Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1975, p. 32

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MWIIWI AA WILWewvrnml mnuomufmwn meytr mount an nrn AI Lichamberrisnouldrecqgmze WWIWL Lnomtuacn If IJ EL Ind WWI IP LndLntore putldpltlbn Ire meonubeennmtwmtm mWALs Ltponsqnnrm Await EventheInrtdmm matoIrIeI cpl mm 3A cannmwm in 9hr Wed III Good lmnln we work rbnmn Snnnnmnmnnn In erglnlze ma preunteftntclmmrthg umnlndudupmp yww LALA ALA AA theAmldwnyueeloeutdmL 3m CNIELPAAumnqI wquLILIA Luannnumernmgu no ItemltptIyIcepreeldent endD ucontl lerAe reddentnretobecommend Lied rm the Ae tort thwputAtarthLA eAGterrwTmtAm Lmercewou no ng that Ingmgund Crow onto their pemnultleeottne as 22= SE is If 29 nndtnnerhldlrplrybythenelve on LI AL qmnwwwnv LIL LamaunambanwnnwL III LL IL LLL Istztnnnn Lnnnont LANE 7AALr IgokuAob ItovunsAo Bmh Examiner I965 ltob ABrrrll Eumlner INS New IMO Industry employing 25 ml gtrle RedloIA mule 82nd degree Meson Allotrrtut AVllve ol Canndr let upALepermOm on LA mmmwwmmmmmmmmmmmwmww LL= urcn qu named Peiwnellty or at Hanla for dumping my Lumusrnm 5A at by Examiner rub ect nflntervlew er curled llst of 40 Barrte men home Dotti Clumille ex rlnesthat nlck hls Lweek lmm mum at wlr ended AI Dooley we eAyoungest at early In month lncludlng Flylng Olllcer tlmlly In Eastern Onhrlo and it Arthur Powell hlllor ll George AL mumnumbmaLdoAtbrtASome McLLwtmntomersuurnatogeorge1 LQUEENSgPARK WA IIdIsIIIIltIIeIIIIITlILIIrIIIlrtIeIIrIytbug IlgltcrIIIdm Irr3 DgIIIIIIaItiIIIIedIlI I51 AumA we urcmenon hL LL LI Bell Ewutdtlzenl In Inn pitches tor hrnvery nvcnean Second IA Amer ltcla tnhrmtner by um Innurl regIts rponrered by Chrrnber at Miler DguCemn which termed vllxe Commerce attracted luge crowd on ctvI AAA LA nmfnnWWmewwmmmADQWSthli gmnmmwmmmms spellhloodyfuture 53 ag toAmt ejeellngroblndlgmnt wttercportLA 1111th Stephenson LI pelt 31an mam 2911113241 gr we chllnnen larLlotu Clttb rtreet troL gamma Wmlzml len mun mgwmm 805 Al MAW llc whlgrriwu hugeucceuthreenlhtl Though my nulan Dnrhrrn MAE LLB mun Aub Iponsored dlnce Inm ran Ind ItndeL mm Ln nun Andwnmen tel nonhwu to than 90d pm Mum hm It Armcury wlth rInurtc AbyILBnb Powellr mm vlth wellnlnndeegred ground MIMDAZDDWLLlpjyPI mummyum tWomenledlwr Elleen Ixon devoted Uton constructlon tlnn cum to Barrie $1 Ielm Illmn to NW dim Ml WltullL ml lupervlwr or Iexprhrlon ind rembIdelllng PIE brunler My AA rty expect ta ta hll toept cm st hen 311533155 353 betteIIrn mu Mutton manuan unrtmtwl $va lMNlm Iltllhotuh he hu MeIstlhe eh at Hr Ivan lu lade mm wrt ett run down rltrttbenme 19 WNW WW Ll lble mm the WW LLSanmmmmmmmmwmmmwmwwwwmmmmmnnmwmmrwwnWHMMwwI omenegolf chemplamhlp stare ItKlrkllnd Ukr nrmltm It 1m been them like to come all third