Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1975, p. 2

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LEFT Sylvie Blown oi Toronto ttsches to the top at horeIr chslr which wss reiinichod by patienie It 0th gt lhey do ood she Midi lglsc bosrital pItlctitI Is pnrt bi their Subscs1uelll requests must he ice to days six months and then year nzvrszw noAnu Longtime patients have the rlghy each year to sppesr bo lore provincial review hosrd to give reasons why they should he let out oi the hospitsl They may be represented by lIvvyer lrlend or minister in recent issue at the health cenree monthly news publica tian Entrenottn there the wit ltsrlsrs government should able to imagine the tmdsl share at psychlslrle spilIl iiut th re Iniegsserds Iclt cordiag to Vern Farrow public reistlons elliccr It the ilenlsi iissitls Centre in Penctsnguirh Inxmori Ih Hm nse ero lesoc war team advises every silent pi Judd described centers his or her rights wl week ftylimb orednnssian Alter thst sing point out lhgi mnriy aid lswyer rnsircs rem up at our patients are leggily Ind end the records oi imam pa literally tree to stay at ya 19 tlcoll intlnbdperlpdlgu 1y lnlorsnnt patients admitted Il their request ms leave It my time At the outset Involuntary ticnts admitted on sy certiiicata At the end at that aid it is surprising how many patients irct shill inmliy mem ber signed them in Those who Idrnllted on cerilllcnls In told how the doc tors can extend the term at slay the patient is siao lnlorrnad at rsr right to appeal to the Central Ontario Beerd oi iio slow or discharge ll be as Igr es wllhout doctors due sun Mr iuuri sold patients relieved to term that the doctors can lust II easily discharge them whenever the patio iI hedged wellenoughtole lir ludd said his prime aim is to clsrliy the position oi thI pstlcat II pcrson who may tlrrse doctyr may issue on day reriincsle rdiord girl top 4H ahow winnen Imam iitrolI Feunell Bradford ilil wIs declIred gram champion itmtock show map It both the Cooksiown and llecson Hi shows To achieve this hisrciI first the sheepshowmeashlp mnrs he cooperates the Coosstewo use then competed reiuu him or Mill tire top slrnsvrncn irons thI rmilm tment plain ia lm my my Mmmm licnts are encouragedio ask mom and mm questions attire stall regarding iivs deys later It the Boston Fair tiercirs won holhshe dolry man shawmastshlprsnd the sissepr slsowrnenshlp and beolout the LEGAL sunrise heel and swine lhbwmtllldrl gsln booome iirspd ctranmi hlsosmunn Other top slsowmen It Cook town were Alan llewsan her It showinsn Jetsch pineal on cxplslnldilhcir lrfal rights to thensslanls lien rnentIliy ill is not synonymous luqornpetent WI try to assure psilrnta ol dstryslsawmsnshd Peter it our desire to he thern Ird we vey Beot showman pravtdo lull exp nnsllon vi the At ileclon thI winnerI svorert meonsot searslug legal or other Jean FIrlt the ilsowrnsnoutelde help llthsy dimree IndlJohrvlinvlnsireIl ShyswIlrllhpur Irressments dcels man one unislost intshull1 ma Ii whenever they choose iir Judd rle will be the guest speaker or may not require prychlstrid alx he belroy and i1 concern to them and ihclr sltu In 5mm 5mm isvlts elodtion oi olllccrs at Itthrnouthnl thrbsyan Imus nameth over irons the turn uwmmuu iromoriillee iiuronie yurgidbsdiotbeioohllkepsrth building rnsr nsnruinxessmnn sslrzsuar solr sns 2th therapy Good work histh In theslmrnther than teerhlng fpelclllc Ilsllh Examiner NW orsgsnal as venuiranntn the Asylum lor the inssne There is somo attempt to erssa the patlans thought oi sny Itlg had in being mentlily ill ir Judd said end sense oi dignity Ind the ldcs that tin best treatment we have will he more cileoilvn it each rson does all he cm to help lmsell in short we lay on the pe lleats shsre oi the responslv bliilyvior their getting well Ind back home sgaln Judd said CURLIND MEETING CitkiklhiOllE Built Pllhi tor the coming curllng season will he discussed at meeting at the Greensare club arranged ior Wednesday evrrslng Septem her it lirg Vuthrooha is the torrent president and Grant glellilnlght glelcratlnrywirrasarrg ur ng urn yeasts arosm notus CONVENTIUN gtik 9mm ti asuoun our nmnrn ouncli has received slotch If new LusVELl tram the smart Ga Ilolds NE WW ma Association sonelory ll bio ntversary Sunda will be onsets 01 WW mm vcd at New well tirsitcrl Qmkmu In ym church on September to with am Em rperlal services at li M1 Ind wry mo pm larrncr ministerm wmmvh hcrellevlnck Lindsay oiil site oi the present hientsl iieellh Centre It Fenctanguish nc Dr ii Spohn was