Mme cunscun News who say Limlndj laytield strut52rrla0nlisrlio Linnaeusitcorcamlnuwr VLK Walls Editor Emeritus Dldl4enslwwhtsrwing Editor uosnarrezrrusscma 1m raou Besritutionprogrqrnv program believed to be unique in tcmptthsocurean agreeineat betwcc North America has started itsCalgary ihetwo rcrultlnginsroatltuliea contract and is oertaia to be watched closely tn Objective oi the agreement will beta other arts of the continent show the otiender he has hurt someone er the program adult criminal oi shit to bringvhome to the victim the lenders who have committed what are criminal is not Inaaimalbut human dualbod as propert crimes where ao beings Violence or threat violence has been Tbeetrongest arguments in Ivor ot usedwdllgetsdtancetoraakerestiiution lbe restitution program sayltspropon 1nd restore damage they have caused to cnls isvlhst many provincial Jails are the victim rather than go to Jail lled with people who shnply could not gt The program will apply ineascs oi pay lines The Canadian law Reform vandalism theil poucssion ol stolen Commissionpoints out that provincial goods iraud andbrealdngand entering jails hare become costly and overburden when the dams isless than $500 cddcbtols prisons snd are occupied by ant impart olat roeyear stud olcrimi many people who probably should not lme fmml Mil gigguun Minced gy Geuifiecldlem haiii bails min heiglmb 518 Is uwm will Witt aa governmen are ere as cert cons era arm ex 1m pueeu nrien lti combination me tabliaiied by the Alberta aolicllor pressed in recent moatlu by Canadians me generals department and program to who are concernedwith the weekend pass ordinator GsryDewarie is oonviacedit or srole concept aliordcd to prisoners will work gt oi ederal institutions mumsmm lie sayalhe conceplol restitution can Although the nuiaberdt violent crimes mam an me YOUR BUSINESS twhen the ottender andvlcttm are brought together the mediator st vaoivhMEMo Judicial Wris hrin the human clement back into cor rect ons Tile forgotten man the victim will be involved ter the first time at least to the extent that he can meet tsceto isce wilhihe ollender in trout oi Imedi ator says ills Dewsrle committed by prisoners rat ireeyon tear rasy basis have been learners one we be sulliclent to convince many that trial is not worth the program beno With the pro or screening oi Candl dates tor the gsryfprogtramthis same covaansaooirirowu Barrie Examiner and SaturdayMonr lag SI dlutant Northern in Barrio two ears rcconstruttlon oi 1e lnstituielon Blake St aeant Park Board at Dow iinal settlement with Conlractot Dick Garrett 1i9l5 Commsiid at 35th Canadian lteglment Blmcoe Foresters transch in Major Donald Grantwho will be promoted to lieutenantrcolonel All olilcerahave volunteered lor overseas service or ll Maeuron becomes fondncommand and Capt lilc su apue held annual tournament at greens with host club winning iirst prize ln playoli match at Barrio Fair Grounds Toronto blsltlands beat Coiling wood iodtoentcriiusll olntariola crosse Association Junior series lord liesroll Ve Lawn Bowl Ty Altorv BarritistTCEig Fig made Vair 7th Canadian CCMNlERCIALCRIME conearnshould not he pliable Cam ridgolteportsr Barrtoa railway wanil to leave ior float Already three have lortllvmbugler Clii at lisiild dl mgemlrclt Oscar 1min Ia liliCAchI laih wholwsa killed helping wounded so dies and wu ilam Kemp oi hlachine GunSoclion Nev Andrew Ohlailu take over Dcanship oi St arysParish Barrie and Belle Ewart DeanOblailey wassludentlal Barrie hlodel School in 1880 Largo group oi Barrio youn men let esterday to enlistwlth 16th lotion including ism Dran li celved wordirom lhelraon arriv in Artillcry that he arrive solely at Otter ool Shornclliie England having crease Atlantic on ti Allendslehas splendid record ml the stupid tSldppirig Tighelps make it attrdctive liy cuitano herElL OTTAWA iCP history olludiclai wrisloiapping has matte commercial crime In Itiraeilve pmmtitlon in Can adaeo Ilirdcttva