Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1975, p. 3

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El it aunt Il Dilution II mg odtrlnn nan Aim mum Mum lamttly11 rid 13 at 11 14 Idmi 91W bi liven It the all hut laluur tn boIni ltnI InllmVIllI tva 415 on at but hIrInlnI and in Iddltlun in tho ntuIl mun It in nu ma hm beta Iddld lndustrttlmucll tytltntmvln II de euntlnx Interior doomuu 193331111 urn mart in oIbouldinImlon him 1N llh Ind cllll Ml lnqulxla W4 undo IVnIhlp um on It nutvlun M11111 111011111134 Renovationsto shed LL VL may to court gt it ti ll ll 32 it 11E 21 35 Egg 111E 1s it Vallmvnllvglmlmumwgrgut mmmduhomgfu 11V 11 Itnlctionvtnn hum nu mutant mmmrltt mm RCE Wynn WE Erl wm El 111111 11111 WdtmM W041 ed in Man Mtwm It mm mm to ma mm hm mutt 11112115211111111 Wt oldwater reeve ghts Mtgumwnmmw 11131111 VV 111m 111111 mm mfom yell nut ohm mutt 511mu wtMum mm NH rhea Ind warm In con meyed utth thrth an ill emu hul rtnlctlrrr VIluIllon mm In aulglnf WEVMVV mgr am my mum in old mt mu 11113113 to retcun soveretgnty tmmmm REMVJHM to m0 Intd mitt mm at maul lug old ruily MW nBrianrt prunptitui Ummnvlrtllatlnieulithm Man mull comedloittndu1ilm tor tab mmwt lnlthotummu by Itrleln WW $313111 it uncle noel brother 11 mmwm coldmltr Much tutpitta equal to Ibout mllu III slum amt medal lutd Mmlion Mm Lut illn Omand rid number gt October Ind VI wound to It unsth trmnctutsmrul 33 gmh m5 tn tumWt In mmVgdwgmgh townth meta 1191111 Mm 11m 111111111 313 111 Coilielttpy Lspaltll org31 Nammmlttsulllllhtt ltltbecuutototrmmmr trcnlmm who tvrll continua on tn limb sh an mu mm mo tttrt Ivan Ilr Ind the taumud lard tub Show mnumudl mm mwt0nunrlm Ithth ltnycrmltu itInhInlsln mull mmunlil lvl M1 11 nmNSlllmm Jslwltlwm ll mgr 1w 23 1V1 mmunltxwtnthntw umwlndtrm 11 11 1111111 111 11111111 111 1111 11111111111111 nut 111111111 111 11 1111158213 111111 1111 11 A111 11 1t 1111 mtlgllmgmlllpli We fgrm WXSWW AMm $1 71 WW 133363 313 Wmm um er en mu amtth 1mm um th tlt ten wuo ta lltuna Mantramm nut 11 turn Mint 11 or 1115111 1m gltgnmmmmwh mm Eln In tkny tmt tn Nomi by till BVIIllI NW MI on Ind Vi min doom hr Qtlrlwalrrbo1m WQIN tad Ixunple mlcr GIN Auqut tn which Wm Mi Md Vim wwngh PM Want Wilt will no dWhlliullt il WWW th1lnwrporIlra mu Lt tn uthrrt on how VII im Ind In muulclptllty to lltuw VI1d mw ids ll mmWM Ilmhxl team Iallmlldllinlf on wM if mw 23323 ihm at man than roar5a by ttrt om uld will bmgawgl mkllhl ll bltVIed on nio utlon at tho aame 1am mmmw 33 Wm Wm km 9km windows It to to WINK tttnou fr tn la uld yr combined wlth Vlnntlt Wiumdlctmlnilorlh CIr vtu mm we Doug iltid Mud Inspector tor the tml ll Maury wlli hItI rtlur ml to mm ol humor ollnIMlho unvertnt ol m1 mung Emil amtMW IWHM ltnt our mm manta mm Wm WW 1lld ta llo nl mlurnotuutnthattllt minim gznf Kgrmm wmbmn structured government 01 my mu WE ortml Wm We WWII tnt group through CInIdI In the am riIlI Ieii tor my klcmwmn Rwandan he wlli ll let1n to remIln rst 13mm it may ml 931 311$er Ii nlznlwlzit new um um gwmmggd villAIIth town mm rt PMWHV m1 gimggiggmvu