El ii it of El iii 35 Ego it if lt EE jog Ear =5 iv ihI mngurletnl mom oi Shirley Itnn bummed dnuhter oi Ilr tin Inn1 Perkins Mir II to George GnrdoII ll oiIIrIIIdItrs monum DIM II Si luau Inllod Church PMI out Remembering been in the null hourlibiem butmmetlnlu otthe morning alter IIILIIH inlthlpropornacno Wilt Emmi Iii to no rm ma nlane It on to may tum mu nt hold the home MANY won liesll lot the Iodll rollllrln oome iron Inlet or tour oux iipa lronv no the womna mops duh conrmhuongnizta I914 thnl tout unto ght nla IlliIrlldn the replica HillMi CARPET DOCTOR AUGUST It 1SPECIAI tanr III tm um ultimo MWRDAY warm all male it it my print drum UIIII Illtor PATCHWORK PRINT DRESSES molt in 2m Inr tutti Icimi days on patchwork out Ialt In who Stlosn to the Our driver veteran ol Uh Imogen We know that he would to the way to go And that became oin ilrst now our uooodtoit Ioon gt used It so miles all rold ta noon unt shrill tit IIIQMWIIII as Frank replied wot main In tint thirty was la be Hadlion with III the rut ltndsoon eliiud thctvn ID MI mm on you no tted You mu Wm slid to in mun The down tho nigh va yrs willooml to road IL out iiiillzhrlm be in ANNOUNCEW DDING DATE notion near Itnd then Illidv ilcy 11mm or tIIo iorthcomtng rltIrriIgo Front why dont we turn on at their dluzhter Linda ta harol Gary Stewart no or William itd itilhwny no he utd In Enrol hnt right Well ii wa dont turn lomalt momwa be travzitlhr ail We hound In ancient rout pr or violate dt That was so outoidtto the tilt Powell Ilasven it looks as it til turn up Illhl in Woodstock Frnk and it en Well go strairnt on and then well lit tho Stntiord road ttcttt new Euiiod Iteovr apron dress an big lilidrl version hu rinkrock tmid now throltxh oountrytldo to try Ind arid IAtlmcr trim Ind prtchwork Wholly IIir iinttl drltles on printed hora And nally It tells ionl broIchmII oi cotton and lmci last thI about went up WERE IIIEIIEI hm Ind John limit pocondx EurWelt Bert tirnem In itotnn Lentaiur ltrst JeIIl iiurk Davo lililtnl and Vivilsl hm Perennial need speciacare now Dont Mrle your emit border new it you Iltotper he hanithd out your Pulan Your gardening gloves Ind out all all IIdod lat blooms which will not only rnlho your border look hour but will provoot Iood aott Hallow III rithtrad and ed ioliaxo loo It tisanidoslrnonthtor divid iris KIWIl but you ma wait un October before dividing your peontts url next lptinl to divide your ittos flowinl chrmnthununll uld liotphiniurrls hen nil noqu he ended Ind most leaves hsvo been kill ed by Stat should out your fowl runovulllleodlacd obits tool the border Cod Imwnett it they no pieced on stawart and Mrs It Beth ot 23m Cilrkrhtlrg lhl weddin will take pich at St learn Arl Ilttaarl Church on Sept at pm Steinglrd Studiol BRIDGE CLUBNEWS mond nrra winnerslvvhcn mem mm mull utmost lend to gggfgtct xn$ goltjemhl ill till uwiiliiioliixiiiilfntii 222221213333117 Results on Monday night were mgisiiiiitvgoiignim Im IVIlter shun pilced third Ind So this we did mod on Church Iocond Cnrni Towns SH am my lVadrIooday evenln charity SIS snorrlls oluo MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAILY In ll EVER ILNIMY Emu inn II AM to tied with Peg him and Dav 19 IM Vt towts or tonth polllton tell oral lohnGrIIIorn taktn ottvo iieruy by narrow nlar xin Dr John Pottniloli REGISTRATION or PUPILS NEW to AREA ounmo rnc summer SIMCOE counrv BOARD or EDUCATION nylftloildmototha boluhsorothotbruahholdthe ntiarthgroundtreo tnhotwultlnrliiIWrltnohousc MilneLl tht Pump removes warm room tnltdo air to tho outdoonl Ivinp yourhollll cool Ind comiortabir tn cool weather tho Westinghous tlllttsltt tint Pump lblotbl Ivatllhto hutltoln outside III Ind tllnttm lt Into your home In ooldnr wrath Iha Wottinphoute HilttcLI tirel Pumpts Itipptomlntod by illc host or your vxtttinp pasottpreloctllotulnacc Whichovorayltom you choose you In Into your Itch will be warm and romiotlablt Eiirrrdy Io tomouatv It c111 no you Wrrttnphoura HIIHI Li Itear Pump Dealer You can buy tha atlrlntllc tVartnyhourrsyrlrm or add the Hat Pump In our viaslino gas oil or elemc mm For com um eamlolt Irkyow Contractor about Wmth II Cleaner mrl Humidifier itertt ruccwmtulonotainonla camarr IIIIITIMDNI Ironictut To Anitt TrInlportatlnn Ind clue Arrangement pl noisier at til Ioiiowlll school on MO DAY 0R TUESDAY AU 051 25th or III AM mom carthheand south America cruise Itlttlltlniltllitllllltiltttftllttl WHiLETHEY LAST no thtmti One week as low as icent LPHt Ircmtonobtocanin tuityahcondtttonadmlthprivan actl ctmtonlto help on tttos8uportoodwth bloottldlt unch Twoweeksastowas mm anddlnnoratttnotudodDutlhtithoday yo limo Plue JItiiNSltti rmtrnoup WW MIN 4mm anus TIMI Mill DCIIODL ADJIIM CENTRAL ALLmON UNION nAXlIIIt CENIML BMDIOIID PUBLIO COOKHOIVN CENTRAL TION EARL IIDWE IIHIII hilt WM OSLEII TTLM IICCUIIIEETIiBEIINN IIntIIIdeI leounlteth North 13 TIMIIETJII ISHIII TOSDIIONTIO ML TITITBNIIAII PUIILIG Each principal will to in the whool oltico to weioomcand enroll pupil to thnt school utrtes reg WI hotnldlrles IthtId to undo to inq pIdMipI ooncomrd ImIpInIZourIottnboald ihs mlpnit tl78td tllt1 IIUMIDIIIII Addt lulltho Im mmntw Iuttttmtnpi mm Westinghouse heipsmaketthappen atom mum toutingMm OFFICIAL M11 FOII BCIIOOL OPENING VA TIMI IImIlIy mini It It lItId Ln summon INI mu no roll rcnool DAY ttllnielgnrten IlItt Myst Plus Iunaolkhythopootmliolntn hodrok Tit cemeneong aottltno udtng airfare viINordIirV