thin vhors hold trim Wild lie lhreo timer to the aecond hall harkethall tram deleated Can go head it Id In mm In In my road with 10le arrier Inter In the quaotrr to put whit Federation tFiIIti Iald tort altar Murphy had Inert that completrd nouhturou Jul in hackDriz Allen during CH action In Ilamilton lioo day um um cata pulled wrote non car do tannin but my Peru gm hold oi Toronto Argonania rutt loseI gutliinomt to Tioats in EFC game DAEMON CPI Zenoit may mum hail out III oiioora Iy all wk Jerry Keeling term KathmI ar In 01 mm mm mined on Iitte tries millY ottawn liuugh ltIdIrI thnw uthomtoMaaittltloaarto MEN Wm gym liamtiim Frown an huh mined and annoy lIIDlIy ertt Mini Conlmre with and hag Iiarnlitonr naui tlrvuah elite gamer tide tor the Argonauta who had clear Itnttrticai In hot mfg rouldntmdtu in bat core Iarldt the iiomtlton st trio tho Hamlin acortit Ila outch thin tor To not atoglo point when oi ictala ropinwut ianditon dolaoairoI interred art miter Idseiaton and soonrsfArA GLANCE AIMMIO Poll HUME RUIDOSO DOWNS tAPi record It It spent during the tourday Aii American Quarter Ilorn yrart ti ay Ito younl horses aold tor an It NIH lia Lawrence lamina oi lid montoo was iourth Patrr lam oi Glmll lllIiI filth and Wally Walan at Montreal alaih CANADA DEATHS national womrna 63 had brought ammo on Indium Wm tlon game at Spirals Nova Yes It the Cechontuvalt new agency CTK reported Cannda Iod IN It the hall sounarox one 10er var ultimo tor Ima izasy MY CUP ENTRIES zurucu dultzerland trrl The inieroationa Iohoalon lormrr roaeh at call lllgalyuoglmm 333 Iomia Srals oi the National lira 1m World hip but ill cn it trier still are pnviaionai Can mu mm my IRWIN III Untyarslt oi Denver rthatlier It received government Rlulmd Bllh am We it sun during in mm season war marrther oi the Canadian ATTEMPT lltiLB national team and co edt DOVERr Eullitd lReuierI III It and ma P091 Drill lourhlllli Kevin llur Garnet He played gait KIM IIWY lily alonaliy With MlnneiethNerltlt III III III IIIrIoIiIiIIIrIII In dim and Celiloraia run am IIIIIIII mIIIIIIII EIIIII tors turning loIcnlchlng tire strong rind ended ths rt unit an EARLY EDDtBUllGII lRluterl aorta than or houra In the na ti rm Murphy hecrmo the tint Pillniflf Detroit to have made two doubie ong dgy et uh womenl VIde rrosatngs oi the tlilnnil ll hoekry ohanspiooahipr with cruihing ao victories over Aua irg In mo in Ind Denmark leapecttvali nunttn Nthuis aAr MNDON neuter John Ignthacr alter they tied totr end on emitting lit tune Wm 44m gium wart drawn while In ct kit tut Honda Iklrlrii aeorad It not out Inylruihan mu Wm Ior one wlrttot in Itr inrond ins Illlflvnu the rieIIcIt In it 3151 muraxgndmnh at Atlanta lrironn underwent iran aurrery Sunday tor in lQlaryuhmlagggmmwlla Iurlas rutirrod In an exhibition one Saturday mm with New lgzlymi Imllm ortt Join and will he lost tor the season it Wnr announced ltilh run limit Sunday Itumphrryniw ted the LONDON AP The Scott Notional Football Iaagua In Iah rity ol Dtaegow announced quarterback hs tut year Monday night that It plans in turn Iiglment In Iiialoltlnrr ame to aim the that Olympir tunes city mneit apolteo em mm man aald Giariuw would hints 051 Iliiltii Iin hid to it lnierrulional VIW with onnwle Committee In 1781 Saturday tialiir on let ar would int intuit im mini liontiPNI nextilhi imd hill llorton lisd don With two out In in iron tit toiiIIgiI oisItta ISIAIIA ondIItIhr or MCLAUGIILIN lep itloe nln ird and stole rrrorwt IUN1iIIEA LICPi Terry Dlrko tried to call and war lirLuughiin oi Toronto hen the llrtlrl iu utnoirn itirtiid inn Cansdien national llsltrlalling ri At ho Mi tier field Dark