it shakes the economy from time to time liut tougher policing is slanting it harder to earn dishonest dilsr The Mills commercial crime section made up of welleclrsoled sieuihs was lonned in law alter series cl mullimliilondollar ilnaare eonpuny wllppsca shook lor ctgn lnvcstora condence in Canada Meanwhile iarilsmni has second phase oi lids bill to govern business practlecs than another Kilt in the Common this ulrricr The Bankruptcy Art also is com ing up or nnnsdmciianii no doubt bromide against the act that ii will place greairrl personal responsi hillty on lndlvrdual diroclors oi hanknlpt companies Canadas competition law has always occn ralcd audit by experts Former corporate It rnlnlsler ilch Gray says leaky antitrust laws en courage inllsllan by allowing big business to keep priecs rlgh even when demand is DW mulled our the competition Lew COULD lid llUCll Vblll tor the last six years The pauper like diam Examine it llaylleid Street iisrrte Ontario Telephone 72W ileglsirailon Number otot Second Class hlsll ltelurn portals ranterd Dally Sundays and Statulary llalldays excepted Subscription rates daily hy barrier its cents weekly also yearly Single copies Li cents By ltIli Barrie titan ycsrl moon County mm yenry lislIncn at Canada sow year ly All other countries 500 yeariyl iliotor throw $3600 yearly Natluaai Advertising Olliccaz 66 Queen St West Toroata est 4110 Mo Csiheart Sh yidoat resh hiember oi the Canadian Press god Aodll purest oi Circuit giggle Osnadlun lress lscsulu alvelyrlcalitlodloibauntarre as ion at allnews dispatch monomer credited to or abolissmlaiod Press or iteu ter and eilo on lodal newspub Itad by itl employees Eramlner claims Coyrlghii uli griginal ma II ill and iiorla ind mm ed in GWEN gliler iii 211 ltrplnrnuon Nuns lle rites lira cm we Lawyer Douglas liugarth lormer Liberal member oi minister maintains that good antlrcomislncciswn alruntter compeillon billwould do us much as any duverrlmuni measure to rluw Ination Bilurccrrwnt oi whnt law there Is hainoi always been zealous Erie Klanms says that as Quebec revunue minis ter he got the impression that the tax Ileparlmrnt would merely demand lip allure ll it did stumble errors tarpon role lraud Why are certain kinds oi ripolls punished as stealing and others praised as man business pfilctlctt asks the law relorrn commission ul Canada in its latest annual re Undrr theprrainl lau It seems that lentirmcn dont steal the tirinmistiml rrmr rnentn Al lvrrt ihcy not smart others wurai theyre crlmirlala plat clolhes But the RCMP ruin the Criminal code hire scythe ths hecncutilaa lno av goldrnvllcld oi plutnclolhcs suspects Supt lienry lenses who tel the commercial crime section lorelghl years until his rratslanment this lull in tho Vuilonni ilcicacr College says lle penalich mutt be tougher csrasrvmtnu char Dare in its usual nyrshild ilrpcnlunco il complete turn around alter wa have lumcd it rlii arts to lllnt great change is certain to allow genuine salrs schema which sucked Maroon out at Cslgsryresl dents before the operators were cursed classic The operators were lined no mo lhcn pumped up again in Now llrunswluh That probably was re garded as heavy business tar Supt Jensen am oi lha iine llla questionDid that crimes pay1auswers itsell runner llamlllon harbor commissioner Kenneth Elliott 42 was untvla prison lent aiirlirnrr lor six years tar de irauding the cammlsslonoi mom llcginall Fisher oz bank consultant was com trncod to ihrea years The Investigation ihat put them in prison also will brina is prominent trtcutivss Ind i1 dredging cpmpsrles into eourt Nov ior preliminary hearing on charges oi oonv splracy to dslruwl taxpayers oi total of ti million Hum ACTION Solicitor Denerui Warren Allmand has described this as the most laceraslul lnvcstlgs tlonln Canadian history it is only one at 1500 Some at the others on Supt Jensens bloltor Financler John Doyle was charged two years ago with routing Imam hum Ce nadlan