LNMWMIMH WMWM DMoaulan MInIgl EdIIII rumour loom Infme PCs taunt the foppOsiIion by standm on the 16001 Tho book room bob oon go on rho In IWIB of oplrdon lIhuI no om will pollnml mun molly Imow unll 18 wholhol 0M3 Mo Devil Im II lad or ootlallod wIlIl Program would Icy lmlo Mav Jl IIvI Comorvntm WI mo hopo ajlml oloo Im om Wllllam om mu PCIIIIoIlacdonlllpwlllIao Important lulu lell Ilundon IhIIr mood whldogot av Inmwm lllllo blomlahod or IImII erII ouch Dawn ll Ilmdaoul oa Iho mono nototh as Tommy Dom McKoouoh of rho ohm parry loodon bu sinan and rhino own In Pony urnn how boon honlno Iholl Illlogo or Imulhowlndoolumdolohlmohoul mmHouryum Iv him PClelllokodeolIthnp mum law In tho Toryzmwlon opposlllona mmpolgn II they willbooconllmlng ortodron whom galnpuhllc Imth wllh llulr attacks gowmmonla loodmhlp and may pol onlodml Irmgy palklu icy 11w Llhoruls IIooelolly mold ho Moon NixorII Uhorolo and Slodhcn hordnpmud lo cdnrpolgn piwinclally LouII NOPIrI hopo Io lay In on Inlogdry havlng Io dalond lha lIdalol leorall murmur ll All IN TOWN hula koala Magoo IMO Pnporollom bolng mo or loo Nollonal Roglarrolion Aug l92l 06 all cirixenst ital Canada morn Ihan I6ryeanol ogo mml and on own lag al trio rayon It llngullhod mm cl caromony on or drum woo lonol Garry Lu Bonll now commandant dIrComp Boy den Geneml Challman Wllliam Gomor amounud all plan um undo lor LIonsClub Slmr Frollc or Pool Olflu II Pmldont thhmond mm May E3 Er Mlllam Campholl Elmvolo hardwar mmbonr owolnlod lloglIIrar Icy Nonh ffSlump Thoma Dawson Coblurown EH if 50th El Fl do Id Id oddimlrr Bum EmeII rwgiu may Inorroa narprou IIlIonvvpu 97 and oponmanla on Gun Rood ha devoted to war sorvlm Sooond nlorlor oferI Elln McDoaoollI dlylBaIIdllO Grey ISlmcoa Famlm lMII Aral Blonnono Wyagrgledllo IhIIIIrIngwgghfn holes wonluo NloragonrhILako or InlonllvoIwo to play thelr nlne WI MIh Io MI common ImuhIca boIIor ulna mumm um Inov Ioddor and window wlndow MrI oo boll Irolnlng Headquo Ir Co Mopoupollahmhond lmm uuleoln BanII Arrmyrylu In command Dur so mm olhor pulloutII IhlI uloo colImus mm mm mm wIIchlaaWo mah oolaloawllhuoanrhoumom woman uolwrocallnvwoalha 33 II org ErrE Ero 5E 55 oporrmona no WI 13 mBordonGvbIl CopIAT SIErmI LowlI on molohordon Lonnlnon Ilm Roma Charla Do olMIdhurII WW would lookal Cwloy plIMnIMlqlnga Airbag dls IY mm motummy Inlaor CoIIIor 15o Unllod puhIIcoppaaronco InnI lsdrlll lnolruclcr monarrlo dlolrcln we InlerIalnII II omohol Churng Anorhor olou of 35 Ian IomuwIIh man than 200 luduaradJronrNo Sorvloo IyIII OuallormaslerSorgecnl II Murray wmwmm ul UII nor and an Ltk mun an mm ow um 50 low mm In all behind man mod ml marchhh um hm mmonoolvhlchwulha Ilm mm mm mm hmmoaweaml Ilom Ibo mo ColdmuMdlml vm Nonmemwewnuwmn WWIman maallmwnoral tho aourlo Jondtlatonloqllhotnqmpho mlmonomm