Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1975, p. 10

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lnrlhelurmCllylwnlnlbo Nwmaricl Ind DIIlIklSooIr Dawson JIId Ibe learn bu our oolnL lend ha Ilm ylnrr mielrn ll lam IhI nut In mm Illll Ilnl be leezw bceause II woerlw tool II ernze nII Burl sound bod lllllI ltouble Irllb Illrlnbln Solurllu Imntbo nl Ibo use el Scand rell When Brlu Dunno ileler lollwod media loo Ito our absent isenibf plquox Bale In one um no sale OnLIvio In If men rum Wu vj nmmammum Wham Red Ilfld Sofsmlldkamdyum ngullIIblemplldinI gum moaning lbroe KunedyI mm 6m In tun one Innlu In Pal llrn run In IIII Ilnnal 1rd noted In Ieoond on and Irenmlollmbueonnulk Ibllolloblleobomdnxled or if In eond bun iIII word when EA uolmrnu non pm clue seal WI unconned Sour day In mam Ill 1mm have meaty II will be plead and mm In In mm In Ihl blmcoe My Bantu Im II Iled Sox all lllm mu lo nu Iulml JII OrlIllA Innx In llln Ilruls sox IIIIIIIXII In game Sumday rial on mu moaned Irorn Ill So wm M17 The led So It number ol key pelloml who hm renalno lo Irnllorns um There Ire Iiro yrrl mm and lqu lbern are Italm mime learn CANADIAN course IbblIAll7 Perphiql aShOW early seqstm form allfl CANADIAN PRESS lerennlIl lIIorIIe oonllllued lo show early own lomlliu CInIdlIn lnle olleIlIle Iool Ilnll Idlon 5Ilurdny In Illuz UnIIenllI Ilouul Allllon llounllu mo llle Unhenlly ol Prlnce Ell Iver lllml on Idle In olIlrl OQIFC mm Satur day DonovrdlI ll rerIll Con cordlnnl delenlcd Meal Un Alblelle nglollo delendloz yenlly nednlzn 121 or Ilen III Inv ddylled New llnry ll mnlek Ilod Domer Ml IE runnerup noodle Ammo edged FrInelI Iuvler XIllc mo In the OnlIrlouuebne llnitlv colleIlIlo Foolboll Conlerence 1m CollegeWI llnIllIlI UnI Inll ol Toronlo Bluu LIE bl Wlllrld LIurler Golden HAW or the norm llrno In Iuo werkr IIH declnlon nl 1anerloo Onl lllnlenlly ol WeIem Onlarlo IIISIMLI Colleze Bowl chom nnI lake on UnlverIlly ol door laneero In lorne Monday II Wlndwr LII wk In undon lbeMMerI ml III umum In Illa IlllIrIlle eon Irrencryllnlboulle llem bul CIIIU Ihrat Alto suspend westerndub IUIIONTU Cll Lnllerlllo ol Western llunnnzl III not be pennlleel Ior ployLIr Husponded Unlverslly nl erul lIor LannaI In on UnllIlo Ilulr lrrIllJeI Allllello Mancunian pme today lhe oI dlrollnrx ol llle Crnndlnl Inleroolleglulo Alh lele Unlon derldel Sumlny lo Illhrlraw lempnrnrlly III lhrcu Ilo runlend any learn lhll IIIled Ihe Ianrm llob lunh Extcllllle elmIor lol lllo CllU Iold bundey the ICImrrI nlll remnln under lvenrlen In In II he nollonnl orunlullon lI cuncrllrd lnn Stanford holds Michigan lastsecond Score IIV llllll AIISOIJIAIIII VIII Illrlllonn luld lhI Iudncllyllo an melonl Inn In In my IIIIBI mm Iloul Iwiball nume lunII lhn Curdlrnll have went III III 70 your or II rolllng Nlll Slunlord extruded equre Ill mange IIJ bnldlno Illo henvllylo rell IMGIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iollennu mm Ilurldoll ull llko 2IDIII3IMIIIII eld goal AIIII lIIlne zeoondnlen ml he In In nI lllko Cordavu