RUIN AI III In Ircond lure ImII Iurvro Bolllo lid Imgzlllrlr MB MIME Wu IIJIIAY AUGUST Kitchner In in womens nals gcunm chPluAm NoniUP Onmlo InlryanI xllrnrnrr ThundIy bum mi nn1ylnmumotl1ompetlnr IrI lla CInldlIn Irnlor Imnl Iauball ehurplouhlo morod ol brrlh In he daothnock aul llnle Saturday The Kltdnn Khanan word 101 Ind 70 rlclorlrl over IIInlldsn Ind New Brow Ilck rumour In lend the slum rrd ml Illh pm Imwrmnl Tho OnlIrlo learn ml lb mm IlaIlam Ionrlhor Ind Born 131mm lo IMlluq II lAP Mob ulr Yoxl Berra Irn YInkra chbhmo my phy od on Inc YIIInycumoloII gt an rm nixhm mount Illlly Irlld Ind Ibo Iorwfr NI York Mammo When Balhmore daes wm Ini 00 Cl 01 Cl er Iy TIIEWMTED PRES Hound lor MI In NI ll lllr ninlh Kansas lty Lul mr BymIumo Bum IN my Irmhnd plldlullurlms 5o IrouIII on Irlnnlnll tho Irnl1l SIIILI III ll Ind no hn uted Brown IIng Inn Ion lIlo lor JlnI hodyn wlnoor unlll Nobody Roylennd rewardrd why The Drlnlnn Ira rlxhlrhn dor broIlI mm dd III In vklory IlmlIu Io hwmo rho lho Illh wllh doubll oll Son 11me by Oscar Gamble and lengurI llrIl mmm wlnnw Foucaull Innr IIIIIIIlelImk Guso llnIdrlrk and Frank III III down Tuna had united mo Roblnn Dolly loom mnlomudo Ill ume lomrrdln In Ivornon lob my run II Elllo llrndrkh Ilnzlt JerryIIlnlrnonI llobrrnklnz ll oook Illlllmln The Mory lled Bull All In for he hlle Sax In In lnnl holonlhoy pullod lend over Imulolonlo nlIIh Irman no llm haul hlI IIHv IV moo ml Mary ol the year on IIII ml ololhn lunarIcIn Jlm1loll dva In no run handrd the Ynnlora lhclr Illlh Ind scored Iwo Io load Oaklandoornlln chnII 3mm 53 Innlull Ii Illlwoukeo vlclory Ihnl Down Johnson Ilnglod wrlh lndIInI Ilcloolod KIIIIII Clly dlho Brnlmlhrlr lIdlI onI my Ind Illmld Io nor lI Ind Moo Whllo muncudro doloIl Ind onIhlnl Bill Id New York Yuma on NI to him IInolr AL wm ll holorn win on llnlrolonn In hIIoIIINIUonnl um lord Dllf Gly Indl Noah lo rrnlru Km noulnl Cub ill uan know hpr lmm Inch ultx oarI 70 1110 Ill lrIllIn word In Inge whooholkod up NI ml 1W MI lhI lwn hen llln lhlrdlnrdumhrn all do we rum III do luau oul Ilrd plmd IoIIIIN on ler Illrk Ind Poul llouxchel ul horn Mllmomn Brooks ol AroundmIInd uorrd Illll Illa lIhI rombluod or Inn Ilrsl Ilohlnmn sald ol IIlrnrr IIIIIJMIII Ilnsle OIlIlnnd Wenl nhulnul bylwo brotherI ln mom Word IIIIIII Bolh IIlnwr Hlnlhelourlh Ind FuryIIllowod lwo rIIrII rIlondod Ilogl Ind with old In hmm In doublnd Ind Izond on IIlnglo Irate Innabur ohllr IIlrnor by mm mm In rho Ix allowed mlyllrn hlII III In IIorIl llonlason noted mus Perry wu booml JIrIdoI Brow had been to lock ulnxngflor as iNYIirst base gocich anv dex roar Illrrrhllrod dm no as on lloll unhoncball