THE 35w Mil mun 585 5mg ANPY if QAIQIIH OK OK gt lad uvml um no by mull mm It dell 2leme II II MM expemcnlnl nan LOSER rlmlod my nnu tho ml 10 d1 lb alluded much mm nunhlnl disc WIM In untoIndia dune udrnnlun nl lhl prora hlhll olhnhllu the red of mm lth ll utlnlomol lllo mlln lrl orn mama mlle mall this ulnldod nlerlll whld prune upon 95 SENSATIONAL TV AIR CONDITIONER VALUES RCA CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONER $34 3000 ETU AIR CONDITIONER SI 6000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER Sill KRsz KEllYS WELLINGTON STREET $3 53 as 25 nmu Cm wnmdnlal villr mule Gown ulnall an Illl1 lrlud In mnum re whnsntmxwrs mu nuln nllm Inlnnuznl one ll nllarrle mellon who en other 1mm our lbo ow hrlelrc Your Honosooln ny nznmcn nnnn near For mu Ant ll Albrllhmh ApIIl Dont 1m llmnlodny lulu lowlnnvrrmwbalrunwllllu to mull V1 yoln all She unl odd ll lllIl Ilm Jam April Mu 93 Youll b0 Ibln lo remind your mumz lloo 1mm at lime you see ho lhln lo nlmd Ind ll holdY0l uklnl for palmin ll Mm IlMl Youro very resourcrlul waxy upednlly whuo ldIlnleresu In rammed SomolIIIng nl rrluo IIIlbo nlnod TAURUS Mull in You must lollow your hunches now Ilcl mm lo lmplb meal my Innovnllvn Hui To morrOwwlllbINllle hull my IIJnmml 111 Ml lo oh dd lodny In duration un will In alum mm mm fond ol Cum Juno zlluly You nulls onnnblo ol udllevln pals lodny will WN ln gm mouthed lful In like you lolhn lop IM Jug Mug ill You on lol lullnln mourn Inday You Mdnl IYN IoorL llwyll wok II vro hold mounhlolry lrxn Aug 215ml Your wlllbe lo enloynbln dlsmlu of more lorlnl lnuru slop Mm Nnnlcr luvn Inn 11 Sept 50d 21 Dont your em lodny lo ndvlcn on DYWIII mole There ls mlrucllvr way you can nu mutiloru wlo Oclr mm to vary enlcrprhln and lnlUVl loday ol olforla lowrd mnIerIII Today will prove leil llulun lNW 11Oct 11 wlll Ind you nllmllvo Amalia today Youra lo cvmmnnd conslocroblo whorve you no com imageSum or pr WI be anxious Io Clem Youll ruller norno In Mll not done nmn no AW nnlho mun la howl nrn nullnhl today Call than ll you hall mad nlbrr plnoa CANS UM llJh 231 Bolnvlnl ruhly could hamper yourmnndpulyonlnnbnd lml In In of Albert rm Yourl nlIIl In undo where bold duh In plum an be Ichlmd Pul Inln onunllnn lhn INch youve been hulllnl about VIRGO Alli Ba valor Ior Ibo chm Warm Inmllul In prom numrunn the nusl Punch potion and be my protable HEM 1W OCL You mlm Irel ynun beln oresst lo do mouth which has not born welllno loulr II you ll delay wIII bl belle or BOORPIIT Oct Nov 22 You work ml lodny wllh end who hnvu now rush our ny mm only vrllh lhls II wibll nlommlus Nov an 11 ll you bnvo mull do Lllrtlll urge lo gamble lo day no Ibud Follow your lo nllncllr GOOD In play Ion allots CAPMCORN Doc 224nm It mm not you lo on one In mull unrell Inln nvprovnl or hwy no nompllnhod lulr lrllIS llrne lounmm In Manda and rellllm on land In them an Al me home at Mr nnd Mrs Mon Brae In honor nl Mr Ian Mn HIMBIICK of le JlmBnu nl Wlllnlpti In Bill Elndalr In nllulmull Punk Ind lull VIII llv In IL Pickzrln 1n unn OMMF WI 1MB Inn Ll mlvnd Ollrlq mom PRFJBWERMN aller Irrvlru luv named the Pmbylrrlnnhmh nl an nth and 11 men In Ibo conmnlbrl hm hm beea lo cnllrm lno mr ol lb church In nrw road In been mil In on proper ly Klvrn by Nonnul