Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1957, p. 4

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14IRSTj * "Dear Amne Hirst: Last month 1 lef t the husband &I maried in September. I could not stand bis crazy jealousy. We had gone tegether four years, and I tliought I knew bur through and tbrough; yet just a montb after W'e Married he said a -friend tiwore be saw me out with an- otheX man! When I denied it, -erefused to believe me. "Soon after Oui- mari,-e h* began gettitlg home late, would not sit down to the dinner 1 fad ready, and. baîf the ime, put bis thinigs on again and ieft the hoiuae. I could fil a book with tie mean littie slura he cast, the arrogant -way he be- biaved. . . 1 love hlm deariy anid 1 bave done everything I 3triew to make bum contented. Mnenves ai-e trained to the b reaking point, and I f eC- s(> bieiless. "I have left bibiIarn i back vvlth my nmother. And what a changed man he ia! He is just as lie was when we were dating.' H[e takes lvotber and mne out te dinner as 0f ten as we'll1 go; be brings us theater tickets; even- drvsus te cburch, and lic 11adn't gone since we were mai-- ried there. I arn up a Vi-e. I aryi 0most tempted te go home witb Ihlm' as be begs, yet I arn holding Pn te niy common sense. "I couldn't go tbrougb ail that îmisery again, and I've aimost aecided te divorce hlm. (He la 0, Pin25). What dû you think? I MARY FRANCIS" ANOTHER CHANCE? ~'Some men are so un! or-1 tiwVuatcly made that they ca-,n- "net be contented away f romn *the crne they love, yet can- Snet make bier happy with *themn. Your huband's being se *much eider accounts for bis *jeaieusy, I should say, and that ia aimost impossible te dispel. I f he were more objective, he rWleek's Sew- Thrifty Sew this aidorab1le frock for dagtrin a jiffy! See th1e dia- f ram; it's the EASIEST! She'll1 ove'- the style; cool scoop neck- Inne, saucy bow trjim of contrast bsinding. Make several in easy- .to-launider cottons - keep hier smcartly d(ressed every day this Pattern 4766: Children's Sizes 24, 6, 8. Size 6 requires 2'2 yards 3-nhfabric, Tihis pýattern eaSY to use, simn- ple- to sew, is tested for fit. -Has ýompiete illustrated instructions. SendL FORTY CENTS (40c) (stamps canriot lbe accepted, use pûstalt note for safety) for this pRttern. Please prïnt plainly N1Z E, NAlWIE, A DD RES SI MTLE NUMBER. Sexid order to ANNE ADAMS, Itox 1, 123, Eighteenth St., New loronto, Ont. ISUE 17 -19573 *would know the surest way to *hold your love is, to keep you *serene, whiebh le does not do. *The humiliating scenes hie Sforces upon you, his keeping )-you on the defensive witb i antastic charges, leave you *outraged yet helpless. ~'Fromn more of your letter *(toc, long to print), I picture *you. as an eager bride who " used ail bier talents and in- " genuity' to make hier ma- * riage permanent. Your bus- *band lives in a home that you_ *redecorated for him, wbere hie was served delicious meals. *Yeu have no other interests St1mn yeur man and your *church. Why doesn 't he hurry h om~e every night to ewt *you mnust listen to trumped-up Squarreis, unfounded charges oic disloyalty and' his unex- *plained absences -- leave you * iiserable and frigbtened. *Surely you havq cause for 'divorce if that is te be. Yet * bs ardent attentions since yen * lft hlm, bis promises tG trust *you entirely, mray reaily mean he beas finaliy beguni to appre- cidate ali you are and ah ycu've *done for him, and that he only *awaits yeur consent to prove *it. Perhaps, your leaving was *the -shO)ck lheneeded. Besides, * you stili, love him. *There is oiniy one way te *find out whether he can keep * is word. Go bacl< te hlm. If *he f ails you again, at least you *wiil know you were chari- 'table. *Somie readers wiil say that 1 arn condemning you o the *same problems you ran away *fromr. Yet it seens worthwbiie o ime to give the man a bec- *ond chance, boping for the *hapipiness you Vought was *assuired. TOO MANY ARGUMENTS "Dear Anme Hirst: 'mn 16, and in love with a boy Vwo years older. 