Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1957, p. 1

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r ~ WE ' YeL 0N& 13 f 44- ORONO, ONT.. MAY 9th 1957 Subscription $1.50 per yearti Orono Athietie To Incorporate Teen-Age Summer Program -11he Orono Amiateurý Athletiic As- esoci1ation held a directors m-eelting oni rm iitrT Thrdyevening of last wevek wvheni MItweive members -long wl#'h thrýee1, f thebrs were present. The meeting was Speak At Port Hope a to lan aprogram Of art-' ivtis for the comnn summer sea-! Word a eevdti ekb on. i4beral Ca, Idate John X. James thait the Primie Minister of Canada Swill miake bis fit-st major address in Pt -was decided to carry on1, with Durham County on Friday, 'May 171 týhe Park Recreationai progr-am as ia at Por-t Hope. 1In previous caýIipaignIs, fomryears for children of the dis- he was here briefiy on bis whistle- t;riet from the age of three yearýs to stop trýain tour, but this time, -Mr. tweiýve years. A-%t presepnt time the As-'Jamjjes was deliited te) hear that socijation is endeavour ing to hire a hie w speak at a public meetig ,director for this program.' It was Wýeather permiittiaig the Prime Mini's- .passed by motion at the meeting tu Ler- will speak fromn the baad shiel <baprge a fee of 50 cents a w-eek for'at the public park ini Port Hope at <b rnin the nursery group of three 12:15ý o'clock. tsix vears. A $1.00 fee w"s set forc bemonth terni for the childre2n sev- n2 f0 twelve years. L Miss Confie Tyrreli and Wayne _IBaiey were present at the mieeting toassist la, th discussion of a teen- ,eger's prograi during the summier lia4s. Nnerous activities were dis- <ussed wvhich iacluded ping-pong, tennis, volsybaîl and basketbali. AI- ýse inciudeýd lanthe teen-age activities ,ýas dancing wbich could be held 'In htOrono M4unicipal Builing possibly eeyother Saturday nigbt. 1 La this miatter tbe Athletic Associ- .niastated that tbey were -preparedI tobelIp la the programi. The twýýoten .age trepreseptatives vwere ake f <onPtact other teenag-ers and -Parents -t nterest them lan such a program. Ifwas pointed out that the parents w ldhave to chaperone the dancing -nàaso-)take part fla superisg oeractivities,. Parents and teenI- -ager:s are to aganin meet h fhei Ass-;iation to pla-, n ladétail a pos- -ýzlc p 'rogram for tihe summeir. ýi was sug'-ested at the meeting Thttwo represeiýtatives fromi the ~tlteAssocation approacb the -rno Park Board ia an attemnpt to laethe tennis court at thie park imi- irved. In suc a venture the Atb- lefe ws nepaedto enter into a raut,,ual cost -program concerning the tenscour t. 1It was ho-wever, pointed -otthat a fuad raising- schbeme 'would haeto be organized te. lielp pay for nny ost iat igbtarise fbrougb fxng 'of the tennis court. On a fav- oura-bIe report fronm the Park, Board the Athletic wl consider the.,means ofrin-ieedïd funds. Mix. Jamies Major, ýoncbl of thie Or- neBanitam iBasebali feam rpointed ouf thteimeeting tL-1it Orono bhad aantbis vear entered twýo feams i Newcasile . ions clubh tlect Olficers for 1957 On Tbursday eveaing o! last week tht Newcastle Lions Club held their election o! officers for tht year Eltcted- to tht prtsidency o! tht Club was R. C. Fortester, 1sf vice, Lomne Johaston; 2nd vice Arthur MicLaren and 3rd vice Charlie Gilkes. Directors for tht, new terni which commencýes the first part o! July are Harper Kelsey, John Xoropatwa, Harty Jose, Chai-lie Megit, Miurray Paterson, Rod Carvefh, Jack Nesbitt, John Ri-chard. Arneld Wvade President MOfS.utli DurhamLeagne At a mneeting laintht St. ILawrenice Hfotel, Port Hope, recently o! the S'outb Duram Rural Basebaîl league, A-\rnold -Wade o! Neýtorivillo -once again accepttd tht presidtncy. Mrt. Wae-as tried fortw yeai-s to re- liniquisb thîs post la order to devote AIl bis timie f0 tht Lakeshore Minor League wtc he founded. MickeCy Wal'ker o! Newcastle is vice While IAllan Holdaway o! Ntwtonville wvas - returned as stcretaty-treasuter. Four o!f last yeat's clubs entered tht e ague la the hersons