hantoloILIttp Monday He had ad tho third heed hag trorn points to itnlih ahead oi Itt mooring and itirei it Irtio old It Kingaton lamina atandt hrhiiri Iha Oakland who had all pointa itilrd root dugou ThI ground eraw pent to Grey IGurrey oi the hrought out aan hag the Ar or hun Ilnnin am or PR1 lira untamed Arno nuntar ml larch Illll Nu lot total oi so mumd ottl ei rhanea to ran1m hia whit itaid veltrln ilarnttten quarter Irl guzat Iiierrwt on the last play ei game ntklullltntaguaatatr oi Tonntea lio prian tiniahod Illa ruined iietd roata would with ioatr thifhtdlitt had Ilehdd lt teal one ileld goal my IIIIIII MIST Em III kdI II In win Hamilton brute an unter trio lei tietr eitrnatia critra tattered goats and two convert to com illllllinlllh Issa am that am the reaton midi III the To ronto deiaoca contain the Ti tldlhh In Wm had at edge in II 181 In nuNlil 116M ARGO HAD LIA PRAGUE lCP The Circh tityard Held on the third mtnutr to lead but lire earlier wyard ton to hkolrood had put the Tigris to scoring range Andrusyhyn titled aI DENVER lAPl Ilarnltall tlll llilt nunuta oi the motor but II astolene ml KI tI iamlltooazol lead at the nail IlhixotIflIbIIIanIlItIIed Itha Jiclta In liner ui could ut who eeachrd tha Imumanh Ambuihinr rift nhllhhnlnliti purusIIX to Matt Luen tor 19 vuda Keeling completed nItro oi It to tha lama tor ltl yIrda hit carrier llamlllena Jim Datrlrl mi um titular and Detroit lur It yards Australia reward to triumph against Spain while is gile MIMI mum III ma rut rruotlod Zambia to lra New York 12 it an and was the only nrtitrh lites Philadelphia 71 It 519 team to tin beutlng 1tinIdIds cottage on is It taint Ammu the iourth 1ii WIImt mi Deli innuul it dIa hart ronthlnari nriiu Cincinnati to set to Angclrs 13 at mm IIUIUIINEY our roit YIIAlr $53 ATLANTA II AP Dc Mi ianslir rid Claim liuniriirry Iiotliln II gill Wu ICED moan tillll ISaskatohewan Edmonton tied in rst place ly JONV IHOEII The Canada hill Tarn William did that met Daley couldnt Monday Iterator an wanton Er llarox Ind Sanatchrlau Warm wound up in tor tint plat in the talent Enotball tknieraoea Wilkinson tired than Imam part if rnohl lttlut homo nah II Edrrtontcn tam Iron hem ha trio CIgary Summers 3511 beiurs aura lane at Calgrry little Winni pega Eatag ran out oi dons till about seconds remain Ing In Saskatchewan Renate rldzra ma triumph our the Ilhts lootherr More itrgina rrowd ot 015 eoxly holding penalty heioed ruin lairyt lastminutl hid in loss drooged Winnipeg Into thlrd ct In the TC two pointa Saskatchewan and Edmonton alto meet Minion night to settle at least lrm wary ortrcssiuo oi tint ICC The uniortunate eiamoedrra rentaluod Mirth trio poinia hr hind Winnipeg Dupltl aura rlhs Vitklmon na brilliant Hr threw to Georgi litDom and We idle to more iron the Enron tan to tha Calgary it then ivuttd Konthovialt uaeoterad In it the and one the pear ruined elottl ei inri try it St to who Intrule HUIT WI William took our when starter Drucs lemmerman In jured hand to the third quar tea Wilkinson threw touch down to Don Warringtsn early touttit warm in More Chicago IIII ASMIAIED Pitts Nauru City lioyata lost two lineblll plnyora Monday But the out bstlgamt ataihtng pttdier Nelson aitrr hlInI trig dileago Whit Son Ier three Ionian than hithat began uedng up Doug Bird took om aadt oi it previoua Iiarnea he hit thI mr In the Eli liamtltooa latu crowd oi the rest oi the way iiottavrr Bird dldt become winner until Ital 5mm hurt his rib ran touting oil pitch In the rlghln llllllll oi deadlock Ilartmrt hIlehreiv olnchitlt and HI 22 pteh trorn Claude Osteen Into the tilt tleld IaIts tor hla mat chierr hemat amt the