Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1975, p. 16

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sorrow covou WANT EXTRA spirituous lineman clout arm nu when boys In edmtbg bedubs nosrsl bile than which rsuserdeemmbe ginniegatesmreguqe use IMIIMVMNIIOI Ildem tor the Idult rdarded gt working It the Adult Michik lulled Cadre IAIICI Irorlt sbcptlttrrdplnndnmmt investors losing rant in economy analysts ny csLurrsrtN The Candles Pm so unwound ibot cote ms ro cent bdilvllgrl mien in mien In In me nrmcr ro cnsurrons Csoodnsebiiiiytonlvs it ASID OTHERS economic pml use due wear mun oum child Mal mm mwi recovery nouid be well under All PEIISORS twins drum ny bystorDIy saidtram stwIhf at We Nestlctr directorot reusrcb lor ieotuu Gil of Round mite no to bid Moran WNW Toronto Nor it looks ss VWNW WM though it wont bsppen uniii 6th dsy at June lmere km mum rm it ies lama rimr rrssm lumus towsr ldmihecretr nIct Wm the 631 economy secure tohe reected 1973 we Ie the stock tnsrlrets periorm WWW socelo Lire lsri lerr struts only to lb dslrns of From the beginning at the Mall Dim Itll yeer unIIl July IS the TEE In In unit MW duslrlsl Indtx me nor points be We to my own or more lbsn 21 pa ml in the dim titty not lest eight weeks the index tell notice 1075 with other major msrkei DATED st liarrtc this 20th dad lndicIlors recording equally ll llama mum but mnprnox swarmorinstrD Executor by their The rcssous given tnort SoIIcVors Irequcolly by analysis or the lioyr Samar lionc Indeowrent loss ol lnvcslor cone Taylor hdcocc in the economy include pinatng mg 504mm liislng Intern ntlcl Ir it Owen Etna nAnntE We but 417 14 PUBLIC NOTICE mews iCII icicphmo users in Bell Cuntdn territory and in Ilrlittsr Coiunsbts would have saved money thi year it teleplume composure did not have to undergo public hearings lor cll r4 lmcsses lb lllE ulnnrz rmrrurrro Witt 03M WW DOM hora commission otliriol Kid ston rueuc umruc to discuss di an sppllcrliod or In smend Mr Mullen tel merit to the Guide lIIn Ind communication cocdng expert Mu Bylsw to perm In sold It on Inlermel commission elementary schoolnn tonds on healing thsl lumuls lor eulo llu north tide ol Uliie Avenue idle Idlunrncnts tor roots between lluronis llosd sod such It Inflation would have Armstrong Blvd yielded the oompm less than formalin will beheld In the Camel Chlmberg cl City oil on Tucsdsy September IIIII on TUESDAYSEPTEII BER ll me It 700 PM All residents Ire welcome to siterid or write to express their views IIICIIAIID llAlEb Asslssnt Scorctary Treasurer mleltl Clt SIdcstreci liAlIiiiE PLANNING new police story teiovlsion BoAltD Sid uric in which litr cope dont elweys solve cm or get their CLAssFED common but ADVERTISING It will run or eight wcclre The series lectures Seen DIRECT PHONE 7282414 autism and nicotine tterkie Ir lnsp Alec Woodward Ind Sgt lolumy Dies oi iheliietropoliton Toronto police departments community servicee division involved mslnly ir nonviolent toms oi crime The lirst ol the eight onehour dromes lclle the story oi widows attempt to hold onto her turnily home In seedy pert ol downtown Toronto against tho pressures pt big lsnd developer who hoe bought non mom preceding Imlc1iien wit manorrs or to Id VI IIKI INII IMIIVI mssrsoir ossrtr lltrlISlI rinsinggs mu em as entrustIa Henri Deal was ll boosting the cool oi living sod titresteo to atomic recovery rs are siso luring investors ever from the stock market and Into xed income sreIs sueb II bards Ilm in prim Ix shown by lbs per ceoi rise letha oooeruner Inda in July Hg see our inst merit wheel solesto the Soviet Union will teed to even higher tood prices out your llnernploynlent remains at its tiniest level In it yearly llouelog sluts sre Iorecsst to be down ebout i5 perceot this yesr The lueds sltoested to homing przfrlrns by the June leder budget were dismissed by the hauling lo dustry se lhslgnlllrmt Woge settlements being won try labor unions err in sunny lot metcor winesInn inI Inilettan rsic chersl oi then Increases nseex clcdtobepnsudonio the to to thc lorm oi higher prices incrcssed com and weekn