who rum Inloted III II Ior 23 lord Ind lHII louelulounl Mler lha Ionllozn llose Ilonl roul lollowlnz Illa lllnl Icanm Illlrnleon eonllnucd lo lonnon Slunlordo wlnnlnll IllIS III wll loud 21r7vln loll lluI Slnnlnrl llnllly come through nllh 23 II lrlurnllh ln Inll and Iooollld 3wllII 147 lho nexl your The Cltdllll Illd II Iouln 1342 In lho rm lloae Bowl llld VIII Illlollllnn won l7lo In 1m In Wollerlnoa worn IllllJpllllul Ilo lluln eel Illa IInner ulnyln lrrovled Slnnlonl mull In Idlrlnunneln In ollzer koy Humor No rrnked OklIhomu wnlluped Nu IMIII 4010 llIlrdrnnkoll olllo Hula hold all No Iar Slnle 179 IIIUIfllkl llIer lIIbII onk llllnols W10 No II eIthnl lndlanI Inn II Texanlrlmmed Wollllnc Ion SMO No II Nolrl Dome IIIIIIIICIIIIIIIdUD IN on ennuneo lost In No II we In other nuns Inwlllu mllodalwru ll Tenn Iv Ind Mmllllld Loulollnr Blnle llllIIlIel lreIl Queenl Ibld lnumbll In lull Unlvenlly Goklen anrlI edled CIrlelon Unlumlly IloIrnI II KIRI rum 0an Guelph Unlumly Gr plum delrnied llell er Unverelly llIrIudeII 4H Il llImlIlon Unlyerolly ol WIIth loo WIr boot York Unlrer Illy Yemen nnl Unlver Illy ol WI delloled IIIIhopI 07 In lhI only lVeIrrII lnler rollellnle Football Conlerelm name naturdly UnlIerIlly nI Snlknluhownn delulm Urllver Illy ol BrllMI Columbln 1H1 IIIIIEE IIIAIIE DUTIES The Home were kneedeon In ouorlerlraekr In lholr roul ol cw II Iwkk Kevln Pre eldergurlrlm Pal nrlll IrIn llearlllo IllIrdd lbe ollarlrr lllreal lo Iulpend Ilndror vow nenLI RII plored In nhcynnee unlll Flldll nle CIAU Iquolllloll mom LanrcrIIoro Inouslblo Io Iompoe In nnllonal Himplwl only In ull room IILKEIT CAN ILAY Sunloys CIAU rullnl ulll nel warm the Lantern rum uslng nunrlerbnek Dore IIrllcll Inn Illlercd lnelllrlble by III II llonIl body from rlnybg Ilen dnyI rume llulell mock llle OIMI ellalbllny reoulrexnullr Rhlch lIIlIrr ram lllmn ol lhe nnllollnl body our Norlll Corollnu slAlI edlml No II Flvrlda VI No II Illa Ivnrnn ballorell Clemson 561 lklnlleml Slalo heal No In Ilrlt lulan Illll No Arlzurlu loulnl Iucllle 1M II All znrln Sula lrlm lexns Chrlsllnn om lllulllonrl slIln HIMKAINO Illo II nnd West Vlllllnla Illlnlell lorrllo Eblll Oll own In WnIlIlnzhln mm the herllllcll bllllo LI nllv Arnnrlm MIIINCIIIINIII Illlo Tony Dorm Iln Ilnlned In yonll and scored three men whllo Darrell wns held lo In Ircr low I1 yards on eorIIII Oho Slolon ruhn Irlllln nlnrll yurdl on El enrrlel for In 25rd conwrullve loo yIrIl oerlonnunen And mode Iooolngulnr Iunxlnll collIr ol Comrllur lirroour LIyll all In Iol no Im Johmenl clnch In llvynrd Ieormg run IKIIMI Penn Slate Inlmwn who nllded lM lIrdl nlIo wored lho Duck oyu IlIIl louchllawn Um ynrd plun lllrwu upIIImlndrll AS IOW AS SIN0 PER MONTH LIIII For Aunl locus Coll Korv Johnston 7266488 lIIeIl uln lllI buyurd IInKIn oll rr III IonI vlrlllar Ib Llndny lance Ibeo they Ilseedlbe IllaIla Arm Sun rllarrlo Flyerr opened IIlfll gm exlulrlllon Idlodule on ils mun dullel lor no lIuIIlcn compleung Il nl 11 panel Im Inlereepllons ploml II III Ior Ille Xmen ISl IrInolI