Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1975, p. 2

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ii GllNlPSES mm mm um um gellmm ll to be aw mm Mm ot the stem County Bond lotto1mm may about to mot October or much my om earner Plane ulHor thellee olmtn be rudy to no nee onllonol M9lmmll3ll ail lmnl 1mm mow hm IrwmllP mall tolduuperlnmtltlnbmp Retewerl Modulate ll Itllnorepotllohbemlooue told llul lnnltlll To Wm Wk IIIMIIHIIIMMI mlmwtfhgumrWmgym new 53W than MennoA mesmow anthemthe mm mementononmetal vwwwlelwthmlt II ll Mmlkg On by an unmtm to murm Ml lobe ton MIWW elem mumf tn at Jmlnlmiv eevln mndl nt Ma Mal on mum mu mm Immym to Mum lumwwwslmmiw MmeWlW mIcuwuonglvanmmnmw rezomng or grave p1 mm now toelntormeltonon lmblJ may emu WW Wilmth mustymntmomumm tv tn wmuwi Wimeeumplhletell oouttw PMWIJH llaeBeever mouo mum phoning tnvutwta who lnnlr Beldln mullml untoldtam mule lets the ltornlnz end theboerd bu towered heeon preemptive Thornton to In tlt munlel We test lle thlnh mt ol rteae netel pit Pleenm bond wlll recent thee new no WI hr llu Slr John Gotham you the nu till he Polol rneod that lhhlllll councihlet In 31ml ot 51 am1 MW maul outluu But 5mm mum bolyullllnthuoutll manual uncommon mlldggm IN Am wwwmon low and we towntown aunt Beef cattle dey to am em 25 ulutel Grant request III mm dore me tumult en endoe an uk tunl land In Cart nelr lllelr ot the column Inn pm my gm 1an vetoped the mambota we ed to provldo II satiatkldgetown mum Ion Wuekumum Adm on InglIlrh put on llluetretlon meter commemlel eutervrlu on all lull be Itertl frmuhml llmeoe man loode tor pom autumn The run emut ocloc rlle omnty $113 gm nm 04 liter cetalol to the WNW WI 39d 0me tletnene Meocttllon mm ll trom the Generate lrItl mm mm mm WK mm relth two mt du will be held theald wlllbeodeelthemlketmm itinerant errle lor permle In mum en Muphmon lhlnbke DWMWNMIWF vlllon plum teem theme town Colin ol mutual ldeel or no slmooeltuocleton nonnr ovrltm eton to rec man mu an mum mantra on Cool not littleY contoltntalnrtllllpruenl end Technolon on 11 mm oynr ol Rlilmthlo llluutNlJ sum tlou mat momma property he rldevtwdrr tn Curl outlawed Welt team It mend olllcltl ylmo It It 21m ln out be chelmten lam ll reddent tn lne gluon ton to he writemurmur not llle Earl Wunlcn hulplulned en clam llrm tvnn tammt and will in am out lentil aw llu wot devetowlmt on the nth llonlhlllentoo endevenlre NEW 7m HALL new lam 51 50mm anng the was emu Woman tinI bulletinav etlhubecuelet tVchltllltnhoun llehuorl hytherehlrtort turbou end ML ellled mtlmel thew new elm hell band at my mum helm Mott Iver netheulod uhm ttbl And tour ubdlt tlen hnd South Elmcoelerm ottlct here Vumna In he may or uper Wm mm mtwwmmm nor end tel uld Mr ltteeplter ll been propane by ltecrtae Do The lnorrllnl llrm tour mt allot an Con sley toenthlo met NOW Amman mu mm pntnteo ltteeleoltllehermrouundee no nu the em wllll the velmnenu rolled on too etlermolt pellet dtlcnnlen will by the Int next your Tet NHONTO tClt the We Hm em Wm gm hlvgpand zynlly lley The Peter ltohlneon our leowood Bench deal tlllll the me oldetted oor ll monthly to new In pro tblo WOmI tonunule mm Me 11 the Star ll thou tto be la la Ilh Memo Ilene aunt Ltd to burn tor beet operetlone sum Kenton on one llhlell ttu on hum may Hm wee eoII et It mwwmmemmt melloledllmlt norm on lvlllorl pleas It adornment nm but to bunmolly