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udtiva people at Fort OelpewIIn and we lravellod 1mm Port llcblunly Iii lilo to lnuvllrf lms way we not pretty ood lint View at what the North unlike Ind had an WWydntalk tie tire erI live pen is The convinced blr For data that native rims hsndedi or Igalnst the audio mud by Canadian Ar did oils study but must has been called will mm naive dream llild mm in momentum ot democrat turmltv But im last an mlle up warm know uhst In lieu lie hardly orrluixtvl pub lic meeting at the University at Alberta to menu the in rue and collected loo Illino tum or uerdedieoted to mouth Nari Called Cn nadlrna For it rlbie Northern Devrwmcnt lCile Lhi group now has 1300 mrrnbero across Door Next the electrician lot about enmirdnl the Ghost proposal On two pages Home noted to distortion The com puny murt have thou ht he with make on to it 4t natives West Berlin blr Pushed liar Mead WMledl tcllme nuv ammwhybcisnreinlttha Medialle plptiuls lie hoe wreaked hetero Natleul lay an Board NED hear nae live in when it to cm mmv molten each time or Nrrthan doteh ts rte throuul the loopouod document Japanese lifestyle anapun lor one you crusted some dilllwllel withllleplneu unnm The lspenaae Embnuy wanted more dunetram to explain proposes long will fl hirry bald lilo woe palm to Italy wltil Irta lotbut that she wouldnt now which mlrt until the was there that kind al elrvllnetlou didnt Iland up with tile em bunny MC iiiiii mm on oddly drain letter lile rtrom school oi flower on nlternentior on Theodor wen was toured with the purpole oi vlrltwrltlrn in Itudt Cu wn nwly listed to imminen ion on 20 um nrnrro ramnado mm Annrlaadamlamnro HOWE1 From monthly Available Au let mm 13 lemon um BF mot ll ddhgodan lionVr 0311me city For Action Want All it uth Aime Rm cliirha eulllelmhtl in cruelnorad ml governrncrd ls vinil linen BdRRlE EXAMINER mails than mans at or or brcuklm mist not reveal to rein but lte line saw you go urch in it rMiAWA CF diet of seaweed Ind rice um not oelrto runnyjcanndlmd bl lIhothwolchcf while mugged llret rl alm no in JiaPWL went minim the frequent uni inward lhalwa roundlhe worbitojgzggmmmWV the daily liteeler ol the on iii bl Ilrlheli belt rnn arIv neerr enchantdeth thatth its place to be it typhoon on way at tile pix year ago hitr lr lo IbIrnboo thicket all dtilVllI tweenth tout Jr ceuw the row are so tidal pea whore beet on cell tor llreny tuttVtthml lib Willa and mblw WAllN or homes dime And IIpnneu Mldwdl lollvmmlmr luvs an earthquake warnlrla 1wa you let mum in lhollvlnarmrna hoeser tlho entrance bowl oi zoidtllh Galdlleil rot manor have my pliated lust hetero Va then have muv The Curry norm ta rennin 113 Ile gore fiiif They try to LWEIINiE can loci tho P33 01 lhaAllInllo green turtle is utility reptilerdnptod llorlila er1 title real rent cu ureVVm cumin we on no ncourm winem am has union Iterre pi till Japanese rlIi uelslnnce to Cunadlrn mun lotions to bmdm clr export rrlIrlratIVltcep up to date vritn lorhlon trend and color doyclaprnerlbrVand mute orla would have the an ornate Moiregulates election finances The Commissioned Election contributldns VExpenses is group of people responsible end tetheV Legislature torthe supervision and enforcement of the new Election Finances HelormVActLTh ctmaltes gt amounts towardsthe expensesoi the candidatesYouoro thereV Vprovieionrlortheprovinde to pay cert tore through your taxes taking part in eye and youfshould be fully inlqrmethe Com the people who Will keepyou inlonnad newlegislation ryelection mission are Vhatare the main objectives of the Firstly to limitthe amountwhlchenyipersoncorps tlon or union meycontribute to any political party and sorernovetho possibility that wealth Vrnay lnliuu once Veriy government or party In its policies SecondlyV to provide for disclosure totha public of the contributions so who contrih to and theamount of theircontributions Furthermore you may claim stair benefitior cane contributor give follows In HWY any personcompany crunion may con tribute up to 3200010 each provincial par contributor canghie at ahytlmebutsis limited anihe amount he or she can giveJhstrVaalldown is as They mayalso contribute up to $600 to any constituency association but their total contributions to all consti tuency ssociations of the someparty may not exceed Vszooo During campaignperlod that is lrornihd daytth Velaction is cailedto four mpnths alter Election DVay individuals compdnies and unions areVperrnittad to make extra contributions They maYgiV6 onto an additional szoooto provincial party and they may contributeup to $500 to any candidate as long as theirtotol contribution toell candidates of the samaVV party doesnot exced 92000 is there new Election VReformVActi The Commissionwrll publish in the ldcalpapere it deductionYou candedUctii from the actual Ontario VTotl Contributions VTheEiection Fin nces Relorm Act willbririgtha nancing of all VQntario campaigns outinto the open VYoVu willbe able tosVaeI howrnucheilch candidate received and how much was spentill any candidate fails to claw the regulationsinvolv he orchecenV VbVeVVlinod oererredViromrunning in thefnext election even have to glveVupthairseati the Legislative Assembly gt summery oi the total amounts each candidate iaised anstpent AV list of names and sddressV ol everyone who donated than $100 to tho campaigns wiiimY be yailabltoyotlattlielfbm es nVeulllieVesV Bot ndIvidualeandcorporations claimauix benet that will partially offset the costs oi yourcon tributio swillreducethearnountolOrn retail whichcontributors have topayand isquiteseparate from he crodita allowed lorcontn utr nstoled ral political parties The table belowshovid the tax credit available to indi dusis REMEMBERthis is tax creditnot lust tax you would have tonay not just lromyoul taxable income xi Maximum cm Creditlielculations mm up to $100 675 75 olcdntnoution W75 iris50oltha simmered saoo amOVVVMV$100 V9300plu533i5 5600 the amount over 8660 the maximum credit at two breached when total contributions in yearemountiotlloo Lil morethan $560 if your total contribution to all registered parties can stituency associations and candidates is less than $100 you canolalm tax credit of 75 ol the amount contributed This allows you to make lund7raising contributions at rolativaly entrances to yourself The tax benet for corporations works somewhat Fineness The no Actwill limit individual contributions and will make litlcs more responsive and involve people it Bycontroliing the amounts th spent on media advsrtising it will help ma contests more even across Ontario more at can be is political dillsreniiy itV permitscompanles to make limited deductions from the Ontario portion of theirtailabie lncomeu member no individual or company can cialnyatex beneliilreeulting from their contributions unless they prdduce aVn olcqireceiptlorthe amount contributed Thesis receipts are supplied by the Commission to can didetes and party oilicials Funhehiniormaiionleevaiiabiebyvnitingrolhe commission at 151 Bloor Street West Toronto MZA 1A2 ArihurA Wishsrt Chairmanforthe Commission obiishodbyths Commission on Election Contributions and Expenses 40MummapwomenMMc we mmuuqw