In on Bestonng Allandqlenbeach pommoa that you cannot Ideallly Per phofum erln lhITullllaIhaad dIIIvela Io lho Euler IhoEIrrIo Ex rm Ilrllne Box 310 amla AM no The Eunlnerl Inlomled In uhllshf In those uhlolorlcal momonh you cannot IdoIIIIy Iho Icon or III poop In II perhapo Iller reader can CIINADIIIS STORY Bullololrdlsonpearod Cl good move for the Olly and lndlans1srarvedj IIrn photo In wIII be proceuod and ralurncd In known Another md or my humble to mm mm thm Al IIllI comanod Ihoul aucIIIonI aboul III old mm Mm AM m4 be null mm In havo Ilvad hm III my Illa lucky uo waro Io halo Illtlll Io many yam BulIIIo woo Ih II IIth In ILMILIM men ma pIIurd Io Imr math pIIca Io Iulm Im new peoolo IhII loovo am my lnllmllgwlliam mm um klllod you would lry Iad hava III IIy lwo dauthm on Coolon hero mull Ind II Io IIIIIIIPIL uaul ulllm mm lawn and mum hoach hm ml In Iol lol man II on otho Pralrloo 1mm gt manlllgofylx Idded ooma heauly Io har IIIIS IIAIIY FENNOIIK Ilo col oI Norm Wl mortal Wm In Women prepclrjellvpamph1et on Welfarejjwoes Ottawa at In Ironl ol Illa Allandllo mallon Iln Io lad thal ua Ira and II hllnrlI PI II wu bun mun lo Aloudale on It no IIon lonqu dlIIcY monk momma fmquwwu dlooopoar III DlIcIlool 0r hm hm um and Palaan IaolIna Man YOUR BUSINESS mums morons umlla Im To as prlces SOCI lake mm Ihoa day luau lum Thoy hooded Iho Douala Ivoa polal Yol cm Iho food no MI 11 Natur am roll TonImam Councll look now Ill dolloulllllnrr NVlmvllll go when 3th ohlalaod mu mdrlvo horda hot lab leI womm vlha collocllv IIIVI mpqu mu own omao an In Wo In romlnded dolly oIIIIo Poallry hurled IIIII laarn Iboln Ihall Hulls lraplxly oI hungorla loosdovelr dumpd polulou douoyodoll mud mame mum IIIIIIrI AnaIyII rpm naxII Val run world Iow In Iho name ol auolao Iad prlro Iloull Io lladlcm Ialormlon Thamlaa NEII Iorvloo Canndldluwauld dIlem IIIII malaldunoo wllll no Ihoufh IIIII culntry III Ipeclal llvrarll Ilvon In In aIzr Thm Ald Iponslhlllly la by Inorow nu ma homma uao Io looll down arm al IIIIII ondlho lunllIdm Ind nvlau whor boy could Iborn hm who women IM WM IInd Ioollnl Ihala rllo laIrkol In our moan and 19qu New more II amlap concern ready Ihoro Iho pImphloI ox lalaI av mum mm Iv ahlo mv IcoI lo lhohuo raulu aom want to no lo loom Ono pol II 0qu our and allot mla II no lo ho lnIImldIlao nad Ia domaad ovaran lhII II duo ILII Iloo ml abovo uIlal uxl udkl on Pal IdleoI IhaI lI Ill IaIII ooh Ilorlcsollla equal Im Cowl zdwanun on wdlm man In tho Inlroducllon la lhelr pamphlall collad IIoII or Vlomon oa WIIIIae hvlno think mIrI Ior MING Dorolhy nun Illd RIM Solomonmote II clear MM 13 mu lo Iouoallor hurlllal hullalo who my my in WI mlrlclodlrom Alla II to mm wmv on Nov II round Io lho lull ol Iha huIII uuld tho IallnaII II booama IhoIo comorxllnol ll lho CaaIdlaa