Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1957, p. 1

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ES e 'VOLu Ne.2 O1tONO, ONT., MAY 2-id 1957 Subsctipti on $1.50 per ye --- 4-Hî Club Held Achievement Day At Orono -OO. Hall Trhirty-Lour 4 H Homexnaking Club1 gir'j 'whoatsad cpinspl e f si mHome -mieaiers comnplefed the project "Cet rtkin-Cles ami pins Bacrbarain îen Accessomies forrfthc Club Gir'smaig Cu rjts Baba iiedeoi"bOono, April 2ýth. The Hoe'ey and Helen Koiox, Solina Club Aechicvenent Day for Club nibers Joan MJorLon, Betliany Club, Joan :-nd Leaders froni four comminunities Davey -and Jacqueline Roscrear, 'ly- iu Durhama Co-Lnftr mas he'Ld ia the roue. Eleanor Roywan, Bethany, coin- Odd Fellows Hall in Orono. plc.ted Proviticial l1onours w-,ithiitsý projcet. Mil. Eric Mebean, President Many visiters attendcd the day's ef lie Easf Durlam Wciinea's Insti-1 ,prcgrammne and viewed flic Club nmcm- tutc prexbt-ned thec Ca,ýerteane er bers' exhibits which containcd cetten p n te, Eleanor. d<resser scarves, eliair pads, bcd- Duiring the aftcmavoon, cosicurful and spread-lsaa nd aste paper baskets.- The attractive eXhibits,- cntatin fg- Club lub mninbers constmucted the sc e iesac-cessor-ies 'vere set up by ,ssoies for their owni bedroouis as foLli' Clubs p'a1biciPating anflic Pro- well as a- Record Book giving, an aýc- j0ect1 acli exhibit 'vas explaiued by oiu~' f whant fhey liad lcarned duir- a m;mmIcr >f ta Cub The commenta-, ing the pojecf ineluding samiples of tors ,were Joan Morton, Bthany;. their sewing.- Each girl 'vIe ceain- Afagaret Syer, Ga-van; Shirley Quan- pletcd icheproject satisfactorily- and triliÏ, So1inai; and Audrey ýVoed, Ty- -teho atteuded Achievemnent Day r-me.D-emostratins on "Cotton Ac-ý 'ceived a sterIng slver H-omeimaking ceaýOmies fOr tfie Club Girls Bcd- Cluli spo-on arci a Re-ord of Achieve- rom"'ere aisec presentedi by, theý mient. Ce-rtificates of Acievemient Li~ClUbs. -we-re presented toe folLelowing girls Leaders for this poject were. Mrs. -ývho hiad- corrpllted two prejeets. IjMansel Finney and Mm. R. G. Pres- &3ndra Gibsea, Cecile Park, Tymone, 'Club; Mabel HluggIns, Solina Club tons lethany, Mr. H. L. Challice and andLousc insian Cal-n C j . Mrs. -Mcl Ca am; Mrs. Ewart ~~~and~~~~ Leis inxaaCaanCub a~ nd Mms. H. YellowieeS, Sehin1a; Pat. K~x onAlice BrwM .Wodifey ans Ima A. Youn1-g- flazel Grylis ad Nancy Snldler, Ca-.lman, Tymone. van, reeeived ccrtifioates on tflic cer-1 Miss Frances Lamnamau olpme Er- ~petlon of four pro jeefs. Shirley onmt for the Ceunties >f, Durhami, 'Quantmll received her Certificate of Peterborough and Victoria 'vas n Acihlvemieat havîng complcted fer chiarge of the1 pregrmie. -Miss Jeani _ffomemaking Club pi-ojeets. Scott, Supervisor ef County andI Dis- Mrs. W,.