would IIIIIII pitolor Ioi Convgrhble one DININWIIIHILBKMIDHT Sena In om litm ooomibn Poolstor lull lint mu oi lhelr Io LII unread unilino aortas M11 ollt iloorru will be In landlord II Indillon Wanna alrot hr Im rili bohookILQim IPIrkTlnio mos tor Codatibia oi lliothlrd um um um yum nu nmlnalu My Iro limit1 Ino lion2y Rimm unwind It round him will IH pIIyrd Inna by Ilillod 1519 over Vauy lh ehnnn Jollr lho winning lam III tum on 98qu In iltoltournunonl Allhloui tum throw nil gm lilo nau tool Elmvale wins Emilio mutant bull or llo Coop Sundry mm in amokto on up their hort nioorolr mnlinIl min mm will our Pote oio Lolcvtn IoIdIlhI min HI Sport In tho Barrie IIIdRDI toth WOW aye Wotan minimum 91ml lulu It muoo Put It 10 NIL lodoyu nil Londontios3 ll lE BAMIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUAT LI im lanolin rtnnpriltlon Sunday and was phyla lama ilnuac iI pIIyoit lento darting Noam dayrnlnt In amtIn worm oildo sinion nil nu Cori Edwudo on on It hit tiled Wilfrid IIrlltrouloT Wu was my ilodsron wiih nlno hit and into Itrlltoouin Elmilole nnia wenmud In the ni inning loortiL menu outright Inning Marthe inggmmmedn lmnu max than ondvuieoih halo will Bdrrlei lulu on lCP 1113 wr lhroodoy nIllInIl yum Ikilnl cnIrnpianIhIpI Il loony Lake north oi Oiiawo Illiiahod sandy viii Grog Iiltliim oi Krionrla frihlllil II mm 5215 lull Unith withTom Van Iotdoigm poinln locaoa raptdo tniumi vlindy lruu mlrl rem mm 5m WW3 mm In Iml that me loriilrhmnnd Illil pay you Mimi who lralledliio rlty loom hylwo mm Ifle loi Iwm unit It or Atllom Ilrohorr oi luroomo with mi in the Itru two may inorld dlormion boom AlhInI uluiA on tho rlznt wu I2 mimormmir tiltltod on by Bill Braox tor ick illneoln durinaivlmiinyi BonII dilgrwhgli Emil City ihoIt Ridimood ducn any more load but Iota oi oxolirmcnt 11w malt IlIllrbmn with BIrrla taking ildi odvaalua oi tho Wind behind them now and glvliulllto nichnwnd Iloli dolellta dlttirull limo it an II no rutprise uhon Barrio scored om mom nu limo It wu Dirhoo nho alum homo the ball liia great vtirit by Knlall Ind Llubo om on the tilt wlnrl mamas lilil now running namely ond CIIIJ Ehleiiud Irom hutlrr lile mbrtnIn tho rliy origin IIML Tho tint hall dltlnilllro iTllr would not ducttho IL3lt iyiih dbloncr ol in all mid in John Hi Ind Alitlry llltllliod Ioooad Md so ll tidrdvrlih diluncu oi and upmivriy Ill plinth ram Inanon ilertulrra baiiiod in from the Adojld 1010 Ilo Sunday williSIrnlI Bikini Bacalllil ENTRIES MONDAY AUGUST WIN ml minimum lizard LIwzaT lCLEVEIL WILD lancLhIn OADAIII COUNTY ery iArbltcr Marlioiixlo zParoll Shake rolliua Tllno nlnn HIlrloia mu mm oneme OrIiiIn lit lIIuI mouoylra ndlI not war Iiarliwlnory TBA iiiED CHAIN IiiIcKcnlio 1ArrnItoad Eda ll Loom liilnlilln ll Im WW Iwoon iiOIliJ LxM iii owl Pgllher TBA Onan rown no DON AIICAT gllpilllgytls iooirthur ihur lc gt tMloINornilzyill liua Aid Meadow Groontrto Wt hm 51ml wv Jan Biro Direct II