Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1957, p. 7

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Blaseball C~ AI Schacht has hie tars, but there a, #round Who dai 4riginral. Schacht, Ittie felawý, who keen love for talent for elownilg_, fortune. For a fec,~ occasianzh egures, AI trulivels ths. miles avery year exter, beasebali parks throughl' ada anxd the tl.S.. it bN, If axyone who has eveF" ,sûan Schacht - bis bîggy pants, out- size glove, top b~at and tails- eoffd ever compietely forget 1dm. Even the bailplayers, wbo have Watched bis act dozens o', timas, stil', laugh at Al's goofy pantomnimes. AI conservativeiy estim.atesj that ha has 1travelied iat least 525,000 miles by auto ta his bal park 'comritmnents and the fi- gure becames astronamrical if you include train, sbip and plane trips. He hias entertained at 27 World Series. To hear Schacht tel it-ha was borni into baseball. As a- boy, AI iived 0on the approxi- mate site af what is taday Yan- kee Stadiumn- Over the samne area where Mickey Mantle now thases fli1e s, lie says, _.N1r s. Schacht's littie boy Aleander îhased goats-axxd vice versa. AI %vas on bis awn at an eaiy age, but he always remnembered bis rnther's advice that a iueWsaprarn i as a great fu- ture.. "So I sold as manly pa- pers as 1 couid," AI sa d. H btawked themr near the Poilo Grounds, and it Wasn't logi a fore the sound of bat, meeting bail brought Schacht close to YM-s boyhood heros-the New York Giants. In hbis book "cliowniing Thirough Basebali" AI writes enatertainingIy about bis eariy 111e. "Aftar my fourtb y ear in puiblic school I reaiized that no-i thb-ng the teachers couid do ,wouid teach mne the necessary tacts of basebaliliif e. Andi sa 1 bld my books and reparted -;n elass with my lunch under ana arrn and a basebail glova under Éhe ther, It wias not contempt for knoWiedge that mnade me discard the books, but rather niy ~limnited streng-thI e1 oiint earry ail tb-rec,-glove, lunch, and books-and a basebàil'play- tr loves ta aat." But if AI had bis heart set on basebal--his mother Jhad othar Ideas. Mrs. Scbacht's ambitions For ber son ran more along the Unes off Carnege Hall. AI took- piano lessons at 50 cents a ffhrow, but it was moniey wasted. 1 just couldn't seem ta go ta m.y right," ha said. However, i t probably wi Lurprise a lot of people ta knoWT fihat Ai Scbhacht atuallIy did make the big leagues as a pitch- tr with the Washinxgton Sena- lors and that he lever had a Iosing season. A spring training 'jury cut short bis career and ~ot himn into the ciowning, bus- aess for keeps. Washington let himi stay on s acoach, where ha teamned wvitb ïNick Aitrock lxx soma of ffe zaniest antics ever seen on 7/vu putjj . . CASSIFIED ADVERTISINO FLYING FUR - LaVerne Hintz- man manages a slight site but hie's flot really. very hapy That luxuriant bearçi is already beginriing ta disappear frm his face. Hintzman grew the beard for a tawn celebration gind liked it Sa much he decid- ed ta keep it. Mrs, Hintzman hoA other ideas and her vacuum cleçner is blowing oway somne of the shorni whiskers. a basebail field. Schacht and Aitrock entertained before the games, between double-headers, and any other time they thought they could get away wîthi it- wh1lether a bail game was on or not. In11921 they were offered $1,000 apiece to' era r at the World Series,, Eventually Schaeht desertecd Aitrock and struck out for hm self. Soon, he was getting, off ers of one-day or one-n-ighýt stands from Club owners ail over America. Somehow AI was able ta work them ailinto his itinerary., Today his extensve traveling exhausts automobiles withà about the- same regularity that most, men throw out oild socks. There have been others froil. time to tim~e who have tried ta .dupticate Schacht's dugout ful of routines, but neyer iith any7 iasting success. "Howý, canj you imaitate a myan," one club owner said, "who haif the time doesn't know what he's goïing ta dlo next?!" Tomy was a guest at a party at which the ,refreshrnents were iavish, The hostess spotted hlm sitting in a corner. "Won't you have somnethi'ng more, Tommiiy?" she asked. "No, thank youi," he replied, 'm rifuil" "Wei,'," suggested tlhe hosteSs, "1put sorre fruit and .