flowers 55 Baal e= seerW ggg 55 =r 35 ea 33 El rWIATHER FORECAST Goody Itth my period WJDIWDCthl MJIQWOPIQL Examiner Saturday September to me ztOWnhiP Housing committee Should be kept loses yet crrtother reseller polilcllos melon cold the or delmed to Iny developu who been lryln to let Eoloct mm Barrie momenta the Mr hettledmmmuxlwt Johnson lt em HEYIOOKMEQVERI more whtlcd and rehalouirtreothrtr polite more Wary eye kept onyElolse Gilllas attacksbahkraleincreaxev FleedWaters recedelillMeanOlrav Sylla lift to mediate lehhneee war melt ShllPWmWohm BaSqO separatist remarked to death mmwm MlMlWhlNhllhl armed mew MIYMMIM Ito we wow Mme he 11 co ey erm wuumemirglmlqmmuwhmmm etlwottllvouldetd coal miners missirlg feared dead mu Allltd hm Nmlnerl If mistth N0 weldedmedosloumennu thrvutnaco AMIloiaydwdltesuu 120 busloods of demonstrators dam aweden tAPislloretbrnim WM deem maladyfrom Wm Itd WM tethered 1n thla amide mod today in All were teltw the Davis 0w Tonal undulatmkh between Ewtdee mwe qr mac tori meat Increase llll mire learner role rrlll teed tellotlm Idld hrlnl tor thl to Irrrnhllllr James Gillies antiserum energy we all Any Sillvlvore fight over relief supplies mum vvsurvlrm at Maw tellet melted the rutng lmem 5w umtctt modeten wrrejrecodlnz la thk 31013th communlty room air tedr lollowtea medal needsy lowdown considered one the wont to living memory ed tor hours trying tollotvlnx mum lmpectsfyorinx See Cadet Klu loeehanze rt eomrmhd tee See Outlets and Navy at Cmeddeew vimrmmimmeowr By mu warm Slmcoe hinteemxd Fletch er also extended greetings County Edllor hlllllr SQUARE Stall Despite clouded axles and threatening ulna crowd ot hotel 3owItteoded the Vpenlnl ot the turd Innual tall fair the Uthxrlcultural Soelety Itlhe lalrzrounds here yesleb day alternoon Because at track conditions earned hy several days ol role the sully horse min was one celled Men and tractors work te jet the hall miletmk to shape hut lloetltng in the north earlde lt hoposslhlu We were sorry to have lo csocel the tears all John Arnie President but we dld nl have stroke llloxt ol the tnthy horse owners were noitt lerl to time Iilhouzh one or tun made Ippearaneer Western and other horse Ihows and ehan 1ch were scheduled lor underarm Ourrle Slot coe Oouoty ottlclally opened the latr It In early alloroocn tee relado ol Iclloo hlldren to he lalr rounds hlr Orrrle uIsrastlo by Dr ltynnrd th tor North stems and Gorl den Smlth the newly reelv ected Conservellvemernhrr ot throaterlo leeisleture tor Eul whit mwilymesuuh the newmolclelmemonla Indmamhputmhedln the sonic Amery Il heron escort hlr Smith was given In ova allon ln rebegnlllon el hispoll in Ilctory the day helvre hy the trend in attendance wlll continue to do my boot to serve ewe Interests he answered e11 ter amulet thanks lor the support which elected hlm School chlldren Iron ore schools eomaicarrylnzvhanners and other in untrornu were or plauded as they paraded lhrouzh the around to the speakers stand lnlhe centre They stood Iteese elmtn the ceremony Youngsters euloyed the loop 0Plene merryuorenorl Ferris wheel and other rldes ol Robert sons mldway The Ichool lalr exhlhlts ol vegetables and rah were comnwnAedlor their qua 1ity There also was lane az rleullural display uiwell res should at flowers utdjdnmean tic lo