Matvimmfmllult 100 lm Qwmhvglzgwgt Bord Snlodin VJ mm to UI Iv mm pm on tn VVVV Mm Wlbmlw fmumu Wunsnmm ll largorlttnl WI llnnlsl 651 31xmuumuwmch 3th 0mm light maintenance shock Elm ll WWW $11 11111 1111111111 11tt11 mull 11111111111 1111 11 Wamllr 3W 11 rm iluifrm rt llIrrlt mu bury gang taut $1 an thtlrthVtVy antral runcmm mu mm on Elm Read 03 council mcivui Ithocit Ill IIVIWIIM lltt docununll am llII delctui 001th tuammrnul AltntrIt trltdto hm mm Mini 90 oi wiltiluugrmw trottlll tnIlnttnIncI erI lllI wk wn Fm IIpIrlttI mtklptllty or 1nd iocll nvemmmt In Ican lth W11 In mm $11 1r ghtWt tantrum will mammal tllt tttlttrtn 1111 1111 mmtntrttzltt rm r1131mt to lllglol ll mentlrdetltzcltymmttuttuawn and oldest lettltmtnt ut Ontnrlo 009k at tho 1er have bout tllm Inlmttltn maggot ungiddxmmgolao fm 30 355 mo lo low tendtr by but rll Mtlnttn Itmt llthu damtut tho ten and It eult tlrl with to do by M8 John mm tat ttnt unto ol Int teeter slur Inca Bervtcaol Toronto It watt tkr to moo benturt death tun manual in mm Va mm ntvxntvoon iAllK IMCOE NATURE NOTES mm 0W lt tructtr DOG mm lcled Vol drlleu willi Itndcr $3 gykgggulmm mm mm Gammon gt ntllettc Md Ind tabled tr Shun Dot Trill will ltrld wotwt iNIUiuZD rIntsundrrlhICumuntlylle Band ilead Sett ti and week if Lon lterdt lr Jun rtrztmn at cmtlon Centre Art mm um from Ont Irlo Quebec ma Illrd Slat Muglmartmttlem HtNlQiL notlr cuurst nu been mlttrmt in Inter related Iner the wu Purim Wt 0mm thI Itenl wtticit vrlli be ln Nth PM Cl V8 or ttruck by cll ttrlmt by rat hm Mlltd unlvr tum1 at sttt of trtat VV VV mnm common sum mm SM gm Wm Funk vednetdu nwrnln lncl mm 10 to vh wutn ol lland Held on come mix mun my we banded tl lent no all dull murrtd Il corner 1m deadllhe or nail ler tit lion at lrsl Gtullntbury lty lollNVVuz at note on tile hi um ml the other one mm tpwlrlrlnlng rm Dmtlwtnd Maple IlmtIIllp Int It Sent te1mtr1rtmtud1 TohmitldemlulmuIlwluV mun twa leodert lor otMr lander rewind tor wItul Irmnl Milan II tom lanai or rutrurlurelt It It pm in Ultt llbrIry hall mum mm mm mum mm VV VV wruwrn hml turnlmrnll Allion hat the opportunity ol inllM For warm it Aunt am pruxlmttely Ho rt nuer mth on tile is mlt with rltlum mu mamas tilt recent Nll $1 sltllolti thelr tlnut pluu tn the Torunln Open htd lhu opportunty to vltll am mrlplymcmr mvwv EXIHMION lInd Qurrn ltItln lIrry lnr olthau Omaha ml II my 1m mtmutn Non durum tnl urn Wm or polnl illrd um um mm It Is WNW it Va Dim tlm htlnIenthl twv on twill tilt ltnt Mm Ml 71 trillrlt lllu cLIvnlun my ol North Amrrltt Ind mu mllalsi who hm rm rm ttn yc Immune1 Rh V1 All WM WM Ml Ill CMl nvvrr tn be Inn with 09 lo oi Geo lItr Dollm megmmlmx by mm mm mil um pmmy Wm mlmuyV mam am but 31 mm mm PW huh mutton Independent nent Italian lMIt pay all and mm olherobrerv or mm 11 exhlblt tn mm MM Mill in the WV It mm In nun wnultl hits to It mttm lo uy hunt IlcranIlrmtdprndedblrd rld It mun wtll tn Dsmu reury on on 91mm tum 11 Wm mi tnmttthe Emmet011 helm Point In ilmilt punt tutllnt In other curl itunlm mot lero trom tto1 tu am am ml MN1 er nu Slalom Crunty