but ln cl Arm Llnlomtd ohms rm but new LtoAuuLnr my may mun Atlu rertu ol eenlronlellunl mt And In that with by It mmA LA um the UN network bu ulndulee least one at the group Ntm her been mm to to II LMlhmhlnbumn pour lnnnlnenl more mrnnh IL In unrnthA mw LECTIONSPOIIIIIIGIIIIIIII reedujImIIIm WJIELIEJIWII LL AIWIMDIVLMWV II Iflinnlt llarbIIIggyI it are thl mitt MILL wmml mww Hob atmbury mt rmym ruclt wlll ml blnlly tollrL SoIcceu nMIhlyL hr lrckr thIMI mm Iuy Mw II we WI III Imume IIII Im II mm IIII IIILIeIhtrIImI IIII WIIIIII MW rain mi Itde to Pnlllv Oorzrnve el Be bomqnnwlll reetwlth lindlvldtttl Lendl mm tn the In La mm mm mm LL hm am He runny wont Alrr com In the my rm null LCQUA suALrpnsesAAL munnmw Mann mm mmLLL AA Lrhnwed mm drop tn puhllu thtmlon uburhrn Ivan mm mm mutt but not Mm um drum up 16mm Wm um mm more mun tuv tmn no Iran the petty In enter the mm the ether two me am 6va mm ml WWI II Mil NM Amt la relene the nnrnuL but II um ImIIL IIIIIII IerglothtItteIllvkxgvenh 3ng Lr Ate ear the llvtlu luttle 111m bl Conlemure the held the zlty ntgrrllty IMAM Mali mummu mm or rvelectlnn meant rm AWL We mmm mum am Land ALL YOUR BUSINESS LL In SIS menu tn nrtt In emu South we In Len to knock etl um ma WW mm eat me mad Lam mm mm rum mmcrepe mm fmenrtdu ltr mam rm Prematv WWVIAMI tn CAIlater veternn run Prankltn or urem motmug brim mm mu NHL Elltletrn Don Ilam In 01 and Gordon Na negotli 11 Wu 10ch Thu mutum tnto mot mva at an lem he lenlthem Dim AL AALA Al gaging drenmlcol theme AL LA an Lem mnmnmzmm WLLLLL LuLLLLL in slI ML cumLg memlmmm IzBIIPIIIIIwIdIIIIIIImI gm 13 1131 317 33303335 IrIIeItInlnInIIdhlrIInI Goon JILLnk mm tr my oll mm hu we ymnr LL MIWNMWWLmmmd LA Waging Yiedmmt mxo llw MEIINIgPOIIcmlnEtIeIIIgm VIN MAR And that report ellu then mm eerrlul egnrtuneret equipment utppett to 1n ull 041 W3 man the uncaulnty mu mm mm both my mum the Bmlnen And mr Mlatr mt man when rm monthly by ttmtlluv nuyAnm been pend II rowdy 150000 laurel MAM them rm MinnCute my wmm of mm tn1m Crnrdlrnr conmme more lllnlIthemulm with the 11 tom at the MINI day from ollrhm weal ln we 63 3mm My tteIndIemm mm mm the mu mulesme Thurman mu amt trfrnlwbagwlr mgwmr med by an oomqu MN batglrwgn momma LL lwl re we at on LL mm West And Ottawa South 33 flaiummg Irmhgldgum Iggmulgl Imw hm nlu 1AM yelr ttny Advnrllred weekly be august am 303 nu NDP ll mm to In Mk 1154 mm Au undlnatn tn the urban WW mm MI Feedrettllm wt me can rpeclelr lulu Hm br AM hi mt om1m An on em Int mnlmtlourt work mm mam Im Mullnm hum wttlt vrlcudrhlnl to new MINA WM rnrrktup can It lelllll pull new 11thth Am rterted the 1m cem WWW dlm cm Mum ML mm every cent nnAuch and at hlcnnL nutty lent to ll mm III that mum mm WW in rL lltlehaelcenld AL LLmt nuker memerm