-H. Bro'wn-; President Of the frct Honee conomists, Homie Eecqn- West Durhiam DistrictWmes In- onîles Ser-vice, Guelphi, assisted Miss -etitïtes pm-eseited County Honour. Lamprfan. Àniual Presbytery W.A. Meet I-eJd Ini NewcÉastle Local Fife Departacof Aiixiliary Pomper Dcm.nstra-1 Dr. Vivia n Declares Dictatoirsh ÎP Stops Fhie, No Damiage ted Te 1-rono Fire Depi. Seios hý-daag wsaverted OnMonday'evening the 0one Pire INeed New Partners At Ottawa o t ir epartment answered a cal1 Polie. Trustees observed the opera- to the home of Mr. Ken Tohnie short- tion of a pyrtable auýliary pumperi People Trom ail parts of Durham t, awa that will do sonething far im, ly after five o'clock. The fire was held in action and were impressed wieh riddng attended the Progressive-Con- he emphiasizedl, a gove-crnrn-ent ,viVii in check and soorn brought under con- ,he performance of the miachinE,, Thet servative Party rally in the N.e-%7 -sense of realisrn,» trol and extinguuished. lamonstration was held in the north!castie Cûinmunity Hall Friday even-1 Mr. Foote attacked the Liberal »oâ. Fir 'rok ot i, 1uýtrc1s n ai f the Villaog:e punipimg water out of ing. An enithusiastie reception was icy of &qualized paymnents wheeb.. upstairs hedroqn ad quiîckly filled the ereek. The portable pumnper a given Io John Diefenbaker, the parvty provinces sueh as Alberta w1here »- the top .ft1eliusewilh ens used to f111 the AlUn fire tank nt flie leader, an~d to Dr, . . *Vivian -Port 4aebt occurred was gi %-en ilil1ions et simoke wich stopped anyone entering tne time of the demonstration. Hope, Progress4vý,e-Conservative can- dlaswihi en undbe the trouble area. With üh4aria ýutwai didlate for Durhiam riding in the cm-the people. He said they had noe h- Ihe wssonthrough the denion- jing federal election The hal asv*cinofucinais i)ingl Mties p4 O4 rono FreDepartment gas tteh vs ~cln fmn e Marigtimneedybut* masks 'vere put into use' and the ould be uszed as an individual Piece'Tep ien fteDuhmPo they did objeet to equalized paymeatf source of thie fire 'vas s4'on Lound.- 'Lr fgtn eupet rji Thyge rsi e -ofrvtihe Durhation otercerpGî J'he niattress was practically al!) iefgtn qimno nly retovethe richer provincesoiati. burait before 4t was extuguisbed The : et the present Orone ;Pump4er* Alec <arruthers, Garden HillI, 'as Trnbute ¶To Candidaite mattras 'as tssed ut fsc were rmn with fthe auxiliary on the eairna.Ohr n h ltom Michiael Starr, Conservative ran matrssws osedot il wýüv,.bohforms of fire fighting. As a ran tese teIafr didate for Ontario s.peke to the gatt- Very littie damage was donse x- ~aeapeec qiuettep- vere: Michael Starr, MP, and Mrs. cept by guioke. sprt i Ieqimn h u-18tarr, Osh~awa; Gordon K. Fraser, ering and in so doing coniplimented' per praved an effective nmachine teMPanMr.Fareebrohth Asoaic for i'he choice ef aý ideaW n , a upply w.te, to any ffire vunder its Mr.Ae-arterDvdHgo candidate, Dr P. Vvian, to i%-pre-ý Uddeilws id AirCaets Gnpesue ýcss'ee > rsdenA, Rowmanville Progressive: sent 'ffien f or Durham County, DLr- wheie flic auxiliaryr pumper sup Conseirv '3'socaioan Vvan, he sanid, is an able anid caPa-b1le- Attend Devine bService water froin the streain te flhe OrontHigon Roand oxiprtio adnt Pr.cnnit, a an0 caie.1la pumiper w',-hicli then relayed it on te1Rln epeiet ote,,niaý.ammo afie k On unaymomin Te Oon od-the ire. In