WNW men the rt sum caromnuns rarely September ms 7lifiAKE7DISlltlcl 5P I0710HEARING demos onieipdlurd mean square iaet lt wt Vibe matter MVE FELT Md Perrtraid this Mr otcetnnrerelnl land even in the restricted toning not pennltting metetsl council oriented In amend mot hinoday tor the ehnnxe in iterate with Aldermen Nelson Garrett VII Brooks Ross tr eher Dd Cole Bill Campbell and Imperial Parker rapx riililiL the normal nun Wm will here an loci on the downturn lie arid the 01 setting is giyr co to areas modingthe needs commercial land and the corner is In excellent button too be aehed horn Iii directions in rt mhmollbebudesi porn in Barrie ho said Aid Brother said the area main till dovetopen will Itmr ditonIt mgr in liveh to mu mullinldsoeasmerelaLhI concern tlcoancil than Dunstan we no WK baled on an commie stray be said This lmt the time no the plug to Mmaic it comer ciel uuarlrn oi million square eel oi commercial land then Ihat youre their re shorten write the primal pin Aid Perri laid the arguments hunted by user Belle be end by oil detrionera Ilnng BIyiield Street no council am this moment other Aid Harper laid it clothed W1 the rectnunendation it ts Idling another he to the rut Ind mi rotor to destroy any hope that the dewntown may be reritallnd port hhyor Portu aaid site In or numeral ported tho antcnsmt berm would convey Browna council rut havemnuoi under Ihsettyiorpabllcepnt could be doveinpod Is hotels gmveotleo centre Ina tactease god Iitrnctionosatmsn zicLYDE mnrrs oi cro nglstcnn wingtccntuvlng closure NEWS iiostreai in connection villi the Aug rtormed llonuiacturtng 0o ltd near here Iorno Windowed trim time out be working iretn regionotters nt OWN do tllbe conglomerate try with any lathe npoureez anged and pmsoutnxr Iuoty iiootzy at Georgian Coltc Isdoatrtr Gotten rehlrtror Don IteKtl ni dudes arrive to rcgiat kmermhtcsmnttxienthhato tor the misting year reody rcglmrod It Barrie and While some Illldcnis lIltetl two tumatom the rotten outside thn gymnasium in quiet line upo others noritcd their vray through the these or tables istrdtion remaining the enrolment will be the larv rrnl courses including all health science grunts were booked to ty during the summer there has been oonstoorohle their pinuro token and corn llietinz lipsetshlu itinnuitile the atoll sorted throudr piles oi computer pipers attempting to sort out who wu here lultw whonvranlshnd tho Itttdent Iiretttb registered and Who paid his less on timito the tractors toll Esper th tfrxt day at rei trstlon use root on along oulc ly partly due to tho routrhiy run students who took the time to routrlcr thryushho Iumntcr ntn college is expeding lM or broadcast es and grams in ore renc tho brink But hbiletthe eminent is in creasing the rollers has not introduced any new course this yeah lilo communicotim arts prolt milkhru been erpandnl not studtrltx me now enter second in Idvertlatnz Illsrm Three arrested Inrobheryincrdent srrrma out tCPiihrce persons have been Imsted la robbery oi Ottdmnn in which plant rntxlager lrsicy Dtekcnsort was Ihttuetod provincial police sold today Hoifas son believes father eleau unmorr tAPlm Inn oi rnlsriortorrnertccmstcn union prcsldcul iornrs ll ltnlta said today tor the tint ttrne he believes his lather ts deadthe vlcttmol assassinationbut docs not know llarlllcdhttn Board refuses parolefor Morgentaler OtiAthi itPlThe notioml parole board has rohucd rrqllest for parole trom Dr tlcory hint rtttoler who is serving In lomootil sentence tor pcrtormlngnn cgnt abortion spokes IMti conrmed learntj Gi wolvesLihmporarilyhack inrofflce ON tAPltlroCnnununist Gen Vasco Gortcatves rm ten rlly back in otitce eI Eamon prcmicr today tour days mtgophhrt mtlltory leedcrs tri NIB on Georg There Ito Ittli tho due at reg gen tn coiiegohtrtory and 8E nuasdgi that nmutnberl ol stu en ea or no mm ticid Morton refuses Delaney request enacted aoomcrgenry pintt im hid Izmir Rotorn argued golixt the Itnebdnluti saying the trending Implant oi the dis trlet plan with the ruidenUIi do vei lend use lleuld the Sim Georgian Area iuk Force is meltd terhnietrrt woman in etruaor ltIleairn MacDonald points out the uortinge oi the We PM rnbablyln nutherlydirectlon and isvvtheru eommzreili lsndt mottled C0 iLRlDN Itttl Batman Isldjtho ed Aid in acres la remnohio compro mise with the developer Ald Garrett raid the orilipni re uest was tnrtho entire Bay eid rotataer lrotn throttles lined in the city rolls to be destitut ed tor windmill it romu dam to the old eminent oi do you rapport the See Iieo Pogo Developer One issue nut We gure thattlilelusr mums nne the slim WIIIDD madel gt Clw touneilreiured to hm dam Monday coughing expro Itue the nutter irphnre the courts ll Chappcl colonel tor ew Arhuhmt Ind Deiunoy Boa Lines