Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1975, p. 2

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oil the III Ih tilt rm one In boa dd WETWEATHER sroos consrtrucnon Construction eoulpnsessl Ill out Pride It meteor Peril on Grove SM eesl oi Nd on Steel berm at In Worhmru Ito In the II ble psrtnx huebell dismodu strocllon It the but Iunich includes the menu Atoll In the More the courts and dlomond Iill be equipoed with Item nod leoclnr l3x Iintaer Photo toocer ptdi and tennis courts tor the put The uniI to pro lreulo remedial to schedule Ind Inhould be completed III the enrly Intumn norh VIII remplete the mIIorALots Twojfortuic deathst ontuui lo Iceldeote in the Ilrlllte me on Sundey tool the lives of hicniltl Ind eilluhuo oouple Clsyton nlshun ts oi Ortl tun mun when his bicycle slnid by err iusi out no the city threevehicle collision et Severn Bridle ll miles north oi OtiliII rrrtlltsd II the dull oi thtism llIrnd MeliternIn ht Iodhis will It oi Wr ebspo At Ieest puma died to rtdealelty in Cenode durlnr the Hour Dreamland unryhy the Wadi Pr Irons nmlrtdsy to ntldnlnthlond night Iocsl liniee Ihoisod other tattle oaths IIx mortars ilure lire deItIu three persoar who died at carbon Woodie poison lulu perhd vehicles no men died at lnlurler In soonIII er um he concluded home on csr Iod soother eermttldod on Illrhwey it our II reunion Ind romrnemorItIve crrensoy InlIIrrle seed diniilrien Invited to pm In the events hourle as not one Ident oi the KorenVeterans Asses oi Coneds linemen rle Rorkinlhlll end Younr Choo illmemosesulor ior the llopubtlr at South Koren The schedule oi events includes psrode Ind much put oi vetersn from IIIrrto City Ilse Ins lo CeaoleIu put City Atiliontoi some Willi 20nd polnli The Art ltenlsl Service seen sored by the Iterrts Art Club resume settles lettndeli item to pm him hIa so nswpelntlnrs hm been ecoulrcdIor the ren tIl mllcetlon taoludtnx III the Ivrerdulnntnr psinttnps lrorn the recent ilentptoicel Arie end CnilI MN The rent eollociisn which Includu oilseerylles wItercoi II or Ind bettk Irlworli mIci rente Ind wool wsll illusion is on displsy In the bsscenent at hiouainln View shout to miles hi Iaii htr site Dons 3i tl rut oi heileiitle Brien Iliims it St mom hen his cIr went oil til road Ind embed into tree Iboui llre miles south oi bAlllBDAY Anne Ilerle lmberIIIn Little artists in lower rush on country rosd shout transits MIMIsol oi Linker Nicole en It Cantrell rhea Insetby cor In downtown street to Cantrell John noth Is in hr his borne In Amherstburx eboul Is mtteI mm at minor Gut litigant ti on titles nu bicycle tvtilded with eIr on the ottiIhlrlI oi oriltls Curl dendhnr l1 Vermi lion Beyrem hie our end truer editors noIr Vermilion 31 about surntlu out it Ils nor llstoa ouiIIdoSbtlsmI Brldre Ibout ll mills north oi Orillle Atlrod lboims Pillixer Burn Fella oi cIrbon room Ids polslonlna In his ported en lo mil soulboi Birth hits to miles south bi North Bu Ednerd Arnold RsodIlI mu nv oi Injuries received in bootinr Incident on yum tber Lehe lhmes north oi delll Brien miner to weierioo when hlI cor Itrlleh loch AIlorvtilo shout l5 miles south eIrt oi North Bey Uillln stoneis so Portlend when the cor Ibo us presen set In hit the MM ilA Nld Ind rolled over on trio peer Porliend thou co in so aortbenel oi Illusion MONDAY Atisn Bennett st