Wit Iruldzh rimle ll Borhcldcr rm III III orlmrmi mum Mil Iluilow ilmatrce Byron Lilli Dimt iit Wollltl rhtwm mllo 0CILILF COMMAND Boluort lSEilIJIEEII FLlOIii MacArthur HVBF Dixon lIItoch Lllrd 11 Motion zBro it Fullzr CAM mum tleoyorceit Dotlll lindao HIliDE or GLENN mm WWI lWILilEi SIAli Mornwl oKMVIIIITIIA IKE Umphny iNormwood Chip lilA mwm ImmIm Wk wilo Lody wroy Hiidnlil iarItrr tum wf NW Huly Tim licha mm mm um iitllll Yonrliuut mill mo norm PiliZE Inckltari PEDgEmIWWW oLVDlul1iiDllronn oupv IiEMiJll ii Morrow mJlslfLullm won link Boluorth De GM c4 WW le iorhale maul ruml Malia None Molrf Wk Crumb WM mm TEMIWI Inilo Mil 119039 05 WW zoiiruullun lawna IANICIIA 1mm llrnwa awqu WaCIu hull Pullodno 1Frltiy Ylld TBA Imus Dunn Mn oIiilly Bottlu iiuiion wank lillnllht illIIoni on Irvt Wm llIroldo rull Barrie Ilamllm unmounted Ilvln lad lin II mm and bolt roa mm lo clllh Iouo lot FORAGTDNIZ counteralll ll ll TIEDEM Iil IMYFIFLD or 1mm IlCoIItho annnirtaxammrn 1mm to victory ovtr Poleroorouoa mm Itogun warming to Illl nmv Golden dam in OnlIrio Foni sunuuny or hall Conform IctJon niltio mm mm mm NI Jonis luially unit in lit war in llnish In the Iirat Verona molt mil romeo In imm the cold and Ahhlo llnll mg Iclnd with am plow moan airllutomntio nunliiirailon tor the PrnIinlmtcan Gnmrx loam lilombcn oi the loom wtro propoaod Sunday night by the Canadian Trish and Field nnttirrI Sooner Scarborouoll litan ma sum ilrld thalnptonilllpl EundI dl WIMIor AKO and ISrIni Ill loan Sarkoinon Iliitll ovrnl the lion mourn It Ihn olino deiulod Camdim nItlnnid trIok Ind lord mm t1 01 Ichoot lcuhor act connlialn Aunulalionrhut oilll need rroooti in the pullotlnon with to uniin oi tho IleAmOiIilll no int 120 mono than hrr damn mmltloo Iloh Illis Wright MidJiliu lliillmati Ito lMcd on lilo train Dilijr hlrllllohll oi SundayI anion lnrliulnd Canadian moldbroom nortormnco hv Franlino Gondlon at Montreal who oolrrod tho tonmolro hurl llIlIl in IooorldI Davo WIli oi lnronlo MI awa Ilowltoyer but Drun smite mo DIM prev our hut Vmm BuIIWIEIIIII and 05 Pl ual iii have It coll lowa ohm the out dlvltlon older Imon ttIlaot now ihr ind iiamliton lord lhorcntrol um gumii our dlvldrnzanitlironitordieadilho hm about the IIIIIIIIJOSI lolni wt givlalon tin tho WDIIdIIIItd laid ThiI II my lelh prntathion iiikISlovoil interrupted huor dont quIll oompol In that irmoclr Elm Alicno put at mm Emily an midvrld roiurnod tho boil in tho SitiIIII maulii nut fwfndmlflhfmdm union the hoilnut oi bound It my Id Ian ham ihrmrclrrloui Miro Hellman In institution In Conatiian wnnlrnr lrark tin Iihrd lhroolontgln ot ii ICIITKT llthllid Thcllril lrliltl oi Van roiiirr In tho 1500mm but IIy Ihe can do hattor olih lrointnr to oircnrthrn hrr IIIIII TIdIImlslIm IlIrlilrll Wlui ilio Giulia ludlnl mo Iagm 1m 332 Ind marlr In in Na um iiiuwnm look orrrm ilonol Foothill 141m mtth mm toward tlon limo Bounty It New 1mm mi Will My hrdulhi rvall lulu