joint use wit.h the OroouHpc re rssv-os.raieAssoc- capabilitv lins Feurogizd t-~ On Snda nirniig he ron Od- pr i prvedtha itcoud spplý aation, and Mrs. Jex; Tom Wallaýce, ed Mr. S&arr. ;Mr. Green in introdue-~ fe1llow's Lodge and tLhe Orono Squad- 1nlei tprvdthth ol spd president, Newcastle Progtzessive -1 ing the candidate pointed to thfe fâet imon of Air Cadets took part in 'the the. necessary amount of 'vater to Conservative Association, am-, d Mrs, 14hat Dr Vivian when a i be t divine service hedd ini the Orono _Un- m1 ti go upyar rsueWallace; Reeve Ilarry Jose ocf Ne'v- the Proincial houie held t n tm ited Churcli. at any ire I castle,_ and Mrs. Jose; 1ev. John t wo motn cabinet positions, lmirt A oit huchprae ashed y Later at the fire hall a demoi- Foote, VC, Minister of Reformn In-1ister of Health and Minister of W.). AI jto locporgadeizatns, led ystration of an oxy1gen niask 'vas car- stitutiens for Ontario, and Mrs,.ILare. Dr. Viviar., stated u\m.- Greer, a fj Iy lcaml w1imatOm1, eno bnid eï ut showing fthe advantages cf Foote; aad àMr. and Mrs Normian Iaise set up The Nort11umberland-Doi'ý Theparde as5d aongCbuch auch a mask over that of thec present Green. hani Hëalth Unit -which is ace~ àll sretuo bch.î1a Ot he 'rono departmient. The ox mnnas1c corsages to IM7js{ l>efenbakeir and children in thec Counties. "When fil- bW. e~ad Sacklton Nole is a self contained unit whick igtiardslMrs. Vivian was made by' two l iffl ected to the' Fe eral field there wil Mr. erad Sacklton N(11eits weamem against all gses rather f girls, Jacqueline Garrod and Candy be no task too great,» stated thei Grand e the Oreno Lodge coadueted then, juàt smoke as do theflcal-purpese Stork. speaker. thé Respoirnive eadîng. Flight-Lien,- T&sks. Need New Partners Candidate DeMlares Dicttrý,î tenan~t R.. J. Tagg-art of the0-11 nReai»t teadene hr"hsostemstipran le Air Gadet &quadron read tihe serip- A brief meeting 'vas held following In. .up eag tficd ienethe "Tioheis fs anadeamsiimnrte ep tihe demotnstrations il the Police Hn .Foe ttdta lcLn te edi aaasneth ei. fume lesson Trustees,'irme Ce ndlanHrrs ~cial stup beti,'ee lice deralrocity election in 1911," Dr. Vivia The Rev. John i itehen spoke te lis preseut. Thc complete portable puni-Gevernnient and thec Provinces mvas annriuced te gtreat appladise ' ThîUa large audience of the c tue values of per )wiVh suctioun hose and fittigs 1one rwhich 'vas grossly. unf air te fetectionir alyipra t o',"e life and poinitcdto-thire fnk symubos aoatdte $584.00. The ccst cf tc,- Province of Ontario. Jle clàimed that thc sa nie reasons~ as tdiat oue was,' cf ueOdfelo'semlen a wrty el ontied mskt a < Ontario lad given -op hope of receiv- continuecb 1'hes e reasous are the- This ~ask ca be rehargoffor asurflling its faqim share Lom the Federall strengtheigcfCmo eatfIs vlÂMCO 11,d im iLJJI t v~O iip eThsnak a erehredfra 1 l ,__ L - " "Frendhi", Lov",and Mi.E ..Csns fth ot-uay in tic past year w'voe rend and value wh'Iicl was conne<cted te tthe air.insteoe United Churi c f OsiawaIt a large -bouquet ef - 'vhite car-nations Cadlets, fils bcing "Citizieeisbip", ',ia -vas isale as tha u eW 1Prcsiàp0n f cf 'as placed On the Commnunion Table further explaiacd asý a truc value cfi tlic Prcstbyýt.