than out tnto1the Mlul ol Lula bandrdtllwkl Sametlmrtlhtn About to oilIttd Irryllt llrtd for 18 II or WXVVoIho1VumI VVVSoma twu VV meV Wm mm mum EM wwa mm mi 31 MW or on qy ttm nil lltm Amett Int 13 an or Cl mm Althou In Cllilldli lht polnl Itvl it to the term wht lmtnd lil but Pllnilnxh It the il Bulle were mod to mmnl mg 1V It ennui by Ian iLDllli Cam In Itltd would contact the Id IMW Cola wtl lehrr wlth 31 Hull today 1191 to no It wlthdlaw the our tent dun all 31 33 13 mam muttnu Duncan SM mm 1y up am VVtlllen vVn tht tutu rt WWW mmm tVththVtVa thtVrVVlmtVloVVdr chVrVVVnVan tVanVthiV ttVEVVtg 120 Nght mm PM mt ttnt an at as mm Ann mentutt includ WWW W1 5W Thawutbrroltluhcallln Jr trtrh llL1lt mm 1ILcl tdi at 11 rut true W4 Wm tentrnlrhtetlc nntlttrt tmy rtntrtt hi ll llehhl 11th tmxntlxr ill llllt null 1111131111111111ihlt1111l 11 Wmlml En 111111111 51111 15 ll illldi In that llltolmlnt Wm 1lw1v1t ta mbllmlnhl 3521 at ll all ll mm mm It mutant tltt pIrVVk mlmVumgh nly gimme nutrtVd em awful myV mum 5L new 1V5 vrlnthw Feltinlnexruuza the aunt mm argm margiggmgtm perccnlll ol the bltdi trnded MMf Tgagpum mm We thnttyVVthheVVVtVthVtVthn1 mat tVlV 1I 1rtnwrun tun 1lt1l9lltllllllr 32131 mm cm tlrrlh3111hltluto lam new wind Memei1 MM mm mm Wot Im 31an vlllilaltllv lilun Mouni luml 2t it mac rmtntr wm tr lui 130tltmurlbltrortll $3191 mm or twat Inntt Vuo to tend mm mm will on dealt lulu wlntly Ind ilttxltnm Ill ll he tum mm nu am Not tn rhtrt ImIli ubln Ilmui mucus trunons WM WWW turntnt mtlctt rootrr wlth 011111 sound to mu 591nt171ltl9i 152 mvyp fun NS ltrl mtta ill mm tlllmlku nut trailed tho brutt 111m tro vIrlotu wt tl mVInnfl Vll thVtVulewzrs rhrnco cl mum lunlzhl Ind lluskeku 201 to It Wrw am It Amen wt 11141 mt Run MI uan nut antler er at wrtrrt wntcn 1t W116le lite lrltplm blldl lor MW 3W3 mm may turn mnhwrtt la la iVlnmlllon ill ntctterrtu ltm mum 11 tort tutu qcl ch null wtrt llKl turn tor temporer Thwart cannon null wnkn huh 2t ml run Ihlltlni to nolr at out 21 toV 1W1N1thmtetnlw1NlItct1 lit at llII nu atueo ch1 pariucltulntddtllonlibnndln ulvd tor calthlnl tntllrr It 20 111 Kuliyl onlrht ml Toronto at ll man tm Kemdy nth mm row netlm rtrttln In tho end at tho Int mm small explullvo rln pocml mournrm irltlay lllnt today new to human V9 ll Jam ma no not ntn cluh It plwutl to tntmtn l1 will All ttrmllo 0M thm lr sowrnmrnt Ithb MM trt Illtcltcd lo null punk mm mum at law tonlt 101 to mullahs ltlnatlon it tm Chrlttie mn nm It will onenlnl today limit mt muteunt thm hnum whtrh 11h rt mnlr blnll lltrly lm county Baird ol may 120 lotto ltlvrhorwnh 15 It tlln GlibnniiilI1lllietlll rtlttyerr lttutl human lttelnmt manhunt mum Itllol tnt ltththomt to anrtzttt when the are ghuftugwmtary ttgnt ex ilnlnlllon Lcntlvn 1mm irlAWIWI cm wk amt QM WV mo or Ptlrrborough Lulu St Clatr North uny Gumtk Ill Kabul Inn1t nrdrroto the MINI met ma utl Mttll 131 11 mm him Ed trtpn them lltl lretl lccumcrl by Iltmuh ml touthrrn Late iiu Etulbury not1W llcllutllt pl crtwltn mm ttltytnt tlma lld mm dte mm out 11 mm 901an mm WM mt pmvrtl It be