Ilse Is ylums llrrlsupcrlnlepdenl no lore that he wss Ilrst reevso the Town oi icnctnngulshene Ind surgeon at the Boys not current clvic centre on Youngu Street on hilltlldl rsl ht Ssplemiielt 27 Proceeds assist in the womilon oi the YhiCAr nnd pool summer plsygrvund Ind dgy camp district rnunlc ie and ather community ven urer sumon FAllhiiJIlli FINE CALLS rv lVALEiSlnllt Three STilOUD sum innlslli lire isom North Simeon will he iairn department received as nails dur in Junior FIrnscrs lrom Icrou lag the month at August with ii Ontario on Mr oi lsrrns in melted It the Strosri stnllon illlron Oxiord ierth Wlterioo to Fire and Wellington counties in Nov Chiel ilormid Crone than langlrirenrprloeeritho lo ya her are pro FLT Chosen ior her inur were Glcn WM 59 MW nun oi uh Elmvale her win rltlzcns cith hnidtnn iilclrs chhlnck oi on no meetlnl urrhtssicd it this Iit ngywuwcum noon The club has planned as busy season nl Ide ties ssh Id and much idltisl interest been shown Yl MEN DANCE MIDLAND Slam AI lundrslsing protect to IPECIAL COLLECTION cheon iI plannednt 5t PIinI Mlilcrsrs church allowing the ll Im sorvteeorsSsnsdsy Oct IsIlst ober Thu collection will be tse ulh community Icllvltirs the cd to buy Chrldrnas gills or hildlnndvlkiiens dull is on indlmvchlldrcn wilound Die Irorlng dsiiee at the sod ilasotts Islly the centre ior Lcs Monies NOSEITAL humanisttron insane cssylum wu estnbishcd in 1904 on the BTllOliD pot hick luhv rnlse youre in sheet Penatksg Bu Idioms ram nnovatestares io ding lsthe donslnsot eatan Point ssogrsphic one century 0n hill Ibdwe the historic Nmi Establishments the three ol modern anivrrsityitis Ind doorsIt Osk Vi ry oreportsa iorrnalory ilre rslorrnslory buildings remain today Is the nucleus at the health centre The site ortglnslly hadheen chosen by John GrIvcs Simone tlrst lieutenInt governor vol Upper Csnstia as anl Ind millllry We to prol per lIhes against the Americ ir 515 and out For movie 10min tor the retarded people Ire red something more sold Vern Perm public be otiicer ior lb iiea rai isi iiedlh COM Guards Ind barred windows mural with the readout other tlidlt ion on the lat site psycblnr iselilty rotar rad to Is the penal horpl some thIt her in Psrry Sound ot the District or has Employing as many people Is there Iretpsllcnts 575 ha hientni Health Centre is impor lIht lovthe eoonomy ol the Town uiIIlon employees live The psoierslanslstsii went so social wnrhrrs vo Highpri war Is consumere back on high covsry expect The report sun that in ind triallud Canada the United bistro lapsehousewives passed up highpriced lood Ind demand dropped ior those items perilous mars Grill tel lentil oi srlpe tlons at small nauotrlssineitsdin UN Illil oi world exports oi votth reminded The Mantel iiseldr WIM atm cs Societyoletes shIt ior gerlstush1 lInts alter dinner drsnset increasestheir IIIrcneas oi lbelrllm Itd reduces tn needtior trsn tton Itzbedilme ButurdlnglIane oilhe low sni oi rdlnetmy ItIii Weatgellhl etood WW5 ml Id hlmnusmpioymrot untilI some Isseesmenl is in in Review Ind Ont5 published by the re 0f the prl mmOditld The mime report says agricultural no tarly sensitive to chsnges in in rose by it per cent irons ms to oomonsmely meet irults wine Ind dairy sad llsheey products The rilectvol recessionan psrticulsrly pronouth ior If cuurel rsw mstrrtsis steed the Isslonsoblie Ind homnbulld lug ilsdslbiriuboth hard hit by the economic crisis swine loilIllo vaiue oi world Igrlcultursl ext potll lo record hl the sc tuII volume oi trs ein itll dropped by Ibeuhleur per cent products because or trans ms NldPMPCCH ior 1m Illmi but mainly due to mild their those ti pushed the wars more then twice as high sion in the autumn Mm Mod billion in Mi oi rice Ind svgsr more than three tlrnss vei in March ms while at whent coarse grslns eel bsneosr coilee wine ll bardiilbrel and cotton de Anson rsw rnsterisls moods ants noticeably or not ton rubber lull Ind lorcet the reces bllI industry and housing construction Bradford vegetable growers aninronn on or sns sud lha lInd wns porch Vegetthie armors here say the cd trorn the indlsos The old herracks were trend ierred teemtho rnllitlryin sass Ind were opened II re lss till There were extensive renovs lions and construction all new larrnntoty ior hey buildings our the ycsrr ihs buildings were not grest ly changed between root snd me when the ilrst hall at the aridriii$i$ii Noweyio clap return en es hi investments in lsnd buildings and ntlcltlnoty is so poor that tth the been tempted to sell their lsnm not invest in more stable