We mmnhasmiam that port oi the Territorial District at Nipissin inehiding and dilaholniJonIicld Calvin Papinean and Camerambut nonh ol line described as groom oi the north bormdnry oi the Townships Arum Entitlle Wu 03m Ind Quebec thence westerly along the my the frownships at Antoine Butler and French to the northwm game or the 1on of French thencesoutherly along the wesreormdary ol the Township oiEreneh to the northeast corner oldie ciryotNerth burdens westerly and southerly along the limits of up City North Bay to point duo cart oi the southast corner at the Township of new thence due west to raid soot thence westerly along the southerly boundaries at the Townships or Become and Pediey to the esstboimdsry or the Township of springer thence northerly along the east boundary attire Township oi Springer to allowance betweai cone in the Township oi Springer scslerly along said read allowance to the oi the Township oi Caldwell thence said out boundary to lhcproad allowance between concession and concession thcncowesterly along said read allowance to the east boundary thence southerly and westerlyuiongthe boundaries or the at the Territorial District at Nipissing szionrnrmaanmcmsisuaron thoCotlnly of minimisation including the whole of the Village of Hastings but includingtheiownahip eillopcz bl that part of the County oi HIM contained in the Ten nxhip oi Sidney but excluding thedtyoleiieydlenndtheViageoiStirliae ytloptilatrortSSSll 53 ORiOLEFiNCH consisting utthat part of the Municipality ol Metropolitan Toronto boundedas follows commencing at the intersection oi SteeiesAvenue East with Woodbine Avenue thence southerly along Woodbine Avenue to chh AvenueEast thence westerly along Finch AvenueVEast to Don Mills Roadthenceseutherly along Don Mills Road and Don Mills Road West to the ittacdonaidCarticr Freeway Highway No 401 thence westerly along said ireeway to the East Branch oi the Don River thence southerly along said East Branch of the Don River to Lawrence Avenue East thence wes Leslie Street thence southerlyi Creek thence southerly along with westerly along said West Branch of the Den River to North York thence northerly and westerly along said westerly ong Eiythwood Road to Yonge Street thence northerly along Yonge Street to the MaedonaldCartier FreeWay Highway No dill thence easterly along said freeway to Bay yiew Avenue thence northerly alongllayview Avenuoto Steetes Avenue East thence easterly along Steele Avenue East to the point at commencement iltopulation 9i 032 54 OSHAWA consisting eithar part or the Regionhl hldnicipaliryol Durham contained in the yo Oshawa repaintlonzaesosy 55 OTTAWACAMETUN consisting of that part of the Regional Municipality of QuartEr Carleton contained in to those parts oi the City of Ottawa bounded as ioiiows that part lying north and east oi line commencing at the intersection oi the westerly production oi Ridcuu Gate with the city limit interprovincinl Bound ary thence easterly along said production at Rideau Gate to the NCC Drive thence northeasterly along the NCCDrive to Princess Avenue thence easterly along Princess Avenue to Lisgar Road thence southerly along Lisgar Road to Maple Lane thence easterly along Maple Lane to Acacia Avenue thence sotttherly along Acacia Avenue to Beechwood Avenueythence northeasterly along Beechwood Avenue to Hemlock Read thence easterly along Hemlock Road to the rear oi the lots on the west side at Via Venus thence southerly along the rear oi the lots on the west side at Via Venus and the rear of the lots on the east side of Carpenter Way and Brittany Drive to Montreal Road thence easterly along Montreal Road to the Eastern Parkway thence southerly along the Eastern Parkway to the north boundary oi the Township oi Gloucester til that part lying south and east oi line commencing at the intersection of the east limit of the City oi Ottawa with the easterly production of Waikley Read thence westerly along said easterly production and Walkley Roadto Russell Read thence northwesterly along Russell Road to SmythRead thence westerly along Smyth Road to the Ridcau River thence southerly along theRideau River to iunk Street thence southeasterly along Bank Street to the Canadian National tailway thence soulhwesteriy along said railway to the Canadian Pacic Rail tny thence southerly along the Canadian Paciiic Railway to the 0th limit oi the City of Ottawa bl the Village oi Rockcliiie Park to the lotvnship oi Gloucester excluding that part contained in Long Island in the Rideau River Population All 56 OTTAWA CENTRE consisting oi that parrot the City at Ottawa bounded as ioilows commencing at the crsectibn oi the cenue line oi the Prince oi Wales Bridge the Canadian PacilicRailway who the city limit interprovinciaiBoundary thence southerly along the Canadian Paciiic Railway in Somerset Street thence westerly along Somerset Street and Continuing westerly along Wellington Street to Holland Avenue thence southerly along Holland menu to Carling Avenue thence westerly along CsrlingAvenue to Fishr Avenue her Avenue to thesouth limit or the City oi Ottawa thence easterly itylimir to the Canadian Pacific Railway thence northerly along said ection with the Canadian National Railway in the vicinity oi Brookiieid Road thence northeasteriy along the Canadian National