Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1975, p. 4

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lnthe thermonuclear lgelIihipeeceft ol mternolional problomcould thenlrattonottnankind nameraeeuumometueuuun there mdfnnthatthepo ulxrltyot world argon ration among public on within it eUNInreto uldb Weill end ant ertutand mhIrichIInd bullttbodythetlrtmlqoe leibiatoryoi mankind Ad nation as el are united in of merger orehave Ionoany poltllo Inlneleu are power In Muencemmlttedthem tom tubeckcn mblernm ubIor uto ilcy cooperation ntherthnn glow nattone that to teke rent the courtno lion eh Todryuthermcuypeaealnthe1tld sweeping lenenllzItq dle East llngere on In en which the crittcrot nlted NI keep telling about William to real onrltkeiothmw at theorgIelullon Idynulc weapo It could deatroy truth la that the UN has helped td much of humanlty theIllnltladNettona wt were he helped by needlalt the eu rttwe an give to Ind lioeactlon to Ilothln dayt remnlna the only mennI cklndo warbt 1905 our one lnulul internetloual form we have ltntuot rtedand reamedet aletruuteterterpuoueete 90 novemnoo lIrrle luminer September l9 Power Ind HI Jamaicans Culbbean tertalnment group were in BIrrie tor Ontario Young Pro uive Conserv and up or arming tederat election eberl then In trout peso Ibutoourageourly Ithe twotoot bar or Lord Powor tn cute Ineounxlngiword to the ot the eteel Ind Mee in ve mitten the 931 mwfflafu unmerltWhatnaeomt lnt lbw III Burk Fur looNldthe mittth hlr oitldah Imvmmm believe that the com or eopeo lber Ithl pie who etlaoded thItIlrlevad or at Ihol the ie Berrie EximlnIr dtan may no Now out our la over leytr chin progra Cam Bprdon ll toetrm ucatlon lndphyllll there Diplomatic Service It hm pet or tied Ietoletllanunondorun lt pmoa iltm tIlkadttnmuty lt mm we hlri ol clIQr whoth feel It In roles whomtlrimitre tuner Ill wall ntonry all time eaallty Stood Earnest lanew to thin tree Jetme anon bl mol vehemenuy that countryI iIlrI were neteiweye that had on men Media Barrie wr ln over 80 yeare Indth they hevtdeterlonteo the list leer leohlu Itl rle polioo three mon 00 OntIrIoChamber of Commerce ml the Auoclattonveiected Don tic 15ffgolngplilmq axed machine llOIIlPIlhi and son nt of minute succeed Reg Whole implement agency located in tormerBan Ia reddent edul tor Nov Federal election found 147 candid rle Planing httllon llary St ItSoohla gt mm nominated for wruhm Instruction oi tintnrtiiiclel ice mlchlnI use oi tnrnotu Hank Partrid um Imed Pettenale ty oi the Wee In Berrle by Exnmlner porte edltor Rick Fraser Hunkexprcb ochrelenn rSlnelalr mutter Nell mime or hopes to we return oi top lunlor hoot Funk Him Hm mm and VIlII Wee Allaoppvcontlnuer at Irene mInagcr lirrt tenanta wlll be Barrie mme ey to Barrie where he ltarred in hockey we end footballeat Camp Borden lien huameege lg tralngroottatlhI eeso eon oran naro yum emier John Robert were in Barrie to ddress Youn PCI convention Preaid ut Gordan nder raid local membere ad Diet late in town YOUR BUSINESS WOd infldlitbn wOISefin 1975 litilltl My mum Nm lmlee Remember year or two go when our political leedcrl variably excuoed our mind nation record by poloIltu to counter wlht even wore mule well become the line auto midyear tint at lnllallon trende indunrlnllred mntrtea that money debmitted It rnedlInannuel rote at in per can In tintlull 1m 111 per cent to me and 11 per cert in om The CInedlIn dollnr thlI nor depreciating little leer titan the manen even to per eent on In annual bull Icrtrnb