CANAA'SPINST OLD STORAGE VAULTIS Phone 11910HC BN N Park St. H. C. i' ONOrono p REPï7AIR,ýS - RP-SýTïYL-ING - CLEANING COATfS MA21DE TO ORDER iimm y"Gardiner'- jComing to Orono Fri*day, hâay 3rd V Cana&', nse t gi Gardinea' wlu Make b1w tiret addreu îla U557 yeaula DrhamwhenCI b* wl ogune th Goc .i ------- ... t 1~ .u. GGadblner John M. li.ral Caindidat wil al. atidres jEVEIRYOINE ,James ft the Iu.tlng. WELCOME Dorhâ ijt bmri Ajs.eI.uIç JNQWEEKLY t1ME» IWRSDA7i, MAY 2ad 19457. us layr Ie. siep b (-, 1 20. Lhi proa for biei dear tlm nt- dhley JOHN DIEFENBÂKER W.M. S. Mleetirg e istCasilonr ý Studenis (Conitinued from page -1)> OfodVh Mc(Ï'u r hoe(l llo' recogiied Ithat taxes eeatOfodTn.>d-eon r tepaidl but felt that the burd en on 1 hi f s aain.Ms teogret wen wo ut f fi0 Mi ilonspoko wd-ith heart-felt r, work -was for hgorn nt warmith aný passion ab-out tii. me- B ao e dt~t-ai4scnpouemr sttd it ow' ikuo e hod-,s to ble'used in order Vo -put the 'Well theýy have done it agaïin! Yes, that< one first class honour stuident rdays w %k itlh these days work high oalling of the nmmbers of thie mntinie-s lhis -year thie sof t P ' er scrdfut oiini h reene orth wrkr imni.WA. into pra-ctice by our fellolship. 0.11.S. have proved their abllity Vo CluJb menýtioned tint fari\, prices as She said our very pcirson should iu- the 01ron1 community and1(11their mitinahghstanad, ,s wver alright but that the dol- stanItIy reveal thant we ar" enJoýyiug teachers. Just before Easter the schol- S. for~ the, Honours Club",de wa fot worth novw what it use tD the, franchise of the city of God. The, astic efforts of thie students were c'lared Mr. Watt at aninevw ii The farmecr, hie said, had to pur- W.A. Theme for this yea,,r "Ye shahV tested and suulwrVris-we," sw nk that au indfividual se on a protected field yet selilbis b. my Witness" wýas -aso the theme worthy. will not appreciate this position uin- (1,e in onheopen niariket. He, crt- for Mrs. Middleton's address. She ex- Ton students lai the sechool have less he believes thint oniy, tep-rate ed the dumping of U.S. agnricul- 2plained that the word "Witness" was hoedthat hard-work and enier'gy studenits ca belong. The staindard tisuplspraut o ordor- newhc cine froor a Greek lord can c enru ia cov(seedPosition lun th1 Whi -1has o be reached before Vi)a i-s and tint too little effort hadnd eauing ',n, r and tha-t as Goxd's HTonýours' Club. Coýnolis ,Maarten1se criiaecan b. awardled i. 75 ni made to ebtain export miarkets we are -aYing ePt atWO led Che scoel withý 85.4 per1 cenit, but On theavraeof ail subjects, wità o.u r sur pinses. would lbe %willing Vo b. mrtyrs if ,,a.,oe; fiIwe brCuie y-n fiue. abour and management Ibhrough- aecesaary for Hiri.. She suid that u el ih 4. erntad is-Al1o1mpis-eeo tritthe e- 1u land are îi. htirg g th bati;ýe the first one hundred years of tueis- bes ùiti 83.7 per cent. A special bei-ship in hs Club is, Mr. 