may ygru opmtlm tn the elty AL PortHen are kaqule Mm mm mm luLmuvlhy ntv emu try ththeleph prlce on llv the $393 evmlructlon our New elm me veen reeled 11 ot thrnnrellmebu llellll eonAvrlee irrdr IIIII II II Lin WWI 55 Beryl Plumplriwnnd her rr tennlned truly by NM 41ch 13 mmmm lantltungmmg Igttlldi 32 0mm Act 11 bl ell lrnue utneIIIzenlat vrnIIla hen the amend and eloquent lenn mm 10 la the we gelMInSAolIlu MI In cm III an WW bu be Wm utrehm have een rttldyln and ru ll her three Irelwbont at or NDP ommlzegl rm hummer ln cmdr 41115 IIIrec II lden comntnla aggmnm tfytbfmmt 52 LA 33 MgAyAAgAA Autumn ulna mr mu II Al armed Iloconvlelm Wm Milan NOVO SCOtIOHS do the lebel rm ester Am no mu tn the Area us try thl mt under rem lxuIprll 13 Ibum sutnlemlle lncreue their time at mem Au hm mm tnmtary lhlt Ml hem Il Mlu Hm bun lbw cm from mmmm mm IEIVFY LWPWHV LA tIrkudIrend rtnne 1m relchMAmul heveutlbLIclrrlel rent lumdyfltm tu dwm Ltnl Inecuttvum hlllu ntAthlr lumAL mt Independent ymIrJtnrloeonlelll CI in WL mm mm WI and ELM new Japan In lmLL lUltLund cur ovemmenh tor may LAM lleullmt euro yurl Iamum eInIInrte tr Iled pmnm reallyL Manuel Influence up the remelnlnl LPortultIe to II No mm mm Gent Wentlnitnn underr nmntlr hrlul 1le vrlu rt troop out at In rtllldlmm mml duetln Delete IndN Lune hum Auu Lum byelecllan Mhln LMr ood rltuntlan end ordered ml Threrytt If em ye Lmnmwwmmmwmmmwmm LL LMMWWWLAmeWWWS IttrIgulor ltIaIrmtr rmIa lg greyIntercihrfm duc=lnxl amends rude mum IllAngola men the ua$15$g$hdsw me And Mr 011mm on my mm vr All 11 mm LL nlutu and nlded numbrr AI or been wmnared wtthAlul mat outrun It Neutral WLLlmnullirl ell EzthtlLLLlLLn mm LLme AL AL cumm IHV Im mm lrllal II In um IIEul mm um All MIMI IIIIIIIII III or IA rundqxpallreeovaI L532 nrznatranl Ln nunarIt LI Ln WI massmm vlllnzu uanvn 5m and lhB AI WNHllonMell em til WWW WWII IMIIIW UM Im Im IIIIIIWI huher It I935 and mar cl nmrhmtta llteu created In rnllllen pcnndr ltl Ill tn Chdlt And our IteIAL gm Am MWW am an mmmn Int yur mm La mum in mun um rtueermruAg Auamh Hut um an Len an mm LL mLLIIILLLLLLLnLLAL mama 19 rm IX dAone so much lnr Amertcr that II llor curenet mm it need to be 1va bod am WW n7 Illinwawn like IIralrIxIn tn IrIIle no ILIfIm III IIIItII Mmllylmwtrdp vrrklnl Wt $635th Engraamwm elm upltelL PMM LI want Lbut there mum Wig t1 lmwtmmmmu IN mt ILIIIIIII LI lIIIIIII IIIIIEI II IE II etIllhIIerIIaIeIrItzIorI IIITmIVmLILItIIxmg mMIzGIII mum Iy rm orwnv Vlzallnn lo lnln in the rebelll IInIlnthIa heron 01 the Aukr In the ntme lnur unln llrlnln but many peoLleultwrt nu cnnu buck tn unLA pracerrlnIL mm my yhel th rebel vravldlnl olhtr mannrrlLL name demo at unllormth new man and think mm

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