NIIory Ihy Ieumnu mnln and the Yullkul mm YIIIIII or II yearn III nonprle lho YIrIlIIThurI cmlrd Dorrn oI Ihnlr No munnger New York Ilohl 0w nlghl unonl shod SIo nolrhrr lsIIINIwIIIIIh Innan wlll roIIIrn IIIINow York YIrI Illum Ignlnsl Chlcngo Whllo km III lhrlr hm hm mob Box Assocth IrrII Icomod noum ol lho moo Iold Ilhurrdny Mnrlln Ilked llama II he had And holll cumnl Yank declllod wholhrr 0o om lhn fbmllno roochu moon llow YInkm ollcr ol Iho Ilr hm Inl II Ilrol haul Ind Dirk llow coachlrlx loll Ind Burn nollod mnlddrdwlllllkcly ho oulol Sure ho more nml onlllellold bl whcn Iho WI rprlno Iunon boom Ill won nlso ll hos born rchlrd Ilnrlln lurnnd vlll nolnnoounco rrrII hlrlnz Ilrrrn marloud Inc lmrncdlolel bocIuso ol IlIn el Ynnkl lulill and mu red nllcr llIn lonm loot ho World Sorlr III olon Imu loIslI holulrhhnhulolholmlhuIII WI Lnr lnnll rnol wlll Ion wll lhn conch do hrs NUMNNIIII hlI lormur learn Howard who plnyzd looflhll olIIIIIGEVILIn PROGRAM 53M Ero ArIwnnI Sluoshol IEIIIII lllco Plro Im In Ono Illlo Conroy IlosI Tumult III IIlrlnwn Ilan Aubrry Whllelool II Norlhwwd ll Euler Ilonun Proud reporlnrl III on ollerrll lrvnl olllco posIlkIn nIIlI llIo lnm bulle no he ollcrod In other coalMn Illlon llouler hm so hour IonII wllh lIhII Yonkers loo mm yoan llo hcllclrx IlIllII Illh Iho Yanks In now up III In Ilr and ha ho Ill be lolII wllhln low wrokl whclhcr ho wlll he H1 hem noxl ymr Incl ll ml hove on lho mull Illa warban Ill Ind because holding own In OFTINA CI lllclllird Nnkon ol Tornnlu Inner ol lho louIdunder Ilnuloa IIII war In tho Canodlnn lunlor IcnnlI chomplonnhlpr hohllnu NI own Io Iur lnIho IIIonnonllor rllvlulon In this ynnrr llrlllnll mom Nnkon ho posllxl lw Howl no III In lho llIandIIndor Iln glrs molthlo III nook In ounrlcnllnall Eloy Inn In Illnilrdlhl In unryz DWI WWI mum he boat Ihlrd Iml devrnlh Ilm Im Ill lum Dnvo BrokerolVInqucr $1 0600 70 In mnlrh lhnllnnlul ilnghhlllom Ihrvr houn If noonon Illck Jon Micheal Dolby II Alon Anvll only Do LllIII loxrf Vlo Arly Flnlh Alix IIrkwoy SoIII lmnlrnlrnm Im In rum llrIl llIIe lrol II lIIrro mo Ono IIIlo llnoIlIllon Royal Uzy0 Volley IlollcrrIler NII IlorIo Jomho ArIIln Cam llullel lusmllow rumInn AEI Gonna Blrclron Ono Mlln Deldml llonllro NMlyhoIlco a0nlnrlo Lad Nellhl mm Slllun Mod Nlhklo Dell llodnoy Dlxlownvn IIE Doc Sponm All Doccan shallow Tolrd Ilnrr Ioco II lurlo Ono hlllo Ilo Ilvlnw hlIIy Ill SnIIlII gn Mrnllor Spud Alol 5Scorlcncu Klchrrry mu IloyIl Men WW II no Md AE Kurm DIIchoII Fourlh lllrrr IN Ono Illlo ILInlnlnL How Do Doro FlluCholcn Como IVollry NIIIcyI noy llndyI Nohlo IIIIIqIImIlorI lloy Dlml 1X5 TRUCK ROMIEO TORONTO CII llIlplI llll