r * OROZNO WEei.KLY TIMES .&uthorized as Sconrd Class NMaîl. Poïtt Office Department, Ottawa !Zner . A. Forrester Publieher. R. C. Forreustir OROND WBEKLY TIMM Wll CARD OF THANKS Tý ill e,-rýý,,)yees of (irono WGodi E. JT. J. KI-is- ner ýxi.sh toi extend theý-r fýjncere thianks aidoeattueta thç cmn-' LireA I1Ie 'ewi t hfatted 4edý - tee set iip under the Medial Advis- ploy-ees wjoha have caooer-aËed and i- al ,' h*tu r wht6 with. colouI APP9INED TO UJ~COM~TTRE r nmuutte utthe Ontario T.iB. gvn hr p anid in iileaning egs rc ~0. I Up and r(tler h erte ie. fDge. r criph 1Asueeation andî have recentiy attend- DoraM>ne,.ý h D~. Charlotte Hoared threc rmeetig~s in Toronto. Takyual - Dr hrot onr I1VAdical of_, _or_______________________ flter' of Health, Nortbumbcrland- The committce is under the ch-ai - COMýlda CiNG NtSwl ehl Durham Health U nadMr M. E.I fD.H I cOauc fCR F THANKS SleMdaCc t ilbhe 'ewtress of Cobourg, il ine-th ae ttteaa la en e athec Sunday S oom cf het th ae ntut as behipLCÈrj thoneý l rectary of Northtumberla-nd-1jiirhara uP ta consider the place of mass x- -IO n4ed C8ur30on FuIday Tuaberculosîs Association, have bee ray survcys ina the case finding pro- I WeAmss , -ys~.x i appintilmeu~brs f su-cmrnt-gramme of the Departimest of Heaith ta, xprss ur feartfelt thanksanad and the Tuberculosis As-sociationi. i;pr 1-rati,)n 1,, our unany relu ives Iic - -î r" ren Yi 0i"o nbHhusfor teir G, 7dn1dness and sympa.ý,hy VsboawVI us ila hýe las. o" elov ohrAmelia m O ro-jno W M. . nt rt inBiwet fldey Thomipso. We e- T an A a ii ~ g iKitchea for h7:s c-noslin yars.Al TENDERS FOR MIý_DE ALK he doe (, f Utie ml, be-iutifulJ!CNS rTI brioffeings,, Aiea pr. A. F. Mc-, OitMOiila ev-nig teraootsette s R ,a liag. Mrs.Ed. G rPolice Village of Ormoo On ondy venngthe At oylieidthe suaI ta the .GI.T. A Kezie ps- DIi nrsesM rs. . G airm j'p q Auýýxliary qý the Oron-o Unlted Ipleasiltg feature of fthe Re-Affilation nurses, and stafrf of te Memiorial lIas- 'Titders fb-r tle Msr'-ino Gltuinch WMS é-)ûhtrtjnient the mleni- j s the prescatation Vo the WM.S. pital, Bwwuii.Aliso patients of Sidewalks in t'eVae of Orono A 'bers~~ ofte ,ia uiir~the by the GG«ýI.T. of à-Iovel_ýy Baby's -id rt- ngt d Ana and G-rfiwill be p i'e ', p' e nde -ïzted G C~.Tthe E-xp1orersý, Mission Býtnd Crib blanket w1hîch they had mlade, Barre1-tt for tiheir kndneo-s. The F. F.. an or bcfr onOJ1f, 5 q,7 arid the Baby Bandnothers to *4 love-. aloa- with sonme ba by garnments. ar Fntal HL e for their kind fr onof n 5 9? 1y ýsupper ithe Suaday School ad-iadefcetmatetn tVt e- Tender q.oatin t} h ekmade bYc trhmof thue church. . The tables we The Re-Affiliation service coacmud- 'ices 'y so- yl. conc-ýo Vriiieydeeoiated, and ia reai ded Elizabeth Reid introdticed} the f:4iches and, ii.'&I5 f 5u r~e~ta 1 tamâlyiý spirit prevaïild. At thecosgut speakers. Misses Cunistance andFauy cernent. Cont air tot supply ail nec- af he upprtha'kswa ~xendd ariai Wagar cof Trinidail. An i- Aliui Vanda and Keith i ssary items f~p; Vo thue Afternýoon Auxliary by LBren teres4ing dsritof the work un-. utc nomto a eob da -ýitceel for the Explorer Gr [detaken y the W.M.S. ia TriniidadINMM 14 andro thnie-,£-e. Maiilyn QuantrUI for thue -CGt.T.1 asivenaani this was amplifieti b, NMMR endf~mFuidrind gro~ nt Mr. lie Mlîcafor Vttheshuwduïrg of soe lvey elide 1 D J L-ni~gmeoyH . ILON veigAuxiliary.j of the outr andi the people. The M n~se h asdSecretary, l hery vote aof thaaks accorded tec azelnMv4h1,1.1-Plc l1aýeo r-c Supper ovr, the -atheriagmovcd Waer sisters included the presenta-awyo ay4, 8.