Aytrner thumbing lull let 3m Jmumwmum erve enocon due when his er out oi gmumrmwmmmf conrol on litany 11 no ohonhllm 5th oi so welt1 client we wlulm um Mnmu over him to he use about ntllee north oi Pelerboroueb hlIrurot str at Throatotn thrower crush in mole new llodnleks es Mnlo Joseph Itrow ht New Castle le Kstbryes Ltrine It New uCIslle PII oodber helbend uterles Levine Tl New mus PIIn twor colli sion on the Queen Elisabeth Wey our St Catherine ibs persde bu end Iii volerIns Ire lavl to will be tresled to dines end demonstration oi Ibo Korean version oi IIrsls by IniemlilonV Bicyclemkhap ilrlllhliiid htilta IW YWIhS BTIIOUD Teo youth were block or Fore no re trIiloa Ice mm hit berI will be entitled to ratrInco lug1331 iillihf to the deuce lunds Ind even old on ihoweekend in bullet lurt when his bicycle surm ed In front ot betiion truck on Foinlrw ltosdlale blondny Baallhuvlfgnyllldnnd oi Ericen too more wos one 95 truck drivers by union uh himul 1iI sinld it ear use my mm till Stroutl was obnhenun Ind resdy tor hernias ste 53 mm Illenh llgggrlliw mill EM ouls its at lnniollll nor vs no The renti sis Is the rent Elm mm my Ioitln wroheleprlce oi psln Lum tint seen month end Ill ntlngs My mtd ill chorus hero told In ether with pelntlnl wlil be uetrd item the puncture price then It wAAl nuydnm Io struck by car on tho 20th The Irt rental service to open sldemii oi lnnlrlll on the nth tlleiirsthoturdey oieecb month fillaccreted No ehorreswrro Htsronteot FLASHBACK submitteithy lira ltslnh arisen or my readers can identity it uuuo Iatbodb nloeIleo dole saunteronset AGlleB EMMY hir Prnnrll inter orIInIllJ called lot ministry In determined oul III II the gut and Its shout lint this covenant Ilsla fA church lbet rent fol is dilll bI slid Will tblrehuwb tilled It you lni ImIlI cherub nlmpherr on will not like lluiiro Bo dim glib nsedernmezmrgnlcstlons tronsourle lurch Wubsnr in tileeytblcie col inuence the Gospel to the need tor spiritual vts Ion be said his mnmtion should have the reeloi cup iurln the community oi BerriI tor God ormxrues Lives We em to monks there Police investigate cycle accidents hurts tics in Iledee new nigh on lcreltsts 5M WA II WI Nikki aemoii Iibl Welmtlr IIoodiomln III In roillstan with seer drisu by Jan Sellers on sbssly is Item ur oiternoon PM noon Mendy Elm Street oi min BL teed AM NIIIdIII In we been In one trend were Iuilered by Don Wyiltt oi an Lille Am in nor bi cie sdctdo vrbleb WP Ind we poti oceurv rrdsdt the ten ottiowen nod hillbum Iireell John blellelnl Struud weI driver at the ever on indoornon email Lunar Penneu stands with pert oi the con srezoo oi the new IlertlIge anurtmurcb Iimll meeting not per ionsvretdi must be ln lLt the Ilerllsu Esp ilst Cb should not be church at Rushes or modloo nu beInertoi iho dyntnile nevi minister is produoto oi nnmmuel Bible Collar Ntlrhrerr when he received In theology lie served el noor ill lts sleaery Church Don Mills ler tour yIIrr belore sonata to hen its this your WIN DANISH III sold In In Interview he did ne know when he mud on when he resigned irons Oomr IIllls But Iiler mend on populstlon end northpotters oi Ontsrio cities ho become impressed with Burrias Ientlal The doc isetor come when he WI tell Cod Isld Bertie MAIL lls less one son shone IIi Ind he led his vile Arlene Ire urh Sutton el Allsadsle Ilellhts elemean