Church zumomnsf ANDERSON swoonlo ICP 1Ihedb rlod in stunning hut not uttan Don ltay mapped but quickly in hill on hnIayI ltiachurchol0hrietln Datlada Ivdreanl lor loner atiolu oI church uninnllu Jane United churcirvoi Calla Ida yearn eld year Is Qnuimliledrlp that min 421 Don thy Ir mavtaced iyilleorne about tome day Bultthaaew general mry ol Canadae la nether dent demdnatloo rral Ila concedes lerhrpr not In my little Wheel general aynod ol the on not it to June said no to the plan at union in the lam nlrd in Itat in time union letrntd deed Tidy disagrees em lie all ln an lotulialr om other de nomination to heoonie part OIIIN Int el Churdl oi Guilt in main it they dont wantto but the rooms IIECIPE Ground beef is good buy Grown heel II being eatured Ir weakly Ipedale In meet Itemmdtlda min Comma name opportunity hr cm the melt hodxet Ind al lame time try varlzt ol llirim that the unity wil enlr wlhrroe Ilmori no limit to number ot mhillatione that one un male pith grnurid heel and little imagination How much promo heel will you buy genonl rule or some that pound ol ground meat will provide tour nmlngal 11 the recipe calla lor added in gredients which provide lame buUi Sud no vezmhlce riu or noodles one pound will euro be or ve or pow Ihly even lexvlozl llcre Ire pane mxgestionn ior good corn hinntiona nilh ground heel Alix with brcad min or reltd oIta lor meat ion or pat ea lllx with cooked kidney brine lot quirk supper chill ltllx with rice to MI green pepper or cabbage roilr nllx with Ikim milk powder end en lo loml meat balls delve in gravy as aim with rhlmolinge or biscuit top Ground heel in more pettitl ahin than cut ol melt and should never be kept tong ite irigute It wrapped lonariy in mated mm and usellt within or dayl oI purchase it you into honnI lreorer and with to keep the melt there or any length pi time rewrnp It In lreezrr paper plant or loll to recent thanng in avor and lore moisture haw ground hat or cooked ground heel til muldluulmr melt bolln CEN tableapooua harbecue llliltl Jilin to dlurcio union II tallr alien the yearf actuate go on lockup panoralchrrgn In rpaWme vpplni rilergelnMhertalln goinglo Nine out In tho cameto the loronto area tn unnotolnnlalr karate tut lvr two lean alter mmlheolhudlmha interj umd charter In in union pretty much on Mullah until mo lie was their ground would Ilrardcd an honorary drrrce pect tent ionlrct nun our ol doctor or divinity hUniu ground unity of winnlm in lost The Unitedchurnh cannotY mule WI called to exiel except it in town United march litmo To noto lint Ia Iaroeleie MO telrhurrllunhtd If wne 2m woman can 21 milli Dlootgoid Gordonl gig outlast court in alum run in lie Hum lhaherd ma WM llla eye on illeology hI clalrrald though noloting rndualadlmrn Virorin Ool ilnru were Imutncednol ege Toronto In me but hi the let conirrtiallonera ioitte auoloouerll theological Itlldlea leih general mil laetlurlo at Emmanuel College were nation it came rm to lppalnl Interrupted lor three yearn manor to ltevGeorge for write overrun with the llerriaon whohad mind in IICAF In the Second World become mlnicrl oltnmoihy War lie we nIvIletor with Bomber Command and ill laurel operationa over Ger many earned him the DI linguilhed Flying Croas III romploiod his then mail in the United Church Right IHI elembelore he ellirillly loo office July he ran total thI he hirruell mun atudlu in me and nine hot one That was thalaaul church union Ind his that public olnelal Ict Iran to aclntowled on hqhnil el hi church hack on the palhlo unity elcnere nod the lime or dill uill retain hood counterpart in they Angllcnn quality I0 in month It Church ol gennl council odagrm Thaw ground heel Iald It could not necan the overnight In the rolrioraioh pianwltultinmin lia pruwt not at room temperature Allow lorrn it uprwedwiiiingnru Ihou ll horn per pound to it on telling The plowing recipe or Tully Dr llay told grn Chicu Filled Beelitelll crAI lynod thIt dIy Ihe cornea tram Food Advisory Scr United Church oI Canada In ricer Agriculture Ganlda Scna not Milling to ploy word them with hulkred mpdiea or glrnea with union Indunli mallard potatoes and diced uh That wza hir initial rcnciIiin rota for hearty winter dinner ltelrmiistgrglg to it hourautll aid IMO coarserm mm mm Anglican