llllhlldlend tln ln Oenede wvducod ml rtlv uauqlptteu Muptmeon Anyone Mlle lot on ebout ll Doom ntornlon he been told to well eelreh resulllwlllbettrnely top brlltdl new runnerl ex reeled by new For or the miller weter color pnlntlllu of the flve early emboele on develoon ll lllmrodl until the plwnlnl bolrdeol log ten or thou mmhlnl neyt to Mod to be delvered to tlte Nerutlon ol Wammleeohen mm my MM Wm 31 reduce teodlne com tor the tlp Wellbullhenc hell shortly Aleonlrllnm ol Ontarlnlmt le ll NW 35 1mm havln more uub Ion II no e2 uuynton Ont manctllttIlfegIhagdurn mum Vellllll lIltIeleIted mulls maglllf SANDYCOVE ACRES wll outtml Cow tannth WSWN Wttn 01 lld Small usl4n$fol provide thIl pmnmp men WWII elwlltn undldlte tar ltllml Thedocumottlxryleel were out III ellIeceululiy eomblnezl eIrt lnlen 11 VIEW ItuuaIruordIlII humannu tllry In ItI rollhence elln ro lo not elleltc Im sins our Imm Vim NM OHM ulleullondlyattusmtelne 3m 13qu onm notree maltt the mull ll be at torn Ind cat um um lluwwWtwntllllWnll Eldon inchell OOLUNGWOOD The on entd Over the put lollr yem NOW lollvlllu edded to the ll or allelthe ItxrtcullunlEc afrmed was stunned we hm urn merry nutter heady love Mm scenede Tm 55 In WWII much am III mm It wee termed recklle ch era real out ooneenu moo he to mull td Gertrude nlll soon Th mm llclullllotlglgl late heel trom both the pm whwwm um um um 1w MW mama speedl mlmlled edrntnltrellon cone MQueotle Ferhmlmplemm North Ilde eleo hu outdoor WW kl mm Pm Ill MlSSISSAoAST ATFRONT Home rrlullultsl lump It It ea by Bob mettle Hberel tllIllllotl el mlorlet ovelnrnoll dete tor ButternutHuron rldlnx has platen to be costly to the Allen whtch likely wut he need ItItIEtlcoco ml plennlnut the eve VW mtwctwtlbvmedtdbvv Tore lo Linomotto Ext to lnthe minim tlelectlnn ll eyefe where he been loruutblllell madman moment that melt adopt HOLEWON flilllnlll $3035 33 halting Sam on lll evtlvlt Mondly to Fytdey mom pnn Saturday lo Sundey to let ml mwal lm all um EVmmm WM hlostuclllnx new In the goll lroln all present ludleellonl eel ltlu end llemt ol current lnler lakewew Mnhlle Hume Estates wwlIlm WW Pmmlll Inn world here recently only null ere moetllllely In cha fth the North Amer can beet WEST It ONLLIA emllnl nt Quecnl Perk ho tween Queene burned the WW ealdlnlewlemenlllnwhlthhe reclnellln llr nature not gfmmm luneuted the tnnreeu In or rrl Power Mll be returned to the LollllAN uANtEIlh matteptrldlnnndcmlrltllmllnn mm at the Intel level uhm mvmfaelh OnBIlllrdIyJoph thosvclle Back rasolutlon ol repent yarn leme ere known lllll an be do mm le Iporleorlllz erl lllterettlei eve gmmgnl mam tn dealt wllh molt ettectlvely end Wits by Jill lllrl tor NeathI Mldenu about farm odor more than ambled tn the tour lllClmlllv 1m ml ll lealure wlllbe pettorment yeen etuee Blll 17nle took over Ftscal resportelhlltly lnlezrlty $mwg$wcuvm by theleollllen Dance elor llllUllUllST Stem retnl uld Mr lleettle Illet patrun tn luvernmenl decenlrellutlon by wt mme mm onto Soottleh country dtnclnl utlon mm Ollle county recem nuttlte ovlrtchl debthucllm ol wer nmt reelinblnhment mun ot 21 who to lvo meltdln lezlslnetnn to protect end mldent lemot ltlellerrnn mm Mm mm bed to more then 17 button do at hluh etnrldnnle at edueelon duh demorulrl noon the lore Interest elnrln tout the urn only tow at the reel con perkln lot between endl pm tram ohtectlonl lrom