rnsrlretl sre cutting into ocrpov rote prettier lieny InIiysi sy the recent stock merith ice can be considered technical correc Ilon loiiowlng sixmonth pe riod oi uninterrupted ssivsnocs they got lrnrn the commission utter public hanrlngsl The intorrnsi herring wns called to hear views at Bell on Telephone chr Tclce comrrurnlcsiionr the Con nuntrI Associodon oi Cansde em tho rovincu at 110 0n orelo Quebec on mproposals inr on Iuiorndlc lurinrent lorrnule Anne Curler thalrrrum ot tho commiesione telo roenmunlrntlons committee IBM In nuiomcilc lorrnuis would not lthIce III publtcA hearings But it would metre New policestory makes CBC debut my elm lust well be in the Westrnounis nowdeles Ind Cspllenos ot the country llut ibe series In hosed in To Ionto nnd lllmcd to recently tiret the new CN Tower an the Toronto woiertronr is clesrly Ihown in the tint episode With criiicism oi CBCW tor relying Io brevity on Toronto pmduc tlons Ibis centred like In pertunity to move the IchII com other city The mics will employ dltter tutwriters end directors tor csclr oi the episodes Ill brought together by executive producer John lion and pro ducer Brlsn Weller emuer incl lheg ssy the Lmsrhat will hsve to weaken oven lurtbcr helm Melting tits WWI MI sbsndooed hope tor so reor nomlc rworay The lower volume oi III ir og sold wconv ed the dmmwsrd trend shout tbst there Is lust mode lsclr ot Interest II selling pmaure ssld Ilr Neriictc Peopie ltsveut storied te panictheyllva lure become rnors cIotlouc PRICED IIAYJALL Andre Lemur director oi the research doperirnent lot Besublen Inc otblcn ire ml the mIrIretsemoleI vulnerable at Its crment level srvdpredlcta Ihst prices will drop InoilIcr live to 10 per cot betore resuming the upward trend since thellrst otIho yesr IIIe msrkei her moved up tut and simply Its normal to no lnvcsIorI Io becorru ceutlous lollonioh IIlavlih thst IIlr Lomlrs sold more soilva treding Ie needed to sevrrse the trend hwhichI outrun lirvceloltl murt gve we re nv dlcsllonsthst the economy Ir improving nears increase hearings costly Hydro official thorn chs lrcrprrnl Ice ex palette and shorter iiicznwhiie it till covmv mentlowyer said he wee qu prlscd by lilr longdcns rc mnrlu becoum us Tcie one bad orguedwiggt timcotil log terry on pr loperoent increase It obisined rpm the connnisslon WOULD WANT IIIOIIILl The company probeny Would have riled lor lurtiser In croere ate ddIillImetil tors mule ylclded so little he sold The OntIrIo government hIs ssld it Is opposed to rslo sdlusi mcnt lorrnuln end the other two russud strong rcservsilons III TIMIbun II olllclul with the Mario communications don partmeni Isld lotIrte cell the problem at coeissnd delays in volved tn lengthy public boun ings might be solved in other ways Phil Greater en economist wills the EC Iovernrrunt rnld ulck Interim rate lncreascs to with emergencies Is bet er solution then In nuiornsiie rate incresse boceure iris cmmunlcdlons euranch must tint lustity lhcir ln EItwl lc ho rte urr commth nlcruions comparch nrgucd but they cannot adjust es quicle no other businesses to the tors oi Inilntion because oi the otmmlssions iorrnsl regulatory medure at trigWt Will or on It will rule possibly by Decenr her on whether to leuncls tuli scnle hearings on whet sort ot lorrnuls rhould be introduced mess Itirtlwim Wtinnvslu esr envan no famine I4 WOW MtIlMlltA lgsimlntalets foobar mnuc Itern dlltlm VIM III IN MI VII LFai iiIiili Why Mtlllllt IIIII IGII vow to ma WW 337 rlr Inn mm numbno Its new ssssrs up oil the surrounding lots to filth wsy toy highrise bulld ns ihe woman new by liulh ltprlnrrlurrl belrIcndI youns lskistunl couple who ore heInI bleakrnciiori by sinister rent collector plsyerl by Jon ursnlk lle piso ls trying to torce the wornuo 0rd ol her home The eiory in shori Is about bbckrbueilng reducing city blocks Didpcrlyvtilttcs In pit ttsnce to looks nay tor redevoio French police sock two gunmen who escaped with $l35fgmilllon Mills lAli lollce llrrwusine lo searched today or two young bsnk do chlm nnsi very decided gun The men walled our hours men who changed rare lecc