Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1975, p. 12

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Im the chIt It Was on III hm horn In an innsso gmdkesl linirlcldds It JANET NY Whom Ior Tory InuietlydlrueI In Ihlte Ib Romeo III eoly unwed rlrth min The rnuxc Ichu armada Int the Innuihon it announcrl as completed SIWO imIIn Inn be nun lo vplrztion movement In part III III increasing donation In euiern WMophy and mctces IIIIOII1CJTI nrl ohor erternen Tho urus lcliovrcn have town Irom Randall In 1953 In about loo In Cnnndan rtrre Ire cram In mm lioutrcoi nJcbtc Ciiy Ind Kiiltal Url other Pmniler groups chsl toilette IIGurI5II In 1nd Vice rlu Under the usplcci oi 2m guru mmyany Divine niaorlm rum mlnurenlo grlntlnn prellEJJnd other urinch TVDTIKEU TIIGETIIEII ilho ml organzwtlnn oi the bin In 1er allnausn Shiv In low Shivnrom come nuda In Imnndriulew my hon IlIcy bnih In Iho Indian ml dealer conduclod IIIIIIIIIII orII Univer IliscInlo on In nu house ccntro Ior Sri iIInnIny ditcipiH The guru nurrl Cumin Irom Windwr gm In min In 1m Ind return lecu Ilnce IThc Torona Centre luu II him and Icnrizrlan restaurant Inoncr II was uzuraicd um chlnmoy oi the nu plrn work there hithout uliin CC tIeIlIcII srnouof by mun CAMPBELL Mr and NIH llund Itmlnpulcd In lieu Ind IIIIL In ndrcw llno truth nodding It Iroqun Falls and coluycd trip through Nov them Ontario by Iva ol IInv Inlr both lonuuine Wawe phi Sic tlnrls and to Itenl oulin IIlnnII to South lily lirth Irl Ioruxs n1 Ilu now pmvlnclul terry uruu chi Chem rnvnn uucrmary bclurc arr min home All IIIqu uticndin lhe South crlund rcuninn In the Siruud IIIII on Sunday Item eniuy enflhcnurlrrs In Ihc limeI Those present InoInIIeIl pcople IrnIn Toronto Vctcrtuo Lynden lilnplc uramnIon lhmllinny Ilnr rlelanl strand tiring thin year which are In prIInincucc Tll Ilornlce Buihcriund II when to IIII Ihl ChlcilInl choir wilh Sum Eulherlond ol IIrIInIIInn ll Secretary lielcn Inmtnnd nl Unrrlr Irrusurer In din Eric Lelrn crud ecu reI ry lIcv nnd III II It An vdrniv misled by on hir Crow nI IIIIIurluns compiled DIN enuiit hiitarlrs and creel dual otIIIorlr had none InIn lhlr scarf hlsIoII ILh Iclntlrnr net and even Sn Illlil and Inn Slnlcs mn IrlnvIIn Inm loyal numntuuu meal and tell nnnn well mnt III met It Inc he at II II lIrs Iluicllt Ne This nrcsldenl hi Dun ruIIICIInnbcll on In Iuie Ior II wtn Irr Ionhs ol awnI IIIr mm on DFIIIIKI lo IItylanlmcrls or per lonnodeluho reatoanoI erul mu the city Mort mm Iln werc rebound qu IuInmer Ior tho m1 blrihtay hiI uni which he cllrbroicd in New York II the rniIIqul Disciple lrom Around Ihe zetherrd lanthc erent rimis Itanm celrhrelloue Inl In athletic Ineetjwero and nIcIIIII IIIII lo Id llnltreyl ailing that the um In IIIII It 511 More hoqu In per mmnt Now York Irt ldlely Apruililcjwrltcr he box can paid more mm 3000 pom I7 Inn and II stories Iurnnd on by his punnnln com pany In ronIIsnI printing process In In In olIchIl dirw Ior oI In International modlln linn Irnup nmxIIoIInI world Toronto Srl Chimnny rcnire Im Low ll nrllon Mid Sri Chinmoy at one It Ihn groups Iler II Ixncrlencc TAN Ie the the scout ol illc SIIIIIII Vlliitcllcliu dis riple Irnm Guelph not wholly II rczulur chlluIion IND II the centre she said II Irrir outrun her lilo wn lled with hell come pclliitn had Irlrd orerythln all the medllntlon nouns said lilu hiilhhcil ITEBCIIGI Itiiinl could no longer push we ecrenminu inside tno hlnhrr thn Ihe Ioinl the group II dlrclglc lillu Mitchell Illd Ihc Init It WII limo Io lure cammerclni Maiden and hcr Smiled theatre ect Inn roles are II up IIIo raid SIMCOE coUnTannwsr at pm Ior our reguiIr mcci In Instead at no Ilre hinyeo was In charge at the moctini tIkIn Iorlpture Commentory and prnyer misled by Bliss IIorrII telling oi the work oI lIIeI Iilemret Kennedy In lndII Ind hire Wntron at ltlu Ilnrrlrun end her work In Ihe Blul Held lire ltond road world Icllinl oi the wonderlul work hclnn done by all In GodI work to bring limo misalon lrs lozclhcr unexpectedly In Jo hnl India to IIIIcIIIs the work Lhat pruIIdw lhc hospilIl nlre htlron cove hPIEII did talk an the lineup with Dr John Cocke picture on II To clinlmrmornlr IIXI yearI III Cunt anion