llollnuln laior roolilo caairo lion llirldo In to dont havoth natural wood tor In tho Iloli on Poi uahyo In tho too murn in term ni yIrtl Nominal Iltompi what hm It but rnro curd in the mrnu trlola lump Mllha distance oi told motion in round out the dayIiiixh Halli SEPTIC ITANIIS PUMPEDI caramel 7262874 inn Giants win ml Wimp ritual Vilio Ollnla victory over lhrir Nnrw York Cityrival JrlI III IP AIUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD AT SOUTH INNISFIL COMMUNITY CENTRE 0N MONOAY srrrrmnrn 81975 AT titanium Ior thorIurpoio of ooiobliihlng Iocol hold to provide input on oil Rorrooiinnol AoIIviIloI In Ihovlofrov Iioo our the operation of tho South lnnioiil Comlnuniiv Contra All INTERESTED RESIDENTS INVITED TO ATTEND GREEN Toaiuroeropuiy lurk Townihlp oi innllill Siroiilifilniorio2 Citkunosfiiaz5 in zirlptqRiohmond Hill but Indailmm nIlI loll neryroRGAMES Nin Olnlmml Iiiillo 13min YILYWCA MW Hill in hmlltm III wound In Woo Swim amino moon RMiWotiwill ooriwletI tho complement no book marlin tlto Intel Ford or tho mm lat notional row from Ioitt Torry Well Ind 51361 Woil 10 and IhIrk from Iii Jon 11 Dough ll iI Idl Solid maximum woida Into tho wolx In martial muddy it II rrnrnpolot Ioil Nun Jarvis Joatbd Dime KCIUIIIIIIM David and Erin Colo oinlnrr Photo swim Ioilairr In patrolling Idiom Dont nu inelia indo ratoh on allure IlIIhor III hu nitIll noxious nonler qu on their Ir nook am with Imitaouor tonalIV IluIiauI and WARNINO antimal mirerstuiNquI Mn rain minced on imam uoin rm Iliulerwtmm their mm mm 111 lowilk Nitnil wu qu Mario Miuolimsllpauon nightrhino quick to don the mo IIIl um irr Drool llte bar lilo lino Pm lo Inlm my Ighzmmu 51 inuiwuuttomhnt VII lroad Irhd It tho lop hi lhlllhd an ho lander Who wr Ilihelr Nuiva pailman don Too lIll vdnnr Iloino tiltad homolhxhnin goal with not wort ILlchtrinno IillIrInio book and Illzr Ioniohuiy pronuro gt liraAnnular OF IdOMEL TESHL SPECIAL OFFER NOW No one has to tell you whats happening to Inmi equipment pricesl Spiraiiingooaln aro sending them soaring So buying Homoiiio ninSawtodayisaninvooimentzouappreciateioryenrstocomo These ruggod Homolilo saws are ulli to take on the toughest wood cuitlngc ores and come back tor more XL12 litautomatic Paokoli with poorer yol llphl BlotiiaiiInk mansion himlohtlhoXL12handtoo talweodouitino Ions evoty tIrm chore Automatioollar ioneo poll Ind wood oiiillnu pruntng Ind Ioi cloorino Built tor onlI ot ooponnIg bio portornlonco 11 nar molnoionpor chain and ouldo bar Iiil Folllnn tlIoI alii dia melonthoXLlt Automation lilo ldaattami choinonw 11 tlai Overrated angina 05 Until Oct oi trip I2 Urnnoctomm cumulus ONLY om Pius$3000 OFF uouauro on these Homeiite Modeisl HOMELITE suorn XLMINI AUTOMATIC Bill Sag noted will not Unlllon 31 mg ONEIIIII 8a notodroiril out Unllfon 31 IOngoNLV It It MANUFACTURED IN compo or INDUSTRIES my Imam humMM PIRTRIDGIIRMIORSlivnl IlRNo oAnnir our 7282752 MIWMMMINMG