dSPTEtBOROUGH ooraiitirt or that part otthectiroty at Peterlsorough lying southerly rs scnnaottouati soultl conduit or not part Vol the Borough or Scarborough the Townships of Harvey Burleigh and Anxtruthee and Belmont and Medium but bounded as allows commencing it the intersection ol the share or hire Ontario with the at theCountyolPrinceEdwardz oetudingtheToan Vp or Cavarr and thvehole of the Town otHaslings southerly production of Victoria Park Avenue themed nonhaly long said production Ind Wilma 795 Iltrelona ParkVAvenue to Basset Avenue thence easterly along Basset Avenue to WV tvesrhVeVnVVeVe soumrstetly along deood Drive to thellartoo Road thence northeasterly 65 PRINCE nnwrtltocoaslrttr ot Wm AV9 my imam Farriattvoeseenmhence easterly along FairlnxescenttoVWerdeoAvenuenhemoanhcrly VV along arden Avenue toUplen Roadnhcncc easterly along Upton Road audits production the Canadian 3an bdrm thence northeattcriyVatong sud railwa tthhVeweVsterly WV or tho com onmmm CNN in production of Fexrtdge Drive thence easterly along said production had Porridge Drive to Vi KennedyVRond thence northerly along Kennedy Road to Corvette Avenue then lheTtVtanVshrpsV otrhrrrlow Vod Vlchanirrana tlcng Corvrtte Avenue to the Canadian National Railwaythenee southerly along said 1V to Daniertlt Road thence northeaxtcrly along Dantnrlh Road tuned Amine thence VV VV ti the otVlte Veer Ve southerly along Midland Avenue to the Ceristan Notional Vum VV mph to Lmnngtm Reamch sVomhqry do 13qu VV the shore of lake Ontarto lltence southwesterly along sat ngIVPthiql thgwgnty 3rLataoxVVnd Anrtirrton corrosion in thetTownships oi tmimmm op usoan Fre ericksburg and Southredericlrshu hb th VTVVVVVVolNpVVvVVV tomorrows VPOVVVVIVVVOVVV i016 765CARBOR0UQHWESVT consisting of thatpartoi the Borough oi Scarboroughbotmded VV as follows cgmmVenctng at the tnluseetion oi the MtwlonrtldCartier Freeway Highway No 67m comma or cm 1i Mam thence southerly aloug Victoria Park Avenue to Basselt VVVVaVlengRBaVVsVsetVtV Avenue tVtVs VDelwoodVDrive thence southeasterly along rt V1 on ence nort easterly orig StellartonRoadto Yhnrmac IfVVthVanty oi chlrew but excluding the Townships or Bagel and Blythiteld anti Mam my murmurs ugly 310 Cmml Crescent to Fairfax Crescent thence easterly along Fntriax Crescent to Warden Avenue thence northerly along Warden Avenue to Upton that part or the Territorial District Nlpitsirtg containcrtin the Townships rt tiry ldvhmmWIYrltin Ule Md dilsvmduclionmlhc CunadienNtlimlRtllwar Lyell and Sabine to the westerly production of Foxdge Drive thence easterly along said pro Kennedy Road thence northerly alon Pumvni 80 KennedyRoan to Corvette Avenue as Corvette Avenue to the Canadian National Runway thence southerly along said nilway to Danierth Rodd thence northeasterly 68 ROSEDALEconsisting of that plan at the Municipality ol tropolitnn Toronto 0113 Dilonh Rodd Midland Avenue thence southerl clan Midland ve bounded as follows commencing at the Vintersccliorl oinhVe southeasterly production at the Canadian NaoleRailuay thetlcc northeasterlyalong said hunt to BrindeyARolhd thelltczl Eastern Channel at Toronto Harbour wtththa south ltrlul or theCity at Toronto IhenceV northcdy elonc Bnmley Road tothe MacdnnalnCanier Freeway Highway No 401 thence northwesterly along said production through and channel and along the northwesterly Nelly ll Mdonildcalkf FMWBY Hithth NO 10 It Willi Bl produetton olV satd channel to the shore oi Toronto Harbour thence easterly ntongsaid shore Commemmll through Keattng Channel to the Don River thence northerly along theDonVRiver to Millwood VRoad thenceV