o! Welcomie,Neo- villt, Coverdale and Kendai. MsR.Ciubait Presented With Guide 'Warranti On Tuesday, b-ýiay 7th, a DivýisionI meeting o! the Girl Guide Association was held ln Port Hlop)e \wben District Commiiuissioner, bits. Ross Gilbert at- Or.». Enfers Lakeshore. First Came On May 18Wk Tht Lakeshore Basebail league will face tht opening barrier on Miay 18. Bowmianvlle -will open thte chedule af Orono on thalt day. Tht following M[onday ail four teamas will clash. Orono wiil reýLtrtht visit o! Bow- mnanville in tht mornting and Port Hope will play at Cobourg. The league's titie stries o! 1956, I w'hich was halted wî,,th ont gamne to go and neyer r'esum-edl, was dtcided la comimittet anid Orono was decIared tht winner o! tht league champion- ship. Mrs. Ainelia 8lewet Bradley ihenipsûm Mrs. Amelia Bieweft Bradley Thompson passed away in Mernorial iospital, Iowmianvilie on April 19, at tht ag-e of 87 years. She had been ini poor htalth for tht past four months, but prior te that was active and enjoyed attending tht first gath- ering o! tht Senior Citizens group btfort Christmas, The deceased was bora in Leskard, the daughter o! the lafe William and Fanny 'Blewett. Follo-wing bher marriage f0 Thomt ,s C. Bradýley they farmied in the dis- trict southlvo! Pcvntypool. Mr. Bradley died la Iý11. its. Bradley later rmov- ing te -Orono whtre she lived for a numnber o! years. The deceased f ol-i lo.wed the profession o! practical nursinig. Later mnarry-ing John Thomp-j son and movig f0 Kiiby where fbeyi ived for several years. Mr. Thomp-i son,her second husband, predcceased her on January 27, 19ý50. For tht past year and a bal! bits. Thomplson 'had made ber home witbhber daugiter, bits. Alex Waiker, 42 Liberty St., south, $wavit Shie was a miember of the -United W.ES._MJEETING The Afternoon JAuxiliary, of the W. M.S. hedd their May mreeting on Tues,- dtay in the Sunday School roojm. The president', Mrýs. Drurnmonid, presýided and the meeting opened with hynm 688 "Oh Lord Thou art my God and King," and Mrs. Drummprond led in prayer and eonducted the worship ser- vice from the themne "A temiple of God"Tkigour worship froi-s the book of Ephesians lessons fromi Paul are helgful in our daiiy living aad Mrs. DrummondI'.s study, was bulît around the thought that the church is the bodly of Christ, and wvas m-ost in- spiring. The offering wvas received and the w-orship service closed with a verlse of the hymnn, "The Church's one foundation." In the business period, the minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Drum- miond spo>ke of the W.M.S. famnily party and thanked those wý,ho carried on when she was unable througli ilI- ies to be present. Mrs. Kitchien told us of the C.G.I.T. world friendship raliy of the Eastern section of. Osh- awa Presbyterial. On motion of M!rs. Log-an and 'Mrs. A. Watson ail outstanding bis ,vere ordered paid. A motion by Mrs. Por- ter and Mrs. Bowins asked that $10. be paid te the Misses Wagar for ceoning to us at our family party. Mrs. Porter gave the Litera.ture Secretary's report. In the ri1l cail, 2ý9 visits were reported. Mrs. Kitchen, taking Up the study book, made it most interesting by bringing in somne qf their experiences ia travelling here fromn China. Her descriptions with the map made it ail very real to us and was really enjoyed by eveýyone. The meeting cio.sed with tîje theme hyn "Jesus sbrill reign'" and the Mýlizpaih henediction. Friemdskip ÂLly At rne Surviving are daughters Aima, (Mrs. Ephraim White) Orono, «Vanda On 'Monday e0ening there was a (Mrs. Alex Walker) Bowmanville and large C.G.I.T. World Friendship~ Son Ke-itb Bradl~ey, Pontypool. Also Raliy of the Eastern section of Oh a brother, Atrthur Bleweýtt, Orono, awa Presýbytery, in the Sunday five grandehiidren and five great- School auditorium of' Orono Unitedf grandelhldreri. Churcb. C.G.I.T. girls fromi Orono, Bowm-A,'vIi1, Newcastle,' hamipton, Funeral service was conducted by Solina, Courtice, Maýlýple Grove, Ennii- 'Rev. J. Kitchen at Orono United f akllen and otber points congregite