'Watt said iT1flationýr, he snid. "Inereaised pro- tory Mf the Chistian faith sbe could w ýord of praise iiould be giveni to Cor- tint 7,1.9 per cenit weldý silnply not tion is necessary V) a-void ifa firicine record of anyono Utt&lrn eilis and Peter Maartense who prov- dIo, and nîthough i ony one small Point i as well as a mise nmoaetary POl- person 'who w-ýas respousiblle for the __________________ ade the diffeerece between an hon- Theý tighit mortey poýlicy of Vihe, gnowth of Cýristienity, but that "s u suot n second class iionoutr eraI gevernnient at Ottawa has l-1got a utie yteodnry-h othrselbudade student the ruldes were at ail t'm sed Lhe cest of bcrrowing anad de-t People sucb as wve, with_,thie one u i- wthi nauy Wl.., and gripping Vhags abided by3. ;C ied Vhto. r.1'rîe nibe44c t i f&'o-tings Vo remember amd not a fe W. ocouider the present old age eh~iP eue w*hantlhe4çý They had oy-t. were 4srebypa tted V, o îe- Th,,students wo have earned tVi4l ý.îon of ý4(;.00 a month inadequatet wanmned a chîurch i-id wcre joined move traces of tear lwhch se , reward -are îlyrgarded by Vii,5 thos3e wnare totnhly depenýdent toget,,her lu anunabrealcable flo-a ae~roften santsae. for te- ieihe'mn n lu ý eiv -h rsn l aesi n nChrist ahi were brothers, oloiares Mddeonscalhed ofifor certainreojsi- t.Webliv teprsntol ge$ip~Vakities, such as conducýting Vtiy ?i-epea Lien stni nust Ïb. reviewed ud Fellowsiiip i. a noble Vhiing sud en-amblynrsed ,m isher Voeo-.exercices eac, orig t tesc1l 1 pbing. We feeoltha't w. ielot to il~ uded" sid D. Vvian antherandit l a eod teduct Che installation ofofce. Be- Thje rfohowin_.g stuýdent_ r ebr Hospital Insurance1 nt o tig ,rthclsoftl ieigNr..ortstrn:iit lospital lusurance is a matter "'Beliong". She said that fellowsiip foetecoeo hemeigMs .fr ths e -nn TN rel, Peter r t iu hart -Libra goern -taks ts or i nany ways and that Lewery ef Kinby gave the report o!f rd 9~~l te y eat.Liera gveumntaîmoust n ne ewas immune to ithe decpo rtesy cowv tca ndiic s M atenseNormain Rî.;ckaby, Grace r cýLieal govianentsrnee 1919dfeeling ef rnostalgia wlen tue tlâ<Y> ati anaerpofMu.owranMr.SWeb prmledhopialinunnc, ndcamle abhout "Belontgiuig" te the H1mïe-Lnateo! ewnvle Grade Io0- Cornelis Matne doun te asltvutiuiVo mmr-1 Town of one's youth. S¶ie cited lier cFosllew yin rsaMdetonwh ti!k,'Ma.Lisa AaîbeLrs, Marlene GrWham. Jýae met hee reniec uti vry'~towu feclings of longing fer the sound olsn ynnntr hc he Ir.- Alhdred. Y Now, on the hasîs o!fio 1);, th(-spte fVi ac ha ee Vepast president Vo pro- «ae1-KyGah in Viis ýl1d bv O()- 1Ssk -ah o w th 'ainesperfLtke fnarto, ad nonuedVebnduQ.G-rade Il-- Paul uierfor van and Britisi Cohunaia. Otta- sl nwlie na Lk (.tao adGrd L Pu Rterod w- 'ýlannS action. " I znust go down to the sea again". Tii. Progrpssdve* Candidate stàteýd Everyone longs for feffiewship and' aï that the U.S. and Britigh go-ocrninents 'memblers of the W.A. we feed Utat had e2ut their bud'-ets whilo the Cana- loning y proviinga icefo dian go'vernirient had broughit ;i a g ae forha bum'per budget thMs year. HIe relate wOmlen where, they xrnay aaiM ta thod of F1. Hýover "tha,-t a hi ghl 1onging for fellowaiiip, and fe* lîat level of G<>verinv-nt spending is the! oeon care. Mns. oo. ended muost