delegates will our Pound mintrd iml 12 year at churchunion new it all our bread min attens etill vhad rurrva one Now eetiled in hla loll Ind feooled oil he aaya WI may able to mute progrera more quickly aerne times then It other times but the Integrity oi the United Church It bound up in lhla So lay We on Silch lthef latetoilltacntury proponena on rol eetnnt church In anode have timed to rmlva dillerencrr reparatlng denornlnItlone The United Giureh born In ma ilooil is the outcome ol lrouping ol hlethodlata Pm bytertana and Contrega tIonIlilll Negotiations on union be tween lhI United Church which claims 2l million memth and ndhrrenla and the Anglican Church lie mil lion have been under my Ilnce ma They were lolnod In me by the Christian Church Disciples at Christ with Ihout 7000 membera lit Ir Romanian loop process etc ticup ryhread crumb it cup dropped onion tablespoons water oomhlne int ingredientI and mix well Shape in it in rentrule on oil or waxed paper Combine remaining in grcdlerril Ind nomad over meat lioil up or telly roll begin ning at napew end chili natural More or ovrmlmt Cut In III res llnlte In shallow pan Li to la minuch It 50 degrees aenlnzn Behold In the MN IIiI God II III nun II then lay thing too hard lnr moi lrr miail 3211 Quit Minn Ilraid thIt you are going to ask tied or too much lie can do all hing lor anyone anyt me lie II no couczasrone MADE respoctor ol peraena Ye have the plan at union which the not hecaure ye all not hair Anglican lourld unlutptabln Ind believe rgllt new in itll war the product at TENNIAL YEAR 1875 l975 HTVHE Pllsolrrmau CHURCH contort Edna rm Pnahyiertan Church ll Burton EH lid nlinirterr It 2er hinIrrl ILA DIV ltlrI Vera Dllmvnd Duanllt mo anr Church Btnoal MJualer lo Dealer turn it Inn lilnrninx ttorrhln HIE IIEAUAM OF JEBUA Fellow Jr During Church lrtihylrrlnn Lhulch Owen Ild llorriey tilt illnlelrrl llvr lllltltrl Stewart ALA IJIV rnllt Cara Van Herder SELF CONTROL Foil BEL AND WHEN lliuo anal Wonhln Ill Vlltt Scalar Church lchonl tl arn Jnnlor church school lYll littela Eevl ll 115 pad Age Lt Ind arrr Invited All tlaiilra ttelcnlna Trzohyicrian Churn llt Steele KL anr Puget Mlllllu IAtll quhlllia it arn tlornlng taraltlp am l1 or minim Numry hrovlded lanlnr Churth Gradea II Irn Church BUIIWI lnr Iii agra Wednearlly llllt pan little Italy and Prayer Ereryana Welcomav in ChrlaLCentreti lillnitlry choiceI IMOInunrgh om Eaton llemerill Church In Toronto porn the lollpar therejlallu It vyoilidhale Mt up on church hudedby pmidmt and tun vicepresi detain Ind other lhingr would hava had nun rtpr in diam hirelow Thernalor repression by he lldiitd Church on the epiacopare il mined clear alurlnlr crnral xynod dLs rusnien in thidlcc In lune wunot lndl what the lleanr hadilnmind To Ihole ol lhnttngllean communionlr thiahop more than herd til Width he spiritual nd and personal mlniatrr matadorIf lclhe ildea ol an tuL or mrn ignited hilltops hi departmental heads and we ihid dillererlco In an mach with other misunder Indiumupon hhlchpian or union laundered it wasnt lurnrlowndn It oryihih Gemini Ide dill notallkawmh mintaann Klan ol union lell on lliolh ul mch other and ex pronscd tnlortnt in contiltuln negotiationscom time Dr ltny now thrlIdl that the churchunion Itml tilil llltd morn relocation Ii th loeat lelci rattler lhanlrl na iiouIi executive deliberon like to IIIIIIIK that what the will try In limit to Hire the Anglican Gtureh where the Anglican Churoil lsln Ihn diocesesand lxpcct iIlereMill hive Intlott nl experience the There will boaolne Irish who are airongly suppor tive oi Joint notion Thero will be some ailollgty AUPWIIIID oi moving dleriyIrlln church union There willhe oihcrr ubn wantlio hold hack and not more at all ihola the renliiy oi the Angllcnn Church thotmo hale tenetognlae and live ulth To them In his church who have been trillral ol the Anl ilcnn church lor not lotti lKo helng specic onplrouhlneomo points at creed and practice Dr Roy Anya llr easy enough lor lu to mitunderstahd one Another One ol the unlortunnte oar neete ol the Unitrd Church at Canada is that ii cornea on strongly us In avtlvlst diatom lrlalion committed to church union and no we therefore expect that other dcllomirur ilnnn uhohnvont hIdlhn kind or experience wohnre