In to Fine Notional Bank not New York which mumbled the ileum on world pllroltatlng power The Citibank ameaoh In not to meme InI ton dlrectly but rafter the rule oi decline purebqu power WWI nualtpercorttrloeinthe QWMW mum Mu mm to Ho would stint money uUlre datum Ililde more to outdo Street II Wm Wed EIrrIe OntIrto llll Ilrpltone mom ltr eatlmatee oi punharlnj neg IrIllon Number NW tub get to Inbotanti Second Ciel tlall erron thban coucedu lter Reiunt putters guaranteed tone might Include Incomplete Dally Sundaye and coverage unduly heavy welrht Elglutopy mum glvert to cataln overnrnent excepted umtrclled prim or Ilium to iGubtcriutton rater duty by um channel ht teeter with rrlerjs eenta weeldy no Iriy elneir cooler 15 cents wwwm by and eonnnnpttou putterno noon rum liell Barre Mt yearly 0M co ueetioru lhe medlut deprecll lten ol per curt would be lower it Yugoalavia tm per rent Nrkey me pa tent rand lcelond me per cent were not elmlilad It lnduetrt cured oountrlee horn runny INtt rounlqtrnenaged to er cape Ilgultlrent inadon in the twat leiwlltl It lhlI eat ermnnye mar em eelled In annual reteol 51 BIBLE THOUGHT Beware teat IIy man Ipoll you threuut phlltuou no rein deceit Iller thetradi liter the rudimente out not alter curtt Nothing is goopel bnleai it gt Chrltttceniredt Thytyord ta tru I= nee at Canada Gwynn All other trle BtVell Catbcart by the Canadian tlreu myth ureen ot Circulr odlan Preu ta exclu nlltted to tilejltte ior re um die IlCh In will it Wm Ind rm Hm um 17 began It ltltrio Aretu std Shetr eer by commiulon herded by hleyor Plilr Ice maker appolnted engin hocltey club operated by Howurd Norm Mlghton Emm Churler Chrlalle Ind Archlo Manhal ppm 91 mt Smith Moore mlrked both year to thee merch William team er not Swiilandl Inc et cent Tlteee were the beat antiIn ation records oi any Industri allud country Swilmland hung to ltllllVIl indlonal red tn ila conaumee prch Index in July lItnt Ihowe that even the Ltrougest oconomieo Ire vulner eble to the Mellon It In4 nation In me me ot Wett Ger nuny and Switzerland domeei lo Ination helped alanlby trade lurplulea IrA rllbog en port prlreet Two other oroeporoun nellont also experienced charp pr eeiation oi moneyVenezuela llll per cent and iron tlhit per rent Bothc ounlriee belong tbthd Internetlonal oII tertel the On Intention oi Petroleum Exporta Counllea ud thetr reiae taver un evelepod econoqu here been ttvblnped by thIInI ow at foreign Itde to pay icr the eti they eeil It too to zoo time It cont ILon GROWTH Beretta the note tlulnttexa In the purchaatng power at cur renclea however Citibank rm tome It that the worldwide wave Ination may have created hln thewfutari myriadwhet menu cea open on the growth elm money atoelo wrrency in circulltlnn olu checklngIocount deport lt Iayl When central bent down the retouol the moneyalock growth Ination tend to now own with one to three Years hope that noqu ilvehour riot In AlertIn tut JOIIN EMBRON term poll In Quehcc iburotlitm eretc IM left wlng gonna Ibo wan on Md QIl dlraalerhar edoilntorma our dI onutle cornice hat been grams im nltbe Amentan pucttee memo 3253 gist handing out plum entbuaedo Comm Iblpru well unwnolaei plum to po atlr Irlende at kntlmrlumle And it attouldnl expo rbeilrey unbuuderrhlpe tor ncient aud tIroI ry expectant unlor oflicltll oi an lard Pepin who may be the temal nllIl an embauader to port ol Immeoeely wlng Importanc tetra tlmpo an poo all c3331 Imbastedor Wuhltuton has been lIrgely are tendon rTokyo Ind to places like