-,,kc- in your pockets ta eat on the way home."' "No, thanpk you," came the re- ply, "they're fuill, too." "Why flotmar" said Mr. Newlywed to a woman - hating friend, "and have a wif e ta share 'aur lot?" . -t ýsounds ail right," a h repiy, "'but somte of these share- hoiders biossomr into directors." -'OMPOSTS Every gîrdan shoid have a compost haap say the experts but tbey neyer explain ho-w we can squeeze this valu'-abla. asset into a tiny garden whera we are alreacly cramnped for spaca. A compost beap is vaiuabie and if thora is roamr, we sbould h ave ana down at the back by al mealis. But it can bc abi of trouble and mess whore the hackyard is smal, In that case, the thing, ta do is simply ta bury weeds, grass ciippings, and anky- thing aise that wiii rot quickly between the rows of vegetabies or floWers. We do not bury daep-ý ly, but with a few inches af. soul. Arîything that will rot has some fertilizer value and it makes humus which keeps soi] open. If we have a bit more roamn, then we tbouid hava a reg-ular compost heap. Hlere wa simpîy pile in shailo-w leyers anything thlat will rot qujickiy and wa caver w,,ith sai ta help the rot- ting' and kaep away flies and neighbors' d o gs. Rotting, or' breaking dawn clxx be speaded by adding commerciai fertilizar anxd possibiy same of the speciafl chemnical preparatioïis ta assist nature in the breakiîg down pro- cess. The top cy! tha heap sbouid be kept f lat ta absorb rain and prevent drying etut and in dry waathier it, is a gaod pian ita sýoak occasiorally witbh the base. After a few months in the com- post heap al! this refuse will break down into excellent fine gardon sou., AVOID THESE Two of the comnmoncst mis- takes in) gardening ara piantinig iton deep and too close together. The generai rujle for diepth is threa tunmes tlhe diameter of tý he seed. For tiny seed like that of p Iortulaca or alyssu-m or lettuce, this means simply sowiîg on top of the soul and pressing in light- iy. Ta spread more evenily, wve mnay mix seed with Sanxd before we s0w, For big-ger seed say the size of peas or cora, hal.f ta an inech deep- will bo about ight. Patatoas, gladiolus and dahlias go dowxx fzom six ta twelve inches. As for spacing, tha size of the seed bas nothing ta do wiitb-it. Even tiny seeded th-ings ike aiyssum rni-partulaca, or allons, require space ta develop praper- ly. The safe rule is at le-ast haif as nmch space batw,,een sprouted fuil grown. With sm-all flowers lezast a coupla of inches between Plants as they wil] eh igh wheni and vagetables this means at and with say, zinnias, pals, beans, etc., four ta six inches. Witb dahlias, corn, tomatoes, this shudb t iaast 12 ta 18 inches. NO HURRY if the spriîg is late, one sbould xot fret. Tn the first place fret- ting will nrot help bring the war-m days any fastar and sec- onidly there is stiil pienty of time anywhera lxx Canada ta bave a fine garden, aven if wa can't get a spadie lxx the ground' until late May'. Indeed thora are several quick growing things whicl willi make abundanit bloomn or fine meais for the table aven if Planted ini June. The experts, incideîtaiiy, always warn the beginner to take it easy, ta pre- para the soi] well, and .vait ïuntil the spring w;eather has really arrived, 0f cojurse, one should get nursery stock and same of the hardier sorts of flowers and vegetîbies planted as soan as possible, but trie main sowings are best pastpaxad ,intil. 'arauotnd this time or aven l1ater. Spraadîng the plantings, toc, over a fairiy long period, right up ta Jùly in the warmer parts o)f' Canada, is as advisable. IDx 'bis way the harvest of flawers axxd vegetables is spreaqd aýut to SET-BACK FOR SALESMAN, Go-ahaad salasmnan Harold AGENTS WANTED BE Y'OUR OWN BOSS! MIEN or women, cari work your own hours, and make profits upi t( 0 seling exclusive houseware productia and applianels, No conipetition, flot avallable ini stores, and. they 'are r. necessity In every htome. Write at once for free colour catalogue, show-, Ing retail prires plus confidential wholesale priceiist. Murray Sales, .