but who venture to use the name word we do lrorn time Iotime are It the urine level oi Mmitihlniiirtg il rIoltt think lhalI true think there to within the Anglican Church rirahle group IIMt maionty who believe that the bishop in the church Written Latllrll pillrua guts rum up acopul eccieala where the bishop la there iI the church Our experience In tltn United Churth and In tilt IIt lormpd tradition In that thr Guilt In there the churc new aim Morning Worrhip lIatar mm MISSIONARY CHURCH 239 LIIlil 5L Burial Mt Iaa Suds ml or the viola tam Tillie luiheronChurrh an IriaIIrItnllhln rzl bird strntklurio nu ma nula Parlor turn Dell rum Beam meal ltlra lm Mill mm WchiI Await In teem urinal mm iehe hald Mr thenaaidygltpgrvida dbl dimmtwh IndlllddnlronV It Tluhggndbcmh Roman Catholic aorta and mp5mm WWW Wdhlp Sarvlcailm mm Sunday School 945 arn elnn will open th cello the governwt rum mum LB lllt arn lie InI um am mntanatr EVENING in Man needed Gary Buck show rmnmm 73 c9Wd roman courncwoop slam ldanea lulu lorm on tnealnnudny on rvl til the 110th annual Gm Northern Ixhlbitionat iha rallc ground here The Gary Buck ihotr trill ed up the Sunday pmgrana hormhoe tithing content tugolnrer other pompou tiolu will highllphlttho Illu NW it It no tea rep home occupied attention It thI livestock aholrIllle Ilterooon An oldtimetllddlen oonlut it planned or thin evening Salt starting at 730 oclock hNerrrl Song gmlal anponser rlculturei SMIHY Jehool ckcne pantie war held yeaV unintuitisolllllrll 30m CHURCH SIRVICI SUNDAY SCHOOL It AM TESTIMONY MEETING 2ND WED EACH MONTH PM RIIdin Roam open Tun WId Titan 14 Cia Turl mom arn Tel 7261602 Worriey luv tiny walan ellltsr BAPTIST MAM IMDLY WORSHIP lilanI aneIIFer ideniliyr MAN not rm It Ml Family We Conlrrcnce with ltEv WAYNE sonu nl BroclrrlilI llnipulay mo hm rAnlruNlullr PM IlllllFAinEl unu tight in tenure lh At molly IVIurI um happy hurt in It Ironic THI Auollcnu clluucll TIIINITiYneiiIJRH SLGEORGES ST GILES CHURCH 13 llnrteu Ind GranvillI etc Stud yr IlhYrlllla MI The Van lull luh llnly Cammnnien mm mm null xvrtt MIWW moo Inn nu punter liming PrIyrr lM Holy Communion Mm CllUItClI SCHOOL neclnrx sermon loadv kneel at arn cnnllmanon Ind IIoiY Th II II KI at lull JOIN THE WARM ERIENDLY PEOPLI AT EMMANUEIJ BAPTIST clluurll St Vincent Street BanII it Freak out heater runtulaeceolrwanarn OUR SERVICES WELCOME TO THE IITEEMETHO0IST lCHllRCli navmw Al unmet Belll You And Your Community rum mt Inn Sunday School and Mailing orIVhlp ruler Itqu mo hialngjleer pro Evening Benin Nutter that wont ls nynNnEurnrr run part lJtrniag lrrviIo Vrdllilnlldllllll It tiemeno illulm ludrrl per tht MidWeek it niudy Ind Prnyer time new CIrI Bull up Illl An Ian maile llzoo arn lilornlag lrnyrr Earhart Itthov nun Mlnw KcoMMuNioN mad pm tonner iolld am yvv vv vVvVvavvv Illd All FUNDAY SCHOOL FAMILY AFFAIR EVANGELISTIC intuit lIFE ASpeclnl Lecture Study HIM nnr PRAISE nun IVOIIBIIIF remit mu nonnlr The Pentecostal Auernhliu at Canada SERVICE HI VV ulltasr sputum CHURCH wIIIt vREVV WAYNE soul It liltsr BAPTIST ANNE ST 400 HWV VPIIIOHI noth Fri Oct pm Mount Zion sinner Sun Oct pm llllly Grlham Flhn Richard Green Wlm lsNI is non TO KNOW pm Sept Howard Courtnay THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAI UNITED CHURCH llnn Ind Toronto Elrrela lillnlitrra llrv llhnllil II ll 11 lnllire You to Iorahill at ll ocwcu The illlrrnnlrnt or The inrda itnpprr Ind rorrp Ilon oi new ntcmhrrx ltle rilltltlt trlrnoll nlerl at me arn ttirndre IV in Aduliaiil Ind it em Up to Grille Ill Inrltlllllll Nitr Irrirai Irlrtltttl In it Joylul IlirilI CruIrr IVIIIIIIVIMII llll lIJMSlDN TD lllAYHII GRACE UNITED um st nm at cm at will in our topic WM ML gltav Arthur Flurry In BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH You are rordlnlly touted to Join ul Inr wonhlp church BthnulLTIltu 01 Ill Igra hlinllirrl It Iltrdon llrennlst ltlr llurrnwly CollieryStreet Church in Colle dl lulltn rrml HALL rasroltl WM ll lllltZ mm mm llrrnlng Norahip Clluncn ecnooln llmalldl and Up to ImGrIdI and Under lnlant and lartilrr Nunrry ArnllIelI lor trInIporIatlea Ihnno TINT ICVISIIIUNE Vlliklihllt Vll in WORSHIP MESSAGE mounrnm movers 930 arn Church Sohool Ior grader to 00 arn Up to arIdI Ind child core ernl Welcome To All