me in Dorrie hlr Fennel bu tailed iar WNIMIVI min expectioe eaotber rout nu gill ior God III IIId ho unis his child to Iveld sruIllbeeI III Merrily piInI to notch the mess trillions discussion it held Ii es with the aurrbI some la pm eludes use oi the Iniormnlton Ibm childrens churches midis lodtdne rodla Ind nous lepailitd Into uo rouge are pepees he sold nuxeionsry to be oslnbilsbrd ommm Ind dooNodoor visits ere pinned At Sundsys iirsl service let ters oi conlratulsilons from ottr rr coon silent and Harris hlsyor Do Purine were reed eloud Sim Centre hlIP Art Evens preoenlod scroll irorn onlIrlo Premier Wltilsm Dull The number oi ruled plnsers hit list reicuul by Wryburn Solder oi Velvet little lseptlst Church in Waterloo eon tun sow libretto the oe cIeIon end he Ilsa drove but oi loeol children to the much Iiia Wetcrloo chord bu denoted $110 to onward buy Its lint llrrttoxe III lint Iv tension will Iler It to ant and mode It Allsndsls llclxbto school rd this lesr In mm mm lnnIsriI the Power Ileur oi 1b pet the clllldll youth pro smn makeup 31er more is scheduled ior Selurdsy Sent 13 bin will teen AIlIndIls Ilelxhts school he the sill oi the roost It ms pm Chess Federation increases number oi roiedpluyers ism Inclm onnuei rel In Simeon Colin Recruitment nights planned for Foresters laiomellon end recruitment nights or the Grey sod Strme odesslob oi hoods the Chen muonsadmins iw rnLI held betwoen July Itll and June 15 175 InchIdiot the top riled player in the coxme with null at me II Berrls MM ThuroImat Ind lbe Sirocco County Doers Desmond buoy Blrris iI the tollowed by thinner oi Ch Marten It 1721 other ruled pl em to the Preechinr service will Ilh FomthrmyCodetOurleIli rounty Include ll Pose Cot cs It II In Ind pm end web Wedneed reeldence on tho nib Line pl CITY NEWS ll ms Mums muesli rumor ermunru mH II LOCAL AND GENERAL IlisilTAlI AUXILIARY The lioysl Vlrloris Ilospllel Auxiliary bu scheduled its ltrst iIlI reaerol sueetlns today It lilo prn In the Iuslllsry momentum iloorot the bospliu HIINIOIII our TOGETHER The nest nreeltnu oi in tlut Together Club torseniors in llsrrle II scheduled lodsy The media begins It lilo pun In the Anny New Air lom lioll on Genres Street LION IIOAHI th Ilsnlo Lions Club hold ing club rorn roost Sunnldsir Community lsrit tontlh II pm to welcome members reiuratn tn the city atirr lummrr vscellon Thu that motion at lbs club is open to women attending with members niArrrc nAlitUr throttlebound trIIlII on Iilph my lust north ol herein was delayed hi oltomoon by tour cor coll on Pendent and drivers sulicrod ond bruises One urtv went at onvitle we charged It the II by provincisi pollen with drivqu In unset vehicle The other drivers were Kslooon Fischer oi Senrbomtlb Roland West at Camp notden Ind lsmes Sclt oi ltrImplon Dunne to the vrhl rte tolellcd about 000 ensues PAIIIY STIlOIlDSimcoe Centre hlPl Art Evens elll sitead Progres sive Conservative ulna rbeese periy tonletit It In the Bimini rommunlty DIIIVhIIt CIIAIIOED Pailce told rhIrges lilonduy olnst Gristlon Tauztn ot hello VIllee OntI driver lnvolwd In ttueoenr crerh at the ith lino oi 0N Tisme Ind lliehwey it The other dr tiers were llrx lneiri Purse Ind lluxh Norman loth bi Toronto Demo we eeitrntlctl II $00 IIOLLI iIIISIIAI hilloUD liuilelil police have Gerrard ltoberl hlehochlen hi hi Toronto