quorlerbaok nob Ollellly had 1744721 pnulnl rroord blemllbod by lourlh ounrler lnlereevllvlu by Cllll mm Inn 4mm blelemIIIII nenl Ior Audio loueuoowns Quarlcrlrnek Mllro lhornoson led IleIIlmlllCthl llolr Th IerI DalbouIle leerI wlllI lwo loudldounx nudllhl end Tlm llozun eonlIlbuled one Wldo Io eelver Jlnl Chnmll younker brolher oI Al Chnrull ol Toronlo lraonqu II Inc CnundlIn loomoll League had Inn lunch Ilowns Ior Ill Alllwn llneekleker Allko Sakalnln Inbred Inul pulnlI In he llnIl lllrre mlnuleI lo Ive lhe llluu Ilde lleldsonly Illempl Ill 50 oI Ibo lounh ouarlor broke 1117 He and he udded nynrd Held 301 IIII 30 Ice nndI remnlnlnlll lolln Home ul Laurenllon UnlIerrlly pruldml Ill lho uIlM board oI loremnmnln Solurdny any learn lhul rcllmd lo lIy lno Lancer thlI tensor ml Iorn llle game by delnull lllr CIAU ruling Sundnynlso Illlldran llIrrol lo Iurpcnll any learn HIM plan lrum lhnl ho played Wlndsm The chun nl Iullllo In Inndll Ilonal on IlanAA Inomborn III good Ilnndlnx In Ille Clllll Iolvlnxl aullrnnce lhnl Ibo IFIII onrl Inlenl ol lllo II lonII bodyI ellxlblllly rule IICIIII nbmvrd llllers 201 In tho relme rlod lhe Ilrno mm by one lho TlgerI kuyocd Alubama lwn weoh urn llul lJIrte lleld goals by Tlm llhbonn rnndn ll close und Illlslourl IVOILILd Illa hnmun Iuln by rnllylng In llIe Inurlh qunrler III lony III Irreulhr lhrceyud run InIl ll Llyorrl you play ram Slelo IlIIInrklewllx lo Ilrnry IIIIII VCFI SIANDINGS CIHIIIIIn Luxue IIIIlrrII Conlrrrnee II ll 214 ID 024820012 Toronlu 1E3 206 ll lllellnn ll IIII 26 Iellern Conlrrrnrn Flmonlun 021 Ill ll SIIlrIlellINun Ilnnlreal Ulluwu Wlnnlpri I10 Wlth lhle dgdisl serene IIer Mlle 90 nor ICllllTAll MacArthur 5Normuood Chloollbn Al Al cllnllav llAlI DIIIBCT II LILIry nay la uh on III mm In Im In exblbllhl IInIe Borne Ibo HICWIIIK Iyer Illlre Wnsllyn Alum II In bellow new Flmlunmomd nooblu ernl combllullon ln Velma lCorby Aduns Don Punqu Ind Ilrrl aIl ol Item wwalry Lolel Morrow uncom Guy up lbo lerll polled udore IIII lInl 2o Inlnulunno Irorn Lyle Brlmn lbern In oynr Ibo my bId IIlbey Impm II polnlq on Hudson mm In ml Wu by Iron ouuu Adm Iorlbo llym no we rellolrd Iiyllllo Wniallyo Ind IIAIIII BARBIE RACE IIInNIIAY flowUlnin murmur roIrrulnIIm mun sunIrnuuum dIllIIEN VIN um HWnAYnFwlggyCh loekmn RICIAI on Irnuou llullrr lIAINI mm III llllImlIln 24m rm IMIIIIII Mlncl Kld Ilqule 35pm Una omen iMwhwvlownoh Innole IUdy IIerIIlnp ll lllorrow PymWI Cl nVolvel Ilnrn IL llullen In Koren Bron ownerr Hfgnlslboxmlgf RAPLEWA$ITGIIII15IMDlx lt on IIANNI IIAL luzN nmn IIIAzII cnuuu llulloII lzgmytmg Magma Iivrnvu more Ilrnn zrno Gold llnndll way IJIIIII llrd llItKenlrz uVeo llee ClIy Hull 3moer Gold IlIcArlbur lllnnny ll Spencer IIIIIIIP651Iddyaclleirlu Iblrrl Plee Mlle lunnrwl Ilvsrunr ll all HlIhlh gt lulu nolo Sundly 11 Burlo urnI nllb ronvlndnl IN Ilo ndny In bow enlry In Ibo Orlurlo ll ryAy IWHEN ILL blrlilllllloll nfllur tROIIIIY llrown Illlllm or GLEN Way HWY zllldnlrhl IIrker Brown JEllls WI IV lllICAlkllI Hurulldnle llex ll Allen 7anqu Ilrl EwlleNulr