In-Cross sertes 400, Tweddle Lay -More series T 100, T 110, T 120 and T 130. Shaver White Leghorn. White L-eghorn x Rhode lslan liedi aniRhode island RPet. California nGray i, White Leghorn. We have 5 tops fer dual purpose, 3 special BrollIer Breetis. Tu~rkey poults, Send for our 1957 catalogue. TUWEDDLE CRICK HAT1CHERIES LTDJ. FERGUS ONTARIO FREE - e GENUINE FOREIGN COINS Let us V'row your %wants. Start Collect. lng Geiniie coins w4tI our coin col. lectors Kit onlY $4.95-SPECIAL PACK- ETS 29* 49,, - 90- Coin folder andi 8 coins 93f.AIl coin Publiçatlons antil Whltxnan Supplies. International Coin Go., 22é Victoria St., Toî?onto. DUCS DUCKLINGS. Jansen strain Kaki- Camnpreils for. layers, Large Whtte Pe1kins for best meat hirds. 25 , $8.50; 100 - $32, in-imý-ediate delivery. Circular. Morr4s Daýy, Elora, Ontaria. PARM MACHIHERY 7OR SALE NEW Hoilant 77 Baler with hydra- formilatic $950. 0Or uvlli trada for lum- ber. Apply G. Dîcaire, St. Joacýhlrn, ONTARte, tdistr-ibu<tor fyorFoid major diesei fuel !rnjection purmp overhailng, $22.- AIl therfelpip and lu. jectOrs avraueia $3.80 per hr. Thornili, OrPtiarloi. Phone AVenuec 6-1421! FOR BALE FARM: SXlots, gijooti 1entýi, gootà u inýgsc Hydrc, telepheone, rmuctb gooti tk front. 1Neaxr vilage, yf Intereateti. write: EfuiCLin Arna-tein, Qnt. i100OFlIst price. (one niotiel 3007 (354) Dati Erown 42L' p.Medium- H"eavyï duty gawoiae tractor. Fitýteel hytiraullo touch ccontr, fI f6orwazd, 2 rever'se speetis, 2 epoati power talçe. o'ff ane; puiley, swiinging drw-bar, în- depentient rear wheeï braUee, adjuie- able tak11mvrsiIgltting. factory eitteti heavyý,duty bydreul$e leader, digger bucket, s4dze latie. Lesà than 70 ïheurs uLst price $2,500. Roi '108, 12-ltà St., New Torontr, ot s AFEs Protect your BOOK i nd CAEfm 1,IRE andi THIEVES. eLT aeaas andi type of Saf e or Cabinet for any purpose. Visit us oPr Wrtç e r pricte etc.teDeptW j,.&j TAYLIOR M ITED roRoNTo SAFE WORKs' FOR SALE SAIT, fillng andi lawr, mower business for sl.Modern mechlnery, goot Inl- corýne.Fve reonà house> modernTe, be scl t togeher. Gooti opportunlityi for right party. Age is only reason, for seMhng. Priced right. Joseph Taylor, M8 Lafontain Street, Wal,ace- burg9, ontarlo. 110 ACRES natural draineti, square, elay loam, most productive In Ottawb Valley beside cheesýe faetory, uchoû1, churches. Carrdas flfty heatiof cattie, 36 milng. Beatty stables. Mliers macbiniery includeti. kroode', lheu andf pig bouses. Tenant cottage. Cemýf0rt. able twelve-room brick home, double garage. goodti wells, hydre, teleplione, spaceus awnshade trees. We con- sider s3acrifice for $18,5010. Write Box 156, 123 Elghteenth Street, Newe Tor. ont'o, Ontario HELP WANTEO F011ANGCAN NDIN RSIDENTIAL SCHOO LS - Supervi.sors anti Femaele Assistalnts. Shoulti be single anti have experienice with chiltiren. Protestant. Apoly .- Indian Seol Admninistrationt, 116 O'connor Street. Ottawa 4, Onîtariu. FOR ANGLICAN INDIAN RESI DENTIand SCHOOLS - Launiry Matren nt AIssistant, Single. Protestant. Apply- Indien Schooi AiniLaratln 116 O'Conror Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. FOLKS PAST FIP-TYîI NEW strength f rom Ege Iterb Tes, or mo-ney baclý Il hiCanadian Herba. $1 Postpaid, VNICORN SALES, Box 56, Bsuffalo, 22, N.Y. GOOD ADVICE I Every sufferer *f Rireuimatic Pains or NeurMts shoulti try DXONIS REMEDY. MiUNRZO'S IDRUG STORE, 335 Elgin ottawa $1.25 Express !repa!d POST'S ECZEMA SALVE .8ANISH the terment of dry eczemna rashes and weeping skIn troubles. Post's Eczeina salve wil not disap. point you. Itching, scaling antihumn-1 ing eczemla; acnle, ringworm, pimplea, andi foot eema uwililresponti readiuiy te the atainless odorless ointmnent re- gardiless of how atubboru or hope essi they seem. Sent post Free on Recelpt of Prie PRCE $3m0 PE-R JAR POST'S REMEDIES Ms65st, Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITES FOR MýEN AND WOMEN KNOW every tree, loin thie C. de B. 501 per tesson), Write OUTI)OOR ENTERESTS, Goodwaod, Outar.4o PLA4STI9C FOAM<lxil)Senisationl nlew craft mnaterial. Sheýets 40Y i 72: i 3/,32" - $2. j½' -- S2,50. White, pink, blue, green, yeilo-w, orang, grey, Violet, deep pink. Multip)le proi- jeet Kit 35.75, Immrrediate tieliver, KIDER MANIUPACTIJRING, 138 Dan- forth AeneToronto, BE A HAIRORESSER SONCANADA'S LeADËNG SHO Great OpportunIt'y LeaRalrdressing F1esa nt 4ignified prof eýsslôn;gondi as. 