quite my trhool tnlldrtn in Etohl ton Nlllilnra the wal hlndy Sutton l0 we tutt nu to ear new tum rh1 mm wwmmm mmrur mm ton palmmenl school wlttt thunder10ml tlr itmmlns new It nvlted rIllntu Al lhr rlnti Vrntert Ill tillrd my l5101010 1mm 11 mum 110m 1I 1V Vrrnxweu ta tn ulcu dly VlntLvVIntt lurnhtl much Nurtukmln t0 mm mm Minna IWW t3 bmlb tl hmakwuter Iitl liltl ol the The Ictutl lrtp It locnlrd II lttort an IllWt tludrnlt to un rudcr toltltltl Ind mm MM iii ha and nowlmty will ltu luxtlllod 20M It that 211 pom tnd tnI unto huaqum the ml at ilw rldxet lt LI durum Idvunctd mtlhemItkI tlndi wulhwttt it to Ii Ina millet ll in 0an with ln thv cvmmurh 231m buttft ltrt wnlrh In aid htrtorle urn tunnel Ind men but no un not ballevt tnero tt tluty1 1111mm tn northtest Vhlt Inter Mlwmgg INV will gglcgdgugwgi Itnnhotm near Port Nowur on to by rhlclten wlm Ill Iny wlutlpiud uuVol ltd sully twitht and rum ltrtlllttn to It It Violin It It nluV row on ll hV the mtlnlIer mtklnu It took llltv btu ttm ll suton Conny Itronipl Nltm hit the Iron til 1th ltNc Vv hcsoV ltrtdqunrlrrt innindv dltmonll mun lllloti with trees1 rim or Iltl lb tn Kc at rlet eh at run ADMlleTntlion tlrllovnt 111 Inwmwmulhll tum chm ichquIltll ball11W ml rinle atan uthVlVoV WI mm mm cttywmtthrudopltdtte l1 llllt lnIIInI man an Lilac mum mm Iner 31V VsnwanltlVVVVIVndtImV rlttVIVllVVtVnuulblnrrrnan VV VVVVVV Mm mnmm comm tumult or new chewa ltvtlnoruor mu wlmrrt ltm rt lonht nut 41 mum mm HairballF10 turn school tVlaeImt nutter 1thKE1iidlnll1lrrl drqulggh mm bufftnlm Wm ctn Idmlnltlnlor to 11 qttlgttAL CONTRACTOR ur Yum wlmlnd lhlnrmutlnn nu lm It NI IV knnw Wm mm txptndltum uptotim nr tic colt tram Ivtr pm at an be Simeon Cuunly 0m NI NI It Kit 9mm fwd millet ll lr rxvlnlned rnrller wital llml ihie duI trllt line man haul loinotl league Chm tournament ur1 urt mm 9th MI 50M KI II mu WWW rrl lwollnrrlurltoolI are con tutu lynlmdolgheanIv ttl Net cit tiK er hindlnt It It It aimlv thI rlnc mu quttendcd tn1tn ttr by mg tlrlcrlttl lolttlttt vnrly thlt all drop nltt the clubIny Mutt ltt Ndut cl ll Ndl in Will ll Wk KM in at lturrt llD tillllutl wllh in lateral wcrkt the hlltlt day or Tttrttlny nliitl hvttteen nun Nd 51x Kel will an mmt mm Mm inplelto annual Ixttmttu tpyrov trtlarn Blame County Ital 11111 run We are mm mm m1 Do In Ncl NM ot mm but truly lullInlet 1n 11 by NW1 their awn montth tournemrntt at Central cllllrttrtt tn room l1rltNl1 mm ulna my nix daft or no It the Thuonlrutherdnvlro muted Lent year winnerrum Eailv mutt ltel out MUG Ktll notnt on our tut PMWllVOJrrOJIM rlte nItNIttlu mum tlow hlll bu lntllll my lawn lltlmv In two alumt our It Kdt alth 00 ll day we banded about It hlrtlll ltIpI lttrte ttttnrll out to bl an ritnrl part 010mm VV tontpallllotl Hum llw ntlwr II trttn um trt 1m Vttttceut 1h it to bl b1 7l1KlI Kb on our but wt bIttdrd rtltttveiy un rtuullto our Drlva tn the ct north and Mala human Ill Cnnhttt Min Imtqcnttlu bolt 15 Overt mrlnd uur nnlv ftllth WEI ll Imltitt vimr VrItIItvtrd Vme Murmur

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