Javelin laid his com pany to Oliver Vsruy llien deputy minister ui dovelore ment In Newloilndlnnd Vardy also rhugrti hsa loughi eilorts to have him hruugiii hack to bewlourst land lrom Florida so the cure could Halo rourt alaiernbiuenr urchins Ina mas that Christ must needp have sullrred IllIi rhea Issln mm the dead and that this Jesus whom prrsch unto you is Chilsi Arlsl1i conversion lliclii merit and iHEyvoptbinay 1363930 Find PISVqlledi By JOHN modulation Outsreal Altairc Alum mm News Service no United Nations has rhovnt painlmiy and quietly up to son connotation ru erally mullet the and at its seventh special session this one oaths urn lent oi lhI developing its such it indie out to which renoalsnddls logae havo permeated cooler enoes this lull on the economic and social lulu oi the Third or developing world Ali year we had raised tears and alarm that the tall or in iho the World nlr find to dooalimed tlaneonleruicts in tho dovet oplag world would ice or arches oi threats and con lrvnlIiloas in Canada we ad maior spillover iromilhese cumin and uanscuul pressures on Ollaws tojreluse to host UniteiNstloas poultr en on crime became Pslw tins Liberation Organization PLO representatives would he themch The poalerence was held in Ilcnd in Geneva The PM rcp who tools pIrt were mIlalY yors at they would have hernia Toronto and they malaieiaedn mksy approach Tbero ism every reason to believe that this 30th remiss union ol the United Nat la the ume number ol years since tbeorgaalutlou has lonnod in mi will proceed on similar hula oi discussion and lsultlui dlmemeat ZNLIOMENED UI The statements oi Dr Henry volopcd world irpm around Iiou evatih inflation high roslultheoocesn Illmlly ignored by mo work month by cities oi um load and shelter ersabo iind prasaoahn provi Kiaslnger read It the special session UN Dr Daniel ilo alphas do nutnoun pl activities waning mummy he will stop than as cLulAiE upon The climate ior solving crush ing Third World prob starvation and partly the Ilidmporlhnt world id and development sgrnclm can corned has never been better Iliad while we suites inth dei Ital ol prliare new v5 ambnaeathir lo the being up mat we are rtill iitd possible altar by Third World him against iheU5 ire5 cause at his proposals for lie extra id and assistance in nr it one it is true Ilia30$ UN general session begins with sottum ignited tints when we lived using lube pub remind to attend and tho fossil bully still IronsA that the ough Iativlsraall hloo vi Arlh IttrlA lrnm eorruaared lo most our our Motloi oa lobe areas very littlesborewhat they hsva lo nannieed tort and see it lvElaIluen lllripyd Iveloo and Mad withrnises lots One could rootovaabout hall the products eilernd la aspen can and mnlutla American rnarkoio Iruilile muld go on as states wllistLl try and out ls it did belorontony ol thorn rscl immune UN But even that seems unlike now because Egy ttied in wl Dr Kissingera lerlm Igreo moot on the Sinai with lsracl will resist it warp there it we dont learn to live with iawer material goods like most at oirrieilow humans on this earth the time is inevitable when we will he lorcod to do or VINCENT mart liasiIeas and Gamer Mills Allalnl ThomsonNews Service plll you lahkypondon nor yourrl Three out at live threadn workers denl pension plans that an argon and partly paid the ieuploysr vliut even the as per cent who are covered my not be as well protoctedvss they think pen crisis bII booncmpiaa up Kidllrs too or erbtla au more In dating is laenasea in pH vetape on Lost hot suds actors as these aecurlliea rnarkets hIlido ours The need tosnake or the lailotiunary loan lllllitlCliH power oiilxsddollar peaa al Worlrerdomanr tor bill uodeertlcr peaatvn psymcntl TIntmtdvlo relate pension benefits rmrodlmeiy lo ttaai ay radios than the test in in at employment Another reason is that Egyp There is gap left or us to ilan President Ian Sudal has contribute more ps there lsior iwf um was warned the PLO against