relldentlal mum mmmm llleu ll pertorm mlrl leter Ln Ind alll ovrr term odor no tex eyere ol the rnvlnee mll come whldt dllturh the of llanvdnllm deyl Onlzrlo the enrdldate mood me 10ml the evenlrll dulln regular dm mum he been adorned by In the bent Art The bu tour to competently olnl atmm county tonne ghggm concealed olth hgllclll handled by lllamlyhave lMludI lo the same evcnlnt the rewlttlltm returned only tlrrtllllon dollorhulldtrl on all lIItdeIlnImInwlgIlIlatbnbo ed IlIlree IIlIrIltcrsIlIllantrlanl lltll lItIugheIrfguI Clio gun corn to 1er ogml gtm wra ney turner Im ouotll ll por Wlltlllbllwm lm Emmy Wt mu my hll tn molly let all moro rocenyelw hto eon II Id In Wlmwm trlpl to Colllnlwood and to the or the eurnmer wlll be my nuppoltee leeomlnendlllogtgr Wm mum look We lhouund lllende prnvlded erlrlu end tome lnterestlnl Vtctode County let the In plenum breek for many dandy due on currenll belnt core on mm ny control nuterllll come over on llc teepurnlbll he charged Coven who ohoote to ellmlnele Ilderod or new lllorte to VN he retnsletcd mm ICU mulean and MM imam mm mme wnm Ind um lttoohoedzdb Ora ekenlne at local control he MEN or tllllcet neeve Weltnce Key revlewed mount 91 Slzll In or the molutlont helere mehllt mm mm mm thelrendnnemcztt women to Fleh and chlpe tor it ll to county council uEtlttEll TolNcotlE in alcohol use ad cam smulduyl Augu llltYrAllgllSl FROM 1000 Mro1toom nonmmn cw Aparttnent contents Emma OLD OMETHIN bale llotulrll Corp hen helped llEtllNIt cm llnlph the mlrtht eheneo thnte vellerur oldwhln hm so tllIImICIlolIl m7 twine ma rlIuIyIfInIyIIIllnIrgpIIlluIrIyd Intent tamoan THINo eonnowen toMetHtuo pLueI we utnllnelmlnnllnlnll vulyltnarnnnam itllelll well WEN by NEW dtlt lull mufn hallo llvlnIu Wat Inadequate men to oaencorrac no reared to runny Income lmllom Whewln hen telephone monlll um tncludllt mqu moving me mm to hm foallnallllcllgllltm wllh rtllt ulbltelu mam by 41 II war It on rent bed teen pr the lllunlelnll ulavlrlelel ne lull they mm new mull lleerll one AWARE ed 19 ptl mmcm minim BLUE neg clear are the welore at Lake lm at Kltclter Park lederttl gnvunmenle ul tum cult mm the promo rm ecrost th end trom Lekovlew lloblle Home Estates Mk maul table eoot some Inn lI two you my 1w Mler tulle eta Ill model to choose rum Prlced from enema elcoltnl pulllell mm tondltluu that tell to optlom tl Roversedlele at no extra costs The Tulely ll lutsl endlvV We Dan Leltch dlreclor at llr Letlclt enye the poeltlln re the lhllttlaknpwlt recclmln AlVAnE the Saskatchewan wanton to Itwltrtll lmllcetce lelvlnl enfrelwhonl lPrlco Include Installation ealettexee lklrtlnttlendscapluguntho total tll ll por nil milking all $331 in hm lyillllllfll FOR ACTION lollllllllcnod latte property wnhm mu mm ormhl em WM WANT AD lhII product quellllel or tlnootoo lmvlnclel and mom Fetlutll Grunts 11 ml Co The mm nemnwnt meow mu though he MVItllt lyromm elllgnlilm at RISULTS qulmm PUIChlm hterlo Mantle outermost end ehlrertm ouch helph health problem In Ink WARN NO late lTherowlltheelmom rlcolnuoueuolSeptomb rt 1m ffntetatlllmllff Ayltllll lmmritfmlm my gfgfhlgm ll If AWN on In modellI not on or or nenzltmn oyicutunbln hennl ertnune pattern and unto Ilroholum mutt Forlvrt lttlotmellenell Henry koblntenlaloultmtlm torelnloreuocleleltlludeethet tam rulryIrtut lliiitilfutlul bv

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