11-e la friendly wvith every- body, he dresses nicely, and al the faii ike him a loi. But we've been. having di*ffereneces cf opinion lately. "He doesn't think 1 care for bimi. How cari I show hlm I1 do wijthout being forward? I'd like o get serious, but I know l'in 1young for that. "Every time we settie oDe thîng another crops up, and then we get mnad at each other ai over again. PI jealous when he talks Vo another girl, though he 1neyer dates any o! themr. -Please aidvise me. WORRIED." * Perhaps you are seeing this * boy toe often. Though you care * for- him, at your age it is smnart * o have more than one boy * t take you out; comparing *this one wvitb others is salu- 'tary and whoieseme. I advise *you o see hlmn less frequenit- *ly, and cuitivate other friends. *Watcb this jealiusy. Boys i seon desert a girl who, gets *possessive, and you are- ikeiy *to, lose hlm i f you aren't more *careful. Why~ should he give *up alilis ther frîends? Ifyou *keep on watcbing every mnove * he makes he wili grow resent- * fui, arid that's the beginniing * of the end. * If a girl and boy yu ages '~agree on al subi ects al the *time, 1f e wouid be duller than, ,.ou think. As you both ro *Up you are bound to have *differences on a numtnber o!,, *thingls, but if you keep ou *temper and don't make -issues *of every ittie argument, you'Il * iun a_ better chance o! holding *hlmi, *The teen years brim with *probieis, Yours are slight *cournpared with others. Re- roniber, though, there is safe- *ty in numbecrs, and piay fair. Don't let it lie said of you that you refused the one you love a isecond chance, No one who pro- fiesses to be a Christian rai) ai. lord tW turu her- back on such a plea. If the~ cireumntances nmake .WII Probe Secrets 0f The Green Slime Above the chantiqýg of thou- sands of fascinated onlookers, wbo made ne effort Vo inter- vene, ceuiti be heard the terri- fied shrieks o! iovehy young girls who were bleing hurled Vo their deatb at the bottoinio! thec sacri- ficial well. The procession o! dêath wound its way te the edge of the wel !rom the temple near-by, an'd the kicking, screeching beauties struggled frantically in the tyran- nicai grip e! their merciiesa cap- Vrs. The grimrn ad horrifying ituial contimued until over five hum- dred lovely youhg girls had been sacrified-to appease the dread- fui mensters that were thougbt Vo dwvel en the bcd e! the deati- pit. Se anxious 'were the supersti- ieus Mayans' te please the aw-, fui creatures beiieved Vo lui-k in the depths cf the well, that only the most beautifu' maidens ýwere sacrificed. Doting parents even pray 1 fer theiný daugbters Vo grew into dumpty, plain girls, in order that they migbt escape the notice of the temple piests who made periodie raids in searcli of "_ippeasrnent" for th~e horrible beasts they feared. To make the lovely offeninga more acceptable, each maiden was adorned with beautiful jade carvings suspended' on golden chains, beavy gold bracelets set with precieus gems, bangles, an- Mlets and glittering rings. Bistorians wbo bave studied ic customa n od lore of the May- an people, who imhabited the Yu- catan peninsula cf Mexico at about the tume the Normaans were cenquening Bitain, are covinced that durinig these sa- crificial ceremonies vast wealth was consigned Vo the murky waters o! the sacrificial well. The waters are se deep, how- ever, that efforts Vo wrest the fabuhous treasure from the mud bave se fan met only witb, par- tial success, mmnd experts dlaimr that today more than three mil- lion dollars' worth o! treasure stihi lies there. And a further at- tempt is tVo be made V o raise the peýl*lied gcid, precieus gems and carved jade'that the May'- ans gave te the mosters of the D ïi". TI-e mew saivage eperatiens, which wiih eos-t about $65,000 are being sponsored by Mexican bankers and businessmen. Hydre- logists, engineers, divers and frogmen wil bc, recruited f nom mamy countries Vo probe, the se- crets cf the weil, which was found ir the ruined temple o! Chichen Ita in the bemrt oC the Yucatam juingle, A connaissance dive bas given risc te expectatiens that several hundreti feniale skeleF.tons will îbe fourd in the silt which is ten feet thick. These w-ihl be con- sig'ned Vo, a drier burli-al place nearby. Much o! the tIreaisure-, beiieved te bec, ili mdlorning the bores, will find its way