Church on April 22 witb intermient 1 for this Rally. foUilowin.g in McCr-ea's Cemnetery, There were- beautiful floral fributes i fromn Ki'b-y W.A., and m-any relatives sided at the organ for the service. Friends and relatives attenided from New Toronto, Little Bian Hlolland lanin, oronfo, Enniskil- len, owavi Ili-, Osha-wa, Tyrone, Hampton,> SolinaLkr, PontyVo Oron, andirby. alîbearers wr Cive gr-ancrsons, barry Braýdley, Glen Bradley, Carmain Whit e, C lifford heMinor Laksýhore Baseb ai League, Tw iision were made of whaft Macklin, Everet Wood and onie neph- 'reOrono Bantanis are entered in a used te be the Durabm Divis-ion. Or- ewý, Elvýin Blewet.t. league o! five other teamis while the ono is3 la tht estDurbam iv ,isioni a- %ceWee league is at preseît rmade up long with Bowmaavile, Newtonville, Brd oi fhree tennis. Newcastle, Black.stock and Hampton la uiGioide rd SA thes Thomas Buter as Div- A1 motion was passed to purchase ision Gommnissioner. "f~ John Wvaison a set o! bases for the nminor basebaîl Port Hope, Muilbroek, Bewdley, teama,(tcf n ~ ,Edua Joan Goode and John Heidbet Watson were united la mnarriage on Saturday, May 4th la tht Chiancel ELmer Safty Elephant At of the Orono United Churceh by the Reverend John Kitchen. ~..1Ll The bride is tht daughter of biU. O rona and Mrs. H. C. Goode, Orono) and the _________________________bridegroomi is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Watson, Orono. On Wednesday affernioon- the child- wvhich continues to fly as long as no Tne bride woreý a w,,hite chantilly rrn of tht Orono Public School saw- avoidabie accident happens. Eacb lace gowa, cocktail lengtb featuring tht flag o! Eylmer tht Safety Ele- 'class room in tihe school bas a pen- a 1 'hgh neckila and ily point sîseves. phnt raised on the school tnast. nant vhich it ba-s tf retain throughi èler fiager tip veil fel! from- a lace This safety programmue which is Mn thtavoidng O! accidents.- cap ebodrdwitb, pearîs. She cperation ail over tht nation is being Lite rature and the flags were don- I carried a mnauve orchid on a white sponisored locaily by tht ew stead bth NewcasteLinsCln prayer book, Lins Club boS A thG Orono anda1 long with members o!ftht Lions 'Mrs. Keidi Wood, maidi of honour, Thcatlpre co! hi pojctistoCub were the Provincial Police wvho wore a cocktail lengtb goum o! bine Take th udrenf everconsecîous to! poke biefy ttuiidrlen concera- net. b30. Keith Wood was the best the rules of safey zt ail times. Iu îng safety. Ail concerned ask W Itht man.s eWfr mmdit stresses safety la travelling to and suly fIh men ntisporembers o! the family at tht homne fa om school as weî-îlanplay activities. gramio! safety f0 ensure tht safety o!tt- rd' arents. A l.arge flag is raisedl at tht school o h bid .Later the couple =leftfr a moto-r __________________________ At tht regular m-eetLing o! tht trip f0 tastera Ontario and otheri ~ School Board on Tuesday ev-en-ing it pr)ilts in tht United States. On their wvas learned that ail tht present returnabMr, ai-dbrs Watsoýn will i-e- tTkoiigbý For The WNeek 10teahers t tht school bad accetpted side la0oic SthreircotrAact itb tht Boardfo For travellm Geth bride chose a For M1other's D)ay-"H'le os tne coing terýn. They are MissKate turguiolse suit wýýithbubige accesýsor ies, happiest, be he kifng or pemaaInt, . ' a so l Crlto Tht stude--nts ofOrono Hiigh Sebool hofinds is happiness at h I O l MrsM Luna and Miss B. Cain. held a dance and presentation iast The Board purchased a piano for Thursday at the school lanhoour of I tht sum f $200.00 f be placed ilatht Mý]r. and birs John Watson (nee Edna M oonti o! Mrs. A. Luain. Gloode). Foliowing a box lunch a special, programi was enftered upon, wýhich ia- ciuded a Sing Song, a Miss;ion Quiz, Pe., 1111d conciuding witb the s-ho-wîig o! a very fine film emphasizing con- sýcratioii to World service. The De- votionai exercise of thte evening was taken by the Bowmtanviile girls, and birs. M. H. Stapl)es waýsognit Social Credit lleId second MeetingIni Millbrook The duties Of