-Y Womnan's Association la their memaiosy.livig. ,at fh lianuai- meeting lcld in V_ FMm . E.D. Conisi moved àa vte Flovn i evc i dL 'astie reccntly. Mrs. 3. C. Fisher, ef Thanîlls te al fie conunittee chair- 1ios an Ai Cesvic e d g viLe -cf tic minister Of Vt'hlChurch, meri n a- xeoufive nienmbcrs 'vi lad 'flic M'ai teCaets i 'L a ong a -cud1uetc& the ins;tallation of officessmade<treports during flc e the uig, ticreflet-s iHal alicouno aIms,7edratte Pasf Pres*dent - Ms. thaf ail tee oftcn mce hear 'viii,ýa ulig j: TnibynOrono. 1sf 'Vice presi- finiereports 'vithouf a theugît cfMuipaBilng "dent, Mrs. L. C. Rierclis-dm, Wiifby.1thfe aineunt of wonk entailed. .nhpuYC aîg z2ad Vice President - Ms-s. Cha-les lýev. M. C. Fisher of the , N ewv- T iylor, IHamypton-. Recomdin Secere-cnteCuc cvdHl oma ±ary - Mrs. J. C. Naylcm o lubu. ion, assisf cd by two lady Eiders frein T ihrwlB-a Treaurev- Mss. M. J. Hebbs, Ennis- Nwtnv lletd two froni Courtice.___ kIhllen. Corescsonding Secseary - During fie lunch leur greetings Or Thursday evening of- last wcek Mr. , . lak. Press Secrctamy - 'vere leard froni 11ev. M. C.( ealrg ersnai -Ve ffre IlM-s. H. E. Grose. lu addition chair- rcprescating his cdurcI and aseasSdIooi sec-tions Nos. 1, 8 ýansi 9, Port -mno f coenniitees mes-e ramed: Secretary cf flic Oslia'a Psesbytery, GanbyAfoias okir' e Litcmature - Mss. J. VJlsl and Mrs. both L ieand 1ev. S. C. H. A'tkinison,lspc-vy, Altochagndil et'es- itc,;re- Mkansell Stacey; Chrsistian Stewý,ard1- chais-ian cf fhe Oshamýýa Pr-esbytes-y,, cd pessous attendcd a public meeting î ip - Mrss A. M. Buftler; [Devýoficus -Ispoýke highly cf thi important 'o- aldby fhe Counlcil cf fthc Townrhip ,X. Rex H-arper; Leadership) Edu- of flic 'vomen cf tic chus-ch. In fie of Clar-ke te disruss the pas-ficulars <-tion - Ms-s. A. A. rwe aro--abseacc of Mss. K. C. Hopkins, presi-ipstiigt>tcrqctc lcfic ýage - Mreý, N Alves; Osgaîzation - dent cf the Oshawa Presbytes-bal, Mrs.. sciocl sections te mitldraw frein fli, Mira. M. J, Taimblyn; Visiting auidijFie,(r ffered greetiings ri that .Toewnship Public Snhool Aren. Chrbi.s-an PEIllwslip - Mirs. Ray Hut- lorganizaaioa te flic W.A. nil as an cbiison; Nominationýs - Miss E. Peu- i eder sistes- 'vould ps-aise a younger Thc meeting 'vas aise attendcd by ioeuud; Bumsary Fund - Mrs. A. A. one, Since thec M.S Preabyferial iesbr4 e-fie Board cf the Public Drummised, Mrs, W. C. Ives and Mrs. j latwenty years olsI and the W.A. jusf School As-ca along 'iti fie Inspector MureIYd W erry. ten ycars. Scated etthfe iead table of Public Sciocis, C. A. Houes. Thc annual meeting commeaced at iVere Rev. and Mms. R. W. T. Middle- 1V iews, boti for 'vltlidraw,ýal fs-oaa -Id 4e o'elock in the meraing 'iti M-s. ton fs-cm Belleville Presbytes-. ss remaiing 'viflithe Tow-ýnship Schiol JK J. Tanablyr presidiug.- Mm. 1'nrn-1E. D.