tVo museFums al oven the wonld, 'for- the craflts- mnanship o! the Mayans is biled by cennoisseurs as excellent, mmd Iis expected that rec--ord bids wilbe miade for -seme o! tbe. gemns. IV was at the turn cof the ceni- turn that the famous Amenýricar arcbaeoiogist Edward Thomrpso)x mmde an attempt Vto recevE!r the "treasure of the gif t vui-gins." Bis finds, vaiued at over $750,- 000, resta oday in Boston'sý Pea- body MuIiseuim, md include golden dolis, jàde carvinga, emierald- studded figures, goid discsanmd scicilkmives encrusted with amethysts. Yet the experts arecofdn that Uic main buik o! the trea- sure rem~ains a, the bottom o! the weii,' Many con end that Thâinp- FATH FOLDS FASHION - Mrs. Genevîeve Fath, widow of the lote fashion designer, Jacques Fath, is shown in the studio 'cf her world - famlous Parisian fashion house, which la soon ta close its doors. Mrs. Fath car- ried on the business for three years after her tiusband's decath. and its expected cIositng in June 'wiII leave Christian Dior as Paris' No. 1 fashion arbiter. All mroas Ontario branches o! the Womren'as Institute are celc- brating the Jubilce o! tbeir 'or- ganization. NetPalh branches ai-e obsei-virg ticeoccasion ithe samie way but a great miany are fimding it a geod time VQe make àV a sociaql occasion fer memlber., and their fam-illes. Posïzibly tbe mnost notable gathering waas at Stoncy Creek. And rigbtly se for iV was bei-e that the Moct-her Institute came into being. On Fcbruai-y 19, 1897, Mr. BrIard Lee gatbered together a gnoup of e erprisiing .w0m e n at Souir's Hal l Stoney Creek Vo hean an address by Mrs. Ade- laide Hoôdiess. Mi-. Le~e bad heard Mrs. 1-oodlesa speak at the Farrner'a Institute iGuelphi and was much impnessed by b er abiliiy and eith-us.iasmi as she emdeavour.d Vo ci-caVe greater intereat md rcsponsibiiity 1in the womnen cf that day in matters o!f bcalhb, education, bome and cbhildî-cmre, and sanitatini, so vi- Val Voô the welfare o! aIl, but par- tLicuiarly Vo the cid-n IV la quite Possilie other womn- cm in rural Ontario at that ime were mse aware o! the nee&I fer aný imprevemnent programme, buÀt thenj, as mhways, iV required someone Wt courage, initiative and selfless devotion te lead the wçay. Mrs EHôo d 1e ,s, fi-st th hg er own rced, becamne that womnam, ard througb ber the countrywomer in and around S5toney Creeli b-ccmme pioncera ini mn onganization Vo work fer, tic betteè.rment o! "Home and Counitry." 'IV was thus the Wom-- en's Institute o! Ontanlo was bei-n. A":t Uic Conimi-emoration Din- rier beld in 5Stoney Creck hast montb 150 members, dignitaniLes mnd gulesta ambcdte hion- oui- Uic founders o! the W.I., in- ciuding five -o! fthe seveni surviv- i>ng charter members. Conigrat u- lations camne in !rom mil areund the- world. IV must have been a proud and inspïii.,g occasion for the woeno! Stoney Creeli. Only one brmnch in OOntario cani dlaimr the distinction e! being theý fi-st, but al branches, wbenever and wberever situated, car be justly pi-oud o! belQn.ging Vo an organization that bas devcloped lito sucli a tremiendous power .1er good Iamnorg the rural popu- lation cf Ontario. And rot oly ir Ortarlo. UsV as a pebble thrown irto a pond4 rakel i- dles ir the watei- ever-imci-easir-g iný ize, so the 'Women's institute, by its affiliation with the Asso- ciated Coujnt-ywomen of the World, bas increased in power, strengtb' und niumbers, widening the, %opri cf its influence Vo manry tuartprs. of 'the world. Last Saturday 0oui- lo0C al 'brarcb, the Scotch Block WJ. hadi a Jubilce turkey supper ard s;ocial evening for iAs memrbers mnd their escorta. According ta an ucnofficial court there werce about eighty-five present. IV la Vwcnty-f oui- yearsamgo thLIa month since our bbnsch. had its f1-iret metir 'ng and nin happy to say several of the ch1arter nmcm- bers were presenit. Our branch ba-s expcrienced the same uips and downs, common to us ail. Soi-e previous memIlbers moved to othecr districts; some havec re- grettably' passed away, but miany, mnany othiers have conne into the fold and becomeý active mem- ber's of our branch. Looking back over the years it seemns al- most incredibie that one group of -womeni