itoyala ttrst in tirht aunts The tworun homer was Kilt rhrewa lth oi the peasant and enabled the limit to um and opht thrlr Labor Day dvu hiehuader nio itoyaia dmped urn opener lot The rent coupled with Oaklands triumph over Caitlinnit Irtt Nell City right gamrs behind the In the American Leagnra lrsi Divinion BTW LIAD RINK New York Yankees turned ntnnto hid clear lullalltal outing an inch to Churttka touchdown alter in Toronto ill NI Skul amllton in trotttto day An Mord touch lot by Stuttrr gate games over the tall Baltimor Orioles me were rained out at louhlehaadar agrirut tiere Iami Indians in timda othtr tamer Minnesota Thur but his mtetcd nit14 ni 2i Tiger edged Mtlmukra Iiiea If BASEBALL STANDINGS ny Tiir CANADIAN rum lIfa Angeiee at Cincinnati iitiiiurgh et an Tori WEkm Chlca at loula III Lu ban ranelaro at ttoustan American League lint IV It Irl GIL it it siri Dalllmora 71 lo IIII iii Met York 01x Illt amiand II All till Milwaukee In 17 it Detroit It 53 West tlaltlllid it Kliull City 71 Cl 50 Trill 01 10 III lli Chicago or III ALI It MInriraote 10 All I1 Caitioritla it tin 10 ituutta Mon outrun Callioru hartsaa City to Chicano IM DIeiroIt Milwaukee New York Boston ilinriuota Turn It Dalllrnora notion Weal Iiesutte Manda halt Dingo Cincinnati lioustnh Atlanta too Austin San lrtneiero New York Pittahur Montreal ihllodei ta 5t India Chicago Gainer Naderday han Dlrfo at Allonta Alonlm at PItlIIdeIpIilI Protect Your lime liuaisen ald WARNING AGAINST TIIIIIVEI VANDALD AND UNIVANTKD INTIIUDLIIS Coll Ontario homo o1 Inmli Illm Ni tit iatrol rart For Days Wreh root pmio anTr Ilourty amt Cost In leer aa tit ier met CALI tiTIM ANY TIME Kansas defeats pal thl Dhmnl lu irort lern momma roend Iidlotraa ior an liqmi tenderloin la in open In rarer larvy Moth in the lines he rauaa at Calvin iiamllI tahuy raa tour yards Thlbdhhbt mooted termiten Dave Cutler contorted all Mr majors and am Gold Molandyartio1lll Melted added it alogla Beddualtm Itoren no limit plan from Inside In to Catrary go Shard not lag pant itnm starting onwa haek Karl Was to llarihr Glut Saint lbrll Ilrlall Add three woven Ina deid geaia all ll and 32 yards Calrrya other point no alrige by Rudy Uniemtan hint mendI mnaIIiIli Ilia tong klehoii Iiltlld out til the Ind our oil the hand at tarry Huhha in put Calgary three points act one mnd altar tIIIbor scored and IIcIIII zon rerled Veteran iton Lancaster led solid march iniha tart ouartor to putt Suleiman irom Ila hind with ninrard rearing pass to your Sta Maurar GITEAT RETURN ibyatd punt return Ivy Tom Cunnana and thronanl run by GeorgIReed provided the nthlr wlhdlr Touchdown JarlvAMMu dad three converta and two livid goala for Madison lob Lama took than our lrom ELM Rug Iey and Stan Bealrd no then mm mm mun Jun NitMm limit Olympic niampionaip on noted the runMn ll mime winning sold med oolnu on two Mints not all threeliven and bronze tum held rub Stave Noll oi Sault Ste taocastara airperltnea and Marie Cont Aoooloil oi Slur Iluhborn Sukatcbewut Ideienca intro Bobby Illaml oi Oshaw rent Winnipeg to drieat dc to Randy Immloue and the the Diua Bonera harm limiterraid brothera noon margin litd Doug Ill oi Wuhill were OrtIJrloI gold medalltaia Nolan who iron Junior Olympic gold medal at too no tl anon Calvlit Calilhois eilttnlunv Alta In the died round tool in tumtmous rt ton oter Dava Arooaa at it It Ill pounds Ilnnil 31 all WI WY Mlmd Edmonton us arrl Feather but Dorian Mona Cltv mud Bo BMW 79 il tiontrui to Mira alter round MN IITIEIIIIIIII sin at in pounds Pm if Doug IiacDonIId look It un Itneen lilmtaantaandmveiutd DI mm 5mm mi unri rrmu Wren all Isa hut brother Roddy