um Wmlcmdnsaw Iv II ph Ih hamlrhdrenlncamda Arawrheeomtnanue ronungcmwonadtnvloltn dlllnnadlovhleneemdarzept unallaaradogtowtlas hill 81 reprints warrllltahaeanaaltham 11F LONG nexus rnoutm nemlmeerde over gt mhthumIwmzeIm Weneootlnmllybahuhh an The report am not an Lm Im atolmu In gallant lume mum urging we on mm ME Wmmfd mum on the droet lms the malady ol tnuI mm vxomtcn amen oer In the men or rolls Involved ln apoItLhlr Whlla nutter hetng beaten and mm Iasrved an Ontario lloo motmm are Irvchlor hey Assortattnn nlllrlal and re but not Icarus nil lulu the Increase In vtnlnee In rm act he IuplllnelL the sport to WI lllmlltk ta relied to people alttns latch mm mm mm Id mmmm m1 ml the Increase Ina lrnoa rha mmmmmd media are remainders llhetoaaywera lly II III II mammrmymmhgn II II WIWIIIIWIIIIIIImgymw mmmww IIIIIIIIIII mu attqc Dams mu It In tr gm yatra 15 but 13 at rmenl tiled of nonorrro ICPI Stephm qulsy and IV as teacher to yotmgatm In Iliale IoPremlrr Wllllarn nlme last Mr the Antle trayahlu Emma can and other chltdruu shoal Ila Davlsa ttnt concentrated at tack on the New Dmoerallc uldlhlnmolthuem mm mm vea that chlldrmomleam Partsaloeetbaatartolthem tarlnaledlonmnpllaJsmd roux the medla not hast the RM ADVERSle ataternent nth turnlug the ABCsbutataoalolanre lla arid the natlre people re Paoole an redeemed that premlera elluta Mum poorly WM and lo WIH FRIESH VEGETABLES A1 ARMERS MARqu Mmmamnm fem nanIVnI ordain me ha on tn aroraa uealerthlanuro llmlnth0etoberllta ahusuandmmmwa uremguhagaagaurdas grow ad ml lntatthelamarsalarbeton at dram Ana on relAIM morning brlyaulneautonr me annaraIeraIII attest rarely to run which Im trylrll In control thrlr lol lhowed laraa amounla el vlolerr aura time be said dont er particularly war or ganu vant to control It or the typea ter mules ol nggnsyhan ung ot the m6 chlldren new Mfal related In or kung should be mIehannela tor lu movlee and became m1 tahln annular anes watching the run We will be preparlrlg the dorlnx allots pendent rim Im not develth report the tau tor pmen 1an to In alm commllteanetrthaendoltha mic who modem to rt amuacy at de an kulalnat ulnarmull 51 WM Samdk MBireserves deIdiI motel expansmli dunno hlllnldgl HE lta deelslan may ab zone whlle the rlty mutrra to more than alresrly have lta $0M lld the turbulent ver below Nlrgara Falls lwnluponl naplna were Julla hlartlnea ruched Its poasengen Into earning atretdt ol the Nlagata Goraa near the treacherous ltlll 30 an Davld ll mun both at Torontoand Anthmyrlohn ol Nlagara Falls Canadlanand us helltopter hows began pluclrlng oodles aodaurvlou from the rtaer about 20 Inlnulea alter pollen olllcer on shore radioed tor help or he watched the 7th alr tllled ralt ip over on wave The Torontoounetl ralh on lls lllhexprrtmental lllp prepara lory to goln lnto conunerolal aervlea on lower Nluara lttver next year was two tulle along llmnllo roula lrorn the loot at the 115 mu to WI alon the Emit rootdala lnn Ion NY when the amldent oc Dave Keoley reporter lnr Jha Revlew who was aboard thetall aald ll was tllpped overby wave lhat natal been so leet hlgh nylonIandruhber rall ler arlng Idem presented cone or the proposed expan to appeal cornmlttoa enl declalon more Brtpkdale Park Inn Ltd F50 number ot Ino Mhe ll Ed nrwuarequstedhy 11 apanalon ls pmual southwest rt lln aIndln udeaa twomy ulld