-Plc ilge-fOo. j Vo the min ichurch iauditorillm aWhere 43tian Vo ftheni for disposai in Trinidad NMay the ï d,0 cveibnwgenlt- C aDevotional Service was led by Mre. of flue loveiy Ba-by's Crib blanket anld iîy.IC VeLna A rmstrong au.dMrOieBaye'ahd ndeb h ..T O htqita< hallowýed spoyt. Junior girlsýi 12 ta 15 y(arsannd Miflson. Fuilowin-g the Devotiional IMisses Constance aanti MI"trIenWager Where te ne w love 1liesleeping senio-r grs16 ta 2(i ear wh r seqrvice an ipesv prugran of rott-rn ta their wornl Trinidad in Andiwil ey e fo1'gOt. interested are i invited to/ attend a Re-Aiffiiiatian ws arried out by Vite Junc. x meetirug at the one Offrus- N. 'Ken- C,.G.I.T. i-aic Explorer Gu'oups with La the absence of the Presidenvt 0f Ever reei h v her son, Ever- nedy, 6th bjineý Tuesdniy May 17 at fhg W.IMS. Mr4s. Kemp of Whitby! the W.M.S., iMrs. Drumiýýmonti, through e-tt and Ron1ald nild her faily. 7 :'8O p.m. Th project/for 'the 4-H presentei the suaea t hcEkplorors M iss, M. M. H. Stap'les was ian Homemakin-g tub is ' leepiuig Gar- ced Mrs. d Pn o 0f (ouî-tuce pré- charge ocfithe evening's pro'-eelings DetR.wuîh nr V vrylu Uf.VVAItcresting ai,, v ,hoe the girlswl availi h sle flis o+?tunity. Orono Mïasonic Members Cniudfotpge) Ente ta n I~eîr Ladi emoeredt tey would provide adl-1 T Yu g Peple «.the 0Oron i t eY t a in TageiWîthielabu anrss~Teday e itng a urt81 'lcinr quate representaition for labour on ad ewalaynt lirl r __________________ n1 goveramnet boards and cO~~ a"h Johnnie" on Mfter a lapsýeof se-verïni years thersode yepusigVt e- improve unemipicyment legislatioin to' the Sunday Schoolî auditorium. Th- Orn aoicLtg euu4iso- cùinf t aie o hee - ..iIV11iclleiem fs 1"-ladies foro thee e effort ex-b i de(1(z-ove.nge for the greatest prgrm Icietmso sianeof Ladies N1ht iat St.4 c d u hir iunaIf. YI4e was pre- V'---_----1 nvc.Asle e"Ngh as a ofwage (earners and iIes~ ~ lip-to:ii in. aUi<of m-,day evendngi at a banquet hield ntd with a colourful bouquet tyfbn " an'd allowtible Hanng.le Y.P.U. fumId\w'ly be taken. ap thoOdrfelu's al an ateded byIroses ta mýarkç the occalsion, ai teparty wa%-ukl extend the un- evnyveMasonilc couple. I The 'banqueiýt conciude(d the guests emp1 oyment benefit period ta521 Woxi'i~u~BroherHe~b uval, etiedto the otheýr secti>n of the wusard i lmin*ate the waiting per- VIl ~~a~%ohte Oon Loig, ws hall ta witncsoa display of psychom- idsrniiiîlg prompt payient i asbIfOpn rearsm e ltt!Uefrec ia'u' twat Severa l more or less fecting married womeri, he said PeeWee basehail practices open this -_e v1tl pxtplaed yhe ladies jwLtîý subjects underwent hypn1oss would be eliiniýated. Saturday morning at thepaktth rnecughgat ass .istinig tor the iratcsrie yntie1hour of ten o'clock. Ail boys under fru~ads n her Mso~icduie ,m~ovi (irmunti asemnth ot "n de ar ontiutonlysthe beage of thirte en as of the first of R gh Woshpfl bothe Jaea May 'are ur-ged ta be an han'd foar this Jacso, Di~trt epty epetatos. w eiv acange,"he (1i, "me M h te , x e n e d Th re 4i g T e ~ r n n ~ c n lu ed b y a s rtlng la p ol e r ei , e ,e th e y a re in eni j th e firs t w o -rko u t cf t lth e se aso n . Gran Loge o the mn n pe en.priodi of dancing and a siagng gta SeTepol utkwo h- atmbsbi rcie pa ard -1 - searchi their own,ýi souis tha1t the presa Fidy ignht at the Orono park a U- lcwngth oast tu-'à eL adli es",Ii in acmaietof M1À E.L ilve net hs d'mie ta uep :0p.n. The bantam osaeak lMuvIIwif oftit Brwa ed to bc present. Mr. James Mlajor Iis. Diai>MïMaf jC stL1'er, rsaiveinstit.utions the most 'r- reparabe ham t aursysem tatund *Ur. Gordon ýîimpson wvill be looak- dpoG2~oc2,oc1c=? to hUasever been done.ing atter flis group of boys. VBanitam age group fromi 13 yea Vo ,( fi ~ l lln ' eour :inheritance ta-p(ev u great institutions anid the freedomy. which camle to us from the British AnbSiT si. for NWater Weffson tower cospel-.efenakr adeafinal 2 p B ldng o0e/c "~ and ~f'o gra ath [ r mdling yo ,presenton bass. 4.0 pr fot ndp. smraIldgrou.ps ta forma gvineii 0tý Pe ~ There is only anc way for your de-'I New WelI Machine imtorted trom United States. crament - do noct dillute tihe party FO4,iblo Iaet Serice. Giiraxitee e1tni ngabourut<hntrye e t~ F Fs eîe.Ga a il 11work. Fu»mn ll yem t.ba6einchrcounty o 3'j q 6 ndu U . your heart. maulnard . Veyl VUnits lFoundations and ïtiTak SPHONE EMPIRE 6-8346 29 McGILL ST«. eI dl1 ovrinet istclpoured. Form ,available TORONTO, ONT. lected incaorne tax l'a 1919.,l'a tht , Iyear Canadians paid a total utf $8________________ n "Iion in p,,rý>na inome taxes; ~oooocoz~oz~>y..alnua] total now is neariy $1.3 bilion mellio in prsonaArncoe - protected Wl Ce. IBetween Orono and Neweast1e on Highway No. M5 j ig.r Standard GisoIie 39 lO c per gai - tax inc Yigor lligh Test 42,C Per g'allon,, - tax included STOfVK OLL-foî your çun /enience I small quantities av.ahable at Uic station Open Evatangs and Suaitt Ltd. Oiinsurnice càgive Yem protec ion againgt /108. Check your-c'ver&ge for ,'dequate re- ptaeem nt value. .'F. PORTER L78 Y. 1 1471 TELEPHONE OPERATOI$ ~for the ,ONO TEL,ËPHO1NE CO) PANY ~hon Oro+ 30' fr iterview. G(ood flours -G41 Wages forw h a iille Isarlo F anutn Insurance Service Every class of Insur- ance is represented i our office. Tfhe follow- ing are somne of the main coveràges we can off er: Automobile, Lite, Accident anid Sicknes,. Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Drly Hoeeftallm Livestock, Boler, Wieud, Polio, HfaU. Fidelity Bonde etc. ORONO PH ONE iRlO FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hamilton REAL, ESTATE BROKER AND ICALL US FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT * Phone 33 R 12 ORONO - ONT. plin -er FREE ES7iMATES HIarvey tPartnet TYRffl MA. 3-2240 WE.ELl THE BEIST AND".§.RVICE T'HE REST Orono Electric PHONE 129 CQNTRACTORS FOR FARM and, HOISE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES ORGNO -va'RI J. TAGGART vrTrmiNARY SURGZON 'V.tsrlary. m.ddeIa, bwo.aoe and Iutrunm.a sethically diopem"e. PHONE 10416 ORONO, ON~T. LawrnceC. Mason, B.Ak Barrister and Solicifto DOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 8-5488 Home IMA 8&-am JOHN REGANI, B.A. Barrister, Notary Publie 33 Temperance St., Bowmairvll, Phione MA 839 JACK REID " Orono', ces Auctioneer and Vauatr~ Speciafize Îi Farm and Furnlture Sales CORSU t me for terme and dates IPhone 5 rl8 -Or"~ TEl) JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coadute Aurtion Saleg f u ilamem and at reasonable ratéeâ Comuniatewith hMm at mg* ?erOutario, or sece hie s rA e._Morton, at Oro, fer edate. LIFE liNýSURANCE, PenstiOn Plans; Educational Pi ds.;m Prrotectionand Savings FPIausb . Children end Adultes; Mrgg surauree plans. F. E. LYCETT Orono, ont,. Plie..117»4 STAF'FORD BROS& Plie.Whitby 552 $18 Dunde sSt. B, whetbl FUIE QuÂFry MONUMENTS5 AND MAIKEI m4tled momenet oer the uei. Ia tgPlace et y*Imr l.v.d eues, It"a n~et xpemai'e. Aad medug Uda Ilut tribute vD i"igv Yom emdelscomtet Tne RUITER GP kNJrý COMPAI Phone Turmer 5-5216 p.O. B«n 62 Port Hope, ontai Mopumeit, Gravemarkewg, E'graving, Goldleafing RELSATE FoR SALE Mdptea51, ReiteA Neaag. and Appraised ;..M. ALISUNý" IPrompt and Guaranteed ReWaro <te ail kixudu eofEectrical Equlpmemt Nwate , ati Appliance. Poe u Such ag tw. ' ffl ete, Tw, blocks orUi e&fTraffîe Ught. Sional Directory -ZENZIE, M.D. and SURGEON-~ mmd Wedmeedays bv wiwilii-101 qwl!,qo - owqw" -1 'A