otter his car collided with one driven by Jnmee tulk er I3 oi liltiton It Ibout noon hioudey The nutrient occurred on litehwsy It Ilolly south ol Barrie ItoAltIl CLOSED noted tor repair nork until 11 one Muloulcr Elrrcl lrum Ludrlnpton to Penn long In the lriterstuilop at cm Ind Steel needs The public 0ka department begun in II this morntnx CAMPAIGN OFFICE ALLIITON Promsdre Con rervsilve candidate in Duticrla hImM Gee hlcCIpuo oplcu ed blI corn en oltico in in Ion todoy Fme lleulonent overnor itert tows was on hand tor the occasion Ilrnry llo illl hir licCIxilss cummirtn manner contort the editor and re Ciilln DEBATE ilnnlo radio siIIlon Chills his scheduled three sensrete phenol ln pro rum this week torturing two dI lereni StntcooICenlre pro vlncisl csndideles euclt lily hiueorts Kel uberet end leul Wessenser are scheduled Wednesdsy with trsscnirr rec turnluu Thundsy ultts Ari liv sns EC hlduys program will torture Evans rod Kelly All the prong be in It to en1 on until Foroyt is the host IIUIY WEEK stnrcoa Centre cendtdslo leul mouse has buy week in eminr Ipectel dimer with NII eldcrbtc Lewis hirI Wrsirnzer ls ec Miller to ram pain In lierrtc Wednudey mor New Deuiocrst candidate is sols edulod to Illend various bingo Ind events lnclutttou the hirer woon Sireri Dances to the lllvris wood subdivision ALI CANDIDATES MEXIINII Ilnrrle residents bass emote opportunity in see the three Cen dtlnte In the Sims Denim rldtn prior to election night Ad the limo Ari bloods Mm rive Denservntlve Ilnrenrct Iiclv II Liberul end Ioul bumper NDP IN scheduled to oil tour meet the rurxlldoles nights Sept the condtrlnlcs In sched uled to meet It Norb Collegiate IIIrrie It pm The next nilht Sept lo the Unlvrrdiy Womens club to hoidinx In Illenndl dries medtn oi Control Lul leelntr Tm Bertie ltots Club to stun bottling on site ldntcs meetlnl Thursday it ullh IIt the eendtdslos scheduled to or on ttnrrto Cable drldsy Sept between izw end 10 pm CIVITANS MEETING The llerrle Clvitsn Club is holdinl its tint lull meeting lhundry It on in the hlir Imsr Gordon on Dualoo Street West Members on reminded to stlend the meeting bccsuse oi the amount oi new buslnm con cernin upcoman eventl IIItElIETDN NATURALISTS Tho ilrsi iIIt meetlnx oi the llrcruiun iIclti Neiurnllsts to scheduled let It Courtne lon Public School ltnno tor the evening bsve not been completed nntl tlrn truest speaker to not booked at this tune HOUSING CUIIMIITEH iito Ilerrlo Loniniltlro on boom in is not witde to meet until tinellzsllon ublte locus to meeting sitirdu Commit tee member not last week Ind discussed ndvrrilslnx Ind the tunnel ihrro ulll be too meet tngo our wont per ucek In Sep turnber Those wit be iniurmni Ill nro wanted in order in entourage questioning by the eutlenre IIUTAIIY CHANGE my bout the proran let be held It the IIIrrio Armour Iy It the Pound Tnundny end Sept ll betweenviliin Ind pan The purpose oi the tolormnl meetInI to mount yo men between the sin In to with the cedcl rnLtloI piv glhn oil Ill mm rrs you programmei persona end Ioclnl development seed on rnitilery Ieede ptustesl litnees Ind service to the community Another sole oi the proernrn to elmulele Interest amour south In corner in the Cone dlen Forces necrqu ere taught the use oi loposrsphlcol one end com pare bush swim in winter Ind summer and bow to bend Ie milltery