quell liid Iimuttu cInJroii ho MI oiihu mien ohm tho In iivLRdYGRANGLEMEMEERSMOLi in mi SEATlLDimm km with Mandi iom Sawy ThII photong mLuLnbcrx the Iieimy Gnngu Ler Cuiiough IohnTndd Vliiu Won wui STANDING Norman Wilson HImy SIwyer dmevzari onqu Cross Chutes hioCuiiuugh Andrew 5N gt Dwight Ramon Audit iiiugJoouph iodd HIIrLy Sio Chrisio hlr Crush Ale McCullough III AiiIn Robert Kingi mum Mimi Photo Iuhtnliied by Iin Dwight Drvinuildursoralnsi joys ofzsumme b1ltgt1$ iinuum may amm in lIck mm loge hi won could do new The ensieoi method is lit dfy Ind thI in mm Juli cut iii min 1mm when Ii ihu lit mini them ill in ImIii hun up in MI dry Jam LIABLE IiInIo iietilrllirli TIMI Drying our to winiar bu am that nmhd in nthod IN Globe Amunnth III in i111 iiuuuiy Jap qu LIan stnw Hum mb0ih manual and mania Mm Yumw Orinmcnm Gnu Golden iiod IIId Men in II mil KEN Ind mu iiydhnum Mpv GI PlIni Iced head no uw IuiInd migrating Iudrv SIM It Cardinal Ire mi to try outI hui IliioI ti hsI hem Iound mm mm titre live and Iiuwtn keep their mi orboitur Nm ioul emertI who dry hu werttmw mMrIViBruwn and 11 IL mun tiiii Im Iuro lily wouid ri uiu you ii inlemiad Bonn tiuwm In In dritd lhiI way In haw Com nude CciosiI witnduiuy Ind NomuiI Itoyai Buiunlni Gm den IiImiiioa Ind It iha Civic 0mm Toroniu Iron mummm Finer beconu hriiila um driodmdmuItbahadiudey bum or vary and me WICThy Bmxivn our in Garden VOL 30N uiied ITIiIndboui oi dried flunk deduu IinlaiLlI irom Bmkiyu Boiuuioal auden mo vztnu An Brooklyn New Yuk 11213 um iimtkuiimili look in IMculmni DI Ii iM CNE iulyoiihohoim khaiiurii tulhlui Building bId Wei Lth thI dIy Iim low Iutno ol the our but MIMI Earth WI undamand ihil him rlrIiI himnmiil Ill iI Iwauluveni Eu loam Tum incline by lam Lu hon Iihnai am Who Will ain Viii it While Ron and Sheridan Nun acry In Altman AnnuIi ll Aux 19 anilun iI up in pan Au 21 gnfmu iicieu 5m 73 NI in in mi wk balm murky Pair iim mieiyI mlin hind mm May All donation to II in du Soul by MIL All imr deiIiiI my be and from Him mm urn SIIV Sod CremorQ to lead Semifinal series WWMaAmpnmmmmuuu THE mmmmmm mmxmmiih IieiK Inwth dhlih wholllhllll Us CITYNEWS In um LIunm 1131 LOCAL iiND GENERAL lm muslin in mootu mommy Ibo ninixry pl niurIi rm MIA MUNDAYIDN um Mrmhnolihciocdkmthd Quark Hurt numb till Eaigi alumni S3118 Tho Omiemtc i0 It the Uniiusiiy oi wedT 13 25 Md BmiIL Cain Ni medhula munhen id Mo ihe Mun dimiiun oi minI um LOWER SNOW GimmiE Ium mariiunrimotihamuliar Miami Soddv Iill be held 311 ih Guihlie commim PUBLIC MEETING 0R0 STATION nodular UNI oi minimum mixtion Im in TunImp ihg Iubinio lie medial ll uixhl II in the township hill on in Tih line owned olddIi vim amendmni would Ivy Leafs trail hummmuuthad illi on lie in lion Iii bellII Ii 130 on IN to dim mu ba beid ai hAliiirslndSocundwmd Mt InIm mm Sim um In lnviicd lo 1me new IllIth iu