Ind 11 ch III In all new Eorhclill rm lumen lho ivlo Iiil oommlllu oi ills Barrio mmhelwol cm lnlmuml new all mom II IntIIth tho and Inr lllllllIdlllo mulon log dlfl olIloIill pinnilu pooh IoaIn lio all mumll ol Lho WWII22 ulll in ovum lhllilil Innamu masonsmurals PM Oct IL Alum no III Illldu int ulI an bideponumlonnmm gahgimm mnmo summon mWIllIhohInw lullloNIlL ma The OnlIIINQJAhoc Cosimo oi lho To an IlII Ilka plm In llldinhd IkonilAIullcouium pnmmvir oimned Iiih limo ul Ilia lot will Ind room Ilnnnl Icllyillu In pullch milieu llllry alumina bl Invlied in hip mlohn lho would clubs mm mm Iliumll nllullilmn oiikiIl piInI ill to lotus old vIu no first llil mulls 011th Ihm in Bremen Hdd llllmllu number war Iixn in the Icheduled on II Oodrmioa oily which Ibund ho remedial Puhiic School Funnier lilon luzu Duvm mamu iloli Driver In mil to put III In Sept 258 1wa pmrnnl nI hwhmlimu Ind lily lIyl oi Ith IkIIII In oi Ibo Bum Sally Amt than current llllchlo lip zompolm rIranlnII drivu tllI oIlion pmmnl Io III non piollo ll theiuooi MIIIVIMI driving com snow The Hannah Nnmlmullc Ar Iodlllnn will hold it lslll Ill null will Ihow Sopl Il iron lo In lo ii on lha Bu iloid hlIlL Then will he Illle IiillqiiI nod coin dllvlul well dun ior door cl mom clmlmw crmrn Iho Burio on Dillllol Cirill mu ulcer Oluloluiloo tho Min ni concerned ciliulu which yIIriy nndcrillu lo piv Iidllhl need will Ion Ind Iood II ChlIIImal limo Wlil hold III Ilni looull meolio oi how on Ecol It 63 Il Iho Soluilnn ul or Simt lo mm lm Solo Cillh BInILSIllliII Ciuh iol Iolo Bl ler hu In inirrellina cIlelldrr Hill plInllra hy Slplrmher Ind 0ct obIr lnirmild pllonl on olr loin uiIilod lniorlnIlion coil nlll hm not heal mmllloild lho mot mollu lI Iol booked II Iii limr flu rmlvu 3th Emil Moll Uhrm II Irheduliol lilo illiiul Ecol ll Ii pro in ihl iibnry III in Iomn ilinn undo during lhl ulmlnzr hy Ippcnxlmnieiy dl hildren who oMideied ill illm Inimiiun nilth DISCUSS TASK FORCE hlnlcoim liminl Lindy aims vol when may II yul will lol lol ihu Simm Goallen ml iuk lom ilildlxllu lho luk iorco li Iilh mombv on oi tho 0mm Club oi Bah Ill Homily nlxhl Tho mntiui winhonnItipmillihoSk mom Il tbolmrvinl Dllry M0014 NARI MEET Thu will ho main oi th Slmooo County Bond oi Ed noIiioo ihlI Welland It pm It in EdnIiinn Collin Forrll um Axondo lion will iodudo mart mnrd Int IhIInmIn oi tho hid lohool pro ior Bmlo in 1mm oi mlth lor tho mm Idloolnnr Ihll IM oIiIbliIhmenl ll hoe mltieo to work on tho 1m hull was NSIn mum Tho Mil Barrio who Si Gills mvloolinx ior leod IM mlxlanll Jim lanlo told lhI ExIrllinor lodly Lost ul tho pack EM 37 mm ho Iklrl lrl in lcnuiinxlltlilt Ill ll loomed in IEMIXI rim lv PlclllilE QUIZ 1mm Can you ldonliiy IIlIl MP HOW DO YOU RATE who hil been In lllI nemi 11 II 10 um Minimumlooqu IIINMlul IIHNMIMM HUMMHWw IIll nucllll piler bull ulllll lo Ill boll Idvanllgolll ill IIill Jo yolll In CIllldll Why in why noll STUDENIS smillllP cllc ExImInIlionl Vlluabil Rllllonco Mlllllll ill mm li let its aim Inll kiln is