Railway to Bank Street thence northwesterly along Bank Street to the Rideau River thence northerly along the Rideau River to Clegg Street thence westerly along Clegg Street and its production to the RItleau Canal thence northerly and northwesteriy along the Rideau Canal and its production to the city limit mummyinch Boundary thence southwesterly along said city limit to the point commencement together with that part oi the City of Ottawa along Fisher Avenue and adloining the Towmhlp or Nepeail between Borden Side Road and the south limit or the City Ottawa immediately south of Baseline Road tPopulationSd476 51 rnrAylA usr misting at that rank rhekegional wantonmum htt unwed multicolor tbnncgrtottbetyoiorunbasmkdaiohowuomndniatthemtnueriuoi Withemsttrlypodudieudlidunwhthepymammhmn mwmtdymwmdmmmmummmm northnstalyplongtheCCdeetePsinem Avennctheaseceasteryniongnimess rAvenuewWMthmueoulhdynlonlWMtolbpkhmiw usturyatonghhpleuneteAneinAvmnerrhneesnnthdymAmeinAvmto aloogBecehwoodAvenuetoHemloekRoad ottbletaenthewesltnionivn ainngtherearetthelotnonthewestaideoiVanermendthe nuctrhclotnentheustddeoiCarpunWayandBdedverehdomdM rhmeo easterly along Montreal Road tothamerii ParkerIth southerly along the eouthlinsitotthedtyoiomwlnhmwestalyaouthaly saidcitynnsittothe Road to the Ridenu River thence westerly along Clegg Street northerly and northwesteriy along the Rideau Dana and lb produalan Interprovincial Boundary thence northerly alongeaid citylinsit to the point of cmanieoccmcnl Populm 9040l 58 OlllAWANEPEAN consisting oi that part of the Regional Municipality of Ottawr hrietoneoatained in gt the Townships oi Goulbeurn March Repeats and West micron 17 that part or the Township oi Gloucester contained in Long Island intho Bideu River ropiuiuonissnssl 59001AWA WEST consisting oithat part the dry Ottawa bounded ulollowst commencing at the intersection oi the centre line oi the Prince of Wales Bridge the Canadian Pacic Railway with the city limit interprovinCial Bostndary thence southerly along the Canadian Pacic Railway to Somerset Street thence westerly along Somerset Street and continuing westerly along Wellington Street to Holland Avenue thence southerly along Holland Avenue to Carling Avenue thence westerly along Carling Avenue to Fisher Avenue thence southerly along Fisher Avenue to the easterly production of the south limit of the Ciw ni Ottawa thence westerly and northerly along said production and city limit to thenorthlimit or the City at Ottawa lintmsrvvincial Boundary thence easterly along said city limit tinterprevincial Boundary to the point oi commencement populatesI so am 60 OXFORD consisting oi is thatian oruscauaryoi Brantcontarinedinthetownship Burlord that part or the County oi cums containedint rtiteTeWnshipseBlmdiordDlenhcimJlorwichandSeuthrWestOxiord in the dtyoiWoedstockl ii trill tiieiownscringerseiiandfiiliscnbing rsluricaarihi El PARKDALE consisting oi that part at the City oi Tomato bounded as follows commencmg at the intersection of Christie Street with Vermouth Road thence westerly along Yarmouth Road to Shaw Street thence southerly along Shaw Streetto Haliam Street thence westerly along Hailant Street to Duiierin Street thence northerly along Duiterin Street to Lappin Avenue thence westerly along Lappin Avenue to the Canadian National Railway thence northerly along said railway in the Canadian Pacic Railway thence westerly along said railway to the Canadian National Railwayi thence southeasterly along said railway to Bathurst Street thence northerly along Bathurst Street to Niagara Street thence northwesterly along Niagara Street to Queen Street West thence westerly along Queen Street West to Gorevsle Avenue thence northerly aiong Gorevale Avenue to Dundas Street West thence westerly along Dundas Street West to Grace Street thence northerly along Grace Street to Bloor Street Wcsrthcnce easterly along Bloor Street West to Christie Street thence northerly along Christie Street to the point oi commencement Population 90 423 to assay sounnsrusxoxa consisting oi the Territorial Districtoi Parry Sound tn theDistrictMunicipalityoihiuskoka the Provisional County or Haliburton that part oi the Territorial District oi Nipissing lying southerly oi the Townships of Chisholm Boniieid Calvin Papineau and Cameron but excluding the Townships of gt Any Lyell and Sabine contaminant 631EELHALTON consisting or that part oi the Regional Municipality oi Halton contained in that part of the Town of Halton Hills lying north of line dcscribedas iollows commencing at the intersection of the road allowance between concessionsv and in the Geographic Township of Esquesing with the northwest boundary of said township thencesoutheasterly along said read allowance to the road allowance between lots lo and in said township thence northeasterly alrtg the road allowance between lots ill and ii to the northeast boundary oi said towns ip that part of the Regional Municipality et Peel contained in the Town of Caledoar that part oi the Regional Municipality oi York contained in the Township at King and the Townoi Vaughan Ropulation 66790 64 PERTH consisting oi wanting oi Rerth including the Town oi Listowel but excluding the Township oi gt slam part or the County oi Waterloevcoataincdvin the romaine Wettele and tl trimuoairsair