the malnhulldlnx vale captured the mostpolntI in teen compelltlanlnthe Irts crnltI displmto win the Slmpsoeers award record Ialrlee wer Ihowe wllh other meld llnners lneludlnz the Fat Lineman er Ruyhy Mu Edna Caldwell 01 Shanty Bil lllrl hlyrle hlason ot Gulhrle hill Shlrlay Wood row et Ore StItlenr hln 13 Keane ol 0N Stalwarhlrswsheh yy olll lhtho beeng light no em Mrs Mae Bowman ol Elma bummed mww lemchwhlchmwlledh Parr Exmner flfilrllgerprints in farmhouse Vi1edito Hearsts capture laxamphell olelrenty Bu hlrx Victor OBrloe oi ilswke etene ml ML Phylk Camp hell el Shanty hay hiest Lloyd Sampson won llrst tor needle polnl plclure aloha srith other HMS Judy Cat hula entered the best Chrlslmes tree ornaments gt hlrs Jae Anderson ol Bass Lake entered the hest hunted cushion to ILnJhe hlliehrll Sounre Womens untltuta new and him Bnltuene capured the Show my Womens lnstl tuterrih quilt contest and hire Phylls Campbell the awles tone Womens lnstltute Iward tor hesl panhsult himEton Bradley II llrsl tn the Clowes more Ipstltlltl teed compe en Mrs lteellyn umvhell Shanty Bay won llrst or In ImIP Mn ltrrtsanne Shaw to hard MNKWKM1WQHI the hut liretand second alt hay unnamed by would htertsoo ol Orv Stallonwhlle 30h lleltny wonlorrhlll hmlr elel heyluei mime S8mlth nl Ut la reeveel Esra us Jtekllndema wen llrell tor oeuharlly and wheel ylayse Itch Mums entry use but in the all ears cl mln eon dunnocoxde second SAN FRANCISCO AP Patrlda Hearsts lawyers must convince We ludxe lheor ctlent eenhI trusted nottellee it the la reload on hall the hem heiress was takenhech ohucelllothe Sin hleteo Oh lit to Red weod do him rodent Toronto polite said Prldav they helleto prelim accused ol killing one person and roundl two others In the Reyal or Hotel on Thursday might have lied to the United States but tllaxere MIMIl Nluguru police continue search hut Shspect may lie in the 05 NIAGARA rims out or rice contlhiled the when erre Pm mint heurlnl here Friday other members the syn wleere her $00000 huh on htonese tlherrttlon Anny SM hank robbery was re terrorist hand rbolukedanlAe Wu dwltheut V5 Dishid my me carter an luesdey or or the FBI mm nld 1t hearings oh hell Ine us At mm but 1teroeyJamesBrownlnztold mlll 501mm hlmznereeronecoodltlms mum at tills Him and lav ol release that wlll mm hits tleera tutu appearance how long tth cunt Callu de amhed her as someone Illl had umoumd to tho world with others their revolution ualmt the system and had then punotunted lt wtlhm Deluxe laueerlczeete llnl or he all was you paredtopromkethallldsnhht town here Metropolitan Month police meeedebuilhethouahl mung as sum would not flee ll rel we rlmdfhzewusaymyghd Alrportney werelookln tor um with Kentucky llgenca Fwdrhov turnedover plates hut re one lound new my cw hzd no tronl licence plate had mu an Ontario marker on the hack gimw Ame eontlnentnlde start has you out and warrant mm Emul heen loaned to lh emit ot ltoy Allan mm19llmtl PW vlllo Ky on chates of mm New tints what on ml Metro lhironte he cI la in good delnhla hid aunts lcked derinz mangle be sure 22 mmm esstrtmt or managerht the and an emetmmm meullu am me hotel securlly vnttloer mm with hotel acdlt manager Constable Gary lllltter it rem The some harshest hldlhmfmlci Lenditlon tn htspltal nth gt ahoulderwmrnd It llon PM liver