their them to ill around and wait menlbw strident operaliam irorn thclr QUEENS PARK The ileuieion uncertainty tantra dN ll DON llEAlTN Queens Paris llurcIu Thomson News Irrylce TORONTO While still rea sonsny lmh in our minds let us talk about the one malor de islopmrni in campaigning in the eiedlloa debates in reciot years rl ion enm Palentns has been cw hglna more Irind mm to medls proposi on The old days at mass meet ings and uratorlcsl outbursts on the at have pretty well neer out It lor as the coders are concerned For at us it is closing lost its IOU olliclui who told Sam one somewhere has duty to provide deceat lrcrnenl he comes to workers hut disagreement 1mm riisloly arises on the question oi how much inreent retire ment income would con and who would pay lor The no ital total that vorument pension progrnrpe chainedtopayiipuoeot at wages commencing It ago ht prcsenlirlhe chrsae CI No party nowatcmpts more Thus the press contorenco has nadran wageesrnar is entitled than one or two mass meellnzs largely taken the plaza ot the to nearly to per cent at are 05 mainly because lacy know they cant gotthe interest Campolpning per se is largely matter oi solar irom centre to centralnd shaking hands and trying to pep up riding workout Thou is no attempt to person Illy reach the mass ol voters in any community ltathrrths gorl laulo get messagelo themthrough the media local tor reci results and generallor the overall campaign CANADASSTQRY Buffalo slaughter qvgruesom ioie Ily llOii nOWhIAN lilicn iile llui contingent or NorJI llcsl Mounted Police made its iamoullreh slrom rroulhcrn Manitoba to Alberta in mi millions oi bullaio made the irslllcsylrrmhld with their galloplng hools On Septembor 22 the police saw ahonl the ctlimulod as one mllllntrhu iaio Tanycara idler they were practically extinct iha ainuglilcr was terrible alter low when the lirst U3 raITWuy line was rompion across the continent lhura warn notonly settinrrbul those sands of sportsmen who ltllles the iiullsln tortheir iur engueh hirhttcro rice lleaey especially pickled Somallmes group at hunters would latco herd ol bullalu tu llnmrcrla over cilll so they won be killed or easily shot in it 0th builalo rebel um Nashnonuunnnn word sold in St Loull but there were only Tilt lheioilowlng your liullalo on the Oiatudlnn Prairies went south into the Motor the winirr Tbs Amerh cans than get between them and the border In thry could not let hack our year they burned wide strip ol terrtlor between tiornl llounloln Sas atoheusn ami the liockles When lherp turning buliala nldlnot ilnd iod tier ihrystaycd intho US Ill won killed 0i course the slaughter was severe on the Canadian side but worn on the American became oi more settlers there Tau Northwest Tertilorlrs Council trlcdio sovelhe huliulo in law paying laws that mnrlu it llrgal to drive them ever ciills or into traps but the re uialicng were repealed the to owing your in any case the notion came too late ldilma meeting Artsd titla arnpolgn we saw bole llnaiiy coma into its own There were attemptsia lhe set to put on television do pies ol course but they were nailid Illalrs and largely bar in this provincial election the approach was finally arrived Ii wherelcaders were puivoll the air and simva let run loose And rt last We had lomalllinl ammocldng residebsle In Illslrwhlh had lilo and inter set and which gave tome ink ling ol the various leaders as real mole The limits at the debates certainly oould be improved Tilers was general ditowlcr in the Daylpl wis allair though there want burly oi DavisNixon there still Ver untidinrrr loudest case Lewis tiwmdha Ciliada lCPil or Pension Plan OFF and 01d lice malty toast hlsre leuads Canadas min ister oi national health and wei iarooand horvestTll critch Reinhard INTER lhere inro recurring doubts glhot Greece Wants to leave donut nay moon ice Greece opened lonnel tailu nilir NAN atod desire this weelt over its to oult the alliances military commm