Ind Services caru rd am during cotmeiie meeting vhon he requested to to hel ilnyor Dorion Parke mil the shyinf Ibo van act togun erIdvko rootthocltys spcctaicounreitodenyanysuch reosull until the conclusion oi lmxfuutoa at tttig ti on naps mm titer wmkmkwdn Im mm It Itrnlrht hourlot res Ion nddxi tut hurt thot accountiqu sod dobate tho mm my 01 Stu lest cativ inll it he had an opportunity to dis cuts the matter noun rttici stIte controis an rt seems at it councils in am Your yr buttch Ind Id rem on not mimic he vanclng some billion to keep ruirl nttrr btln refund lt the city from tinnoelal collapse sounds like what you want rho hill was lmnttolate lltr happeisaid or sent signed into lawbv Gov llug letter to the city to August out Carey iininlt his concerns Ibd he The legislation is Intended to cit reply was interred as on with latest in it rerlcs err lin ttiun to mtctnttlt the oltl col crisrs the city has ti this year Is ltllmpcd closer and clcurto ottnulr antitrustg letml the rctvm irtter as In em dam invitation he raid li came The mcosuroettactcd today it Mimi to tilt to creates new board contruilrsi by stole otticlnlI td impose mcn its unitirtunIte that ln what amounts iul condition oi receivership on the city IiIiitsrecorn health on nunoithelrtendrnttho Fire hLleyimlIliuiib mmoproceivedommo handrailsMKde alarmist lntrhmmouutrtctty tor leiilitm oi unAntiudiiutin coutu Ind out caster streets to tocgtzcn lie lrr linger Ostriycha moot tire Friend be Fireball arutounced 50m prorlnelti grant lltr Oatlcy raid confirmation oi tho money was dry iron Robert Wcicb mints her at cuiture nod recreation The money you recurred Mr Oalioy told colorcll tn psy the architectural ices tor lcosib emtocll and Isk to speak as point ot courtesy hillynr Poster dd the citys letter did not imply val or deputation to count She said the city stated or Chappeia letter would be pinecd on corn oils agenda Prior to the reuular meeting Monday eouneit met to discuss to report iron the tlnanee come romeo concerning the advice oi the citys speciIi counsel or he llttgsttnn process Council endorsed the moor mundath to deny any request irons the parties eoncemni or deputation discussion has held vlhrth or to allow the press to attend the meeting or to hold It to camera Ald Jim Perri raid there was nothing wrmu with the report the press should he oiloucd to my lle uid council could only dlscussthe report and nothing Delone Boot Lines problem The ltd in question is trorn the Government Dork west oust hlnple Street ertcndedvouLs at the Canadian National Railway lines Thu cltybrgmt cmpriailbo proceedings on the property in 1568 Religious vvttrioro rages rrccircd ltlnn pi hiandny hir out all icctlres tor the buildinr taping the province will could or request tor financial Is Iutcnre tot renovations lltr Ostiley nhi the total request we 73 in run minor in mike cultural com ex in Barrie in letter to the mirrulry he Ititcd tor help to save and sfore this unique rnmpin oi our rity haiku to bo used Is In badly needed cultural com ex ItiG SIEI We tact this is bigttcp lmuiilmudm principle of tho Friads rim nd to council hi oltlcial onnollncernart is Ichedlt tried today with Arthur LV nns at pros Mm llr Outlay nld Ilayor Dorian Parker and lltr Evans recre in suumotttni in tho Frienrb recoil trtg thI grant from the mlnth try hint Onttloy hsd advised the ministry the Friends of the Fith hid to obtain cum mitmrni oi tlnonctal alppnrt irorn goremrrm and corporate mums by the end oi Scptcmb or rm chllit hndsomogondmlior provindrl authenticate annual our riiyIold linhzilonnkrbtmkilxw 1w or lhI munIdol the mup The lettu to til bid number ol in the city on incised satin and re storing the buildint tar in his toric Ind esthetle value hlr Onilu IaH locoi bushes mcn Ire om ed in tho res illih the means oi re vitaltxlng the slowly sugnltiog thvnton am 01 the Friends oi the Eirrbdl an scheduled to meet whh the mom rorrr mittec My mum de tIila It the In the lean ihilitv duly Jobless rate at highest in 14 years statistics UriAlVA tCPi 1119 as ttvoot unemployment rate in creestd by onntrnth oi one per cent in August maintaining tor the sixth straight month the hotel jobless rate in it years statisch Canada rcporttdto day the August me was 73 per cent The rate hsd rcrnolnrd at 11 per cent or the previous live months except for lltsy when it dipped to It per cent This is the wont rate since riot vhen it lioyrd above seven per ccnl tor 13 months bolero dropping to on per cent inhugust oi thst year The August jobless me do dined this year in three prov inces Ontario was down one trntit oi one per cent to anti hlbcrtn iiNPPd threetcnths at one rent in ll per rent The sskrtchewnn rote dropped twotenttu oi one per cent to Davis yielding gi thIt