dlristiollltaiorllledtllurch lintonlslnlruttuf sandal ed not by In use when Herb Hughes Operation and trial wuoounty It wnr Increase 18 Elmore County Gvultmbury Wm by uses ottoman rot ItIlldon Gears pres ed warden oi simooe Colin threatens years after the ii 33 is sit gig briey matnly concernln sloctloe eta limits Belt la in new landsclotng Iot mrtda have been discuss and any addition to the bra llIl hillth would be it fir s2 tot uumn Chris The narro locreau and John dcpsrtment ill to be tlln minister moved to the basement with alwald ram Ior easy access and co gain heart rmnltor will Installed Ire Hilbert purer can hear Ian wring the btulness aerated lumber at his counsellor conducted by President ltIrs pralu God tor the mew Bruce there was demotion It was dellvered tbrr morning the proposed Recti oadr ills meander pt Book to be available later usellonglns the enumeration in the your to ba avnliablo In ptnotlos tlis earns loam lhsGlIt shop together with history dmwe bi littlelarnol mandrellshes Mr Vanderrneer warned little in at and relishes coat ulterior you will Annolntcemntts included Ill gs ii 32 Inscoa00unty museum was opened all present location In lItLThabIstoryoiIhsnuss cum traces back to me When the Womena Innltuto began to on error NW mm well or IIhd Ii pa Earn it creuod the on over tor the Further development meant ordlnrtor more space was needed ruin the construction oi the origin nI lnurotun bulldln on present site here the result The late HMI ARCHIVE The Illv oeunty archivist was ienlslu as some Norbert Moron now retlred prone to believe In inst there who was rcsponatble tor the Inl tIal oraanlzatlon oi the collect tion oi the dootlmenta records iodr the task to he locomotion Votuntur services also and books Durtna the latter part oi it home at the transacted for niotnlds oimmrlal um donat which volunteers an beta sou 51 by Whit Interested In sav KN duds In mom pushing to tbs history oi the oeunty IVlthn the Ilrst three years oi operation nnml onebali oi the origlonl 1N0 linear feet oi iIIdmhiifss re an Item AIUIDAY am sr ms and Intornlation oi Brunt m4 Weilhm Ontario on November 11 use could iii tha Stmoosooun when in the dtys WWW or my tllonr tor volunteers at the lien reglrtry Meebulldlng but llerlth teen to tilt the needs oi pro Ntdhurlt Iran destined ltlr Westgarth rays ha believes it may be McDonald ololllita was wud come necessary to rely on all slam this hulldlbl was oprn= mat numb that lot rather than built Irvllnd tho ed Ijga adding 50rng adds1 1HLrnowltceorvouranlo PUBlIciusomuos The Floynl domailsalon on Violation Inlhe Communications Industry tllst the pioneer ample Health centre is eekingjhelp PENEI ouotnrt rolrlcytro Dotted Cbn glng tr than ulnlag patients wucm finiismttrttdmmuthT Mu urinal saintism Appointed to study tr noaslble eliacton society ot the iCtiali or violence In the media the Royal communion on Violence infirm Cbm municnltonsIndustrywilltteid public healingeln ORILtIA MARCH at tore730 lolaor UNItED STEELWOIIKERS or AMERICA Centrle tricolor GI wwmm mum Canteen Operators To op vmml um eratepatlent eanteen on even Inls and weekends Dulles In It spud st tor sorno with um nmmw of mu tilt and sell merchao disc to billable and stall Cult Instructors To bllsh cult programs either wins or Itteraoon depandln It should be noted Ilut wt on Whintkrs incubation bk nnteerlng is not restricted to Ml In PM oi IiiI lnIl war social Inletsetters order Theiioniudy LCMrah Iitnraterlllykoepreeordson ll numelour Instances when will mm mpeulhlllty HlsHonourJudgoLABeauiiau might even he preterm tor malt am Cammlsalanem You nle invited to submit written bllol at least three weeks before this date Everyone is urged to attend whether or not submission has been made Submlsalonn and requests tor Inlornletien should be directed to The Royal Commission on Violence In the Communications Indus 15l BIoorStroettheet Room 810Toronto Ontario M58 2V5 Scott Young gagemvdelunturs to work one or our mend week The mat to or uilzartendera To Implement slngaonxsfbmughvgmlog bd shelving had been filled rush erIIl had been Indexed and eat alogutd and roicrence services were made available to mesh thorn Glowing million made It necessary to hlra In ambient and the present archivist Pet er lloran Ion oi Norbert it IyrbeWSelidw