Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1975, p. 17

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ANNOUNCEMENTS harsh lands tun Nam not munmo rig It r5 tr tr tat FT 5315 rt eat 5ATUBDAY nocusr so IMHO um ItrmvnmrorW MEANDMRS an Sad at Pl the II 53 mo pm to no pm on Sunday Aug 243125 IstNGO um Al rat llVllIG WTISt or $9 otorzu ll I5l Al was pm InsI le Int rpm 514 pubic MM Winona uaucuonce PUBLIC MEETING he Planning Board Townshlp Of Qro Plan Area the on Washday In IM NI MW 1H0 lorthe Number 1th the putpow of moment Plan me Is to redeslmsto the $8 in in to gilt T3 CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY The Baarte Examlaer wlll not be napoaalhlo tor errors other the ltrst do ol puoueatlhn at any advert emeaL NOTICE OFWOES ONTIIE FIRST DAYSHOULD Immediately DI called to the allenuera ol the Lluauled department BEFORE Mt NEXT MORNING 7282414 17 31 menom Dar mumImp and II um at ml Mn mmraa MT IFIllllIIMI new lulled In more sma sI aIrrrI Vlllllllon Trom uva II van some eovnmtlal no plan my out on May Aw on um Internm Mount slut Contath Toronto am vattlr mntsn tum Al In loyal thoala Itaaoltal am Monroe Auwu Io Tau wIIIIIIn um no In In urn mv or madman Ma Iner ed um mm or at MamL II sum or III one brother o4 om arm oorle mm It INII mxlmn and down mm prom ctmord am no II III amam furII Memo st wow ltml emu Lent pl on Mlle am Deer Thurudlv amk ho ammo Int at al lilnl lento nten mum nlng III on thegslJneOT or pruetttlnz to the publk OtIolnl Pluu ol the on Manolo lmnental ProtectlmAauaulthla the lenlni Area In 1W wtnl plvpend by the I47 Nits We at tho proposed amendmmt my be revlowed chrrlnz bust Reswrcos oesshomlntbeoteoolt Board rumour he Smwerer or On Plumb DONALD llan SweatyTreasurer Oro Pleunln hoard Oro Townspr Oltlees run no 10m some count Phono 706 AdMlllO All ICE RENTAL Iat TOWNSHIP or lNNlSFl Itlnx tllbe dyed ARENAS roe by the Imdenlntod tar ICE Al lthlE tor women Scoeoo at tho lollowln trodes INNISFIL RECREATION DREW MUD THORN10 WMMUNITY DENIRE ARENA mommu aourum ooamumrr mum ARENA LIme tu no pdtodules mum hartme out upon ltd mt be melted by the undmlroed no later then 300 axme ullh prolormco belnl plates to thoeo re tly rocclvod NOUNCEMENTS FOR SAFETYS SAKE HAND THIS To Your BARRIE EXAMINER GREEN Wley can Mndup Innlllll arm10mm will 113255139 Darrle WIEdIdW new roNoLoIIs mums Tl Elna it mmS donors rLowans Dusalw St motor IN MEMQRIAM oanra II In more mumat ourlnmm Mamrat oInum to D8 IVIIY MD II on am we to mm In In our hum youvera IIqu In LoIInolvnmmherad or am Nut fna stray mom Mm and um It Am COMING EVENTS nus sums v1 qu noonIII All It preemtd mun oa ammo anal mums SATURDAY SEPT 2031 11am to pm llama M0 lloole Ind lltotorlc 01m noun out ltckets l275 Includes altarnoon toe Forma lnlorrnattoo and Ileana but mus mono or must nanMARKET am My to AT MOWNS SITE Burl vauootta armour Amen CAINERSALESPERSONS lfYou PlanIt HolidaIyThiaSUrrInner STOPIMYs PAPER ImIthcI shariaI um In MlMqum norIrIa Iva oaunu Inlll at is meritIn an nus Vhlp up young sllmmloz nnrdube tor Ipitudld slert In to oawaeaso lelroot dltox lunle locket Hung and put are all EASYrSElVl Prlnted Pattern est llalt Slua 10 ml llla llll lll lakes yards lilo mo tor each pattern rash eheoon or salutary ordrr Add l5 touts each pattern tor tlrst rlaaa mall sud apeclal