Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1957, p. 6

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-st: I ai, readers uimber to Isked fc y are Tbey 'Ours love the expci o! mir e that a a- mal a, cor two Y( take lie A. m-rarrïi sae lcf 1 ewhlm dri ,els like a. miseral dy looks £ IRST m-, and a marýried man who 2wilI cheat are one ifae %vill cheat the next. f girls ONLOOKER" r yôtir * Tw enerations of rea.3ders in love 1 have foIliowed t his columan adl give * since l started it many yeaprs îsn' a *ago. Yet for alil ry warnîng-s iS tthé cýe samie old sins recur, 'and ,n WOfl- 1 the girls of today f oliow their erience * hearts as foolishiy and will le wiii * fot hec, "I can't be happy ýlI such *unless I an with hni/' they *cry, "and if hie doesn't love n1 who *bis wife any More why should nýeital *lhe stay with ber?" lears of * 'They forget that he vowed position, ' o ding Vo that wife as he er mind * vows te be fibu to hi-s next ïed man * one, They refuse to see hirm as oi'i be- a low character who pursues Id Jine: a single girl with no concernl enough, * for her reputation. They f al ,d a girl for the oldest line la the aed mny * world, "You understand nme, ced her * she dcoesýn't," and how proud ish liv- *they are to hear those words! ;ed h e'd, * To the wif e whose man they id. * steal, they give not one .. They * thougýht, nor wa see mnt îast * worse do they think of te own life * children whose father tbey ct onIy would take from thein, go, and As you say, a mnan who is re wel- * fot true o one wife wil flot' w ouldn.'t *be true o another. Your friend SAIl too *f ound titis titrougli hèart- r girls. rekan espajir and how *she must r.egret IV tnow! md gt * Thank you for wvritin.g a3 *you did. You and 1 can hoýpe ýarrie-d a * that presenlt-day rýead'ers, lrlkin, *cau1ght, in the saine web, will ve ,wo * read and beli eve and urn *back to he right while- there'ý her '11f e * is still ime, ,bleecrea * * ;like an -Readers with problems otten id the saine situation quoted kese fool- in this colunin, and bene1lt by ous their another woman's experience. if e in titis your trouble getg, you down, rof that write It to Aline Hiret and leti ber guide you safely thraugb. Address ber at Box 1, 123 Elgh- 9M teenth St., New Toronto, Ont. ur.ed sheatit -ver-up jacket that s so easy to m-ake iluli ed Pattera 4514,-I tootith extred linecn with beige, , a'd ensemble bas tVite new Tprint jand plain look -eath is deslgned witb wide sitoulder straps, nd an extra long 18-iih crOwn ziPPer inI v iiim-ibiespqand nertect fit. Note Vle drawm- turne o cut, sew a2nd fit. ite pattera se titat yeu cank ~The jcktpattern is la are- ione eaqsY-seW piece rouind ite extra lengthl S10, 12, 14, 16 anc 15-inci f abrie andc 1, ust send FIPTY J note for' safety)ý New Toronto, Onit n s t, c c f I = INGERFMkè Weli, I may as well1 corne out bundre( ia the open and tel you wb,,at speedin you have probably already had Pe guessed. We are on the move! Titere At least We shal be la lepss 1ookin titan two weeks. yeasng Tii old itornestead that bt as e d u S been farmned alimost continu- our ti, ouisiy siace 1!22 now beiongs Vo trougi the flepartmeat cof Higitways. 1good What wil1 happen to it flow is ntrostly aýnyone',s guess. 0f course we chiidre know to a certain extent. We r _ied wý know where the stakes are; 1Not ori wbhere the cloverleaf will be I starti and bow close thie house wil now, be to te road. Wecod have years, kept the house and part, of!the sbould 'and but we woul1d have been merc only 125' from ite highway. tered Too el]ose-. In fact it was our closeness Vo the road Vigt was te deciding factor last Septem- bLr when we came Vo ermns with jthe Darmn.Anid let me say Vis: There are miary complaints about the Uepart- ment - they don't payenuh hey take your land witethier or not you wanV to sel; hey cut clown trees, break ferices, waflk hruhyour fYrmwhen hey feel like it. We baven'V any complaint on any o)f those scores. Al WC objected t1,wa tite dangerously bidden iron stakes. The surveyors haïve al_ ways bee(n mçost courteous even, if they do cornie in when they feel like it. The arnouat of de- struction has been kept Vo a mi nirimumi. As f or tefia- cial settiement -- we hlave been wveil satisfied, We were paid according to Ind values ia':ttis immnediate vicinrity, and what more could anyoae ask? Pay- 1ment Vo start ~t was a3 littie slow in coming but ain -inquiry directed Vo te Property Office very soon brougbt satisfactory resuits So - no com plaints- and very f ew regrets. People expect us to f eel badly a, leaving the farm-. They look surprised whý,len Vitey fijt we are not. If we wvere sellir.g Vo anotiter fariner that wôuld be a different mnatter. if 5't were still a tarin we wouid wat ot be bere ourselves - neV see somone else