* Cornisl, Ms-s. S. C. Atkno As-ca, 'vere eapressed- JrIyn andsIMr. George Waltoni, pes- s-. yten Lpc, Ms-s. W. C. IvfeSi ,eiet cf the, -Ne-,,cas-tlc W.A., 'vol- Mr. R. H. Wylie, Mcm. Roy Corn- Afs- some t'vo heuIrs cf, dîscusa cîemed coves- oi, hunds-ed ienibcrs lsl and Mm. Water Jackson cf tfie ion flIc GfreTwhrp Côuficilgave w*rd aise extended an invitation Lfs- Port Perry W.A. conducted fie De- fie b-a e mfdaa tv ed ailý tû rtay fer lunch. Alter flic sou- vetional perio inlutflicaffernoon, as- to1 eic nathsI ansI finay s-eadng kine bIusiness. tMrs. J. Scott cf Albert sisfed by Ms-s. S. Ca'vkem and Mils. t cgvna i eea-Myiet 9treet Uniitêd Chuscl saisI fiat if E. Kennedy wiao sang a duet. ing of Counicil in Orono. woul'd ha a picýasure fcer the-m te have Mes. M. J. Taniblyn gave flicps-es- with the fiird reaiding the petitien thc nmeieif flic Presbytery WV.A. idenit's s-pot felling aboulthflic ary is tien prscicated te tich OntaoDe hiold fie Eaul Rally nt Albert Street -laits and tals sic lad been nsked pas-rment of Educatien Lor ir el-p- CIhus-ch. Thifs ianvitationi'vas grafe- te miaIe as prc-sideiitaind fie benefifs ps-ovai. 'Mary f ccl fIef h is onlY 3a ,tilly accepted amidftic date 'vas set sic lad dersived d-trin;g lier f'vo-year formiality andI fiat fie Vhs-ce schoûis for cteer 4tl, Tc Mmorial ses-- terni as president. Sic aiise ttaked eý'v seele>ig sanat~ rn i ice 'as conducted by mniii'iibem <>ýj aihose on the executive for their 1onship Sciooc Amea 'vil tuis em- AJhbert Strs-etW.A., essisted by tfiels- fine ooeainadsppr n igtrib oeaîgtfi W pa*nrister, Mr. S. C. H. Atkjiasca, wîo cn-deratiter n uprt d g er lc pe-iiigtcrP ovndre sang a soalo, "Sanie Day lil Undes-- adfa i m-nn rsidnt spectve chOls udepedn. c i ~taud accmpa.ned at iePipe Or- uld lic assuarcd of fie ale assf-,TowvnsiPShî lA-a ;nby Mr. Nomri-an Williams Of OSi- ac1cffe s-euiv.r3.pakl Tisetala-gpa-tlafU cr- The of ferlng 'vas- dedicated by Mrs.sea ( vxce mes-e Mrs- S. C. H. Atlinson, Mms.. )FCriiiX4oiriaf-edte s ili M.e. o Cia.ytcn Lc.e aindIMrs. J. Scott.Tc1.Csniiif-dcd i pae rono,, Friday ight 9 Pw itmes cf '72 miiemP;h() lad passed îflic aftcmcen. Mss. Cosnisi aaid fhat n1tliough -ý3ie hasI neyer net Ms-s. I\Middlton .before, tint sIc feif snc James G. Gardner, Fedlemal Mini- lad mdcanoier eai Lncadwlcp tes- of Agricultur-e, la te be tic gi-i-ca La o sic lid adelnc itie t on. SIec peaker at a public meetinIg birg Thequt îor ~ ~ ~ Ththes -idfit -M-, Middlettn, vifec of icld in, tic TO'nshiipHall,Ose, R P . W. T. Middletoa of Belleville ils Fiay eving s May red , Tic Thtc u a1a<~s tc bffl tebc~masa ntie of Aber-deeni, Scotard. meetingisbig pesrd ytc Loif bfoo lwa vcthes-y is 'onbl Asuniity mauf miIterai Durban, Couuty Libemal Association fogT mnny e.the ik fey must A lvrsi, raut ndl l.ec t9; -l Too mvictery befoey bate.aveu teadies- iu universty 'vio cam-e freiln ad 'viiicoml, d i :0~m fevcoyb flicth -tte. a vos-y scho1ariy Lamiy, haviug onejAs utepeg1a'iil i brother a prof essor et Cambridge and I Lit'is-ai candidafte for Durliain Ceuinfy ~ 0' o~o~ df (onfilnued on Page 2) John M. James. -- ,vtibreas