Econ drld nolleeably ILUI developt oounlriee aut le ll in lime than men Lingth key lbhl At present we politicIl Ippoinl Landon Ind Per tmoare Iito omitted by Con mauve Illil they ar briey In power indeed Cauldron amtnee do to that importantcity In clitdlnl Incumbent Marcel Gt dleux career diplomatbave been wllbeut exception ret rate operate in pnrtbecanae the were external Itinlu men wl Ithe rotttloeocetot the prime minitor recent example oi diplomat exuertlu et in belt in turning Peiietler alter tennet otlice too wet Ed httdtle who retired to liberal cable uymlnlster tor undermine oi oi neliontl deiruc he will be IhiI lielae lib elenriy utt irteodly Gerord Pelleiler at antbmador to ce lIer pnllticel rppol Intent in Leo Cadieux who got lob he were Illnenl ltHnenewedeie1nce theaters Frenchlltopeslor ROD cunnrta lbI Cenlapeee French geverrtmontl on tho tor the Mediterruoean Itland oi Cornice might prudueliy div rolveritave hoenltutterod by renewed violence on rebel pres nemapdl tor greater tortomy The rrltir came head with the Ihootln bf throepo Ilcemen last mon ioliowod by period oi relttive page not demand tor illndlmenial channel in thawing gotlert menl Ip oa reg on probiernLIPt tlclall obmere In to that decadent Iptead to other French terri lorlu particulerl It the gov ernntent meetly wr to tree aunt Although many moderate Co rbcanr deplore violence there apparently ll breed public ltlD port torthe atma the auto mum who have Irvwn lmlt atlent with government Irullt erence gt weekend modular the rebelr do not Inlend to yield not on THEEtcrforoUNCH Ito7 it The ream to the raotd monetary urowth creniel do mend Ior good rod lcrvlcee tlhu outrtrlpa eveltnble rup lt Clldll money ruopiy we lNWlll It an annual rtte et more nurture cent late Int fear it gm err roold in met lllghor unernploymlnt Ir one early rerun oi monetary decrie ration Clubank eayl ha been murh me let melee rm beehhuecomunothuomt iree oi title bled ol extgoing pl or external IIIIlrI le III diplomntlc comtor the uitl lata mate promotion INTEEPRETINqitnmcwsj maior tear among Perl oi In Cor ca utteth IWJWW mmmam tuuwtmuezattucwm lullllbllll Glow In hoe letterh rmee moheldthe $3699 at hintiyiarr no lhoog betore in ca career It beeun in the Llme Dirty llr Dielenbnker II prime mlnioier pleynl lnr ambuaedo rial patronm gentle am more widely then hleunlmreoo or Trudeau have done In tact be mt Ippotn amide outddem come It them WI Ibuudorr to tth hlh post And they eerved in mutton not molecular ar the key one lloled above thouhtbe late George Drew wIIbtr Dine In lenbtltorl ettolcetorltirh oonr miteioner In London There were In the year utoen the prenrttlah Dielenbahlrend Drew were trying to rectore the rigor oi thI Cmadaarittnh trudmnd cultur ectlon Another line irom there yarn wae wtntodIy whiuher ol the Vio torie Dlliy itmer who held pools in MillHill uhltheom mitalooer endllmlt Ind Mex Iko aecur nmbtendor 0e button nub mulch lncllll in thezyartvhevenl been had once But they did end Itlll must ralaehrl with the ex peetttlona oi our proiesrlonal protect There was talk at violence and lenerel atrtke unleu Perla bowed to demand thet political primers be released nod recurtly iorcea Including the Foreign Le Ion be wltb drawn The lne Ieemed to East peacefully rrurked only yen orderly demonelrntlon But then hand ol young men lntstrtted by ourh lose oi lace initiated the riot nutter cow aldorabio damage In nubile buildtnla Ind harlhlt Six riot p0 lice end one demomtrator were Injured Autonomltte