more belose uprising in the during highmod chess otawey urrnngcrnrnte thou sit tour male hostage bchbtd ihrouclt tho sirens oi Putts pnd cseoped writ we ndllinn nnd drove pti ylth Ihrcc women memo mcni AI the play shows the bg rncn otui prelim ntien mm Mm are null ceultriirlt not tar lock it Ce once if roug WWW flew lhIIo own rurriuilyIrrenrcd VI IcIiuns rrrsr lrtlsrrton rs SUBJECTS IIANIIIV Iitllmlnysti In Subseguent drernns In stric lslircct vv ii dcul urnitit luvvnilluti noveucv lruu rspc can WWIsith ltnmi rniion lounslrnrpIntt and ii IV rid oi crime thet goes on ntslniy in tho slric Ilrceis oi Inv trig metropolis be in woody downtown sress son All IBIIKCVIONI tmrrlen uom err mnrtienu re rne or ml ry Conuniesioncr ilohert trons cord said It wostouoh Ind no tor low montch there Arturd with muchine Ilsrttlo stud snuodoit shulrtun lito two rncn invwied bank on tho Lclt llunit about 30 Mil Monday took seven crsone hostage nrnl demanded mil lion luster Following on nticr noon cl negotistious polico tic iiverod the monry ltld while the gunmen were slio un rumbvrol et tits Siu oi their cIIMEDlypoucu liisitlvby thrrc iiosluicl but loll them In line gctowsy csrs they nhnnrionodl Wt nlmosl thrmJVFullce Police omlruiunecs and news tmrn pursuedlibero through winding strcsisot speed oi up iouOrniiuenhour ihogunmeu Ihunrlonvd the while our on the horlhcm edge ullhe city icoving one oi the tumtlli behind sud continued wLh tho otiur two women in second cor which police Isid todnnrvrrniivhwn wniirno iur con iltui ear with tile two nurnrn solely lnsidcms ltImIIlOd in wutlt Inris ml the melt enlitltcd to third cor mth xv Urs George McCoguos spent his whole tile in DuitorinSirncoo So lot at you know him pretty Well You knowvtrim irom doing business with him You know him trom working on community protects with him Or maybe you lust know him to eoyhoiio to when you pass on the street But you could live next door to men oilhis tile and never resily know his politics bcileis And those beilcis are the things that hoip you decide to give men your vote Thste why George McCaguc wanisycu to know that He beiisveI iermors eroecms oi the mosi Imporlsni people In the community And that theyre entitled to good return on tho Investment they meko in time Ind money For that rceson he supports the measure to stabilize isrm income with 20 million donor Initial cost oiproduction guorInioe purchase iiroermsf Thole he believes are sensible regulations that wlii receive the endorsement ct sportsman and gun clubs He butleves in conservation ci Ontarios natural resources in keeping wlih tbolstesi enlightened approaches to ecology good cxornpio being tho work oi the Niagore Escarpment Commission on organiroiion be chaired until recently He believes in growth Not undisciplined growth iqr its own sake buI controlled planned development oi housing and industdei compioxes In way that can only enhance the duality oi ilio tor poople who live and work DuitorirvSImcoo He believes the people oi DuitorinSimcoc should have adequate health osro Health care that is solidly bseod on longterm FedcreiPrcvlnclsicostshoring He believes that tho record oi the Devis Government In Ontario in employment but been impressive sndhe supports continuance oi the kind at program that providodtho highest ornpioymoni rates in Census Thosobaslpallysrcihothings George Mcpoguc bcilevas It you iind youreoli thinking pretty much the eemowayihon cu should vote or George He believes that law and order always on issue everywirorc and at siltimos Bocouso wiilixrloutltho contidenco Iisinspmto no Mccagug on mmsrmcoal zei on can prosper poc cally oorgo mch hem In New 50 he can vote let you at Ouoens Perk imprisonment torcrtmlnei ottencas involving tireerms mendsiory licensing oi those iire Irme msndstcry licensing of Ilrccrms vendors and competence oxeminoiions ior persons making application to own or Your nechandtdetersLan Kotuerrntumwe rs Vtmrtsst on timntuie 5t rls oresiwa west Allirlen Collin cod tOrsngsvllle 7054354374 705 45010 VISIDININJI vI Mr1 rld

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