tlie present iasks g6verrument and that tliey ',Vould ne)teuUpIioldiiigour relaiaons 'vas the t ipn4g like 4vhat thcY sliould IntdStatesý; lie developmient ai "We ý,need nc'v partuers af otta'va,Î C- Canda for Ca aa. This is t st- It 'va-," te opinion of those, con- said Mr. Foofe. ing timie for th1 people of Cana-da. cerned that tflic pumlper would give HalLflice revenue for fth edea Great issues are at stake. Tlieps-es.. added protection te Orono and espec- geverlnment cernes froni thc ?rcvlace e(nt Led er-ai goverimietblias faâlPet thý jally te ýthose properties outside the cf Ontario statcd tie speaker. Here country in f'vo ays. Thp mest sr Village wlio have centhacted for lire Mr. Foote csifcize-d lic Ottawa geov- iolis failuire is f at, it I o s rotpsa protection from tfhecOmonio brigade. eruiment for ifs cq,-ualizcd payment tcctcd or gu'arded, our-ofiuf- TheOroo Plic Tustes re~tesceee f or fthc prqsrrceps. This or tic inherent riglits cf primrt 'nes- flooic ~ce -s cfflicarer a chre, lie said ch vs gmes--sly unfais -1A large i-nmbes- cf Ncw Cnda te Onta'te prc>seofhaveuinpce-"ielies-e for Lieedoým but tuei a eieo their u ci.4n r ,le y~ ear. The unf air- action of the Libemalj country since the 'var tim-toiigUh patjy a reieWcf tîem bdge fo flc yar.party, aîîegced Mr-. Fonte, lias cre- lins allo'ved dfSe lte sVlp .info as f7srn atcd difrleulfieýs -for fie provinrcial a dcnorhpas ie as nyw-; A isp~itigNiI~r an-d muniicipial neemiments . Ontarioi in tie world. A dictatos-ship b-y fie- Atteid Aod Dac otas ectting enougi nioaey te liveicabiniet for fhe cabinéft. Th(, e'cted à h 1'iUrt jjeon, lic snid, re,,r te carry or its me-1 ieprescutantives o'fbticpreople halva ';S, ~s-po nsibilities. He tVhs-entes-led tint ad-ji been prevenited froin making thieir chld their annual <dance anid daw la msary te carry on ticeîïresent progmarn 1 Dm. Vivilan <Ite red tiafflic Libe- flic Tewship Eau Orono o Frdy 'uh h le said ýwould be casriîed on ait al Pai-fy lad LaiiIcd te let Canîadiiane evening wlien àhbqu t sevct-fv'ail costs. spend their o'\vn oney flic way flopy WVLV i 001. AlC<kVI1Çl*~ '~~' ~ .~~ -We Nvant a -overi-a-ent in O (otiui npaei dance 'vas ratier disappeinfing, :Music for the dance 'vas provided by local nmisians includiug James Lcmvery, Max and Lloyd 1ansberry and fhils-group. llhround ansI square danc-ing mvas euijoyed by tie dancig partuexis. Laites- initic eveaig flic dram 'vas lcld for fis-e ucky ps-lacs. Fisst prize, a Spiing rod and rs-co, 'vent te Nule Kovwey of Bommanville, se- coud prize, a fiy rod, 'vent toE miej Bomen of Orono. flird prize, a reel,~ 'vent te Murray Venues- cf Oshiawa. 