îa good citizeýneti the responsibiiity tognesiae aildc properly evaluate aypn ia y s- temn ,which is offered as an alternative t,, a ,L. for i of. 5.)lch Home Market Best For Farmers, Claims Gardner f Mr. James spoke of the work, ofth IMinister of Ag-riculture, . Gard- ner, who bas done a greaf deal f(mr the farmners of Canada. He bas aï- ways given representation and ani ,attentive ear to any farmn prcblemn. MINISTER SPE-AKS "There is a group in Ottawa whi'eh might be knowni- as the farmi bl>ck ' - Mr. Gardner expiained. "In this group ther-e is none more active on behalf ef the farmiers of bis constituency than is Jo)hn James. Nor is there anyoae more effective la argumnent," Mr. ýGardnier stated. He referred to MYv. James' continuai interest in aillaa< ters pertaîning f0 the weifare -of the farmers, and to his abiiity to get thing-s done. MrP. Gardner spoke of tbe great ad- vancements in the country over the past tweaty years and pointed to tht- Trans-Canada Hligb-way, T.C.A., 8t- Lawrence Seaway, great minerai dis- coveries especially iron and tihe Trans- Canada Pipe Line. He spoke of the- important role ail play ia Canada'e growing developmient. The great iroii discoveries in 'w1iich the St. Iawrene*- Seaway will ýbe utilized as a meano3 of transportation, will be used -ia the, manufacure of steel and will assis'. la establishing new industries and in expanding Qthers. Tbrougb -negotiations with the Or,. tario Goverlument if was possible, àAý said, to have the gas pipe uine tr*.vei entirely over Canada instead of go- ing inteý the U.S. and luter to Ontar- io. This bas made the Pipe Line an AI-CaanidiaiiI Clneý When Vhe ' Pipe Line debate -,%as before the 'hofuse, (continuea ou page 3) Township Gives 3rd Reading - For Scniool Witbdrawal Agenda for the Townvïship of Clarke IMrs. Chas. Fisk asked the councfl' Couticîl forced Couincil to hold a tývto calcium a portion of the third hate night sittiagl in order 'Go ieceive dele- To this the Roa ýýÀd S upe r intI enildentI' gationis and to conduct its general stated that it woufld le doiie whean business for the mionth of -May. Coun- gae had been paced on1 it.Th cil met on Thursday evening of last reeve poinited out that it was im-poa.s_ week and ýontinued again on Monday sibie to calcium ,al roads inth evening. Township at the co 0-of $200 a imila wlýas prohibitive. A delegation representing the Pro- vincial Departmnent of Highways ,-vas MNessrs. Fred Yo Bro)oks Gewvaa resent on Thuraday eveiag when and Bruce Yeo) approached thi, cou,,- they discussed with the TowNv.sip 1thecil to havý,e the side road pas, their~ location of the extension of Highrway properties w-videned. A motion was. No. 401 wvhich wýill pass throug1,-h the P asse udbyWke and Dn that somne southerni sectionà of thie Townlsbip. action be takene on tis petition.- The delegation also informîed thei Counicil of the rasta ee1l A dlgtO f 28 wereprsn tended 'to be .closed dule t theexte-onThusayigtfrhehrded- tion ofi th-e Hgwy There are toli e ing i,ýo f the 1by-law, to give authority b)eing at !New'castle ad etovll. etis1.5and 9 ý)fro)m teTownsh'iýjjP ýAiîunbbed of roads are to 'be closeç ulcSbolA-a isuso1 h whic woud coss the Hgwy imeigsoefteraort ftt left pe.degationi iin fvo )f the withý dfraw"aI. Bfoeth otion wsgiveil In tis respect the CouncIli equiest-î the third readIin-g and passed 1ea c k he aI d-sstisi0 d Fr-"ed ieick W. Mar- w ed a plan whîchis to be posteci at tiet councilior expressedisvew on t lie s disaL f tht Soercial. C1rditClerkl's office where înterested par- subject, dlock, presideato h oh dt ties maýy inspect it. Anyone havîng Association o! Ontanlo, toid a group any objections f0 tht ciosing o!AnyICociorDngaefuras of inferested b-lil-brook votars at the theTusisrasw ego CuelrDn aefu a secod metig o tMsDuAn Cun-a heaing af a future mieeting w,ýhen opposng tht passing o! tht byA-a ty Social redit unit. they mnay put their case befo-re tht Hte stated althoughà tht majority -' -Nir Marock as 0ýý,'riO uniepal oardfOLýcon htiesections concverned