lnx IIth It unlta on each oor The flotel has dlnlng room mfenrrmh and IItIa motel en tour 91an acrst WW lalrwenlher olreti orrolannlng and deIelopment lnlhh lty ld th algqu tor hlghwnhelg de tat tIls whleh llleludaa motes lr tuned Mrervlco eon mpnlg tor motel KING mum mum Ha the aurroundlng pro pellruare round toe alnlle ta mllyruldmllll andllle malpr llYot use our IQaleeauter tell us one reason tor the tommllteer deelston lack at hullrr zone mmwm lwlndon and 11 Went The unfit Ami eet The all leature oneth aatelyrepes to whldt an gen tould 91an to ally Mn Kewley tald he dunjto ant ot theropes or about 10 rounds alter the ralt eapslard hoplnl ll would rltl ltsell then realtud he Ivar trapped under the eralt and had to rwlln to the autlace 1hr roll was WMVllh two oulrtggera to present It rem turnlng overon to lLI alde hut maul Eo trough stood on 1PM over on ltahuh Mr Kewley aatd spokesman tor the Ntngara lrontler atata park eommlsslon ln Nlagara Falla NY sold laterthet constelerlnx lt hep penrd when ll dld with to many people lnvolved It was mlraole they were able to rave so many at them mm man lllurn ol the rescue work was onrrlad out byOnlarlo provln elal pollce hellnoptere because toast guard boala could not navigate the rapt lbut slght aeelng helleoptera hovered tn the area as survlvora were lifted from the water and trans leet horn the property line Another ttty bylaw ha aald ln restrlets development nl alrucl nroa wllhln 50 tel ol the can sarlously mm by Wu araI lra ol watenoum llr Falr weather sald major stream crosses the motela property whlrh dmream the amount ot human sauna manner and the Iclly has al rellgloudy totlrwed the butter zone reoulremenla be tween nonunmlal and mldenta tal dottlopmeuls lte not good plannlng to have thla Hod ol comblnatlon tn block and wwIlItIlntIIIbeIprIzmllI an algurdtbeglock estahllshment and we wouldnt support an app pileatlon Iueun toda natural Evnrythlngvtaa and lt waa tun at llrnt Then we Ihlt the raplk the trout epd just went up and than msI poopla ttylng over my ehn laid lltelaetct and prlor lrtslructlona lrom tho cralta pl lots helped to II her 111 lhepttots Jerry Morton 23 Oolhrado and lick Oven gaa ol Arleona had told passen era earlier to protect the res lrom rocha byleep tug thalr eel outln lInnt ot thorn ll they happened to be thrown lrom the nth vhtlu DeSorcyI that at llral Iaho too clung to aller rope but panlc and slmn nurent loosened her grlp louaht the hld waves throw the tlret raplds and then there was calm 01 Hrs rlver aridl eoul look luv the accond raplds co and am prepared tor them She aald most passengers wore lllelacheta and that ahoul the straps were also avallnhle on board norm lwnand tour leel holler ulaum not on Iorlmuca growth ol thatnm plex Thevowneruld no one phnslon and all the lo people at EXAMINER In ants trucks I32IXEARS 0E TORY 11qu lhtrtylu years etProaru alve Conserved rula la 0a tarlo are an the HM Gents Prenaler Wllllana Davla llshta Ila aeeonl electloa as erlradere Th ankles ll Mua Examiner on Page explore lb eleetlm lronl the AIM vote whleh relurled Geeraa Draw Ilth Inlanrtly eral meat work for Labor Dawnleans welt or eomoprople inBerrle not Wall labor Day was declared esta lutory hlldav lnCanndI belora Sionhtnnhnluon 1389 Rotn1 IcommluI no on lab or to the year ms in the City ol Barrle mans hnslneaaea