Campbell mvl nn enlrnm lo lhl an mm Ihr UM null In Inlde lhn heavy hlnwny run Mr Ind Mn Chulrs Sander Ion nnd Mr no urn Dunn Clumvn mnl 11ml week end nlNlAarn Fnllr lnllo Alana Highland Gama at Farm on Aug nolloed Coal nl Arm Shoo very but In lhelr anpm wk UPNOMII Mr and llm Mould nod some PLAZA mnkwm bin dmind 0d r15F un umnml ml 10 dcllm l0 nollou mall ll ml $90M nl lnlmnl In Norm rm Oulul Ilnno new no Flnu Mon rlwn rpenl lhur Mildly In Europe lllla rurnmcn Mr And Mn Norm Cuwv bell And on uni Mar Cancun lowed ma Imam Put urn or rounlool day Inl week Reed an all Karol Fall dllldnn cl nu an mum ldl ol mm AM mnl marI dm lut wed Cnd wlln lln Canrem Ind nthtl rehllvu In Illa Orlll mm my run on their m1 mkmuhlllomlrlnnl Ind undo Mr Ind Mn lL Woodwnru Mbvllle onh Cuollna gt hlr and Mn Bob Slnddnrl ol CIthII Ipenl lhrlr holidays will MN Sloddnrl at row will smelly pul it MOVING DELHI DIGBI NIB CE 119 ell neno III Ioullrwrgum Nnn Salli wrl Did wronlh ov ary ynnr In Iocll cllluns who hm hm lost ll us over th man In 5mm ncslponod Ibr one dry lhls ye ICERRY DRAKE 1Hqu 20 Mm yum 91 umme llnrrlcnnn Blanche Clrucll Ibo nrorlnce Cool Connors maker II In now many nld llurrlcnne Blanche Inc15 haw calm walrrn can be uInsIormtd midcnly Inlo tally Illr um Mn nm ll mole dulln By Roger Rollen BUGS BUNNY om cnosswonn RELEASE PJL PM WMWV AUGUST ACROI um mom ll norm on law In cum Mmmd mom LHIJH In LIE ElnLtl JUFLI ldllll HLILIIJ L1H IL IIIH Erll TJll LIIIIZIL kill MILIIIlJH ULXIIUHHU I11 lel ljRIIZI HIJ lllll nnmun 13 Llll 31 COOKIE smewouw 10000 nru AIR CONDITIONER 3000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER 23 RCA naw LOWBOV SI 53 $171 WIT rm am mm however lo WW Iitiv AEEGOODR NOW 19 mm Illmu WW ry ny zo Ii uh mum nut tenant or Spuroflhqmumenl hamnlncs Ilnmw ny In Ionlcnl mannaI could be Ibo mm Inn lodny lo um 33 autumn Fob 20 mm Km nm We rlur Imnm sacmom Imommrzlfclrnl usch no mum b3 mg nwurvoyourw hen lorlun this your mill for Van won nnswor th Isl llrno You have Emu hl hm to not lo me but you mum amo WINTHROP louver pollen lo nso communicullons syslem couvm cm lcallons mlem all by luraym In werollon by Ocl ll 1le all pollco the an lhe st Iyllemn alln In Norllr Amer Inzsllcclur Km Cooke ncwnynlem rlll In 911 Iglonneugeumoor rnercr nnfn Ilre imageend lhould or res hroe rocondn wova mmnower ran WWI Pllbllo demand willow and use or heade Io morn lhnn lwo yam Sllll Inspector Gecko all bulllcnock developed throuxh hoary 1M 01 an one mile channel could In the Mural done may wllh by lulnlhng lmnlnnlr In Ilco unborn nl In Oakland nlllr Ind Knnm City 119 uld lhI advnucn lllll Ll de lho road and would ro qulru coordlmllon wllhfcdubl nulhorlllrs for the developmrnl ol wmpnlhle 5mm with other pollen dopulmoms However Impede Cocke nld Ilo can no the dry when pollccmnn can punch out lholl canon number vclrlclo In in rrqulml lo Inlwcr Pulcr lnmlnal Ilnked Canadian Iollco Infor Cener al Olin llu Mullen ll Pollu Inllawlnu and halo III Inn known huonnnllon about lho cur md ll owner appear nl most Instanlnnmnsly on Ill lcrv nxlrlal rcmn so cum or Noll nun AFEW MINUTES ranmu REMNVER 5M RaulLP 10 mm VACKINGI ANKLE wows Axran 15 main RIGHT AWAY IW GWWW mammaan mam InnaImam renew ummrrwnmmn mammnwwmaw RESTAUme FRIOEEAWRVANDABWIOJM mall