Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1957, p. 5

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___________________________________ OÇUNO WJIÇILY T'nU mis, ShirlyPoir avsg o ar ni8 Mrs. Johni Turner (nee En id Mit- te.e n<esae g rlded .by Miss Audrey ce- UVALh NEWSet f , eronl 01t John W. Bail JB4lldngs in a dusky rose Ioue.le suit anheiel as Verecîiienof er oual 1 V iha corsage of white chrysanthie_ 1her honeor, last Friday evenîng at th,1 Mrs. A. Sanders !S visiting wit'h imumns aiàmnauve sweet peas. home (if Mrs. 1HTarry Mercer. About ,Mr. ani MUS. Ro)y Barrabail, Brooklynl Shr1yc~e Porter of Orono and M. IYGîBa"ofCahi .s ol'-rv ied an.cqi' J,ýhn Walter Bail of Lno OtarioY, IM.CntnBalo hta astet-ieficd n cU- Mr. and M\rs. Don Dnca and fan wcre unitedl amin ag n rdabest nman. .nvs ere present wenEnýiid lwf taavaie satvshr Apri 26in te OaceonFthOrn Areptnwhidfridmineiate eatefin 4te chai of hnjourSwhie atud i 'te ëýa!r f bo our, Ea-ster week. A1 2 n th M a.neil o te r n h o the wa in a tworee 'ethwsdeorated wthpink and ,hte Uaited Chunch h~ he Reveremi Johnmembers of the farnily at the hmes a-esad osage 'UWlt r. and JMrs. Carl Billings a-nd Ms Kitchen The bride la the daughter offhebid, rnt.he d' crain wa pr noi of he Ade ihnavstdMxadMs bridegroorn is the son oMr.ate nsrilofnvbuepeslknd Arn-ong b ler ran'ovely gifts was Wv. J. 1nch, We,ýst-n onl Sunday. Mr of Mns of iaý-y lue pre sik andan el&trîîic frying pan, which-1 was a mcliýý being a patiient in the W Výeston Bail of (lhathmarnd, the- late Mr. the b~dgoa' mother wore navy preseýnation f rorntesafc h Bal.blue and vhite. Ea, h had a corsage Or . Wood Prodýcucts hr she bas i rl E. B ys n p.ael t idi,-o w i e h y aa h ni m .been em ploye d for sonie Unie L ieut. Col. L yle A. G e rry AA .G xnisc. -L{alifax, spent Eiser weekena vwit, The bride was given inmrin-t-4age Later thne coup'e left for a motor tr Enid had ext(ýaded her- appre- i n r.W .Gry by her father, -wore a dressmaker Liil to WýVasinigtoni and other points.cain a socîiable eeir was spent %anMr.WA.Gry muit of irnported blue Italian wool in the Uitecd States and on their re-i and "oncluded wt a delicious lunch Mr. an-d Mrs. Chas.,[Miller returned wit-h miatchiing acétissories and a cor-' turn wilI reside in London, OFntarîo. served by the girls. home m-s eek afteir spending a few weecks in M o ri da. J fiss Constane ýW'agar and Miss IlMarion Wag-ar, returned Missoinaries froll Triniidaý,d, were guest, speakers -- t'e WMS Famnily Party on Mon-ý Dresses for special occasion, SEM Brighten yeur oulokh with spark- 1 ay eveiniý and 'hie e elej sophisti cates in a wide variety of ling fresh CurLainý in dotted Mar- -'u -tý f Mr. ai(Mýrs. Carl lims fashion f abric. Misses and half sizes. quisette, f rilled or tailored. FrillédMs 1 . Y~d rd te-i atý Priced freiom .. $13.95 te $27.501 Nylon and Organdy- .. $2-95 - $8.50 the Grod'den Wecdding Aninversary of herau't and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E.i H ~ k , S t . C t h r i e , la s e e k Blouses with an exquislte look, zkhzd l oepn Br ~nM.Ln elthan her fabrics. Bai]ey, TIoronto. ,freth'y feinnne styles - little or neorcdfen....9 t 295 ~ Jh aRereceived the nw wm>ntg in Dacron Airy cottons, Priedrecentedy $.9 of tht e death of his coumsin Aru~l rlcd ~.25 ~ ' e ,Mrs. Hartley of Brantford, Ont. ,Anlcrpe. Ie $-5te ${7M95.Dav7d 1Phasey and Waynue and S New Cava hoes i different Mrs hs. WoDod sppent Tuesday withý stYlsfor men, we-men aud children. MradMr.FeBoosaihi, Pried ro ... 1.9 to$4915 VaFriday evening (oflatwe Spring fashit --in Pyjamnas and- Piedfen....