horn ol Gould anloy WI Iron In place In lho rlnnlonnlo Irhclorlllvlrlun ol IlIo Onlnrlo mlrlr nonllm IMnlllllthlp Thursday ul ho Cnnnllnn Na llonal llxhlhlllon homo Vlr roe bl wromownr llrol In llIn Inolnhlvlruclr Illvlsoxn ond John MacDonald ol Ilrarn on Our won the lunllomax lrnclnr llan mo Ono hlllo Mn Sully LIInarIlc locust Don Gull Ecol lmy Jul llIIIllI Don MI FAIR RESCUE SARNIA Onl CPI IllIr Moody Mover 20 Ind her Icwnmnnlh old Ion Anlonl ol noorhy Cor gig Fa ur mom Dnl worn Nmml rum 11 lg 62 Clnlr lllrcr IIy marIsl EIoIllnlKlnslInw 41ther ller hlrII Khln lml ronlrol or Mr Inlnmobllr and II do In dump hllnrod llIlolhq Delilah Rb HEN Il WW IIIIIIIIron Cll lmrla lrnllr llllfr Im ll PIIIEI humor 18 ol IorIIIrIl whn moo 1110 all why In to noon Ono Mllor roI IlqudIy lo IIlolo llln AEI Doctor Doll smllhI Knl hl Vhlo Canodlnn lmlnl allon Alums El 19 CDMIII III AIlocIl lvcnn IIIInr sonlonro and Ill llIro Im ll Iurro tool My no word one wrolr lo rolum In her mum 0no Illa mm DonllnlonI louIIlIyler Ibrolhcr Joan or WWW ll FlooldI MrnIhIIrvl Ill llImlllorI was Ind law or momh Inc mrarlno mm II IIIqu llovonnh Lot III hold old Iourlal lIcI ll Ium II heno urollon Von PrlmIBIodI 39 lhm Hall for Ii lehlliu Iulnnl Lon An lu llkk Mondays Mer omrr Ind Josh ourdrnnls lvm lhat In Mbll paRd CNngoInh ll llrsl hdllndlh lI hndhccn Dull NS nodal In ll IIIII Irmela Edrmnlon Illurr momendnc AIborILhIennmrdnd ran vrIp up mod ollco Ind Ivgul mlal plmll ll Ihey rnn sol by New Brunwlok lo dIyI AlhcrlI WI IIIdmrd In plckln In In Iy romln win brhlnd In our NorthwulTerrlInrlrI In Ihn mornlnd nod lhen work olnnlnr run In the loo oI lhI Imoh lnnlru In In Illtmm IM Irlln overNon SNIII All Ionlnl 70 In DolIrloI New llnmswltk heal NVIH TlrIrIInymlgh lo Nth lholr mold II hhllo Noll ScoIlI has II rmrd Ind IlInlIoba 53mm IIIrIAr Aner ler elm lost In borln Nun SroJI rullered norond delrol In IhoIlnIl ulna SI Cqthdrines defeats 0511an Imhvlnnlnl llllll by Dunn nulloy gnu Sl CIlhIrIan MI Iarklls no wln nunde uvor OJhJWn TorrI II III on Inrln InIlIle 1mm game In nLnr nrllon Dmlllklon Annasltr Irorlrlonm downed Nono anan Global In IhnIIIm IrnI ol donhloI hudcr but Mom romn hock III wIlI the WM IIImo Slll doublchcnder IIIlh llcllwlllo II cllzd her In lho IInII III Iworun lrI ln lho olzhlh Wg Ind drove rn Al Immqu IIIl IlIIglI In no Iorn Winnlnx Wthll Km llhnrn Igaln up nloo hr and mud our Iu hallcrI Wane Oollry look Iho Ions nlloIIlng I2 hlII Ilrcllmnnhll homo run or Sll Calhdrlnu nhllo Junk Slled lnrl hnmrrul In con In Illullngloo lhn llrIl umn drugged Inln Ihn Iolh lrInlIIll boI lore Ilnl ernp doubled lhrn Moral IhI Ilnnlll run on Dan hlrhn nlnnlr AI