district eoetarnoon to be held an martinis be Intel utCoIIIllgwood all October and concluded byemreadmnngm malts modulus eon ME 91 IveonI ororon tile nan berths his to0otoberzozuPiaoswillha liter WWW irihi II we with him remembering He runs draw me to the fact enlist Increase and you douse tleltxle In new it per vn meals on whce It Assisting lieu Eahull and necessary to use time can on tiny Versusmou In the ord dellvory days and the Auxil tendon service were Rev Otrwe lary will work with members oi hand oi Mussels and liov Christianiteiormod Church In Use of Holland Marsh Chrish this volunteer work Membm Ian itelorlrlcd Churches misled wtththe ADTECTa Will HOLLAND Day October met wll Special hosts were the par ieattlre an Atlctiln and Novem mtaoliianitelitenushohnd berwillbuworitmeottnaav arrived Irons Holland the day sembllnz ills rrcelno book wevtoua in bowltil Illicit son Among those who were In and his ismliy on this happy Oshawa rscollUy to ittend the Ei SE arethef appointed on Juneim with cs sidlns in cataloguln and In All across Ontario count towns and villages are enjoying the fut ts nltbfc ftltmwn In opcmtr markets heldfih produce isondtrlu Agrirulturrl fails alter the pure joy of ceuntryiltnandcrtcndthcwarmestoi wciColoa to countrymddty dweller alikje There are commitment plowing lesion he set now pro runs oi Oral rye restora tion and pttbilo relations succzahnu rillurn In the MI oi IWI Peter lilorlln aucoesatully completed course In archival principles and Illnllnlalrailell otisrod hy the Public Archives at Canada Upon rettrclncnl oi his lather Autanmisl ascasont of plenty Indbccr decision John Fisher at Bar will wedding annlvs oI Ito brousht srettlntt not only Mr uld Mrs Ilervmdrns trolls the Barrie mnsregatlon were Mrs Eva barber and but no item classes In Tore nose itir and Mrs Elgln nine other nelezatcs bringlll ninleiyr IIIrl noel Greellmln meetings were Irem lioll and ltlrs Ilarr Indewyitar The limb where the new mirth event was he at the Country ice but luvbd this but slow Club tin BI and Ross snort spngdnlo and Newmar had Mtendtd an Informal tr tel congregations rnil adoring Ilarry VnrtdurZahs Welcomed Putinde mexy luv and tin ltielircma and Mr Mum thetr family on brltnlt oi ull tllng at the home milk congregation ardlltw Drtld rm noun and Mr all Ihonwn mourning the Ai held at North Bay llahon Ind District hllnlstorlal In reporting the WW Assadlion not on brmlM mcotlnl nltho AdletollW mens hm wishes from the hrganizs institute wt slated tht the lion buthls personal message guest liter was rills on havlnydlscsvcrcd on mach Cunpbc In mw lay with IQlhblill Itletthey and stould have read Mrs had served togelltrrIn Franco cellspde hi Strum thu not In the RCAFrYour first can pologlss iottraCnmphell ur bored to Camp Borden and iilr add tin ano xter nmyoureomndsrnuch big rnd Mr and tiraClaud it er wtlbortn in nearby Allie have rahtrnod lrcm an enioy ton as on servo an older the able trlp West on Church at the lord Miss Mary littud who has Jtil the tlnlreml Grinch IDBIII the past tch years In Win bs stated alps liohllobl Ins returned Rev John Wnliloilerpl the to latch recsth and will ba newly ordained mntsttrr Inna taldns up reelitllco In an Apr law wrilchoaen words exrrou on Nelson St it We welcome ed appreciation tn the pm livlhlrk In aiilltnll In January oi thls yonr llr mentions Lions cllEEltioltE tsutn one more Lions club will hold it next re lar meeting on Tues tlll it instead oi the usual Monday which this time Is lhonteglyln holiday ARTICIES loll SALE that It calls the tint nIgItI told artlclrl lIinto large ahrg rugs Gend roll my carrlrge No new Wlll sell or ten Baby sits and bath table Ml Phone FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS rterue mr inVOntarioh SurhmetsWork isqvcr Let the harvest celebration beginiv nutdtabandsandpmdltsw inuwhtoget no the ldt lhesocondMo yoioctoferis Tlunksglvtngva lpcdzl holidallyou an celebrstestoneolOntzrlosfully end pionecrylllr nowhere the simian cnmurthe mcbakcdgoodrlcst of rtlncttmthccnturycomltrycooltuig Natursllyourautubmsencryisprctt pccuculzrmdyourmvelzgentantcd abeutlpedzltoulstotbuwyouautftll coloursattllcirber Whrtcvcryourplcasttrepnurioolqu adellghtlldungcoilccnc Queens Park Toronto M7A 2E5 Formo Inf ratauoawntctnductiturcVacationsDept5H