northwesterly along Millwood Road and continuing along Laird Drive to Population 99517 Sontvale Drives thence southwesterly alongV Southvale Drive to Millwriod Road thence northwesterly along Millwood Road to Bayvtew Avenue thence southerly along Bayvicw 77 SlthOE NORTH consisting ol that part of the County elSlmcoe contained in Avenue Mam Sum mcncwesmly 51 51 SW MW mm Md mm northerly along Mount Fleasanl Road to BeltVtze Drwc thence Westerly along Eelsize Drive to Whips Nata Malchcdashr Mcdonlc Ollinr Ore Rama andTay Acacia Road thence aoutttcrly along Acacia Road to Belsizo Drive thence westerly along BelslteDrtve to Yonge Street thence southerly along Yonge Street to Front Street West my 033 thence westerly along Front Street West to York Street thence southerly along York Street and its southerlypmduction to the shore oi Toront elgrbourgthence westerly throngh the HMNW DPmmnguihcm If Western Channel at Toronto Harbour to the limit of ity of Toronto thence southerly and VPmi easterly along the limit of the City at Toronto to the po to commencement Population 90378 78 SIMVCOE SOUTH consisng of that partoi the County oi Stnseoeoooulncd lrt the Townships oi Essa Flos lnntsitlTiny Vespra and West Gwitlimbury including the ggzcgtggxn but excluding the whole of the Towns of Penelsnguishene Alliston Fopuladouzhshm theCttyotlinme 70SlPAULS censistingoi thatpartoi the Municipality oi hieiropolitanToronlo bounded us Viollows commencing at the intersection of Christi Street with the Canadian Pacic mm namesmm and No 30 qulway thence easterly along sat thence northerly along Yonge 71 no Street to Lylton Boulevard thence westerly along Lyiton levard to Avenue Roadthence ON un southerly along Avenue Road to Briar Hill Aveauathcncc wcstcrlyrtlongurirrtrttl Avenue to Castlcwood Road thence northerly along the northerly productim or Casrrmod Road 71 SPAPINA Plltlli 13 Fm lhc City of TWO bounded 35 WOW comtntn rmly production or the my rim To crng at the rntcrsectton oi the southerly production of York Street with the shore oi Toronto 10 pmducuon and 01 um my geromgfagg Harbour thence northerly along said production and York Street to Front Street Weslithellce westerly angilmon Mm Wm van Rom mm somumy ush castcery along VFVront Street West to Yonge Street thence neithcrly along Yonge Street to the Road Arlington Akumhmc southerly do Mhm Mm mum VCnnadtnn Pactlte Railway thence westerly along said railway to Christie Sttectrthence 51y cg rpmonto then mmry an um limit to Hummuon DVMV mm Mummy along southerly along Christie Street to Bloor Street West thence westerly along Bloor Street West Humcwmd mm to stV Cm Avenue West mm mle dong 5L cair Avenue Wm to Grace Street thence southerly along Grace Street to Dundas Street Westthetlee easterly Christie Streetihcnce southcrty arm chasm summon WinmwmmnccmmV along Dundns Street West to Gorevnle Avenue thence southerly along Gorcvalo Avenue to QueiVn StreVet West theneesensterly 10m Queen Street West to Niagara StrVeet listence ut PPIV99t73 gfmmejfy llt ou dc lt it 7L5MVNIAWWW0 haillmohhe County at Lamblon contained in i1 harmful mongihcmmTommomwnm cm lhTOWthlps Moore and Semis Population 577 CW 55ml 805TORMONTDUNDAS ConSlSlins or chang Paint Edward the County ornundnsg IndianRescrveNo45 It theCoUnly oiStormonl VV 00 mu734 VV 69STCATHARINES consisting olthatpartolthe Cit olSliCathar esl lh it CanadianNetlonanallvny VV tlncrtor Population 73759 7VSAllLT STVE MARIE consisting that part oi the Territorial District of Algomrt contained tn the City oi Sault Ste Matte ll SUDRURY consisting oi that part of the City of Sudbury