'Thonisanda of auýieqfssful -Marvel Gauts -Asnerica's Greatest Systein Miustrateti cata1-.g ree Witè or Cal MAVLqAIRDRiESSING SCIIOOLSý 3ý58 Bleoor St., W., To-ronte Branches: 44Kngs St. W,, Hlamiltoii 72 R0au S., Otawaz OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS STOP vilslpgTyon coulti Increase your ln- corne ai.secure your futuýre. DO aometblng abouiïIlWth our prcpo.- siion tbla la possible, ant IaIl our rep. resentatives are lnaXing blg money, yotu, too coulti do as we, EverYwhereý Householti Necessities areneetCos.- mietica, Farin Sleclalties, TCol'etrI's tbinýk 0f"thePOSSI7lbltes this maet represents. Now Is the Ltme, Wrtefo more details te Dept. W., Station c, 1500 Delorimiýer, Montreal. ISSUX219 - 1957 MEN FOR EarlyR Wells-By-The-S Ideal place to Coasýt vacation FOIR delightfu surroundings on ocean fIr acte", Wells, TEA4 FARMBO0ROUI Be1ard requine arYea, grades commiodains Farxnborough, Present enrol MINIMUM 51sa ance for exiE APPLY, atatli ence, salary, Ethel Hanna, Wlutiby, Ont. IrETH4ERSTON? Patent Attor 600 University ah - countrïes. AUTHORS In types tinicluidir lication, Reas Ltd, fifraconl OVERWEIGHT Formula coin mnedicine, dru $1.00. Evelyxý sylvraia.USA~ YOUR questio lems solved,p ai»' subject.1 plete details senti $,00'for if we cannt search, 2210M îIRInoIs. t*1.00 TRIAL personial reqil 1LncIuded. The Termi-nal " HAVE you S magazine? l qulestins and Canada's hest (quarterly). I Lantlrace SwI: st. Francois, ville, Que. Just receivet satisfleti cusic puirchaseti hre ter of 17 raisb Saskatchewan rowed wlthlàiit yetu purchIase drace swine1 sure of securi fronri lImpoyrteï' prolific animnt Unes fro i l mouth olti, 6 r fguaranteeti in sUie boars for1 FRRGUS LAý >'IL&GUS -The'e la sem-e be'st. Our foui, chaseti from th land,. We hav mas andi seVF- W,,eanlIing. fou boaüýrs, gliaranlit WANTED: Ste! ditkln; Modeîl' 1900 tc 193Q; Nelvunarket, 01 e'qelt th*e i LAil brwg 31er a a a B ORTUNITIES FOR NI AND WOMIN ReServations! Write 014- .Sas Improvement Associ. Maîne, for literauture 0% Do spenti your MaIine Se& )n. ulSeaceast Vacation ft ph Bay, fi quIet, pleaSanj at Ouest Home direct! rot. Write: "ýThe Baril. Maine. CHIERS WANTEDN 011I protestant SsiuU es two teachers folr rur4 onle to severn. Living ûO' i SUpplieti. -Salarieil Wjrlteý. Harry il. Hopsohi, Que. teacher for ohe-roo,1 ýway 401 near OshaWS. liet27, Grades 1-ü. lary 32,600 witb allriw. îerIence. lng qualifications, expert-N naine of Inspecter, Mr<, N PATZENTSN H!AVGE& . orned tv 'y Ave. Toronto. Patentbp nvîteti submtt MSS AlN .ng Poeims) for beoli ub isonable termrs. Soke ube, En.glanti. <Est. 1898), T? Talte off excesa fat. ,plet by Doctors, wilthout N ogs, or exercises. Copy n. Box 1702, Erle, Penrm- MIS anrswered, your prob- personial, business, famlly, Prompt action anti coin- guaraniteeti.. Write todaye ýr each question. Refunti t answer. Merlynr Re-N Wesley Avenu(e, Evaniston, o fer, l'wenty Ove deluxeN ireinents. Latest catalogue N ýe Mïedico A.gency B3ox 22. Toronto OntN SWI'N seen the new LandraceN answers a lot of yourN I puis youi n touch withN tbreeders, $1.00 per year ingle cop- 25ý. Canatiianl le Assocéiation, 56-1 Cote Ste, Therese de Blain-N thLse twýo re.ports froni toers: ()ne in, Ontarto ed s0W farrowed with lt-. àng 15, other customner in ' purchaisedti reti Sow far- ter of 12 raising 12. When, afrorn the Ferguis Lau.- Farin you not only are ing th)e best bloot inhesN ti stock>, but yeu Fsecure als. We- have imany b flooti arge litters, Weanling. rmýnth oltiao.ws anti boars,N n pig sowus anti service- ! Inetilate Ieli,,fry. Cata- .NDLAC2. SWINE FARM ' ONTfARIO satisfaction in having the idailon dtock was ail pur- lhe ,best Breeders in Scot- ve Soine eutstandinýg an!l-N F.reh difftiient bIooti !mes,N uir nth ni d oowa anti eed Inlapig swlunimedi- ASTOCK FARM, N 0LN CTENTRUE, ONT, WANTED eain engine In goclon. T Ford or other car froin (lien Yoeanti cradlel Pay cash. il. P. llewiulc, dentar h aceon induc th.N @,ritwhen teilse. SI-O.00

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