Ilieud Iiiolid Milli limit Euns In Rodney St in magma to Udell uni ih Ln dumrhm IiOriliIlioiudlhirdm wmmmmimkmddimhtkw min iichu tuiITuI hunky minx sumxqu raiumeuyududsnmu 00th iodlMIO mount Mien buime rimmhitanub hwwm AIinEiiiIMmmdiurihe umiiiulmiulufl iholhimwnlhentnm untrouersy erupts in Ottawa over last fohdsut exhibition Improvinghowler tops leuguo WAWA CPI Oun oi the in iuiood when Kevin Mm hr IM Mm niwcd Oil 30 immy nvrrihu umyoiiaai nervin Iood that has dam mththIiu in men on pin hr toads ai th Cantrai CanIdI minty high baciuia loud ihg tap Ipot oi the Emu nixhi inn with Pull Sim iourih hihiiion erupiui Mom in Ind might nine 59de ilinm alum lulu at sbeaI Bowl and You Mia bunt ct dating and mum linidthuiood samoiaurm HIM when muted MW chute and Friday and imibd IM 19 entries hm Aurora food mole mm the midu II duxawsly hill in hIcterI But Drdli ii Douriu din tor oi iha OitIMrCIrioian mi buith unit lliii the is uh dud ihu Iiary unounts Cilimpubiiahed mtm we Medal in umiarlilud Auto Eletiric downs BP 15 lie mid III III IIiiIiiud from mt ii WON muniiinu Ii urday Al Queul Park Put with Bhnio Twain Inhiio minhi mm the Inland iidIy lair Mambo chad by In indo mm in gun but Du iourmoent II In Just bur dulloid Ind Min pendeui lIborIiory my duh heniihy attendance ilxtim The But Dr Dmqu aid they mix aniainm and by uoirIiued met inuildaiinl in LliI oi ihu in umumumdnm mi mi an in in MI hieul tum next In Lnouniod to not Filth moan who SAI we Satanic It Quml MIMI hmlmdlmmmmnhmhwmt fmu Iimid be ialid Broiheu Lionnod Barrio Timing IN Barium Broihen vwrm TTx ihmwlbuhuxiromihu low ilmiicui liars Socleiy Ito in the Ind Ru FIir It 51mm Cuuniy Munum Ind Athlin our oi theOouniy Iiidz an iitnu hu not been icoronorfs lury recommends aerosol tans eliminuio freon LL Linn awards Wriih yevur old Andrew thfiafciixdi In Wm It iii dl Jpn Em Cm lii NI bmuxlt hot ihlId Anlrow look iirIi place in lha ll yam and under category mm lqu mini com go my Iw swan rim lindenu Ii Lin dioraTtleld by Idilidiaifr le gm Witt twin hliinp oillumilion 41 MI cImuiarItL in the Andrew also came ihirdin the 93 Ini under cIiIgory cum Ind dunder gamma III 0W In men mm mm W9 free bu section Oombloadr moiuviouk second ylmin tho Ind undrr duct Indian obitoke touppaul decision OMB over high density light buildan oi NEIL min Minrmunco ot Wfiu on lore lie moiol Iir In Mi the bomb wnud tho Iirip fur hisitdenstty redevelop mun Ii lln unltI an and lint the LouN vomit add my do veopmeni ol ihn load would turn Ii hi uniiun we oi mix Muslim iho However the board decidut Nudin Nut mmmny mm and thouid bu Ibiu to build Ii mm walla unihuucroproidediuotth 700 unit in gm 32 let uida or wit TORon CF com nIII Jury rommmeododmu gist manumdtourm mm Iy can use to oilmlnuio mu Iuhuimm used II ympeiianil Ind Iolveuil in many Ipruy unmj The mmmndniion wu maduJiihe end oi