wlll op emtn on Labor Monday and people wlll work to make the ex rnmlnoome that both lily Ball lulli oltta Kmnrtstmonl$avl comet rm Itlma student workers Id to1max the extra mon eyr teraltnglhe teams the llmd adllcent to tha unlta may lta very 6th or land whlrh can he deleloptdl land to work wlth haPl aald Eo$lmr In Wm lve iota rel but here amt In back from the atrcamto put any btuldlng between htxlgalli llmh Iu rt mgmomtvooaonh store unnutrhllkehltngau eaya 1herea no enllulsm trom thn students he have They want cs ls heavy at =Daugtaa Stewart pres ent ot Hmohdhle Park lnn ltd aald the rum pllnhasal to 1m mallow aa ll be lnnln to not lgtr stgwart said he la proud In the reoulred amount 01 par llng torhls estahllslmeut and wlll lnereun ll lor the number uolla In the erpanslon 5993 He aald rklnn In the gener ll 30 al area lap between arena and tan hood lls lant aome tort ol pm leet that Im trylnp to an over the plenum derailment lha because ol the ahIrIur IIpr In and Dick Mvanr IaIlen our agalnl at arousalin more wllhthe um tha holiday opehlnl an LdBOIDQImedus Don Olleara ol Tha Eran larra Queens Par hnreau pruldra hullnund utlele ol the vraalaei la Ihola la eludlnl mu tron Draua um through hallelnal ma Rabarta and avLe Esaulan tall erter PeL er Mullah lha lb story rleur huh Itlhtle alKllon mlida ll 51mm WW scan llollrhy bushes ls alotlen rlbly lood rays erhud Ver rrttrynew manager ol Consum ers Dlstrthutiog but good an ush to stay open tor Ol course not all businesses will opunta on Monday lllost downtown matter wlll donor the hollng wllh res taurants beer parlors and some stations the exceptions Canadlan llIa will be closed Managu Akh Brown saya Sen tember ls an lrrhetween month lor us so hla emplayeesIget long Weekend he alora edopen Mari and July when aununethualneas uaa heavy Hugh Colby manager ol Sean tha Gaorglan Mall aays worn on holldaya ls practlco llll mum Mute trend ta touoad shorter and unllorm atone raw Soars Illl be closed Monday hears rnwloyeea have nu hour workweek and alternate Satrrdaya olt III Whit he conslderg am at of utrabustnesa an rays the rate at pachto umol llems to de mIratt stor hme ol rear Fir man Lnbor Day la the buslest he at the years and only to oldll DI Investigated Collaxrla headlng our to the mums 19a IApI in Tomnlo area drop lnloabop at the arm shores the rnanIaIgera repos Eurlness wlll depend on the avealher alatce lt determth tha number ol travellelutmo head ednorth million at It the my lama neon nu Mateo want miner er at Thom tell company Ill use matnl pawn work on reornt aerrlceanld Frlda It Ls lnvesllgattng threat In halls and New Yolk lrlll Bresa ldenl Fun lltd Name other er gulf IND Examiner fWe hue en so eIIInl man aboutthe lnv Illll Walter Dough agenttn marge ol the Da rural eervlcelltld Olllce lte Ildentrllad the man at one know to local law moment end lnveaunauva axeuela whirran pallets mm emerlmres hen the to math and teacher hlr llhtta aald the vtolmce on TV atlecta people adversely be cause lth used as antastnr Ofcials vnd Walton ot no normal ment In Mat the prentlara statement chal lerurd llr Lewiss 5er that to acres at prtrna agrtel tural land are lost to urban de talopment every hour sttrlhut tng the gallmatl to noon at lantverally protrssora worklnl wlth tncempltte and outdated lnlnrmcllon Not so trolled ltlr lewla ell lng