Contained in Population noose Wards 47 and 73 SCARBOROUGH CENTRE consisting oi that partof the BoroughVof Scarborough Wardlbut excluding that partol Ward lying soulhof thelinebetwecn confessiorisl bounded as iollows commencing at the intersection oi the share at Lake Ontario and the and in the cographtelownship oiNeclon southerly productton oi Livtngstorl Roud thence northerly along said production and Livin hton Road to the Canadian Nutlonul Railway thence westerly nlollg satdrutlwuy to Brlmley that part cl Ward lymc noth of ll Mb Hm Ommmmii Rafszthhcenncccc HazlehltnyalongVVBrblmch RoVrVanCto VV Freeway Highway No intersection of Regent Street Highway No 69 with Ramsey Creek thence westerly iV cat ongt at one art er recway ig way aong Ramsey Creek to Martindale Road thence southwesterly in nstraight line to on ligand thcncthouthcrIy ltlongV McCowart Road to Ellesmere Read thcncc easterly along rtngle in Kelley Lake Road thence noithwestcrly along Kelley Lake Road to Juitctiun esmerc Road to Morningsrde Avenue thence southerly along Morningslde Avenue to tCrcek thence westerly ttlong Junction Creek and Copper Cllll Creek tthhe west 21081113 eCrchek VVtVthVchce VeasterlyV aVlVong Highlgnt Creek to the southerly production at Lnth boundary of Ward to ct in stra ine to ntcrseetion oi Kingston Road Highway No 212 Will Manse Road thence southerly along Manse Road and its production to thc shoto or that part of Word lying north til Ramsey Creek and the southcrly hunk of Ramsey lte Ontario thence southwesterly along the shore at Lake Ontario to the palm of Lake including ttlt islands lying within said parloqurd Vcnmmcnccmcat Population 34982 Population 89997 szrHUNDER uAYAtrKOKAN consisting oi 111 Vgnpo nnV oronto lylng north and cast ltne descrtbed as iollewrVcommencing at the that part at the Territorial District of Rainy River lying east at the 4th Meridian ntcrrectton Steeles Avenue East wtth Woodbtne Avenue thence southerly along Woodbine including the whole of the Township Atlkntran Avenue to lunch Avenue EastV thence westerly along Finch Avenue East to Don Mills Road WM mummy nlons Don Mills Road and Don Mills Road West to thc Macrlonatdcarticr it that part 01 the Territorial District or Thunder llny lying south and west of line Freeways Highway No 401 thence easterly along the MttcrlonatdCarticr Freeway Highway described as tnllows commencing at the intersection ol the west boundary of the No 401 to McCowun Road thence southerly along MeCowan Road to Ellesmere Road TrllOIinl Ditlrlct of Thunder Bay With the south boundary 19 TOWMMP 0f mm Easterly alum Ellesmere Road to Morningsitie Avenue thence routhcrly along Morning llnnntwett thence easterly along said south boundary of the Town shipotVHannlwellthe side Avenue to Highland Creek thence easterly along Highland Creek to tho southerly northerly boundary at lndinn Reserve No 22A2nnd the south boundaries of the production oi Lash Courtg thence southerly in straight line to thelnlcrrccliort oi Kingston Townships oi Colliver and Stedman tnthe northwest corner at the Township ollnwaotl Road Highway New 2A wuh Manse Road thence outhcrly along Manse Road and it thence southerly andVeenterly along tho boundaries at the Township ot lnwood to the production to the there ot Lake Ontario southwest corner ot the Townshlp ol Joynt thence easterly along the south boundary at said toWnshlp to the northwest corner oicthe Township of Goodicllow thence southerly Pmhmmstsw along the west boundaries or the Township oi Goodlellnw and Block No to the 74 SCARBOROUGH NORTHEAST ionsisting oi that part oi thehlunicipality at Met