accuse the much govnrnmeot oi oonnlnr ulnf to ctlre repression and ot go It KrtcvanceHueh II lack oi university on the Leland about ill miles oil haneea molhem coast 11on are 635an anew tor elected regioouutembllee tor ouch gterrltorlea heme that we rejected by ldlllhth the tImId rerlnonimllon lava were approved ln 1m ln usence knicans at they are treated like oeco ciatt cltlunr Another problem cenlrc on tho pretence olImemhcra oi the Forotrn beglon who were wel cornodaleboonlotheeoont omy when they red in large number to are unralter more loot erh ant ieelon hues there lotion undo up oi lorelgn volunteera under French oltlcerl her not been uted agelnet demenelralorr but hat posted armed Juardl nd dams power Illona lute rrm lemcially olnee ttwu lllmrev Witnlniour tutetlsston duegedtoAnrtutl lhla yeIrthu gt911 to thlt me do not he himbmuu or Not to mannerat peopi here For hemut It the nu we pteuur to man mum ucltlohel Ind relrenhlnx In tact RE No Barr Ont so ntists ortiohdkesx at $310 wutdeu grow or be uaedlb mueunn bummer beetl 1m WWII aadlnworted tour cane or 1mm Will eweoteotor wit drtnb rtemimo alum not or or nrearctoerelhupredlct Stllmlu Altrrlour yeare rtudy It lbw the machine the Hordealbtpertrneolalhm carrot end blatant um Inoculhern Manitoba the that rambler the water obese uncler have cooetuded the out Ithn extremely good predtnuon el 2311th Lube oolentl II newdrop pm routeob the Jerusalem utbIllculariy en the Prairlee chokeu eonunerclni crop to lite IadIehap mujernj eolireiyJIpeulble wittluthe next lotto the rtrulnderellgped Years ll IdoeIueta Iineoclog Stunner uldvoaem ior refinery iI orlttoomlng knobby whileth 14ng Stauilernl member shaped lit amen ol the loderallriuodcd reteereh tram laid the artichoke can be ured In vmoty tray and only eventually Produce the lc oi row It theretall IVC unomrf lrtlce gt against Itoter weetber twig lt wtlhglvahntda degree your harrert petenlirl and oi Iultlcletwy In production or got calorie level beneilelnl peraonr on dieu rwertenerI The vegetable it about lwtce When the reotebln II II lam II mar beet Ind Into er about We ttmee uweet At theeomprr le tor rerelrch ptation the leamharo7mrmn table turnsho with experimentedwlth revere verb lower cllorle mtent 0cculoolionterms oleluyedy nlry oynon oorruluu musty lg neet totem worthere out ace till lllh my rt trooon moved into the tort Jelllmugfmw anl 33gnf3rgi the locullou ot the grove tool JShi isiltiimls or on no go out underwater pods em he aoblld When the grave trade lwn with lm huhltdeverythlnl had other mqu who had bed to dull exrept the rkull orumlllnr the Memes between gulllwm mg mum and Monmu atilt orb the lllnlllne ebt nuhcd loIQuebeq alter to Que battle boom to rIlIy b1790 whm the nobility French lroope but learned that From no Dctally Spartan torhma when it lIylhe mullonrlearmg hltreal of mm looted lrl act the newlgyerw So although the Brttlth were Ml increased the It teal ms the llatnagoi Wilton on 13 wunolf unill ii their on wu WHEN 83H EVENT unlurie over the tort lherela au lain point about the own lttlA rnllwa Tho pet on The British general and tween Stellaton Mogudlw admlrIlI held meeting on 1mm ll andbdaectdodIlhg gueyhlattSnov sydohltmt lied retain mulch be re boc Ill Clnhdl ll 160m hone maxing that there would bue lmPrinMI or III tour at Canada to vtlit ll been In eliientatlva only we ml in tutst Clair mom ciu th tom oi ateout tonnecd elmmtmmg we Ind nearly 1000 men Ad runway er

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