plowing our fie-ld-s; some otiter f armer's cews ia our barn-, some other famidly in our house. We woul.dn'V like it at al. But the way hingsj are now it wouid be no pleaýsure to stay inVt house -and wa-tch bulldozers rootingF, out trees and' dirt-movers ear- ing up the fields. Itv. woui4 1b like watcbing a slow deatt - watching living, productive fields slowly urned into con- crete and then r1evenitually See ng by where once cowVs eacefutilygaed is yet another way of gat 1V. For thirty-four Gin.ger FarM has provid- v,4th a living. Weve had ýps and downs; strug$b'pd ffi thle depressiori; had crops and poor - buit good; we raisedt two en and now they are mar- vith children of their own. îly that my husband and ed out as Partners - and tIn b twiligh>t of Our We are partners SIlI. We Jindeed be unrgra-teful to ýciful Providence if we Ut- on1e word ofcopat- espeiaii asneither of'u, i pbysically able Vo keeýp up witit the- bard wr1eesayi Adnow:, if you)V are interest- -~dat il ouwiil bc, curjous abou)Lt whiereweaegigB- ieeme, that.lias been quite a problemi. For yeats we llad our eye on one paUrticular Cor- ner (of the f aii where we ini- tended Vl o build mwhen the Vime,, carne Vo retire. Highwýay re- quijremients queered that i dea, eas ýt, west, norft and souit,- Se we -estarted bouise-hiunting- fram G Cuelpi tVo Oakville and across country.Wenw what we wate -a ewisb bouse, noV Vcoosma-I, near a bu'-s rote, wvith a lag Lo ut definlite- Iv noV inaIa sub-di-vision. Sounids e asy, doesn'V, it? IV wasn't, We looked at jplenty of nice bouses, but the h1ouses we jiked were alwvays in the wrong places. Big tiulses on srnall Ilots or snaïll bouses on big lots, witb excess acreageitat was too big for hand-V-ools and too, siali for a tractor -- and couldan'V be soldi because of zoning restric- tions. We f ounid one ideai house -ite man built AV for hiis f arnily and ten bis wif e wouildn'V live there. I diidn't blam-e bher - the' nearest nigit- bour w\as alm-osV a mile away. Another place, just as nice, wAaýs -quite close Vo a barn. We nev- eî' had an odour frorn our barn that vwas equa! Vo wbat met us on that trip. Too bad - the view was out of this world We were very taken with another bouse -- good location, woader- full landscaping but the bouse needed a aew" bheatiag systerq, storins and sereens arad new flooning lanite kitchea. None o! these titingýs was takeni into consideration on the price. Se we passed that one up. -We were almost in despair. AND THEN WE FOUND MT sial village, on an acre o! land - plenty o! room fer te grand- cbildrea Vo run - five miïnultes the otiter way and ýwe'1l be- rîgitt lantecountry. We migitt have itunted a lot fartiter and noV found aqny*t-iing that --o near-. ly met our requirements -- a rural setting, itaifway between own and country; halfway be- Vween oui' two cbjdren and their children; halfway betwýef Toronto and our old home. Ia fact Partaer is already ca1ling iV "Hait way Houfe ", Se tere you bave i. I titouglit rnakng a move wouldi write "fiis" Vo these Citron- idles but your editor saYs 110. Se, in a f ew weeks you will be reading 'what mriglittwel be calîled "Sequel Vto GingerFai" Wish uis luck, wilil yvou Solk1 - we may need, your good wishes. iAOD~RN ETrQuETTE b'y RbraLee Q. Wose rvlg is it in se- lect the mitusie for ie wedd(ing?, A. Thisý is entirely the privi- lege oÉ the bride. Q, Dees a wornan EVER rs f rom her ch, üair whien a l'a" stops Vo speak with he-r? A. Ônly if sh-e jis a hostess, but nQVotbterwise, uiniess the mani is an imrportant personlage Or very eiderly. SUGAR IVEET Daugitter looks S-o-o prettY ià titis witirl-skirted pinafore, with colorful emnbroidery Vo trim te sweet scoop neck! Button front - site cani dress al! by herseif! Pattera 866: Ciidren's Sizes 2,, , 8 incIuded. Pattera, em- broidery transfer. directions. Send TfHIRTY-FIVE CENTS stamps cannot be. accept, uîs poostal note for safety) for tIa pattern Vo Laura Wbeeler, Boxý 1, 1123 Eigitteentit St., New Tor.- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMIBER, yeur NAIME and ADDRESS. Our rift te yeu -- two wo- derful patteras fo!0,'s- L your home- printed In Lauri WhI'eeler Needlecraft Book . ., plus dozens of otiter new de- sigas Vo order - crochet, knit- ting, embroidery, ironr-ocns, no- eltiels. Send 25 cents for yooetâ copy o! titis book N',OW- Wîti 2ift patteras printed la IV! READY TO ROLL-Honeyrnoioners Alistpir Pl ylvic, do a lilde last-minujte dusting on th-e auto in London while edyn for a frip t 4ember!s of the British Viritage Sports Car a parade in the city beforea setting out with drivers for the voyage to Americai where th ng the Veteran Car Club of America. Ther race through New York, New Jersey, Penns, %4ssachlusettq. ;y bow.

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