irdlationatry." i lier tallc by rociting a peenà beglnnin.g9 Thie Liberazl government, he estated, I "Oh Lord of pots and pans a"t thirigs lad falled txo think in ternis of 'theJ family unit, had failod ini obtaining a lose relatLiesWp with the prov. l i the hope of develoçmnents fi the .ls had set onýe governuent against sadd Vthe U-N. was net hope.. . not inother. "'T1ey are &ad faihires--.» umiUl itwa3 trieti and p-r-->en a uch. Dr Vivian critkis*ed the. set of 1The Gonservatives, he aaid, 1*11ev. anada in breakling its relatlonshîp îin an adequate -mea.sure of sýcjaleý- ith the U.X. and France over the. curity which depends tq a great deal 5ez pr)bWern and placing its faith on our o.wnprodutivit._____ Letter To The Editor = 1 Seniors neýed t'O travel by bus. R.R. 1, Ne--wt,(uviliLe Every parent la prim-anily !)iter- Dea& r,1r;ested in the pràn of his qwiij ihope yvUn uaaufn pc o!chiât, H.s ceducation should b. as mo4- the eilsdifrntn.The Council orn mas tix. world he lives iandtheii 0<f Clarke has put off for One n'ore hest you cari procureë. Some of the. weefk the third reading of the. by-law benefits of creating an entire To>wn- requestin-g the, withdrawal of three, sh-ip Are. School Board a-re. stateti Sehool Sýctions from ',fhe Area be- in my letter of Aprii 16 sont AR61 cause they do- not feýel ïure t.he la- taie IRnral &1i.ol Board Seeretarîee. terests of the whole Towî-ehip woýuld You, of Clarke Township, h&i7o to be served by it. The next xneetilg decide the ffuture of EdUcatioà -hiim wlll b. heldTi urs>day, lMay 2, at 8:30) now. Cani we catch up with ttii Vî p.nm at Or<>no Town Hall., as very amall cornunnities ci go ing These four plans for iniprovement it,. ,«,,n way or wou-ldn't we dlo M Ed<ueation are ,uggested:- bottr jiyb al together 7 (a) a conisolidated iebool (eight'- Yours sin'erely, grade school) to whieh ail children Mroria Wcstheuser woudbLetakenby bus -ex. Cazt- Eoeis a cpy 1.4a lte wrîght.'which 1 expet sVwiil hopublisheil i (b> to four roonied ac-hools -for three loical ,,,eekly'Papýers this weelk. cildren of Vhree or four sItioain ~ writing t'O a3k for thi n.eet expe-nsive. u-iders-tanding and! support of 74ur (c> using present schools which are schol Board. Di no way do 1 critî- adjacent -ý l- one 'ha-'ie Graes iVo 4 the School Bo'ards - yoýur job 15 an nthe other Grades 5 Vo 8- few'i eM-yii opesepo4 w er childrexi to traiLspoit. ays (a) give the, children the. best (d) in present schjoois, Grades J-~ teachers, tet. that you can he te 6 only. Strate-gicaIly lixated ini the udon't raise the-ir taxes orý Tewnvrshtp have Seiiour casrocns change trie accustomed ,,,ay of lIfe. awecemodute Grades 7 and 8 oIn4y withi Parents' chieýf objection te bringing the best teachers av-aila.bie te pre'pare 5t,, or tnree schoolýs togethler --- for 4hieîn Aer High &hools - only the (conrtinueti oen page 3) Stove Oi 2$1 centspe v igor uilCo. Ltd. SFuel For'lg RONO 5-7àr- OSHIAWA RA. 5-1109 FORDt-Mo: Il:1A 1Â~ Ai I I 'i 72i9-4 d Cars Ou . ompkpIe ser vice uarantet-4 yer rïwtad - rIviuig pi.asuro» 4 f at your food store k SERVICE