Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1957, p. 7

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QELONO WFJËKLY TIMES Ioer yeTur' PINK ENVELOPE EASTER -SEAL CAMPAIGN TO HELP ORIPPLED CHILDREN The Bowmauville Rotary Club A Folk School for Ontario and Dur- hami Counties was held recetitly eaust of Uixbridge in the faibomne of 'M,% and fMfrs Laurence Doble. The. 1" partkxipants, who were from i wxdely separated communities in the two counties report ani enjoyable and ýýorthbwhilIe school uxider the leader- shi~p of 3/r. Victor Morruw, provin- cial filimat, and Miss Beoltrice MAe- Lean, of the CountyCo 'tte A varietý of topics, in keeping with the general theme " 'Getting To Knowj Our,-elvesP were discusýsed. Iu open-. ing session, Thursday e-"ening, opin- ions were exchanged a-s Vo thesesven basic emotins. They wéere listed ab being fear, disgustý,'wonder, anger, dejectom, elation and affection. Mfr. J. D. Parka, Executivo tlfrec- tor of tii. Ontario Division of the mental TIealth Association. came froua Tororto Fr4cay, to give leader- ship in t0pics such as "The. Moderi Wr arxd Youn" ,.na"Relieving Île stated that Nve kxio-w 'rufiitely~ ONTARIO NOTICE REGARDING "~THE MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX ACT" EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1957, IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO On~ April 1,~ 1957, The Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Act camne into eff ect in Ontario. The Act provides for a tax of 20é per gallon on fuel oiIs, other than gasolihe, such as diesel, domestic, furnace, light, mnediumriland heavy ('except bunker), used to drive a motor vehicle OR used in any manner in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughf are. Fuel oils commonly known as STOVE QIL, KEROSENE, COAL 011, AND DISTILLATE ARE EXEMPT FROM TAX, unless they are placed in the fuel tank of a mrotor vehicle oýr used in any manner in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare. CONSMER- Plaseno-le A tax of 20é' per gallon is payable by: 1. Every person who receives fuel oil in the fuel! tank (of a moctor vehicle. 2. Every person who receives fuel oil that is not exempt fromn tax in a receptacle of les than 40 gallons capacity, uniless such receptacle is, dir-ectly connected with a machine that is not a motor vehicle. Example-The person will not be required tai pay the tax on the fuel received in a tank which is directly connected ta the furnace for heating his home; or, similarly, a manufacturer mnay receive the fuel, less tax, if it is placed in a tank directly con- nected to his m-anufacturinig equipm-ent. 3. £výery person who is not a regstrant (see Regitration Certificates below) and who receives fuel oul in a receptacle having a capacity of 40 or more gallons, unless such receptacle is directly connected with a machine thiat is not a miotor vehicle. SUPPLIERS-Pisie note AI suppliers of fuel ail must becomne registrants (se. RegStration Certificatea below). Fuel cil may b. purchased "Iess tax" hy. S. Any registrant who receives fuel oil in a receptacle hav-ing a capacity of 40 or mort gallons. Such a receptacle mnust not be the fuel tank of a motor vehicle. 2. Any person who receives fuel oil in a receptacle directly connected with a mnachine that is not a motor vehicle. Examples-Furnaces, manufacturing units-, etc, Such a person is not required tic becomie a registrant. Appicaionformes for Registration Certificates mnay he obtained fromn theCoprle aiReeneParliamnent Buildings, Toronto 2. A $1,00 fee mnust accompan.y each com,,- pltdapp-ic-ation forrn. vey egitrn must firward on or before the 25th day of each ma-Inth tc, the Cam'-p- trole -a tr otinn opete reccordof prh ses, saes, convsumnption and irïetry f fel il lfor the precedin.lg month, tgthrwith paynent cof the montof tax how theeinto 5:w payable. Formns for thispuos may be obtainedh o th Comt. llr o RveneParliamentBuligTrno. Persons Who have paid tax on fuel ail that is ioct used ta drive a znotor vehicle or i oàonnection wit-h the construction and maintenance of any public thorougihfare maày apply for refund of such tax. Application formafo tîspupo- ayb. abtaixied froim the Comptroller of Revenue, Parliamnent BidigToronto 2, PENALTIES (IN PART) FOR CONTRAVENTION 0 THE -ACT Il. If an-y person flot holding a Registration Certificat. in good standig supplies fuel to anyone he will be required to pay a penalty of $100ü,0for each violation. 2, EverY persoýn vwho f ails to pay the tax in accordance with the Actshall pay a penalty equal to the amocunt of tax and $50.00. 