Tel Year's Work Les Sense" On Phys. Ed. Course Yes, the baserment of the Orono ourdagli IUnited Churich will be the centre of The reson style and excitement on T'uesday, May heir clothes 21st, as the girlis will display tieir or OM.jS., good taste, ,ýoiSe and beauty by ion of Mirss modelling ?me of their owxi clothes. a fash-Ioi Every gim in 0.1.S. will be included wehrthey are ushers, bgtinig iNG - te divided into parts i7epreseting the -easons and will depict the life- of a schoo1 giri and her extra-curricuar activities. "Poise and the ability to choose ciý tLhes for different occasions, char- acteristics and, persone.lities is part o< the P1yîa Educaton course,r' stated Ms Barr "and this demon- sýtr.ition w'Ill show the people of Or- ono what the girls have learnedY. The programme wvili1 commence at e:15 p.m. and every7one is invited. The admission for adults is 25 cents and children may corne free of charge Pire DflI Clears SeboeJ 225 SIJ.uts 1. 48 Secolda - - y1 Norman Rickaby Packing Bale. Tuesday, May 14ti. i An appeal is made to the eommiiuni- ity te donate used or new clo4hing and bedding for urgent need in Korea #nd elsewhere. Please. have goods ini goed condition, edean and niended, at the United Ohurcl Sunday Seho.1 ,Auditorium by 2:00 -p.m. on Tuesd1ayq May l4th. a-e MRS. R. GLLBART PRESENTED WITR GUIDE WARRANT (Contiuued freM pàge 1) Cobourg, Grafton and Ccflborne are in the eastern division with Mrs, Ha- On ondy, ay ththe Orono jnrfrPr oe as thirDviio s held a fire drillirat 10:10 a.m. These HI ope is aiong e Mrs.fome f potio. drills condueted jointiy by both 1el aigbrfre oiin ýschools. The complete schuoo was I Mrs. Frankc, Division Camp Advis- cleared in' 48 seconds, the fastesýt or, of Bowmanville stpoke regardingi ýUL" cbass being that in the newý public Division ýCamp at Pidgeon Lake fais' school room wv-jhh las its owNn f ire sumrner ani a meeting -wiil be hel.d Sdoor. - tia Newtonville on May 21. An eut-! A st Th~e Ieast efficient was at the nerth daor -workshop %viii be heid in Whitby-i 00.0tire escape stairs. The reason for on May 25th for giiiders, Miss Hazelý tardineses at this 'exit is because it Wnter, training efficer, will ha ini must serve two fulli ciassrooms. If it charge. Warrants were presented tel G ad net been for tis shight bettie- three Cêbourg ladies and te Mrs. R. neck the school might have been Gilbert of Orone . cleared in 30 seconds.______ Pire ~Drills re required of On- tapio Fn-e Marshalil. These must bha tarieo ols by the Ontario Depart- held at periodie interviais an-i studtnts nment of Edhiation. and b-y the. On- are net forewarned, James elMqneel JOber his first electilon in 19.49, Johinny James has n County resi.dent's. done a mnagnif iCE ant ï to help with any problem, he has given great assistance counected with housing, old age pensions, family allow- tinsurance, disabled pensions, immigration, compensation Imen, f axm marketing legisIation, improved rural mail ýr mail couriexs, &nd the extensive veterans benefits. nt groups and industries in provid- ig them with new and establîshed in comnrnnity projects ail over the ily a f ew of the fields in which he has been active. He has f or Durham in Parliament as a supporter of the Liberal :>n the job and gets things done - a mani who has proved conscientious pulblic--spirted citizen. ON JUNE1O IR NYJA US "Always rectdy to help ypul" The Inserted b-y County Liberal Association va th ta ri dc th rc b4 a] CARING FO~R LAWNS mer weather arrives. The f irst frf~ izer application shouild be given o . .Spring is now sufficiently ad- and the second can be made drn vanced for home owners with estali- late May. Application shoiuld be nmadè: lished lawns te start glving lawns beforeý, a rain or prior to watering_ by their proper care, advises J. C. Tay- the lawn owner. Feitilizer shoul& soýt r, Department of Horticulture, On- be, applied to damp grass, bectanse fà. tario Agricultural College. wilI stick te the meist leaves andi ur*. Rolling henefits most, lawns, but the theni brown if it is net .xashed-àf iglit time is important. If rolling is into the ground. done toe early în Uthe spring, .when 'Uhere are several fertilizers wik he soit is we't, the sil ,vill' become can be issed sueceseùlly on Iwa. packed. On the other hand, if the but special turf fertilIizers wiL oli drîes up hafore it is ' roI1ed, the best resuits. These may lie obtaipeâ roiling is tee Late te do Mucli good. A freoin your sýeed or fertiliser dealer'. lawn should b. rolled when the soil Depending on the constituentsý'ot- is beginning Io dry up. the fertilizer, it oan b. pli4a A heavy relier aheuild not be used rts varigfeinf 8 , te ils. Weause it wil! make the surface hard 10W0sur fe flan tis0 te and interfere 'ith the penetratien of to a'PPly srmali ameunts of eilr air and water. The depressiens wbich jfrequently than te apply a lot at U ,a Iight relier wont smooth out are time. ketter filled up with top dresing off Persons wishing te have a ~rla~ by raising a sod and fillin.g in some8 ent retference dealing wvithai r. soiI beneath it. j peets of lawns and their care xnayoDb-- Fertilizer may b-e applied twe -oor tain Ontario Departinent of rh - three times befere the hot, dry suai- ture Bulletin 448, "Lawns'«, I et WV 10iAIUEY'0 J RO A'ýLL YOU -b" REGISTEk IN âýW jUTAATORL ROLPH HiARDWARE Oromo, Ontario iË 'Wra 0NRC A U."d Ca" QVETHIMf lO