low Ihrew IIIn lnnlIIuI llurllnglon bolero lIn wu ro llcml hy Ilnnlnx pllrhcr Illll Dmnan John Young who Vllcml Ill IlnrlIn In tho clglllh lnnlng rook IIho loss Singles Ivlnner lronI lost your tennis ilohmey In IrInlIlulds ludoy NIIon laces lIlI hlwsl Iesl lodny nhrn ho moon ml Ierd John lItllln ol Norlh Iluronoy ILC Evrnu have advanced Io lho llnnls In the IzoIIdIlndcr cl ln bog Iod lrls rl Ito wrll lo alrl In rundor IlnI Illox IlIe youruer JunlorI ploy Ioday and mo lIycllroldl SII unloy Ilnnldoy ol Ihn Illlnl mom In llnnls lodoy Mun llncko ol Toronln wlll mm MINI Woo Ionhnlmool OllnwnIndIAIIno Illlerokllry III lcncln IIlIhrrIo Illl mo Iolso IIchonol oI Tor Ionlo lloclm Ind Ills Merm Icy Irn mm llrnl whllo Wot IrIIlIolme II Iocond hIlILI lllcllonuld was IIIIIoodod bl ldur II 33 Dnul loyc no II In lho llrsl IOIIIIdIIMi Sylvlo Iclreaull ol hlunlreal no In lhl mood Thn llnnl llnndnnoor Ilium IIll mnldll IlrIl rm Moran Dlnclrwood cl OIIIWIOBG Ith no Urn Econ ol loroolo Soh In FOR RENT ll CAllS RENTED IlIIrrIr Ihrdroorn um um hroIdloorntdllIlnl Ind III In room Ind hIll no room Erleln drlvr Illnllru lol FOR ACTION worn ADS RESULTS CIllIlII DARRIH EXAMINER muu IIIroIIo uhlla Krmo looIIhnl or Innnlm by 51 HInIIohIIIM MIqu nunm In Mahmou IlIhIHrorordII ow out IndI mm Inddtnlnd to EC am In dun In NIIII II WWI In other Imurnundnm Slillcbll Idll 0TIMA MUG IUD record dropped anmndlInd Handy Juno llIII lorml lummnlu DonOowirlmInd In Imc Thqu nlcsh Liry Clln In CH lnlrrhxl ICIIImluI CleIfy Inn In Ibo rr slalom lumer Id how lulu moorFM oprcrlrlnu mm lIlInd Ind IN drch Ila our tho Iioo In gum wolrh boIh club look turn In lrylnl In III II 11rd who non Mn Ind In Iwr mm In Nrwlounolud Ind Prlncu Edrd Ind IIdllI In Yukonllwhim Inlour KIWI CALGARY CF Cnlnry Mom loom lInIl II SIIrnocdm mndn ll look my now In mndronln pm In mum um um In mm In to mull lor I1 polnu In the 11m Irkrl Ill plIy In llama Ind loyrd no 0llIwa o4 mlrlnoclool or III Illdcn lor the reminder ol canola chmlanwo lllle rune rn roula loI In held by anxxwrr lvl lhI IIII htlr Canndlnn Foolbnll League Ihm non lnzerlocldnzrnmr Quhrlerblcl Jon Piuroilr rr covered lrom Ilrlnl ol urly mm loJurlII rpukrd lhr early bum ullh olnpolnl pall llrr Tom FolLIIII mII lor Ihu emu nyud lmxhdown JuIl more IhIII mlnuln lIIerI Vern Robcnon olclld oll our by Iooldo Cordrcdxo Hollow and run yIIdI Ior Cnlgnrys Ircond Ionchdom Prom lhnl pIIIl rII Colnry delI Burllnxlon III 10 on Ill1m IIInl nm by Kemp ml Vrm mwbindngvedulo 3an In Bu or mud on Ind Tom PM Many In mo who hack III III Illllo opnor our hllI Io Ilo Ibo nmo II 31 oory llrslq um with unlll KempI ml Illnln no yard llcld III ho Ilnol