$.9 e tii2ýron Gir'l Guides ami Boy Scouts Nightgowns in coI plisse, cottons, thaeaianiaitue qfr t1 lnd oý run~rsîtat a>m erey Striped and plain celeured T shilrts wtea total Lcf $ W~~ eng collezt-, ?riced frein . $2.50 to 5.9 neatly rihbedl neck bands. Sente with mi. The twvo organdzatiDn3 would ike butteni shouider. Asserted <colos. e xtend their apreciation te theï Siz i e 6. ricd . , _k citizens of the Village for theil r ei- Size to Y.. liice. to$IM 44bdsupport. RIn~ l MiaclThis ýSaturd}aY thee Carke Air Ca- Sfp nMrcý,Ny'n luxurious, det Squadroa wi1: hoîd their annual yet easy o aefor cottons, gtay 1taýg day ia the Village. fre.sh and crisp rayon crees.Boys and girls faded blue Jeamgatisa W à o r. and Mrs- i~î f<>.....$95te$695 guaranteed better wear in every Jo-hni Turner, Keene (nete Enid Mit- pair, double sitch, reinforced bar- hil) onth~ mraeStra tacks, reemy;- durable, sanforized. M Ati Zlth. W. W. Watt and Pox- - aï,aspet the Eaeter vacations wriih Butrl tecyfulfs me their pare-i-,s, Toron.to, while Mr. nylon Panties, fits ail sizes 32 - 42. Full-eut (Hlarvey Wood Briefs) Wa tt attended Head M1asteir section Cling Woty te every curve ..., $1.00 Inl Viscofl rayon, cuffed leg .0o> <Lti.OEA ORONO WOLF CTJB NEWS __________________________________ ri ve of o-ar 2nid star Culxbs enjoytsd, ahfkIe on Saturday and gained two testsi uYward their second eta.r and' j1jlso cbtaîned the--ir bsrer badge- Evss1gs, 7Sre Open }Thie cuba ereRannie Beet, Terryl AU Day Gra avn an M cKenzie, B3uz M ercer e,. MlDurIIedA7ai dGarmey Lyeett On Mndyevenin- s.t 7:0O'ý SPRINGS BEST BUYS AT/.LJNN Hwd. power Lawn Mowér $5,495 to $12t4.e50 S TRINGQCoR8t4ROOM ONLY 69c BARBt5 WIRE Garden Hose 80 Rods $1 0.75 $2.29 per length HBXTIRA SPECIAILS FoR 1 WBEK ONLY UREAVY FARIM PER ROD LUNDY Fr'NOE 842 re'g$1.43 only Si1.23 reg $1.10O only 99Oc each 80 Ro.da Llght Larb WIre A00165 N.IAlfalfa $3 1.00 bus,.No. 1 Timothy $1075 bus. eeOUF Spring c4ktaIêgiies niiin .the. Mail fers liçat of Ex"r Speals. LOUNN H'ArRDL W ARE PH 166 rIqol led by Terry Graam Weplaycd coegamne andi ojur Sudypeniodt. MhaiFagan, Billile Todd, --i D afr~fanc R,,gerson an>i T> B-ýst ail gaineýd tesýts toward 'ü FistSar. We Iearned a new sý-_ entitled "Jolin Browni's Baby." G ur meetinlg 4closed wit>h our WolICubCrd and prayer. Bro-wnîes tmet st The scho)ol at 6:3G lzp.ri. Tesýts were puassed in skipping Q.htrîplfUrurr of auittrii ~Cshould prom pt you tj o a-i pon _us in timei of sorrow". We stre5s smple beautiful services that j p'ov cosolngto thie bereaved." J1&RTLEY . ANO I FUNERAL HOME Phone 1187 Orono, Ont. Phone 1182 Ordinasy gon-type vil burncr L enclose the. fanin i i-, %asting much of the hCat trou FP1rsnaý ,noaey-saving Vorte~x oil bumr ebWikcts ev*y I9 inch ofheating spdac. with rlch radIant h"4l CON VUIT TOUE 0W FURt4ACE * oR >ILff oi NSTALL A SELF-FIE UNf P& fiabt yo*m Dm at Ae Iton PFreau Voetx Canbeinuflin yôGr p fi uraSe-or hoi1er à* juas a few hour-..n4 Wwatcbyourfebls gifiug 40ua hecomt.st o Cg o me. o s. self-gud Vert wMtiec Cntrciak inmw wdt 0;Awmk su% fc bfE ur". - Pkirore 1481b and ýbail tlirowv for the Golden Bar and also for the Golden IlancI. Gaines were pae outaide. . Merle Gil-2 bart, the Distict Commiiis8;on-er, visi-- ted our meeting. Mary Ellen Telmiie ai Barbara .east pa.sscd their- bake2 TJhe meetirr,, dlosed wLItb pXayc- andta. Kwîdal îNews Mr. Allec L oti f Toronto bas mnother, Mas. Neva Little weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Siib Reyn-, left tiie store and Po>stý Mr. Bibi Turansky is haviwm' inEnts nmade andmiEd+. hr,, and cloyse the store he aù:ý( .Mr. and Mrs. George P- aay visited Miss Selina Giunday. Chage Rev.J.Kt SUNDAY, MAY 5th' ORONO FStiday 8<&iol at10 service at 11 erie LESLARD a Sunday School at2 Service iat a Hcw un Iron Flrem naîll, s f i SvT Ortno 18"i 1e, 0SrTEEL POST N. i. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. - N. N. N. N. N. T N. ~N. ~N. ~N. ~ N. .~ N. < N. ~N. N. 'N. ~N. . N. 'N. N. ~N. ' N. N. N. N. N. N.> N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. plione IïS2 p

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