Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1975, p. 5

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During hln dedication opcccb Change whom tart 11 Wu um rm 1110dorln election than in Brat nl Dem mud lbo lecurr rye imnrou lender An trim ii to mt mlold doo Mn in mi brow met rcnlruu and lmomrnt lonerinboing mnii prosecud lo lbe my in raw or lender In or year no lbo ND not into lint an up boner ieonl dlrpixinry ts men our hnololtdn 0mm 13 no one in tomt aiming to when in the Libenin no no the remolding mt not in the Program Cooles rnlere Ibis lime Iir kirk nobi In coroak interview be in nrorh less prmure In 77L be we be hiridlhe Iikrb gumbo inicnne or in charted noiibo Writ lltl nldeo rbumd out peen niche time every time he opened in mouth um tir ly one it planned the tool Lb iormnl hDP pintlemn 7hr mum in the mono uncut beter mini mum olld his er romornlo inner But the lrWl rhetoric miter III miles more ileum more nnd hurries lea Mr Levin nnid lbo chute ll unturnl mm oi tour yenrn lenderilp enperlbhoe nod not conscious ntlrropi to man ipuihlo tbe medlol Alden my be moved out oi lho xhldolv ol bin other Dnlid who ntwnod down In July on notioeni NDP lender loi lontny Mn doinnt invlnt yenrn itdernl dedion But ilibcr Ind In NEWS llourrour LIBiiY tint Clt Conn luminary Iiinlskr Doonld Mould uynrbis country to to cooperota with tho nitori Stntes ilndtng oi reel the on but inlhgltgommm ro mm II Macdonnld told President ford iihnt bill hienrir to drool on end undo all to the us iho minister noid Inter In eooporetim with the US in mym mntioro would liorxned on enliohlentd sellin linndenahi in Muntnnn to ifhw inhiiii in mommy million Libby born on the lion Jenni Iiivor buiil tinder Mi Conndndm ogreemont cnllloa ior loinl valor resource mp rrntlon hiecdorlnld btei hotel VIINII meeting with Ford prior io tho comical Ford nude oovelul lennlhy rei Juliana Ellery Axency co operotivo body out together pri mnriiy by be US to sip oiiret moves or tile Omnlullon oi Petroleum Exporting countries tOiECt Ontario in member oi the riot Car accident OIIATIIMI Ont CPI rnr cronted into lhe living room oi homo Sniitrdny nnd the ion occupant niepi through the noise oi the wnil being born end their iurniture in cuoing television not getting rminhed Roy liolnrln min nnd tun drunhteu nny they nrreunovnro oi what had hnm pened until nelrlbor to them The elit drlrer rmpcd vlthoui match Asks for bylaw IIIIEIIBOIIOUGII Ohl CP Police Chlei Jack shrubb told the police commlnnlon lho city mod bylnw nonlhnt bez rlnp nnd noitciilng on ihetlre lie nnld while poilco have re cnlvnd numerotu complhlnld trom downtown mohanty hr lolvlng cuitlnin end other groups the police have no our thortly irom polluting Hard to control JAliVlS Dill tCit nilo iiro thn bpznn oorl Ill knpt to volunteer iirinlenmilrdonlrty iour nrerl ilro drpnrtmenis wiring round the clock ior iii days Fire oiilelalr raid the ilro in tment nllo illlrd with hay belts oi the term oi onnt put re iifrv iii E5 25 22 ogii g5 IE it it 5s FE P5 or 335 55 Er 535 E5 my by met so volen lest meg loco Infilliddlhl oneno vo oopone Bron problin oi the On tnrib Pulled Annodoiton Ro dlniribution In Iomo K71le club to the rld misdi mer uoorgln nvernor wet on ioerrd nintnnl mend choice anltmi rid the inn mm IMINALD MACDONALD itnymond hlulnelnll on no tho lboouni intnr pnrrntly routed by npantnneoun mum Winn The nllon height rovenied ilmnen irom renotr the him until crenn won brmlghl to the nilo Frldoy to ro move burning bolts Firemen pinched hole in the nilo Solon dny oiirrnooll nnd opplled on ler to erilluulnll the tire En tent oi demure wns undeter mined New antiserum uosmx