Prlllrimlirdlmillmislli gllldln all 35 Egg 25$ 315 It figggt Eggs am 6559 5555 Eh 33 53 is 55E 335 3E El won on Ihldu 5E 32 55255 55 luln llIh Iliruliro corn or youll Iuolnr ml VIIII on mm loull mindde in proper 523 Eli l3 HANGING WET II hIlI very cool rlllnl or not NIIAP haul allltltldryaulMirllp lIlil to II Ind th oi III or lho KIWI GorInlnmI ulnan tho hull inlod In AW who my on Ill on bill IlsllJIIu lam liollovorm whole plIllt on bl hoot Ind oiliedmln fauna norm depth on on whom you hm cool Wm to lion illm no no hoot liiont iiiInnI hemi noon Iii hm hmhl Md bill you tho cool loom hoop mom mob but no wound mm liorIlI lilht AM you moa not and loom E55 Drmlm will IIDI over in loo My well Amyllil Pohw irruulem nod mulllurid povplu Ihwi bmuht chillo YOUR NEWS UlZ ART lNAiIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Oivoyonmliliipointo mull camel Illlvul dllohoco onllolvolllli Oiildll lInlullo Au com monly known Il lliiiillhoin hIlionud lnenun by lie oi VrololiIni lohocil 1mm iunull leplld Gould Foiilllor Minlllor IAComlnuniuliolll Milhllill olullln th Bonk oi CInIdl uilld III plinlo Ilndlnl mo by lhlIIquulolo oionI pol com which is oxpoclod lo hlillu pollod oi CHOOSE ONI iIlIlllr oIliIl clodll liluriu MInIlllllohn illlnol ll chalan oi InInIllIl ullllnlllooolmindulllloilndInddmlopinlulionl thllud wllh ltIlmInl lilo Whll do thI IllllIIIl IMlllIndloli lillIbIlh 84 hi Solon nunwlloioulldodI Cllhollc lolllipul or or ill lhI only iml ll lilo ilnl nllIVl boln in lo ho will lIlllL IAmolkln billion Moliun mil II wonol Ill Til lllwl Toll point or oil word lllIl you hutch vritlllio mlmwinl 1inllrllll Inol yol mild zonqnlililon IHIIIIIIIII to Mom KIWI 3nllIIICIllon cjlmll oi lolchirll Illitlmllll dplotolloi oiilclllly Ipplovlnl lomllhinl Ilimo bolwolrl ono Ivonl Ind Illolilll Inupondlnl Smulilhio Mllllll NAME IN NM iIlloli poinlI iol ll illl you coll molly notch with tho Illlll only Killlnul VIPICIIdlIII libyI hPoillilno Lihonlion OljlilIlAIIoil will MolmmllkhldlIY ussllllryoi5lllo lcorlid lord Innlulth Robin dPluidcnllinlllli slllll 5YIllIl Allill IPlimo Minlllol lllIIl oilll V5925 ANSWIM on ma ll Gently Windy mill ox 3335 $33 557 EXEC CANADA IIMIIED 737l2oo polled GARDEN NlEs In IIFVIIIIOUQIIIIII woollolldv Mild arm alga 33 courlls CONFERENCE lhomulndmmwr nilhllrhabmdslnviinnllb Mirnalulmldby Lilocomrm mo pint lhnl immunoamm Iimrlm mmPhW mmemeo Whampermplo Common ilocol Pin whiorlnmino Dr Joy Mm prolulor Ii Wozlminatlr mo ipgiuiSenillIry IdimInInthorthoiymiorhh Wmmnlywloxo For emotion or lo will piano wriln llomoo moo per mull Elllilo NW All Box Ill Banlo on ohm mom oi tho Ilopeo this winier nolllin iookI faster or atten more lllnn Ill Itlnct lo sill jackei mm Woolworth Choose from II molly siyies in lIdiIl and girls Iashlons Warm light Ind bonutliuily tailored with riot sicIkiingcolounlooutshinolhmm lio lion For the winter winner in Ill jIckot Ish Imll 5110p Woolworth mslllvm is big Big on Downtown Illulla mu lnlly om III All All Zynlczlmmmnnllromllonnnnne mmnmmdmmmmmm mm