But there are rccurp the huriy inn doubts Imang solmoblm suaclln Turkey to come to set crs that Greece re wants to lea lha npgbilaiidns whidt me drulod to gel ih lions take nsontiu are part at the pect at settlemmt not belong to dapae issues oorriblaathelr adheres pension toil intent rorooppnsien cooleronce sponsored =by the ilnInrial Post that he has salted his olildsls to sll down wlibtheclto makapirowe4 If tslkin about the same rig grass Under his post calmdatloae theClApiali midregokotbe individual employs to coatrlhs uleluldpnsreotolhlswlo the pension plan by as with tin coolrlbotonsritluxulieedllym in 3075 perm yeon ill new whooitwuldbaiidlywf lllG PAYMENTS Just to maintain CanedIs existing universal psarlonf schemewithout trying in lb up more grandlV rag to coot more It oppls rpmsioa recipients become morn numerals in Million to was contributory lnioodo hoputo pe nit no on no higher interest on the iil lands they borrow That would mu mine laevltohle asos The curth lormuls vdsinh is related to the borrowing rats as lungisms loloral obligations vglvta the provision relatively use oi the pqucl CPP cont Minna ii the Invlaees heels and refuse to pay goaltlsiie lliohl Inlomsl ilr intone implied paylnil contrh balloon on Ciil and OAS will have to be lacroaxed That may be hsiastciid bu its Whilsiinan inflationary age The nancial souocro will be all the greatest private pew alonesianl are somehow pror veoi loom srowhsgandpros aiding reasonable sulinllstion protection to participants Fortunately Canadians hays nninuo lies to deter substantial part or theirearn tags with rollrenentagr through Registered Retirement Savings Planar ll ination continues un dieciradrcsoadirmrwlllhave plans with liberal dose of indi vldual responsibility to urban wadortpblo rcllremuit NEWS hsve second thought about mitt ting the millian calculation the acrimony oltha Cyprus war lsdcd lt Some observe say the wIlh drawai lilltltit is simply retitled to push allies into MTV llcmen tarnia on Cyprus iiut lha rockan have readyconcluded ltho plop pitdrnj ol the loiurr Amilltere rquhIt erupted villhln NATO hrlghl Thorceltrcn on was too much discussion oi one Turlrcyavadod Cyprus rocent speech or two points last summer and wehllolhe orbyn Dutch secretarygouerai oi NAN The Daylpleon eoniron llan brink oi er with Omega rscph Luna has been hlller oi course was srmeran leas so outolhsnd that it probably turned all many yiewerv llut still evendhsd good deal at moril The voters It loasiuere racing real people lulure such dcbaioljiheru Greek po shu id be some shape or ior mat Ierhapycunilnlag anawerr to set time period with penal ties lor tnlcrrupllons NAN ally lne Oreelr auvrrament ihen lsatlons on groulsii that ATO policies heritavotodmrltey Since thb awever lbo has been am biguous Greek olilcera ate win to rmedlngs ol he First in Europe then in United Sister inns has soared good Innouuced it would withdrawn Ull in from NATO military rnlr he mm finblllul supplies ray The embargo usI cdV against that wishes Wits administration because Turkey used Amarlein arms lor oiled live purposes on Cyprus Lunl has argued that deprivi lluentlsl delsaoa pisnnlng com log Turkayloi arms damages Ferha also list at sub millet and they no longer help NATOEI power in dcleoduls lined to lime as ed And then simng hand in the Itinnlr Turkey llut they cont min to tulle purl slet encruschmonblhrough Middle East or thn lletiiierra chair tin inlmm to Fraser it other NAN Imlnllnllonlt ncant Kelly lime wrro an absolutely new type ol pro ruml Given this is TV debala laclr lrh site would bacon tomanthaNATo Mtdquerters Inulhrrn ilsnk against say and Greeholclals piill attend nunmllltory meetings lharo hays been suggestions The Greek iiuvclrnmcni Illscltcd Lunas iniervention charging him uith orerslcpping could term most important or ntonllil that the new civilian his Iulhoritms servant oi part it our cloctlonceruig lotutimlai in Athens would country NIITO council