lAIl lledlcnl ro northern hero uy they hnvo developed new nullmum tor one type pi hepatitie nevoro nnd nomellmm inlni liver dinr order 1hr dnlo woo tested in is bowlian on too mtdlcnl workers nilo occidentntly or Wind ihrmrrlvos to lnieciion nnld Dr Geom Grndy nssoel th proleeoor ill Tulle Medical School He told to lure number would normelly contract 15w it hrprillln with traditional mnnt liut niter lnrxe Iniodiono oi the new nntloerum only two per cm oi onr ronlrol nroup enme down will the disease Woman charged OODOUIIG Ont tCIt Vlr xinla iinrlo lirnver 55 oi Coboorg has been rhnrged with murder punlohllblo by lilo Im prinonrnont in ronntcllon with the drain oi inn Andrzeicwllli 15 found slhbbtd lp lirath Sai llNlJy In this lovn so miles out oi Toronto Kllo collapses TORONN CPI onto 17 oi loron no no dillii mm trollilllK liliiilrtlll filial lnnL Mom IIIOIVN AT IIIII Ill 0X OFFICE OPEN tiib ADULT HNTEIITAINIIIZNT sr tours lilo Dclozotc rtcnr llrzlniiold mode Ihtli gore jArprrirn convrnlloll pinkrd Sco ws rl nlameruneammmm nrrrttmyuwrn marine the name thntprenenb odiniho lmmbprovn thi election owning better inndern rhetoric in John ho mini mum nod bitiher miles more liotm more ond cooperto men not the le Inricn inn ICP Pboiol 32mm mil sources on line minister serious condition snow in pl ntnle nnld in leiler to Ilrp hoopliol Inlalnino mu innit ruenintivo Biienboth Ihltmlnn titer bin Ell 301 loot 381le York thn tho noon mo Dniorlo and nnmen oi the alloyed ur erlrnilt eroohod it your nni hnd been provided by the It the Count Notiolui Exhl us llnmlgrnilon nod boilirnb bltloll inniien service Oiilcinto dd tho tiion wings The bench party Inn on toll lmde pom irom WM Two escaped looted by the Save tho Free not or momx an No pearl corrulnliteo in protest mu mm mm ngainnt rulilllllu ngolnei from nurtob oorreclhnni centre mm In your Bath nude THURO bins lAPl More than now bnihrri nbout per ren ui them not veering thioz gnmbollod on tho bcnch Saturday in dmtonslrntion oilinst ban no nude bathing Select candidnie IPS UP runway BUHALA NY AP Ah Amcrlcnn Airline piano with person aboan ripped up part 01 runway nl Bulinlo in iernnlionni Airport hrre when in landing gear collapsed Sni urdny morning niiicinin Inld No iniurtoo were reported The ien wind oi the Doein was extenslvoly dnmnred oiiicinin raid in the Young Democrat oi way in kyle Police onld that liter hllch nior Birch Butt their ilrst My toBrmAiond the meet choice for the 1970 pruidootiu cnilod cm to into thorn to hernialion ii cnrter ion nookrnnum or City ml in end lieymehtntlve Morris unu He said the rib dnlm not mm mm mm nuxpirlouo event when the ivru paid by cheque becnueo they were not wmrlng prim llothon JPolice mgr nrresitdrxonnclh SAllNlA Ont tCF Aboui to can oi Canadian Nollonni mm Mm linllnnyo cum inelxhi iroin 2mMi bound or Somln irom Ibronin In Brmuml Nu may Med mm mm on rhnrgns oi being uniowtllly mllen eent oi Sarnin km roliwoy npollerrnan Ill no one Who mulled in tho lncldent Freak shows nnug and lumen rom it nren ilro deportmrnln nero pcgrulmtm 111 MW my they will lllvcsiixoio weekly CM Pullman id imir thaw II locni nlxhir ammoniaI brimI 510 club where mommyretarded on disruvitll hoopla nilodgedly periorm ior by the derailment but pauca Monopoly mom nnd nubwny was taken by bus Mum lichln bcioro lnurihirlx onol tho trio clllel nhiie the trrl it mum won out or oervlee cm mu Hummus JennMerle Imourl asslsl nnt dimlor oi Drummondvllio hmmm wm police nu hidey that the Show will beninleot allot repo on re Hun Nazs lilioliilllnll which spewed in tho Montreal nnnrpoprr Io WASHINGNN illnulerl My The ntnlo dcpnrtment has been The mm mm ham tour