handRol not resldeola add erula IIIu tar Prlat plelnly SIR No Address Style Number Send to Anal Manes lho Barrle Emma user Pattern Dept 60 Proms Avenue Scarborouh Ontario MIT 01 ll PAYS lO SEW you earn Io much raoneyl Sud now tor New Bprlna summer Patlrm Cataloal Over 100 psrloere pentapants long ehort styles Pres pattern coupon 15 cents coupon rs cents Sew plus Kolt Dook lnstsod Marley Crslts Instant Senna Book 3100 Instant Fnhloo Book $100 CLASSIFIED ms um ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72o2m Immae mmsemantl one notleu DI lull bl EIVIG preadtno uhlleatlan nan me except Clllll ll DIIPII wtlunenle whlen mm In It Mr am error avbteallem rm Inoaaauaur mnn warn my Aodlltonu words etaw ears or mom atolls use seeIIIenu war we so Ill rmmumwm memo Ivanrr mg ur mum were Inmmvut tilAmmo onlauuno Call otuconnsoaru lent to oald wmun rumour Iorusam we tnuruort hm mmnnm lrr nun use we smut lolll to Na maeollve lnaul our word on mum at Ill Mulle ImrIIana MIV em so tarotuna mt aaIIrtar Ion who walruswallth am nun norTIM not at arman row as peran Illolsnareonamons an em IanIoII em on Illll Al WWMIRI muttm Endgamltu cautn so mourn IaaIneI MT IntII Imamonl lrnIrI mly Illll nm Insertion Io wear Ihll any met warm mom to to betou am to error that an IEjSIARIMY PAPER Th FJHE two day IIth tel xaInIIIII Io Ill ol mun use Inn mIIuInI ar Inner not hinltl Into In IrvIroqu In mlvglgl lot To meleeIvy ravuur man In In IRON naqu enough so 545 no ere111W oran 231443 gone so ET The romp ol the detlred depe on only tholoJ lamllrhltrhm boona at lta estloaol the mm The master bedroom has al inner bathroom asaulle there Is also tnopleeo wash room the north rod of the house who my access Irom kIt chars In porchad hush The tunnel Halo and dlnlat may beat us the modem houoe Illustrated Ito enerous stre and to barhetue rlll no the rlhtol the llIlul my replace make It so ldeal luA lormel party room areu mow none room uit ehun wlodowalmod LthULATE GARAGE will II be necessary to In oulale ell four walls ol so at tachnt unheated Kuroge 0r Inlll It be enouth Dulldln oow polo on lnsulstlnx tho eornmoo wall IIlll ha enouxa lt would no dllterent II that asrslo were heated each as with rooms ebove or normog lnlhe po rsxe In that ease yes Insulate allthe walls momma Mirna Our llvln room psnelltnx EWut llsrdmonrom It rover wt zer prints In the Iictolty or tho Ill twitches They arent the easlut mark to take ell hith out quite lo ol elbow grease Is there type product IIIhth makes lhl caster log lresh new appearances to oelllnz hath been on the mar et tor nor or two They really do rpray an wlpe art The markets housewarer and hard Iwora stores PAINTING STATUE We have cement wlh marhle dust statue oulsldelha marble epoch stlll aparlrle lo the sun but the console Is at tlnx shabby What about palat Inp ltr It lb me pslnted Italus looks even more ltlelesstDut theta onlyone maoa oplnIon Plenty ol etatnu aravpaloted masonry petal or ettrrlor enamel nut youll lose any of the marble dust sparkle Youll also have to antlelpale repslntt logs as lots as you have the statue Flrt suggest your oerubhlurlt with atroo clea oer uslnz Itllt brush and hot water ll It comes out plea and sealer with alllrooee LEAK CURED BY PAINT lhawallpaber under two IItodowe shows evldonea pl rtlrI gt mlsture When my house