province the lowest rate the country The role increased in all other provinces with est lump in Erlttth Ooi where it rose 11 per cent to or per cent Neutemdland coalinlt nod to have the highest rate It It per cent up Li per cent irom ittty norm J0 NItlonIily there were lever Jobs available to Ituyust thsn in Jul and the number oi pcope sc ng talk did not drop at the ram rote leading to higher unemployment The rtItlsttcs Ire odJusted im seasonal vorl aliens which cconorotrts regard as score Incurato mentored On In Ictuni basis mono were oltlciolly unemployed in August Stude nt unemployment pressure in bid to win election tents wttnwnw Ont tori iho prettier announced pro in ND Leader Stephen owls vtnusly that thc government dropped to 43 per cent ht AuA mtjmm It per cent in July consutent vllh the annual pat tcmIithouuh the rot re mslned higher tho the last two 51 5m timimii wu per ccn both ms and mt On reasonaibendiusted hosts unrmbiorntent increased tor all are lroups The tables rItI tor those tiond younger increased tourtenths ot one per cent to in end the rate ior those and older lumped one tcnto oi one per cent to 54 per ernt htIte uncmploymcttt io cressed toottnths oi one per cent to 71 per cent whiletho blest rstI tot nomcn res rnninedIteIdy It no pcr cent RECESSION ENDING The economy generaiiy is pulling out oi recession but conttnued increase in unempioy meat has been widely predicted it because an increase yobs tro dittonoily lags behind economic recovery The Canadian labor edicts the ioblus Congress to utli to eight per cent early itll hciore improving The unemployment rate to said hlondIy that the rltavis would give partial approval to New hrurtsulek urn in port governmt ts yielding to public this other NDP demsnrb by eslt cent ttp irons 107 in duty in fey It hittiillv procutruitmmvitiry Legal systems ownrless UN group 1321 ifdif$ifi in Elmo hr third My Oman tArrlzristng lconi lysternairr the Walrus world keep the try solvent through vagmurutpl cmltuuti lrntl to no dlrmuiimm witty and are Mcricst when too Noveltutu Intl htnsiems battled to tire mum by the international criminal onyx committee ot the llut utthaut rcnnucd tnvnslnr arms Ind theme52 Npoli count tbowcd ts dcntt and 50 United Nations congress on the Prevention ot Grime contldoneo or ictleral old the nu guns 11 my voundtdhut other sourecsuld cltyhcouid still deiuuitin trinket Nirtltel toilsI Its1 march no Ind 100 had been ccro er nponcnt one nor enraged next to 65000 teachers In NY go on strike on NEW YORK thrilboinrgrst school mum in the United wnrnod that its heavy com Lbhhltif the third day no cortonorlotltm states bcunll Ihuttlhg down today Is orooo teachers in ttnanclrllyd Mk Nm VI W1 W1 NW rrdtment ot rtrtc cash threat Iva rrtiits to them prl la band the cabinet oi Pre NM NM pm my my mum default mittml tile um to the amount hill rm and opporition pressure in thltahtog an oculpntiunai Quebec the rate rose onctenth desperate hid in the hcoith institute Ind extending or one per cent to to per cent Sept to Ontario election thoprovinclnl petroleum the rate ium ninoteniha form is noiongcr any oucs ucts price lreezo to Nov 15 oi one per cent NovaScotts gt lied about that Mr Louis raid innt Sept so to 19 per cent Indthernrno alter turnip that Premier ML MM and um rimmount in hlonitohs where the Davis had pro cd rent re Dm mm mm berm August rIte stood at per 31 mm 11 election dIytoycl another NDP cent by ND demandmesons lto prevent rlvmWIdiM hit Lewis said the govern mm mm ma Wm hung hosts the number at people meat but caved in to IureosV km am by mom mining you in Augustine MW drop at 3000 ti dcttm$tit iioi Ilpolltil tnlull cntn can an lttorortito Christian demanded more con cssztons will show beunloveiy retro the NDP ftimtmrlimmw mu gmty end he mu leader told new cooicrence Emmy moon mueuces that mold porn Just in no rnclt nade im howlsrxidphtrt sariti it tm Damhmnthmmmhm rnmobm WWW ernrnln ucl tr taove ltiiiiiiisifithhii than IRW thvn sntouu threat to the rule It senior serurttyrtotiieiilsaidio aloe um intorvlentlon b2 vlumiirtmit $510353 ti welcomed not cote md mam Cam Tgmnlom rm Vault thot the plan altered nltwns impossible to estimate llt or Modem rhsrces thal wcr to halt uniusttlicd rent coulomhlrthc urged ninbovlr tlvn rharlcc to overt dcisult oito th eoluniticr tn Tripoli to Christians dominate the senior ncrcoscs until court no rule to carry rent reformed then mile north otBolrutIod uba army command ion them truth unha second lurgrst city lho Police said bnrtili MinistertCsmiiio Chamnun that In lrnmedlate detluil President Suleiman tralliieh fwouid ilIvc disastrous Dne1hny mammary tlrmqp rrrlcr ltsshid Ksrornl interior Suprorters turd hurlever tot ZttlsnIthv hometown oi Business failures increase report