oohtesin but known to edbtoxra llolllllilm 1onus rg wore ing to tho United Slnles do In adminimilili lllgdgev rnrtrnelli oiilnlol dlnclosed in day Munro ucekstt hotel otter releoood Sunday liobert nightclub here do miles north IicCloskoy urlntnnl necroitiry root oi Montreal Deroilment Investigates CIA WASHINGTON iItPl Tho internil Revenue Service mill in oolnilitelinx on intensive lo vesilgnlion oi llutnnees in llblcil the CIA Wu lvon lnior motion nboot lndlvldunl in re lurnn on ills spokesman paid Saturdny The investigation we Prompted by ointment in the Iiocleielior Commissions report on in cm Ihnt Iiirh tum motion vrno made ovnlihblo in nt least it inltnnrcs involving to people The Honorable william mm PW of Winab will be at the Tuesdav Auqust 26th from to pm liltl III II unborn chrrlrEMA liounlnin Whenyou whiler You are invited to meet the Premier imma IT TAKES RARE AND SPECIAL MOVIE ourth ntrrnct inrm nuiienrer than in rnch preceding ml you henrtinhotnlr mom JIIILMQIZNIAIN Diollniol or boomin lmmllllbtuu lion urrwnnmmlmIrmnlwrmm mmm mm rollqu vulvm mulmuvm mwuottrnl mm noooemv rutno tumor nlmn it senator named in suit IMH BUN lme We on mounting to link Wm not but Wt mum lend my unexpected diiil ruitla be uhi Din most the tor lien ngmmeot in duos But be added You up not Into diiilcdtloo dont not to huh iinoi Mt ML at our pi on not gre gem in been reached boonrm mi and tin United Stolen lmy tors nmlnrmnnomrtw Mollrie Merit block 81 while Ham with otorogo nudist i30 sieglo bed box opting end mm poo at mine nnd other portions in February 11 Ibe writ claim Austin oven toucx ACTION rnv AliEXAMINER WANT no Telephone 7134414 we cordial tilt or Brando hUnenndlsdiom curnrm nhnreo in the capitol docket mtgmmmutin munht nommddmsmen ondtosts drain or you Updated Denali elgn minister met loco with mmr Hermon Ellii to review Mm Rhin ler not thorn knot Preside Nendoy to the Senate wing llllPElllllL United by the death oi Arthur cmfm uni Endin tota your due ll business dealings Ion questioned in Paiinrnent but Prime Minister meow do tended him in illit tvnr retrnt Ind Insiduom member oi his pontoonI Kali Nnmed In the writ other pontoon in the tint moment are Morris him Bernmi Ennelseo and Mervin Darin hryneieen nod unit nre dilt mars oi number Dario ionner climbin Ind Auiin lormor pruldalt oi the rom homo end hlcnnlcn in nine dirodon oi Brink 333 in WM mronlobucd NMII illnos Uri Nnrrled no puma in lbo no our moment on Morales surmised Dorie El moot niro iormer Brnmedo dive lot And It Cool in WEEK 610 end pm $onowmrIn PETER SELLERS CHRISIOPHER HUMMER CATHERINE SCHEU HERBERT LOM BLAKE EDWARDS Mull Emmimot ENWIKKIW monoour WSW WMLMSIM lhid IMPERIAL CINEMA 1nd SMASH WEEK 705 ond 9l5 pm HOUSEbRENTED CLASSIFIED AD blur thn II cniin melted mm tbir Inniiird Id In Ibl Bnrrlo tumbler Ind the borne on quickly mtrd Alinnduie bedroom balm or root emoticons newly aluminume decorated mo per month omit rm 71m NOW PLAYING DRIVEN runner scnggu 52le lid IINN NG WSW lliiillllSSWdlllIIl Nothing goio rorultn like Exnmlnor Clonnlilod nd To ploen your own od plonto enll Hill HELD OVER 1nd WEEK we OF BANK BUNGIERS ill three or onl Jive FLATEPOT Aduii Entertainment LAST DAYS nllnlut rm NENimmmm scum ll Expectnlll motionplctttnucroon on noverdnrod to chowbeiore Expeetthetruih SHOW TIMES EVENING AT iuurh nnwlehrle ornimrvnltueitiryioying tro it think oull none norvirriul uvrd Adult 14methva tAIINI wwwwuuol wtyltrrvnl and Ari Evans Conservative Candidate for Simcoe Centre Refreshmenishvlll be served vommnon mom mmhmm mem campMull rdhmm SHOW TIME PM Piun nunr REYNOLDS in TlE LONGEST YARD

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