were la favo% Mn.birdok as ptkig o a itoMniia or ro - o! tht, withdrawalitIfwas nat an e2 vitations o! Kenineth Thnms and Don-sieain pression o!f tht enfi-e TowPshî who hrave been tht ov in oet la ' Departmieat of H4ighwýNays Sbo Area. Further the breakir» 'No av betheocalCdit oe-n Thte delegaflon asked tteTownishîp up of thtre ia did not tend to set, introducingth oa rd ive for a jette, giving fuil approval for plan for an equaiity of standards1 mient in tDis area. the closing o! these roads. This te- alTwsî col.br Dent as Discussing' ecoionmic probiemis bu- quest bas boen held. up due to a del- statd that fo withdraw was det, setting tht people of Canada today, egatin o! eleven bo met withtht menNItale h taxpayers at lauge Udri. -Maroc-k tntiphasized flat in- Township on 3Monday eeig hsrsec obidn !newscv l flation is automaticaly bout into tDelegaionpposcd some o!fthe ro- tht Towýnship wihwiI bt e ue present system and, together wifh tht posed1 plans an-d also tht etahPof o! somnetime in tht future, Under t problems brought about by tht wage- setiing ith tht iandowneas yth scbooi area sisttm îindusprt a na price spiral considerabe hardsbip is Department of 'lhwysTu own- commerc alsensments are shm.ed 5 inflicfed on tht people o! Canada ship passed a resolution holing i up ail is o nt Worf wo sectionsa thrýou-gh tht nvfaiyce f om he proa to clo-se oads util sc hecý w e and depressions wvhich statistics show tîime as thet Department of igwy akysae i have occurrtd prolclyovt hw hat fait and just surettiments Deutrev period o!fmny ,-year-s. havebeenimade with tht parties Coni- for- tht geýýnraL goo d d utureC the shol rea ifwoldbe -1 tht e I Tht Social Credit piatf'orinibas alcerned. interestLs not tý support tht th positave progranm for Canada, a, ntw HaryJosqreee f Newcasfle reading o! tht by-Aw. HIcowever d.- igorous, dynamic policy bastd on- attyo -,v, f0 thtemjox who ibe i fret enterpise and !reedomi to all, 1who-was presýent w,ýith the Tow,,nship diti<Uon suggested that Newcastle daa he wats supporitiIIg tht m'iotho Mr. biardock said. andeeaTownhi . . . d j Councilors Lore- yand Savery f WaWn of cmWWab umwsümeeting f0 discuss cetrtain mutual i-Jwý Iàna "i yef, Mi% biardock said rmeeniy Such by tht extenfion of Highway *401L J. Tht third anfýial jeaigot 'ad e D m h m r h g h s n t w n n d m y in b m y r a s a f c e cision w as up to th t county o r- T . B w n, re mve o!f la 4ke, w as g ivea y- aw w a g vega d as ed b ganlization and actionma be exýýected atoiyt aiameigfortiaoity of threesfc!ont, shorfly. -purpose. la hat ion. fol- -Over three bundred attndd 1 m ~eeting sponsored by the Durbanrs Liberai Association on Friday of, Iasýt .weekla the Township Hall, Or-i ono, ýwhen Mr. Gardaer, Minister of kAgriculture, was the principal speak- er. Wilfred' Carruithers, Reeve of -Dariington Towýnshi*p, was the chair- mian for the meeting and in bis o- pening addr-ess spoke o! th comiplexi problem la administering the Depart-I mnent of Agriculture. Mr. Carruthers stated that the ad- ministering of a policy couid bave diofferent affects on difFlerent s ec - tion of the country. Some farmn or- ganizations, be said, -want tarriffs, wuhile others ask for freer trade. Wei la Durhamn Counity are fortuat e i having Mr. James at Ottawahsad for he bas taken a great interrst il, t-be farmi problemn. Mr. James bas pct-1 ed mos diigently as a membe r on~ the Agriculture Cnntestated the chairman. Wè nmust have a rep- resentative at Ottawva who wiil take a interest in Agricutural pivblems. We cannot, he stated, eiect tool many farm m nemnbers. Mr, Jaimes expressed bis sincere appreciation for the attendance of so manýr, especiaiiy rwhen farmers were busy on the f arma. He stated tibat bis know,ýledge of farming hadV been a gradua! growing proeess and that much bad been learned during the discussion periods la the House,l tbroug-h the Federation, Farmi Unioný and during the past five years ont the1 AIgricufltur-e Comirttee. 1 . 1

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