Iy ml II or ndod lwo more mm pl 0m mind In Ildd ooh or III Ollnwor polnlr loss lnc rolnl moved YOUll 0V EsrscIAIIY WIIII HA TOP CAMPER on IIIAVIIIIIIAIIEII or Stanlps mcllse it look easy in defeating Ottawa 2376 lot Includlnr mm In llInf rd concrnlrulld on ball coolle ll ll sol excdlrnl wood from nmnln bark Illo Burden ruined 103 yard L1 cIrrlus II was 11 Iounh rumour gum LIIII mwn In Non ho Iumssrd LIo mnrd mark Including II rll rn produc llon Cngnry gnlnrd only III yard MIMI lomomd vnlh In lor Ollm Ihlch was In by Arl ElmII loInl at 63 yards In 11 cnrrlu Calgary hd Id llrn douru In Lhrre lor cum Pllamk all on IS cl lot 11 yard nhllo Clclt Inrn and Hollow lramul or II romplrlloru Illrrnots or yards ho lrnprlvhn VIIJ CQISIHI ollcnsnc II um ro Slumprder play rosullrd In loss In port or Ghanas rrorn Irm was In lm In oslahllnh llrld ponhlon prlmarlly duo In noyurdI and roughplay penal II on punlx One Irpnront ringlI polnl wns called out loud lor rmnnl rowan will Imam dinmm Scot uhen llndy Unlerrlla goat lhotoumhl llcooommlulon rIlnl llncmnn low and Irvlfcxrlml would moran Inrc on Dlrk Allan lnlo Ilr Inllr Izdnnnlon klmo and mud Nut Bombmlor new In the Weslcrn Worm 011an has two VIII Ind lotto rats In rho Enslrrn hormone Tho llouxh Rldcra Ibo loll mm In If Intel Suhlcbnu Muir rlderr Sundny III llrrlnn In the com hIlI ol Ihglr Water AIIIIK Clrmenlr loohd lmpmnlvn duran bl brlrl prrlonnmce loynrd pmandrlm plIy loop all In tho limoM Ilollovrn all lhn way In lbolsnl Mler lhr Slumprdcc to hop lly WI eslnbllshtd milk mun WON SMINIA Ont CF Slur lllrr who mlnnnl Ihlrl ol Ibo rIJno marl Imu hwrnshln polch Calgary by Nov Bellows IIIIcII UP Io THESE snvrnos I975 BELIEVUEDELUXEI 23 lrnvel lrallor fullv equlpped Includes 750 lb hllch lransmlsslontcoolor brake con lrol lwln 30 lb propane bollles licence wlrlnq Llsl $6995 II $599500 hm orllnvur shrrns aloopor hardlopl Includes slow sink ice chesl spare llroI curlnins ic wlrinq lisr $1495 $142500 I975 BEIIEVUE DELUXE sleeper hardlop lncludesd wnv rolriqera lor l0000 BTUlurnnco doublo20 lb ranks lic wiring LISII$2950LI 27500 I975 oIIIrvur sum 43 NEW 1975 BELIEVUE SUPER Speclnl 6slqoper hnrdlops Includes slave sink boxjdll curtains spare Ilro llc wlr inn eleclrlc brakes conlrol unil opllonnl ox Ira List $l895 $1795 I975 BELLEYUE SUPER sleeper hardlop Includes spnro Ilro lc wiling lIsI $ll95 125 gnomes 1975 BELLEVUE 16V FOOT TRAVEL TRAILERI Bosss Demo usedl weok Includes wnv rofrlqoralor and taller 10000BTU lurnaco double 20 lbIInnks llc wlrinq broke con lrol Liar $3895 sleeper hardtop includes spore liq Wir s101500 Ihg used lweek Iisl $1175 WY90llMILBWESTIOFTOWN Wnrmoaun nonnInrzugzo