iwoduy luquut lulu iho dad at Grant IIma Pawn Ii oi Maia Ila dlId lIIt April Iner Initiina tumeI mm mm coma oil may in Null iho iivomembor ry iwnd thi the buy died Kliid tracheal hmoohliis Ind uid on the bum caused by inhliuiion oi aerosol III Para Aauiutiam United SiIteI omniuiiuu ya there have bun Ibout Ilm iiarde inch is whim maximum tiom by me My ihai xov oxercllo unruan vuencin Iiricitr onuiioi qver munuiw turhiLJIudmIrkgnnx oi mot PM Dr Fund Patholo gif tho iiwpliai iorsick lidrholnl lenlliliueg It ibo ilxgzuncit nan Lngicuied Pam and amt Im Alli girth iiiiI mi in vital to Woodwind oi room Ind II in the MIL Ivrm il mun toxic than ho individ ualinxredientsmenid Imu trade nuns loronuT oommmlu brand oi iluon ouimygt WEATHER Sunny shiot are forocusi With some cloudy periods Sunny um wiui ion cloudy period are oxpecicd i0 cvuiinua inlay and murmur High both days are tomui in 2d with ioul ioniuhi lo 10 Mm Sunny wlih low cloudy period ioday iiiuudIy Iiixh lodIy how might High Thurwa Windsor London linmlliun Palerth Lake Cinirt Iaiiu Div Lake Huron Ninj ara Vulern Lake Ontario Southern Gonraian Buy Sunny with iew doud period day SuruLy Thu mm both dayI 23 Cr ia II Iaw over SLihomuT Wham night 10 ex 11 diminution aim glad liltil Low Hill Windsor ii South 26 15 in 25 II li lli Kitchener Owen sound which Iiumiiton Si Chili Tommi Trenton 10mm Anac 21 Ii LXI It Bzsuuzgaum Mu mum rum ZIT PAiiT NATIONAL AND INERNATIDNAI Givoyouneillominilfcwdamdm Canal Ind 1h Lnitcdsmulmtd import mulcion TM or hire anlurIdinolvld Onnriomthiuixlmnlhd Idieduied provincial elections iorSepiemboril IPeter laughed bltWlliIm Davis cidward chrey=r him Minimi deuu uid tint CInIdI which umntiy claims extiuLIuI Iconomi antral cm mini Iona extending CHOOSE ONE 312 miles ivom ltI Ilium will pm to mend thIt runs in minimum 01200 miles ihrouxh world augment CInIdI uiimd to help orgIhlII ilio United Nation trim prevention zonmu which in new Irhedultd to meet in 01005 ONE Toronto Canon Dmlul Dmiuyovich stiomiovicid wallknown XmIiIniYdied It IlletdInur Vommpoxer PART II WORDS lNTHE NEW 1th twink mil word tint you can with within mtmewlu mvd liiol yi decided Llunmum bIgragmeniotlelitiarnent oiadtnhygement LTWp dim dleiiil hy dluuuin 4dlacord TL LecventhTLoi exinln Iovemmenibyamall impundtng youp TPAMI NAMES IN THE NEWS TiIh ih oormily mt ththldihxmu LT 1Ci5miih uhociyprolorloalon Eminl Lmiidtorcenrni oi CInIdI um LlniedSenlior roiizNznScoiiI dholthypmiotMihnoiI flIhtlnuIiuuT PICTURE GUI POINTS uthliimhn oithu food Primiteviuw Boardmiied int iedeni InveitlntionLo ilndout ii them no iny heIIih dangerl Involved in thanIiionIl level oinuuar runiumgtlon INDIVINIdn HOWDOEYOU RATE mummy M9an 14Lwa Tube Cant haiilllt needed to Iucqed in today wmu hm lenvngdydxhoutiamulIchooilnyivworwhyuolt smog savaThIIJnctthEIImlnetioni Icy TT Yuiuahlum Auswzusoumm