>322 St. Lawrence lllvd., Manitreal. OILS, GREASES, PAINTS And CoUloidal Graphite, Additives. Dealers wanted ta sell ta Farmers, Fleet Owiiers arnd Service Stations. Write Warco Grease & OU1Lited, Toronto 3, Ontario, BABY CHICKS CHICKS bred for ail markets. For Eggs. Brailers. 1-1avier tal1e, Prompt shipnent, W 1 d e choice. PUllets. Started tao. complete hist, Bruy1 IIatchery. 120 JohinNW, i4amllton. if you are not on our mailing ist ta receive aur 1957 catalogue, Wvrite us at once and we will send you a vapy, it. Is free,. it will give you a lat of vaýLuable information, advislng yeu whtare the best breeds of chlcks ta purchase for mraximumn egg proiduc- tion on the minimum irmaimt o0.fe-, best duel purpose breeds goad for bath eggs snd imeat, best brother ~breeds, and the best poults for fheavy roasters, medium roarters and t urkey brollers. WVrite for 10w prices on dual purpose cocherels. TWEDDLE CHICR 1L4'rCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO COINS FRE-5 GENUINE FOREIGN COINS Let us- know yaur wants. Start Colle t. Ing Genuine coins with aur coin cal. lectars KIt onily $4.95-SPECIAL PACK- ETS 290 4~49e -98,C-oin foler and 8 coins 98,1. 411 coin Publications and Whitlnan Supplies. international Coin Ca., ý221 Victoria St., Toronto. OUCKS DUCKLING$. Jariseniairalin Kaki- Campbells for layers. Large Whiite Pekins for best rmeat birds. 25,. $8.50; 100 - $32. Limmediate delivery. Crcular. Morris Day, Elora, O)ntaia. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW HIoland 77 Saler viith yde formatic $950. Or wlU t rade for'luni- ber. Apply C. Dicaire, St. Joachim~, Ontario.- D.E.M.S. LTD. ONTARIO distributor for Ford mrni diesel fuel injecti- or pump overhauiing $22. Ail ailier fuel pump sud lIn- jectors ov-,erhauled at $3.50 per tir. Thornhill, Ontario. Phonle AVenue 5-2421. How Canîil1? By Anne Ashiey Q.low can f quickly reniove white wash? A. One o0f the. easiest rmethoclsi is to scrub the whitewashed sur- face with vinegar and water. Q. How can I prevent custard from urlig A. Custar'd wilflot curdie if it îs put into a pan haif-fiiled with cold- (inistead of hot) water.î it heats rmore gradualiy and wili be f irm iand si-ooth. C Uow ean I keep the sinik pipe iree fromn grease? A. By pouring clean, hot wa- ter down the pipe eve.,ry timre dishes are washed. Q.How car i 1mtake a cheap waterproof dressiug for shoes? A. By melting tallow and mix- ing it neatsfoot oî! lxx the pro- portion of 7 parts of the oil ta 3 parts of tailow. lIn cold weather, use iess tjallow, about 1 part to R parts rof 011, FOR SALI PAR?à; 3 Pýt good land, 900a bulld. lngs, fydro, ';telephone, much good lake front. Near lle.iltreed write: Emil Ceunl Astn, Ont. SAW filingand lewn - m -wer businless f or sale.ihodera macl4ner 'Y, good lxx- came. Five' roomiihliUl'e, modern. Ta be so-1d-,'t0gether. ý t o1 pportuity for rlght party.' Âge la only reason fer selling, Prleed $ght. joseph Taylor, 588 tLafontaln 'Street, Wallaco. burg, Ontarle. U10 ACRES natural .dralned, square, 0ay loass, noat-productive lxx iOttawa Valley. besîde cheese, 'factory, schuoo, churches. Carrnes fifty head of& catte, 36 flking. Beatty stable-s. Mikeýrs, imachInery inchtxded, Brooder, lien and pig bouses. Tenant cottage, c-omfort.ý aýbleteleoo brick home, doublhe gtarage. good wvelhs, hydre, teUephoe spaclous iawn, shade trees. W. on ider sacrifice for $18,5M0.Write Box 156, 123 Elghieenth Street, New or onto, Ontarlo MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION -EVERY SUFFERER 0F RItýUMATIC PAINS OR NEIJRMTS $HOULD TRY IXON'S REMEOY.. