art se air ii an gig ad is 23 23 53 iii gt or Al $8 no tuna Item it INCHESI will to root the lnr tb militiaolden F9 Idiom lawnrid will mod Eigii Eli Egagf ii on an mi um thanyltlenihthaahoe 93 par can nival at in midla Cant 53 15 it it nigag Begin mike ii tr rt iii ER 52 at is 22 or FE EEEEEEEH lt fpolierorctoltriown ion smugglers BOMilAl ici rhe well nruted own man Irwuehed Bomber railway II the train was Ibomto luv for Abv neighborln plulol iii pl MW Boon g2 eutwhed when two otmd his couch tha turning It Altmetharl IIled ihey we turn the lion midi The when oontolnod lwo bouiu oi moth whisky The yroieaaorhId become In un vim outlet of liquor Inlo Abmedtbld Ilrlot radiation Illalv Polite have warned hvrllers be from PICK lttun yIuanzPra all lint min will boy contain v13 that roundly lanbldin cl Vista at brill Ind by rrlmlrui my to mow liquor an no 23 must not It noun heathbonnet arias watcbu and Javanese textiles mm mnwl Under new indlsn worm malt roguldlon lunar Irileln mod abroad be owned only when theta in per mum cttiillm lo they hid beenbrought into the counter rlill in Itrletor police measures to chock arnuullnr crimlrld gangs are Mn novel mellaodl to gamma goods emftie ou M1110 lllnbnruhira ALI ball der poiioa mks tutoriu chem ol Ilalterwnrnrstl betteta to find v1 ll luxury ntllclu uninatlrtl ironital then In bob Imuulod In via Gillan auto The Gujarat policeon ot ehru 1mm lilobaraalzln to tea lI Japanese tolevlllon tell are hiddenbcbwlbomoundlof lmh tweetevnelllnl hey 5mm nomad doliIri worthofxmadpodom annulled leev by not cry units or cooksiowvr IYHMUORIE ILDRED Torrid Temperatures On Mumml Lona lI reverted to have reached degrees lma provide beai uly shade and even protection Iralnal ran all it Wu un forum to Iota to many vbon in Int Iltey urn nllhlunly slammed NM peopled wi lllu It the time of ii wid ealn of hi way No 21 connec tlnxvllnk rough our village WI mlumur eallhy lovely free that stood to lively minim llulied alum illm Ian service on Sundly Aug 17th bu been cancelled due la llerituaSimde Servlco vhdl Md II he led Church Oanelery at mo an day all JACK Kell Will offlcllle Ahmad tale lunch will be served It hum of blr nd hill Alkbvliell in one rIln eervlu Ind lunch will be dyallollettamh tructtwntnur lllu Mary erm dlu ler cl Mr and bin ivnn WT exchang ed marrlsue vows with Eulene Much of larclio on in Au Illt Ii Narlh AdlelI Church Bot oeptlon Ind time for over Ina est followed al the itzinn Mn wmsuuuoiwuw In visited to Mentme WI on Sun Aug ltd atoll Slnlill demonstrated his Inl niIlurI no mill at the morn nod Aulormilva Show on the Instead The lovely Carr ruideneo mu wu lomerlybwmd bl the late Mn BM beat Mid An auction sale of household lots and dials any Ion on All on iuia Donald Smith at lot Aurel Calllornla bu returned AilH In magma works say It ml Ipsr Mt Itd lira lieclor Emlth ATTEND BERRY DAY number of WM 1013 Ilool with other from Thom ton and Allitlon areal travelled bylbus to Oshawa on htiurday Auzurl 91h lo attend Drr Day for the BiIrit Lhtl There were cod Mr lovely weailter or throw llilllil liam to announea the Irrlvr ll of baby boy Bl va ea lb ll or on Au 1m to Reverend ui Ind Mn Prrirln broth for Man II MLtI chrltla Arnold holldayed lull in Million Cwthij my week will her Iutlt tendrn int lilo woddlru were MIL lloy Dovmey in Alllllou ourElectoral One day this weekanrerdn Thursdays FndayorSoturda youre goin to be visited two Ontario action Enumeratott who will identify themselves Theyre just two of the 40000 pleeole who are com piling at of qualified master the Ontario ElectionThtyfllbsk you thenameofcveryone 18 Ind over at your address who is Canadian citizen or British subject and hss residedin Ontario for at least 12 month preceding Election Day With this information theyll put together the Ontuielist of voters new list is compiled for unit election To not if you have voted blm you must be included on the new lilmuolelhiriimt Remember the only way you will be able to vote on Eiecrion Day September 18 to be on the list of yoters And the best my to get on thI lit is be enumerated Its that easy Keepyour Bowman proof of enumeratiom The Enummtorb wilill out Forni 105 with your name and address and give you copy of it which you should herpuuti Election DIyScprttnberie Spacclbprovidcd onthcfontttoahow Inna llin piaoerltirgoberg andaddress 1FromAugust20t0123thevEnunterat0rsforthe Ontario ProvincialElectionwillbecaliingonyou Check the Ltst thon time after enumeration takes pirocthcllstofvotmwlllbepot oursreasudatyourliettumngOioeta address Check it and make sure that your notnctud Iddrcsa are correctly listed rand enumerated but will be mg subdivision and unable to vote It polls because yed in long distance trarupom ber of the Canadian forest on Ictive duty din In educatiomlinstitution or ou unable to Ittcnda po your Electoral Burner Returning if you are qusliiied voter absent from your poll the regular or ad you are empio you are mem you are my men are physically htndiotpped on you my wit bypr In ou with to vote by proxy contact our number It on your proof enumeration lace If Oiccr whose Form 103 fllaryI nurdmotbmdlrth rIayonAr lDlh Mr and him larnu Omit vldtor from Odom II tba mdsom Nell and link have lulled much illtrlu ll Mn trimmed borne tram lourzVrvumn moilm of Mn PIul visit will illn DutritLParkln tnlallvu near bellast in Norlli lllr and Mn Wilfrid fillroy at rolroialidaionlwilhalouroluaiphlpmtsubdaywllhml Scotland and wand Albert Gum pnbttihdbynemtiernlecnqn amortization