had it Minnesota Ind 64h tight lor Machamotoriahipalon IiiWWW on Doiigiaaa MacDonaI In i0n Saturday Jim Palmer mm Fauna Jhnrrv gm tor the lull Eupdu dtlirtl hit match with George Goran oi mm Ion pitching Baltimore to ti win over Chicago In other names Detroit beat CaIIiontII 92 Oakland ad ed Boston mm city baa New York it and Iuaiaa donated Milwaukee The Minnesota at Cleveland dOItDldlldCt was postponed try II Ive nrter lost game line that sold White Sox manager Chuck Tumor liter Itllletrrntva wailoo Tth get two ruia hurt end then too we tome In and net the Job done tor them Kiiirhrew couldnt remember anything ulta Ilia It either lvr iew ptnot homerai dont know how many Iu never under ttmmntanres like that die tetrron rluggrr raid It aura Ville IIVIUSIIll cant ever recoil hitting filllill homer alter taking met touni Tl OYALS RALLY In thI sooner atlcooo trailed one has to tell you Kansas city state run it Sgiiaulna coats are sending thorn so ntn Sow new to an Invostrnoniyoull appreciate tor years to some ornatiin saws are built to take on tho toughest wood cuttlng chores and com backior more liter innings but Bill licilen hit threerun homer lu ran tiverun third Inning and to Beta drote lit three rum three hits BIIIV thllamg and iteugta Jackson hlt tworun hornetI At Oakland rallied Irom 31 ll Inniiudniicit to heat the aela chltaoli diuit III thin Thoso rugged XLIZ Packed with power yat tight in weight the XLtz itnndtos Ivaly iarrrt chore tanol port and wood cutting pruning and lot tlnp Built lot ol dapand pailormaetn ItDIi lllur lor hit lith tieto iig ihm runs an oi the lllltJurlllil little Dempsey Ittcts Dlait mo Fred Stanley the toil end at the New York hitting order ted the Yankeea ithi ttlck against the er Mart and Dltlt Pole Stan oy collected thre hlta Idle Dempsey lllrdt Iatt Williams and tiny Wittll hrd toe eueh no Id millch 311 llrollnf Substance UlllllOCl MADh Stir ulto Piles ONLY It IA Inclusive ultra mininu mm ta anomalous aad Hath nun rum nnevatd urn INDIAN nu tonne um ttsiioa ruturea with tea nutn rhedtvrinrrr IIIIKIII Ilrhta and intention In no ea In med up lulu CUM ll lililaottd turtle II can alter laltlilltl Ill Jitlllhlllukp llo tregoriuit ailmndu rrenghttttttuiurraia lull ital maintain out out may wanna hlrwu emulated ith MMIIUDIIWIoDHIIINeI lullW hill but urrd sails and Mimtitte the sin in Dlhall lrldll to and it portion tome ad rationt Ath illilaitll atom daIIsIIruon or your new mom itouetire XLt hill Itiitly rllueilnl tlu Preiadrelaltnrle Unz Oetii1tmo V1 coNNons IN CONTENTION in In thirstround oi mena wrimnrtammt It Fons elottlllt It llil E75 0991 TID In New Yolk Al Ontario boxers Twin medals at championships CRAIG READING AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Civte Square Tow Suite III It not accepting appliutiona tor the tall and winiar tarm We ollor tor children Win with reading or other edueailonal problem EDUCATIONAL termites CAIIIEUL INITIAL AND ONGOING VALUATION DI EACH CHILDS iAltllCLAlt INDIVIDUALIIHJ PROGRAMMES LOW bTUDENTTICALIIEIL llAlItl and yielded one run and air Nu garrte oli the lutugsatingcnom ii TAKEADVANTAGE OF HOMELITE SPECIAL OFFER NOW whats happening to Inrm equipment pricesi ring 80 buying Homollio XLAUTOMATIC Bio tuat Ianit moons lure tar woodrutiinp lob Automauc oil to Ionpor Falling II In din metal Iii Automatic In the Ideal trim chain It hit Sinful Itlli ones out 05 UeiiliOcl 3t ICIb ONLY IIIIJS Plus 53000 OFF on these Homeitte Modelst NOMELITB SUPER XLMINI AUTOMATIC unfested retail nitra em 05 Uh ml at till ONLY HIP MANUFACTURED iNcANADABiI MY llllll utmmwu inn litACTORISEIIIIICEfj it nitrite our Piupnititiiiti 1mm