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ElIgn, Ot owa 125Expreas Prepaid *.POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISR thie tornient 0of dry eczoema rashesanad %weeping akîn troubles. Post's eczemla Salve Winl not disaýp- p oint you. Itchinig, scaling and bern- lng eczems; scnie, ringwormr, pimples and foot -eczema will respond readlly te the stainlesa adorleas ointr.nent re- ,gardcs of haw stdubborn or hopelens they seeni, Sent Post Fret on Roceipt of Price - PRiCE $3.00 PER .JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO DpPORTL&NITIES FOR MEN ANDU WOMEN ATTENTION! Receive Unique, s ei- asinlpatenied pocket Umnbrella. Parasol, plus frceaguift or o'nhy $2,00. send: )BILLCQý, 1Pý,Box t88, piraeus, Greece. FOR delightfuh Seacoasti'cattanon7 beautifûl Wells Bey, lin quiet, pleasant suirroundingsa a Guesi Reame direecty on Ocean front. Write: "TheBen scie", 1~i' Mainefr FOR Early Reservatians' rteOd Wel-By-Thýe-Sea Iïmprovemnent Associ- ation, Wells, Maine, for literat1ure oCa0 ideal place ta spend your Mains e s- cazsai vacation. KNOW every iree, soiri thi C. de B. 60e per lesson. Write OUTDOOR tNTERESTS, Godrwocd, Qntabrio. PLASTIC POAM (flexible) Sensational new craît maieriaL. Sheets .40'x '72', x, 3/32"ý - $2. Vs" - $2,50. Whit, plnk, bluje, green, yellow, 'orange grejve, deep pik. Mliero ject Kit $5,75. Inxnedlate 4elvery. KIDDER MANU15ACTURINQ, M38Dar.- forth Avenue. Tcoanto. SHELLCRAFT A FASCINATINGl and ine-xpensivo hobby. Ma ke distinctive jew,,elry, novel1tie's, etc., foçr yoursef, as gifla or for sale. Write for free catalogue or erder Beginner's Kit ai $1.25. Other kits available ai t 9 and $3. Orders Cash or C.a D. H1OUGHTON'S SHELLCRAFT 454 Kingaton Road, Toronto. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEADING.SMO Great Oppartunilty Learn HRardressnig- Pleasant dignlfled prof ession, good wages. Thousanda of auccessful Marvel Gauts Aierica's Greatesi Sysiem hllustrated caiahog Free Write or Cal MARTEL IIAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 3 358 RrorSt. WToronto Branches: 44 Kings St. W,, HamulJton 72 Rideau Si,» Ottawa ISSUE 18 - 1957 Board ?equlres two teachers for ïrral ares, gradegý,one ta seven, Living 2e.. eommi.0agom :5 upplied. 5aâ«îe $1,400. iuo.Wite: lUarry .H. lf ý Farmborough, Que. OUALWI~~teacher for oero ichoo1. 111g4way 401 inear Osha-w.v> Present enrolment 27, Grades 1-8. MINIMUM salary e$2,600 vwlthlow ance floi experience. APPLY, statlng qualifications, experfr ence, ?aalary, name of inspector, Mb Ethel Hanna, Sc-ra. R..Se, Whitby, Ont. PANTENTS FETHERSTONHAUGI! & Com p a ii 1y Patent Attorneys. Etabilshed 18U 600 Un'îlveraity Ave. Taranto. Patentt pËRSONAL *1.00 TRAL pffer. wetyfie delux personal vqxteet.Latest ecatalogue ineluded. Th~e lMedico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q',Trot Ont. OUR tro tmported sows, (Covslipj 3lst,, and V vj>,lp 33rô., just farrowed% wît, a totffl of ltwenty-r.ve pi-es raWsne twenty-three, The sire of these ]ittorqg la a liter mate te-. the Grand Champ- ion at the Peterboroughi Show Inx Scot.. land. The diam of the scws waa Plad- neU Cowvs11p Zndvjh-ich soldlxx Sct hýand for *3,300 and her litter mate sold for $5,400, When you purchxase froni me you get the best breedlng stock that xnaaiey xviii buy. Wean.. Ilnxgs, four month old, six month o14 s.ows and boars,. guaranteed lnpl aows, and servtceable boars; for Im- medi'ate de11ivery, Start wlth f h ]Best. catalogue FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM4 FERGUS ONTABICO SEDICI4 ,bl~ okenaccording te Ldieciions ls 066uf. w0y te induce sie.p oeqitthe nervea when tonse. $1.00 Ail Du Soes or Lire, Lii., loren!, 5. FOR CANADIAN MIUITARY PERSONNEL serving with the. Unitoed Nations Emegency Force îni the.Micdle ECst $160 sends 400 EXP'ORT CIGA'%RETTES or any other Macdonald Braind Postage included ,Mail order and remittance tô. OVERSEAS DEPARIMENT MACDON4ALD TOBACCO INC P.O. Box 490, Place d'Armes, h1*nfreal, Que. Ibis offer lx sublect te *Dy change N s' N 'N N N N N N 'N s N N N N N 'N N * N N N N N 'N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N NI N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N s N N 'N 'N N N s N 'N N 'N N N N 'N s ',, 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "i 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N ~NSN 3,' N

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