3. Every registrant who refuses or neglects to colleot the tax in accordance with this Act shaîl pay a penalty equal to the amnount of tj- a hth efsdo elce ta collect and $500.00. a hthreudorîgltd à'- EverY employee cf a registrant who suppflies fuel te a p'urchaser without oletn from the. purchaser the tax imnposed by the. Act shall pay a penalty equal to the amnour.t of th-e tax and $50,00. T. CLARK lr of Revenue thIe Lakeshore Minor Bnsebalilau held an or-gan-izationial meetingwt mnore about ourselves in the modem Ml% AÏmnoki Wadle, peiet nti 'worlld, and die mentally il' Were the chai1". Repi eseutatve were een ornes who gave- us the hints. lWe d1id't jf-rom Oouite oe, a~ile )egzin to study persouality, etc,, until jcais te, Orono 0aind Welcomne. ut 180 heweban olo Froni the meeting it appears that at he o-clld "unaic" a beugthe finor league this year wil b 'II" eope.larger than ever 'withi a possýible qeitht Iteamin D.Bantamn, ix in eWe n BE HAPPY the 1 rmration of a -uwenlile sre In answe-,r to the qu.estionj,.,"What The Juvenile series, iii it is frud do1 we wvant mnost iin our job?,, the Iwlll tbe making its dýeh-UtinLa Lke-- group decided that itý is important sýhore Miuor thiis yiiar. Orono, w- to be happy in the job and te have ever, doesntitndoetra [a sense of ach(-,eenet - owre~ this series. ea 1 ronu Orono viI aut be cougenial, and the joli must be entered ia the PeeWec and atx be, related to our abil;ty. divisionsl-. In sunming up, Mr. Parks 1sere that in thîs modern changlng wolId we miust have a deep religlous Con- Viction to sustailn us through every Recreation pIeriods nirunad lecture and discussion eid.Ec eveniug provided a change firm theO aftem"noon Mr. and 1ùfrs. Ed. Brownl of Leaside gýave ntuin ea- erer-af. Au intcrestý in Ganadian poetryws Xorstered one eveniug when eachb pa- ticipanit gave" a sketch oif his or hem favorite poet and read oaes0or more poemnsLicluded were the wor-ks of sucb well-k!,üwnppts as Royberts, ainLampijbaýn, Johnson, Service, Drumimond, S t in ge r, MacDonald, Pratt, Kirklconiiell, Lvsy and Jaques. "This was once a leading. beef- producing area while ao wing to iduastrial expansion, whole milk is - ie primary arcltural priodutt," 2tated Mm. 1H. L. -FairN when introdLuc- ing the topie, "Farm Econion)y in the Area," Latest available statistics sho'w that 85%,, of the farma lier. are o)wner-oc-cupied ani that the average farmi('2101 of the 3300) ^s 140 aeres.] SIIOW FILMS Discussion Saturday aftermnoon was stimurated by the viexiug of the filai "Leaviug It To The Experts-" - one 'of the "What Do Yon Thiiwk" series. Ruissell Morrison of 'he Beàaverton -iliix Couneil acted as discussion %çader. It -%as agreed that it is up to us as fanm people te ti-y and find ways of iMproVing our situation - ý_rixg study g-roupa ratier tha'i lvigit to the "expertsL"S to d10 our, thinking- for us.i Welcomc and Maple Grove are wý new entries in the league this ya 'with a Bantam- teani fron-L Weleunve a ndC a 1eeWee teani f lO 11i NI $e wGro-ve. It i.s also expected tIlat (C- bourg wfll place an entry lin both tVh, Bantaun and PeeWee dvsos m.i'tgage $l linde? and bW Irt of epw- ers of sgae contaei11Il a crtÀiM MOrtgag4e wihwilbc, produýed é the time of sale, théý7e llb. oZ-, feredfi'Or, sale lhy 1Pic 4VjC'- TION on Friday "he î2Lh day o April 1957 at 7.00 o'clock p.b Jack -Reid at Duirham on t l Arena et Lot 32, Con. 4. Townshp of Carke (about ane imBle west cfth Village c-f Orono), land,: ardprise bein.g part of Lot: 18, (Xne~o , To-wnshiy of Clarke, Aopiîi - bout one acre and being itatd - bout 350 feet south aofI4îghway Nu,.. 2, as particularly described m-,aù U pon thCe soid lands there issai tob e erected a I 1½,-story framaýe dwelfing with insul sÏding, econ- tainîng 4 roorris and 2 niih roins and. garage. -The property will be adsbjt to a first mortgage and subj4eet te a reserve bid. For further terms band coýnditionS of sale apply to R. R. WaddeU QG. Oreno, Ontario, Scilicitoi for ti BuilIding A Bou-use?, Sor remodeling your presental-i contact Another afterniooni the period o11 etqetentitled "You and 1". PrO.1 hfe 1r2Ooi vded a lively and h-ilarosdicsii onaions aadSepic -nk A programn was presenited Satur- ! day evening in Watson's Hall, Ux-, ,bridge, when the fuil-tme partc; pants demnonstrated the various FoDik School act;iiies for visitora_ >~ Each day began with a period of A tre IUU nýpece famnily wýois'hip at the breakfast tab e,î> cnducted by the participants. Sunday i* in Uxcridge The Rev. H. Kennedy s ) semnat the United Churh ite lun with the themie of the school. , N The zest of the partciants was rée- plished mith good food at reglar intervals -- food preparation and, serving beîng done h3ý the partic- pants, working ln grouipa. This ra ed its peak with a "moc" anqu.et' Sunday eveniug Vo close the Folk Sehol If i ny insuiraucecas giveyU- The Federation of Agriculture in' Y protection againe Mua. Chesàk North and-m lSouh Ontaio and mi DMr- uo coverage for adeqte c# ham ouny supored ,e paceme)nt fse".F. PCRIER Folk SehlCou a micil are Mrs. -C.«Aa-%-Imme. 2 ofGleenvood, ani M'r. .H.Sape of Orono. I. to And Sou Testingfo Wae WeI nlwrc t basi. $,00per f-oot and p. New WelI Mac,ýhine jmrtned roM UîitedStts o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1M laatSrie uruesaIwr.Po / ta 6 Wnh hae.% IiON EEMPIR'E 6-34,1-7 ,ïoGN'ïo, ONT. 29 McGILL- ST.. N s N s N N N N N N N N N s4 s N 'i N N 'N N N N N 's 'N 'N N

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