ta led wlth tau MILD pslntl Wm cure the condIUoul AIllvery well mlghl of ohlla that tI The trouble though Is that the caulkan ba Ween wlodow lrasnu sodald to has melted or tellers away that rain can he drlven Into the crack llludt bet lu It you verlly thls then re pleee any leully caultlnu with non belorh the new palnt goes on noun wanan rnassunnr We are toruhlcrlne mm beyond llmlts ol IrnIrIIcl Housrhnamao CLASSIFIED AD More to In um resulted from thla elaasled Ad In the llarrlo Examiner and the hassle III oalekly rented Auaudsls lheclaoom house or rent hrosdloorn newly plus heat on hydro one phone Nolhlnp walrasults llke ExarrIlner Clusltled ad your own ad nll TZI rear II It an area more nould be Ideal tor turner lorml morale dialog morn la lot bul euIre tbeearue lam rmsv lllD TO BRING Hour By ROGER WHITMAN Severrl eprays lor resior or sold In super You can use any top quellty clean ngoln cohslder rnupla treatments at clear masonry doeoN $259 per mm between than Barrie Dot am new not on Tbealdt openluz garage NAME ADDRESS are In plan ny builder mold put the door to the lrool well It daalrod Although the home Is large its cost prr square luo should hm he below man because pl Rs creoso ttu Pressure of the win ggleol slmple mtmwlsrlloor Not blt drVh ls rolon Plans torDesilo ltd2t ooat tor Indium ood water Thom Torlho tut eel ILN pressure lot by how many eaoh addlttonal set and are up mania you act on tho nause ol plled by reura mall New aolt Ira pressure tank hen fllamo Design or Caoadlaos dmrlonhesel polat the vamp are avallabIa at thIs newspaper kirk to end pump more water olllca lor $150 end or by null until tho pressure ta back to tree coupon below Book one what you want pal pater am told this La a1 artrslm IIIell lrookly llnow Ilmoal nnIlIlnI about lli and onto appzcclate mm help INTERIOR DEGOIIIITIIIG IIEIIIIIs AT BOUTIII emu In IITTeTIOTS FINE FURNITURE CUSTOM DRAPERIES PAINT WALLPAPER anonotooM ACCSCCORIESI INTERIORS Bos ecur um llwy Danielle mom Book sewn edItIou prenatal drains or homes up to new no tt or mun2y and lpdl tent run so IL for li 1mm mloml you had ma Ilocludlog real for hook smnd um Includu IerIr heroes Ea mum and mstltoxt Please check approprqu bortdl and mste remit tame psyshlo to The Bulls Examlncr up to 16m rousre feet or one storey and wtrt are mo sou are rut tor one and one hall and tub slorcy lloolr tIvo shown 91 larger boron 0nlsrlo residents please add per cent to all purchzse orders to cover sale tax presents 95 drslgns Tor homes BUIlDlNGS lIMITED ED Box Banle Til14 Authozedboaler Anneoholdmsnlerns Newlo Slmeoo County FIFE JENSEN WINDOW FACTORYI curls approved we can supplyull your window medal Dmp loto our showroom and Factory on Ronald Oman oll the Parkway to VOolllnzwood we have Irlndonr that ellmlaata the ladder and palm brush wood Iraroesndth eassnal sash Drop In and ll Ill enamel tlrtlsh and whlte place your order today he pru ALL TYPES SIZE DEBAVS AND BOWS HDRIIONTAL AND VERTICAL SLIDERS AND WINDOWS CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR unasunanaurs me Also MANUFACTUREDOOR FRAMES IOUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREF ESTIMATES IIIEII II IIIISEII IIIIIIIIIwsI DEPENDIIBL AND IIEIISIIIIIBIE FACTORY Al RDNELI CRESCENT WLIJNGWOOD

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