Frubyterie Ieo telling In many many Cenionnlnl Cclobrntlnnr Thn Snlrll oi 75 Hie rcud by hlrI Nelson toll In that too Corrunisslonerr mi 1871 and III nix Ihnuennd people Irlrnery Jr Ind Ir lilrh rauu lcouu no In thutro ZEARRIES ERIE METHODIST CHURCH 100 BIyIIIId SIJIDIIIIIIISI SHARING THE WORD EOKNWORLDIN CRISIS OMING SOON seer 2i SUNDAY mun FREE SPIRIT YOUTH smomo mu rTOURINO wonrH AMERICI you WILL wnwr to HEAR THEM In PIIIsnerIIAn chuncuw CANADA CENTENNIAL your 1375 1975 didtomb Imhylrriu Church ruehyterIIChulrh Owl and Woniry SII Minister TlIlIIIIIIIII hurrh ll Innu Me 31 um lid htlnlelen nu GrrIrd lIyIurIl II Riki IIIII iii DIV Imuth Cm VII lemon IIIIIy loony IIIW and whip DTIVI nrnnirt Morning Ilornhlp It not Church ecnwr cum Scth Aurd Junior Tu Benlor men MI rum Junior Clutch khool II Irn Junior church school All nu uricmi IUV IIII Inlenl Nlncry To During Church to am SiIanIy Schoot II Elmuel sImn Um 51 hues voun IIIIAIII lithium lIIIIo ulnar no Pruer jvlanzfagu galatidtl ClaireL MEETING AT ALUANDALE HEIGHTS SCHOOL BAYVIEVIIAVE BRING me nnso ro uncharted hm Catholic Ill Isunouvfuuser Intzoo 1in WhatImm ttxuuiurliIe mm ermine Tipnmmn rrur nmIrIr lxuul up SIIMOII COWS NPRAISAL mo pintEvening Survlu KNOWING JESUS CHRIST III pin Fellowship Hour Slnnlng REV CARL BULL BA DD PASTOR Relrorhmente runny worumr HIM queer row 111mm llOTII VIBE will lIll ML BIeeII In em Met FAIIII ARI None Pmldea Atria um nun 01 Kerri It Ina ItalIII Ivurehln Junior church 6mm nurchiochwl or III nu VTRINITY CHURCH Chill In NIT Om IIV JON IFIIIe Klll mu VI min AIII TRININ xv we tth Conunth Io Itomm um um Ererynnn Reinin Ill CRHIHJCIIIM Tilliltry kai IRNIWI OrIInM Ind mlmumt Ml all use The Penlleoxtel IIIIItlIIEE hour It IJm Prochino 5min pan Pruehinp SIWIII NurIIry Chlldrenl Church SERMON TOPIC THE DEVIL I5 ALIVE WELL min In In Ilrournnre DIN Nowln VIcLorlI oil in Mont reui lolnln hand Ind Ilnzinz Palm with cnlhuIlIIm Ind now new ere he begun Iemnl oi the Lirlnn lard IIIIo Ihe Ihowed Ccnlcnnlll Ihlcnleiie with mi 1975 2M on IIymn nu Irlyrr by In wow IIdcnt closed the IneutInI lhe lIoIIeII Icrvod lmunlllui lunch whim by IIrI Compbell FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH Crlwilrd Eh Ulrrlr N5 InI Entitth bctiuul Iur lhr whole lnnrlly IIIIIII IJIL mqu IVothip pm Errnlnn Irrlirn IIIruneIrIn mu Inmi Ihrtstlrn Ilrnutlr IIInIr Iier Ivan unnnn rtemu mm Itsobit nn running Intonly Wohvnrne nnIIII IIIII Rev toroyA Ponnuil Pillar FOR FREE TRANSPORTATIONI PHONE 4364 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rm Ind Toronto Stroll IIINIIIIEIIII tier unulld II In IIA MI Nov umlu Albion IIA Inn INVITES vou T0 WORSHIP It II OCLOCK Modilellonx THE CHURCH INsz THE WAY Rlv IIy NEWFOMERS AND VISITORS WELCOMEI THE UNITED cum EXCITING ITIIURCII MM 51 Inc HIIIV Fellow RIeIiIrd JGmn Howlrd Courtney II coLLIILn sr INEAR mvmun PASTOIlI wnI mrnm Colliei Street Church TEAM SFIRIT 930 Irn Church School Ior under Ito limo Im Up to and end child cm WIrm Waleomo To All nemn ruuuc manor nuns WWWW whining Imusup m1vomumm Insist ucm mundune qwninw munch uouplsnnhlutu JohanInto xworsHIrsrnvIceIiho sunnnvsonom 09 mowrMAcHHom PM when Rome nMW on Mignon mm TIL IIIrm unionTum CHURCH Irishman 5mm tun nunsmraf PJII 1PRAISS PRAYER AND mm mm THERE Is ruu omen Ion Imrrmuen or roux emu WELL LOOK FOR you Imus mm Inmxmr mu mules mum fsr Growers Horton Ind Onlvllte Deation Church school Tndcrl All Iteni Gum Bennie Mmr Tho luv II Km NA 31 rnrnnoucnn CHURCH ST GILES CHURCH Is Cool em to VII Bull mu AIIoIJIII Print Rv John Baker lrll un Pnter Grnne Murm WAS MEANT Io BEA PRIEST MuIIcIIIy YOUIh SpeelIlI cuor CANADA Ito Invlto you In In condnrllbln comp olotbr and join III Ior wonhip II III Inn Ior our RALLY DAY SERVICE loIIoIrlnI worrhip we wIlI Idjwn tn Caron Binom nIIr Mldlud It pot luck lunch end In Her noon at Owinglieu Ielluwlblu BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Illnhlrr It It Iurilon UrIIanI Mr Bunny GRACE UNITED Iirm st Em It tool lilinliterl Ru Arthur Morey 1000 Im hlornln Wnnhip cIIunoII ocuouu Tumind ud ImlnGrldo llld Under InIIIt Ind Toddler Numry AnIIIIIII For lrInIporlItluI Phone mom mutton nmonur

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