rie To be eliftbla eeneliiisles must be med ally round or tween the urn oi is end ill yeIrI and must be moment by the codel lurpe onunnn diru oiiicbr lor sddliloaui intermaiien enhone John Ind contributiu to the Gilbert It 72M or lidTilt WEATHER llnzwood 15 Ilnl Whats mil Peter hielluxh 0r ilw hm M03 MI III town Lin stellarrail Ber rte learn me Also sumo Show In imrlohtl he lienls 13M Len Meyers Barrie ms Dd Allroby New Jarrett this ninn nouns poino mun Gilbert lieutenml llctts burn mu Don Nobel Bertie 9571 vol Ind Charles lieu Bertie 900 were rated other people Who bnve DIIC ed to tie calmly loumsmcnt In ilndo Peul lsnkhl lorvnba Jonkii Ion roe County open end reied not In tho mum Also Ken reltatn SIIIthoon tie rnted hell Sim Kine 11 thrice stbucr mo Ind Il Visto 1099 lrom Oveen Sound Imcc bloom Irorn the coon ty will be trovelllnx lo the la bur Duy Open Noemi in Monte LbLs pretend to comer Ib Molnly cloudy skiesiorecusl with north winds title 25 mph ileinlycloudy sides on lulb rest lodoymith the chemo at In luns shout to eltrrnoon ehourr Winds IrI expected to bcivme northerly so to es mile pcr hour viiib gustlne this viternoon Cleerlnz stiles Ind eoolrr lent perniuree Ire ptediclni tonight with northerly wind is to to miles per tour Wednesday pedal to be mostly sunny lilzhs today are iorrousi III in it with lows tonight to II Iilohs Wednesday are expected to bo nruund is Iolcrboroueh Lotto Onlurlo routbrrn Iiollburlon qulttcrn Georylnn tiny Muln cloudy intlny Ilauce on sliernoon shower Winds be routine northerly to to 25 and rusty this ntternoon lllptn til to St Clearinr onil iIIlIIInl cooler tonlrhi Wind northerly ii to 20 laws to it Mostly sunny Wednesday light would ill Northlloy tiudbury northern Italllsurton Cmrglun llny Windy end turning router lodny Winds northerly is to II Ind rusty Mainly clear tonight Sunny Wednesday IrmperI ls Iltcrnoon lowstonlnbt to Ills ul lost In lunILVIetl niens oi the norlhcrnIGecrxlen Boy rerlon Illthl Vrdoenlsy Mind Ii Hill Lo llllh TodIy Overelthi Wed 13 ii Ii II 31 II Windsor Surnia ht lhuinus tendon li ll Kitchener It It llluunl Ferrel 20 ll Viluiiam to it iiiii bound II iluiloku to it llnxultiun II it St Citih it It Toronto It in Trenton ti lu Illnriton rt lit Iiirrboruuyh to lctawnwe it horllt tlny l1 Siulleury 11 rlllliuil ll ITIlllmitLr i3 Kunutkrslll Ii Iturlr ll Chhpleuu 13 White litcr Ii Urreltlton ll liloosonee It II II ill iii In in 19 It ll lb II In to it II It ii i3 ii I7 unuouusLutCe The refutar noon meeting oi the limo llolory Club Thorn day he been rrpleree by din ncr meeting It the Continentnl Inn The nlrolinl bruins with eockinlis It 330 dinner It dill endlsiollowrd bynrlub Issrm lbliltiligi Illplxlilit7 arts In poo CNN to end Ioyrun old on remind ed at the render ntcelinu oi the ooring twentles rluu Writ titular amino list Iad llnotd Bullock hlurroy Urlend ref IBI this photograph it Toronto Street trout an estate site II not sure what nuty evrnlnns new It eon lount street The activities In elud baseball dsnrinp twins mine volleyball and Irlpl do lots hutcoutdbeIchurcniuncttonNotothe dotll letdin tum an or in to ninfnnd lhundoy 0n IrIdIy be mine to undnovs Acres In III Township and In tho Brsdtord eree aeturdIY the my will epponr on the editorial page under Photo Idon 7371500

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