occtlpn HIIM Fermereumund this commu nities north oi Termite are getting two cents pound The llrst patients housed It end but stIil on mm ilty doub led in rice to on Icily oi mes lnsurrs security trestmrntoew to Oak itldgs was uniqul in opsnsn in innit 29a pallenie in ldh1 Can lorm Anothu la Mutation it wltlrnot ho rr centre opened recently hlantrenlu Attire rcglnntl norpitoi dill slon oi the Mental iiesitts Cen tre program oi rehehilltsl do stIrted in the Wmi iWu was eomplelMi thatsro reirslning Iparlrnsnt Hayeld gt 1hls buildinsz new items Ind lirnbsui were opened its loiiowbd in me by ling reseneterey tr lldlng shlchhss Ii paediio veopnten ercsllng lrsslmerit hdrhrwcht about new Ind int Iireedy lav cottage becoming Olii ttldsecerne rent due along with most oi the normanani home lTilOUD The provincial vernnscnt is reinsan to slow iIrge mound houslngdevcl rt Town in yet is tcottng growth sr tip corne permshtssi housing The Image Iliusilon wss described is Al hicNair rrpro scuttle oi hasco lisnsgernent meeting with innisi cannycll in commuter ei ii Islred mod to consider storing yls lorJrerldcnilgl coaaevsome on south side at siteblrncoe us Concesmrs ie Norrch Holdings developer oi the ioliendoi uo Fm division plane new ilot ubilvl it represents phrne three oil Is il lots Ire red Eleven irony at ttwstar nitratitntt In the unavoailmauuransou which hospital It gallant la werlhnnilusedlobe Itsemull the little mm my mum cover met at In acre csch DI lelhI roblng hulidu ins and makekygrlmsnent The rhIrsges in treatment Dh dwelll in the immel nimtl tiosophy csn be seen in nsrrse chinges ls ir Is ospilIi to pg to msnlli health centre the inert tbst have toilet The Is no my to stop Weir tum to Ontario irom turning Itrlr inertial lnln permanent residences he iir new Iua summer home said billed say theyre losing money utthesrp ior carrots they say cost three cents to grow Mathew Valli crop spee isllst It IpNvlnctsi resesrch station hero seld he rslls this IreI Lia Vegas because its the biggestgemble ln the rid ml era In Isms too sores in shoregion Aims as per cent oi the cr ns lettuce potatoes celery beet psrsnipr ubh niliiow and csrrotigo to Toronto The balance is lt atolnuu the lisrttlnsu lir ink said during the test week onions were not snor ii said the it been estalst the wort Ind although the ma amt not lose ls sgri cultural pr clivlly ior trust 30 yssrlrtwo other regions near otthI already are being tout cd II its rucceseer uncles ton SALE Mani it lie the nrst nlgist said all Irtieler slam lIrgI Ihtg rags deod nnvhshy esrrlsge lino now Will sad or tel pshychsn and hilh tshie til Pho eon rasr Ignore CALL EXAMINER WANT AD norm Amnnism berrch cram roots so Mnhere take re It the centrs to dew Id Inert nessoi th lr problemad un done timer W411 post oi keeping ntiessis in ho td has enconn pee rs on receiving medication at cost oi about month The medl cltlon oitcn includes mm our purpose About see outpatient Ira in the iionso ior Cer promos living with type or tools no meat Someh most lull srerh ground in nuiie Inexpcsience ior them Mr Farrow said One woman who rhsdvllred It the min or s1 yurs is in Collin moldnownodahehunsn slniM tars return to the community must he extenule ll rpcrson lssslysd It the centre ior long time his Fermsr recalled one young rnIn who wse trained to work gsrhage collector ood worker but hsd ght beck ior retraining se brushes with ousting been mm us ollreiile to mt bane use tslir tohpeopllgieorlm com on letter hir FIrrew ssld they might iurt need someone to sit Ind talk with them At the centre wnrhlso the tlanlI Ire taught work robin such so how to get to time dress and groom sad get along with lel few workers too mge is cents In hour In good behaviour rsthrr than speed or Tth bids on the open rnsrlrct ior conirscte ilubberliisld er or roller matssnd spelulsr is re or customer an In lacrosse in outpstient service llr iiorlcs notes do cilaemin geuaumbg ovation not As lor the iutssre though who llnowslgsow the pernicious swing It doubling in the or at pstlenis ever the isst lo yearn 1th Ali wsreness so ther than more menlol 1M co Iy Ir lhs boilersnent ottheir rnrnlI EMERGENCY NUMBERS realm trestle 1mm rouse run nas OPP Healing Substance ShrinkIPllos innuendo proratesbrianenserrbnldlsnl rutWm In rats In in use Ines use Mlle Itatb rllllVil Will rm panama roe place kiost lrnpartset or Illresults use themgbtbnthis lmpsorla maid eels perlod 1W he Itlnsulsiu ponds nesr sirens tw tarts It all trnI pmvide work the hospital

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