Lynden SoulrI II llullou KIWIrllIII III Umonrey Plumb IIee llllle 50 IellAIuLul uLAcKIu II IIklII lIIIIMA UANlllI DI llmwu SIJANNY IIAIIIACII ll lrnln esurlnlvlobellrnllouo LWll Ior llerrl wow bllln EIully mm Jones Illlh IICe Illleu IM Hnoruo nournon ll N1 BTEIUINEYIS More lSbody Ady IllnoEonbern zJoekoy Ilrown llrlllly llle lb bDeb Dlrncl ll JIIle Fullhncks seorei525 omlwn or uuubul Nell bunMon roared 15 polllu Sllurduy no ullown Geoaeer hammered Illlhool GIllerI I11 II In Onlnrlotquobee Unlverelllnl Alhlelle Anmlnllon Ioolbnll Lunuden Icorod lnreo luuelv down Ind lllckod Iour eonvrrlI Ind llrld tool Ibo Gee4 Gees bulll up 210 bIIllIInI end olher 0llllIlI vIolchWllI were uorod by DIII Wblley on dlrylrd reluru numer lluolilm llon Ind lllko llur ell lIllho ol llI louchllown when nrry unrbrrlne run punl IIILII 72 yIrdI wILlI clam nllnulII lono In lho Ihlrd run lrr lo moko llIr won 11 Dourlllnclllllln llVluI OllooI nowlnl won bolh llI umeI In IN Hill yelpubllo lllIllopIlI ll la Tm QIIMII I11l VIn 16 VIII olI IInv gt Pom 1IlIIleI nlIkeI woulluucllunnrrn TILDEN Ilnnr CAII Ill BAVIIELD Ir NIw Phony1310300 IIlLIlI elIlIoIl BIrrIo mounllod most ollh Punulll Iconu All IA ck lhree IuLIlI lrom Mun Ind alber norm Ior lb Flyerl LeII Ice ll youdonl nerd bank Io ell on how onlan your fululelhnIIyoue usineu And we mom ll IIlIlIClllIy you vegnlyourp Inrled oun And your mnnr mm In III III llnnkolCAmInerce WeconcurlomullorIncnlilccrrdlr pnchfe Ipedllrolly lorjour farm The package In lnDnlIlvllllI Icosou Ioscuon operallonl Ind Why Ind Enroll Ilch ll Inln Id Ema PIllemn broke Inr mien Ibo rltbl Ind olIeod In lbeeomer nel Ilrrcond boll GoullI FolII Ind Jock LN own1 led Inldlold voile Slere Knlxbl Ind Illa Boomn IIIrIdIuero on VlEnrrdnerPldnl Pdgnllliopnn snlfff sealt In all Abbnu Ind Gray unit Ilndu an all Irlu Borrlonod lqu unnot mu The robound wool In lronl lle IndI nubIqu major lbI not InrI lllobrnond Hall oboe be Tbr Rmm mood IoIl mIIlurIlreIkllllerllbe an on Rumba IAUlJs lOCIC royerI ovumurn Wadosdny Il NIL nhrn looIIu Ior Amber oponln ln home Mn Ibo Hula 72878 WAYS In NIILI my null or ENG TIME Enl II MElln 7AQUAIIIAN lEIJAII Wm run er IM Woolen SIIoI Mold Brown 5Kle Illllndl Jmls 6CbrlIlIlloom In Dunn 31113le llullel LIonn 1mm Ice rule 50 eMITJDIIEL Way Vorumuln PRINCE III voun cAsII IndCARRY REMAIN Ar 49 ESSAIlonn lNon Mount GrIbIm Phone No 737182 lTlmely Il llullon bAdlo Outer nodpub 1Coolrlu GllI II Jlrvll Ifypureae laqungforthe future longer rInge lInInclng olileml Iuch II machlm cry uln slung or Iddllloml lInd con lend you lho money you need now And In nlre IIIan is lllIlyou cIn Irrnnse repayment oncolllcully lo Iullynur cash ow If on wuh we can IlIn Imus Iowmsl rrcdlllllolnsurnnce Whalever ourcredll needs the person In lllklo II our local Commerce nunIger So If you Inner whohnl fulule plan Illnl Include money eorno lolklo III Ions Ill lInI Ire golngln ncrll edllkclohclpynulero lerrn or II In cover your menlll CANADIAN lNIFEIAl BANKOF COMMERCE

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