could have raised s0 uchimoney,_ done 50 mucli worls and yet with it ail had suich a wodlerful timne togetiier. During the war years we were agctively enriag cd in making quilts, packing baies. knitting and sewing. Now our fiain proi- ect is to assist in the establishi- ment of a local hospital, badly needcd in this district of which the Institute is a part. All in al it was a htrt-war-ming and rnost enjoyabl'e evening,. Partner and 1 came away before theyv started playing cards as, we do not take too kindly to late nights away from home, especially as we expected some of the family the next day. Came Sunday -- a lovely springl-iike day--cars travelling, the highway past here in a con- stant stream. Presently one turn- ed in at our gate - and the TIoronto folk had arrived, They ail came into the bouse except Dave. He amnused himself out- side. Af ter awhile Grandpa took hini for a waik across the fields and along the creek. At first ail went well and then like q boit fromn the blu--e David said !'I wannt to go for a swim" and headýed for the creek. Fortunate- ly Partner just mranaged to grab hlm, told hlmi he couldn't go swimming,> the wiater was too cold. And then David took to the yelling "I want te go swim- mningl" It wasn't a happy occa- sion for Grandpa as Dave is a big boy for his age and bis threze-and-a -hall yearod strenigtb was; greater than bi s grandfather's. But they arrived home safely, botb of themn a lit- tle the worse~ for the tussie of wîlls. Then his Dad took Dave for a walk, Poor littie cbap, hec is like something !et out of a cage when lie gets to the coun- try and ends up by getting over- tired, At supper time he Teaned, 1his bead against hie'- Dad and- actually went to sleep. Art c:ar- ried -hilm te thte coucb and be slept until it, was timie to go home, After that we were glad te relax and to watech "Cinder- ella" on television. It was goo. Then came the "Chllenge" and like Daveý, 1 fell asleep. Modern Etiq uet t e by Ro6erta Lee Q.When a bostes sends a couple an Invitation to dinner, and the invitation bias flot been acknowledged, what should she do? A. She can telephoipe this ,cou- ple and ask if the- invitation was received, as it, la possible that it could have gone astray. 'If, hcwever, the Invitation was re- ccived, I would suggest thaut the Elegant centerpiece for your dining table! A graceful swrgo crocheted in pimeapple deaiga- fil1 'it with fruit or flowers. Patterni 581: Crochet directiont for swan centerpiece; boôdy about 12x6Y2 inches. Use beavy jiffy cotton - starch stiffly. Scnd TIHRTY-FIVE CENTS (stampa canet be accepted, iuse postal note for safety) te Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenthý St., New Toronto, Ont, Pilt plainly PATTERN NIMBER, your NAIME and ADDIRSS. Oui- gift te you - Iwo won- derful patterna for yoursebf. yorhome - printed in osvc Laura Whieeier N.eedlecraft Beek- 1 . Plus dozens o!, other miev designa ,to order - crochet, knit- ting, embroidery, iron-ons, nov- elties. Send 25 cents for yeur copy o! this bock NOW - with gift patternas prined ini it! r r y r r r r 'e r r 'r 'r r y r. r r 'y '-y r r r y r r r r y <-i r r 'r - "4 '-<k r r r" r y - s r s'- r 1~ r r fRQNT-LINE FEMALES-Younq Syri an girls parade grimly clown a Darmascus street swinging Czech-made submachine guns in celebration of the "cultural unification" plan linking Syria with Egypt and Jordanz As members of a miilitarized youth organzà lion, the girls receive milUary training just as do the9ir lsrae#O countierpa rts. hostes-s eut thes-- lil-mannereti persons off any future guest liSts. Q. When you have been asked to pass a dish at the table, and you were just about to partaks of that dlsh yourself, Is it ait right to help lyourself first? A. No; this wouldl be very crude and ill-bred, unless, of course, the other person insisti that you do so. Q. When a womnan is payig her flrst call on a new nelgh- bour, how long should she re- main? . A. From 15 to 20 minutes should be longi enoughi. Usually a womnan who bas just moveti into a new home has plenity to do, and she might resent toi) leng-thy a visit. Lovely Centerpiece

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