120 Attend 1 Otû A.uiversary 0f Newcastle Lions Clubi Close te eue iundred and t'venty aftteaded tiie Tenfl i nversary andI Ladies' Nigiat cf tic Newcastle Lions ýClub on Tuesdav evenins'. The annuali evenit -xas lield ic heOs-)n-o d- fcllo'v's Hal-, Prescrit fsri Lions International.. wcre -Distprt Gevenor, Jini Joins and Dcputy GscnsDea Goddad 11611 spokie glowing merds cf praise.for tfl aecomiplshmeats of tic Newca.itle Ciub during fie past feni ycars. LiofI ,Presidenf, Breuto n Rickaird, assistedI py tIc Ciarter- Presidern Pec-Hlas-c, icted as cliais-mar.1 Tic ladies cf fIe Keudmi Unitecd Chus-cic catercd a miost fasteful tus-- îey banquet te fi-ce Lions and&flis- gi-este. 1-Follo'ving flic usual toasts flic gati- csing m vas reyally enfe-tained wiý-thI ilmos- and rliymical soiigs Jy a group fs-cm Brantford.1 John Diefenbatker Intlri Agriculture - Labour, )duces Policies> Ru-imig a lttié ebind sc eflic t 'eold and z.conferececcof tfI- Ruringn uIlebchnd cIeial,'British Ceai-ta weal-Vi rations Lo- it wnas aLtos- nin4e o',cledk bfm John Diefenbaker, Leader cf fie Ps-ogres-' sneepaso' ceerct e sîic-eConserrvativij pairty arrivc-d at I need te assure markets teo or LaSin- tic Commuait>' Hall li- Newcast le. ,"Tcsy'v iolIsiufoig Frlday, te address tIc 550 party aid- Thys wholse ifrig hes-utsaadoflorsla ie nte-ca cfcusrcacy," lie te d lis audience, "but~ Vee candat ersfine idiamgcf s--oflie U.S.A. lias engaged in fie great..- ham 'Dr. R. P. Vivian. Tic leader and clegs reaa cyltesin-y. e his wife 'vere oscesited toteicplat- challnres eus- akýtesin eur-en-, forai by Alec Carruthers, president aonf riestiby -tt ingi- fi-rs-e>' of ticesiding association, tote i ve- ir ie. eaddfo cfthpie of Vie Bowmuan-ville Le-"liUSA.sgm- aloe-tI gron Kiflte baud. He 'vas ints-educed 'mte S-id âcî ivc g fs lmg e athie- by Cor~don Fs-nzes-, M.P., Peter- saepiec naanfle-ow bos-ougli. aigveemcrîts; a msîse-icussiuto. MmI. Diefenibaiker snîd if 'výas inter1- Lauds Free Baterprise csting te kno'v tiiat üfl ic Mistes-(,)F Referrng totelcconcenItration 0! Agriculture mo-ilId be speaking ini thi industmy iin ths district, lie csse-fte&, riding next 'veck amd fies-cfo e licthast the c~csvcCnesvt~ cdhose teo pen lhis address witiic pas-ty had aIay1 ben afiIî ot -Progreýpssive-Cous-esvativc epelicy oni ni-anmi works ýxiti bisls ."Tace agriciClui-e. lic advecaf ichemd- fs-ce erte4s-ise systecm," lie pêîed -option cf a flexible formiula for n OUI, j-oUPi-I v 1h elffecLtive eradie pricc-support lu correction mfithunions off-erss aadian laboi'rL, te famm preducts. Hc nrged thatît suchbebst assuratice cofyppemrtun1ity andIse- support lic cstabllied mclIinlamd- cucity an thfli igiesi p)osl.D.e stan.. vanice if tfliccrop seasor fin os-des- te dard cf livang. 'le ait tainj this," le give Vlie fo)jrmula an equitable shame said, "-we shaii ak(e tic mafintenance- lai tic national income, througi mn. ad- cof fulli erapicyni unt 0dmý pr.ana y ol.. equa-te parity based on fais- prices. jective. We shati revise ýon-1ciliatiGP Caugiat lu Tic Squecze lcgislation-elnn ato e epreseafjt "The £armer", hc saisI, las been ps-olonged delnys; ,o-operate if he eauht n he quezebelmeco failing provinices te pi mote u.iifor7miuy of prices and rising costs.' Hec fustics- labour legisîntioe ". ILd-,ocated a streiig ansI progressive 1lHc claimced tiat if flie P.C,'s mer«- Spolicy cf selling ia evcry couur-Yi (COntinueid on Page 8) l'mie mm, , acy are th4ý'ý,

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