the 1965 and ml Stallsllcs Canada Mm mm Slmcoe county allies attended lotto to sup hls assortlon 90 cu lle accused premlora alder In 1301 ot lndulglng ln slelahholhand Eme mqusly artthmetle to produce lesa ch on In mum uumwood damagtnr gures We Ho rldlculorldlr Daviss or 0mm nmy lm sertlon that there would be ao up mun mm De ooo houalng slants by the and ol Mn couluvood Mayor llaer tha tutat year ratha than Brll and Barrl alderman Val Revmentallvea from three twurusmoo anihm as Mr Lawls had predlcel earlier llllel5lld his eslmnte was on gure supplied by the housing mlnlslryI ESTIMATES FAULTY the housing ntlntslry has Downtown on the NDP leader repllcd The only valid protection was based on llgures lo the rst seven months or the year ohlch showed houslng ltarta lagalag per cent hehlnd comparable qumtor me The prender was manlpulal lng gins ll they went Pl and hls oredtbty was eomlng to an and The NDI lenderI plodded llnvtlgh ddlJGIn Is he eonstlluenctea the wast and ot Metropolnan ronto buehlnl on ruh lamllla themes ag puhlle revlrw ot an and all places and the menu pullers ol marks Hydro Oneyouth nearly drowns armor oneyearoll glrt ls tn aadaalndnry eondltlon ln lloynl Victoria llospllal today unmarropen lyrnbotle overs alxeu express parcel that con talned bronze eommernoratlva pladua lor the building Also present were Hunt vleepruklent ol CNa Great Lakes lteglon George Van da Vatcr CNa Notthem Ontarlo Area manager and Fried man maidenl at Mount sects Ltd the proleetdevelnp era Guests Included Dr It or tohlnr ran ellhrr tdr reed or write tn hlla caranl Oellcral Dell nua altend terminal opening hardle Nathanwk thur Evan PG Slmcot Cant re and about too oommerclal users at CN unrest aorvlocst nu new tanntnal enables us to otter dlrett Nphway aervtea between Bartla and me other express terminal in Oblr ado wlthou havlng to trany rhl goods tnlbronlo Mr Hunt aal this speed erale end ruta ope cost to nun lInum he ad neiww kw la altuAated ona lam 11k ve Itd Saleant Dh lmmedu tel no et lllghway cm In coastal pt aIahlxla store watchman area who to tntrh twosl human th kestadepotandemployoaunch arldloekurooxms ensueNEWS Admiral becomes Portugals new PM LISBON tAPlv toyeardd mural took ema todayas PonugalanwLprmier replulng Gen lnaco Gomelm who because ehlet ot stall at the mad loroeahut antl new rened oomgnlze GonzalI Iveaoew appolptme ntII lRAUK forcs hunt nlYSterngrcu W00 AP gt xmrl 90M W841 lmlomtMnlmm terrorlot bombertahq In ondfnaefdng nut Prvvlslogaluwlnga slim more tIter many Idrovnlng rrlday than nnutumnsult more idld mother of truism ls none and attended to her Image nial IrIInIIIi Peru calm after me It Nunavutme Harbour oafl lm Wmhm of too we CConlrollers to decidebnattik Al tum thlknxere to We Federal minim troll ltuuwy lt be The glrl remalatsAn horpltal Ilor ohaerlratl on Monday The Burl Examlner will he puhltiaed Monday labor Publlcatlmwul resume an alter lhoIhottdayII Fighting almost stop DARWIN Auntmlla Enter Navahrlestatoppedlntbelmxlhqrnoreepltalotblu In Ttmor apltal when his today reported to Bodies ol5 trapped menrecowred mammals up 1ha bodlcanl ttvoimea hamrmyehlnlhls Awttm now bloodless coup tdm todnyrrllrr blocrosa palace who need Newarmrowrrredwday GHIMMLQ hl mullet reggel planed tortlo no starkly new menu bard mud themmt mahlary Hitlftaf Israelis kill two Arab min