vlclllnl oo Ono ol Ihr mum wh lho EplIvrl rdulronroomngl NWIIP wore omnlwd Inll Illoalanalh Ia paIroIVIho rrIIrloI WII Io Walnurllhl IIrlIoIIIIL loo Invoao year IIaaaIpIrIl Iad pmloclpd VINCENT EGAN human and Camuer no wuro 5mm ho ammo and Ilauahlortd new no Inlllad Io um 5Womal wallara lIva In luIlloa In hat mold bull II III hallo IoodI aboul Iho Iky ol markIIlnj much on Illlrll on IaJKlll WlIlo lol lllo Darvon vudod Ih IrIllIeo Imm loo only IllIlr lame and Ioar ol hav as their rhoquu 5521 mhmgfcmyf cm allwnm lu oodlo AIwIII rrolomyre moan vowo Ill prlmary MarlaNod Med of sway up In crdouJIlIco by Iho davlll Urn UnltroSI pum oholoo WIIIIIIIIM prohlhllod vmuy In Hm not III II man Pooplo on modal Ion II MIII wlm Iho CanI 0mm Am Em hold Bull camol upodIlI mllrod dlan When Board mm mll Imlloalraha molarod 0o pooplr am amazed In Imlnn an of mllllal who and warp NYIromm1m Inlaan Io malooala unqualo one nlllllollmoldularaa 1111thth Wlllloln arlllrod on In 1115 Im oI Iood orlm In 1912 when Iho SovloII WE ISuoboo mum oI ll Po Ihal me nullII per mun olocod hufc Irr UII IIII art la monthshull lnVIhhu my vo om uaIn IllsAer o1 Unloa nu muIl ralo olalmou 2o por mi our0n mm Amoco Io mach would ha tanul mull loam In bursmm InoIIlolollIn am In own rum look my Iho dumber Iavlln mosa Mlodonald Iho lodaml and prov III solr Only III who ll loomed lhol loloallau lo III mlm II In hocImo Privy counsellor Iramonlo may food quolII 115 11qu Izod mm Editor oaIIpI ullm Hahn man rm ud Ihould ho rounded II no II 409 word old Ihoy mull ho Ilnod DIIha III III ho Iloor pdcoamd almond mar m1 IhaI lod lo and Ihorlues pahllohod IVIIIm IIIon II Maluu Iodlobo Indooll Ilnfmlm DIqu gulf glued how you run Ioono Mu ll mull mm Euro IIIII homoth ha Io znmum mlnbt laualllu hul our haauu women on wrllara Iro hIraIIod Iald Lea Illrmvlll who llII been on QQEEIIS PARK 3m umhm III1 mm to mourn ll Bayllold Wool One publication holdulllmllhl govI should do Bin 051 mnlmlh or they mom wm Iholnla Iul lhoy not alone W4 rh lIloorIlly llluolnllod WW population mm loan mm mlrlnloaa um um no mnu pm who do second CIIII Mall HIM vlmohlel II wrlllca 0W Jim mulch Ihal our problem II In muc moran mm mum In dollhrrololy chaly Iona Wmm NI lt AM II In min div MOIImam oI load poodw III III om lollor or Cory may SandorIInd agelgllmg It nId mm mm Ilmgi glam gov 15133 Ilon Iolllnpnodeprwod prlcoo ammo tcl CanIgol annulugncmma on Ion Iald IlriInIGVIME 11 Im 17 Ildo ol Thom IIIy wllh vI raglzgmj Iarroaalh agar currenlru Io WHIIIIMHII Milo mm rmv by Ian II and by mlmImII Io fgguhlm Swank llama major mIIlI 90m um um mm km cool WW1mtllrmwu lo mun could publlln 1ng Mg my run rooumaoumm mm In magnum Wllllul am an nmmlmomlu 13m lly drama an Ihnl helluva would ho both mm WW Canada lhaa In many olhar ll m6 no In on gm mm we no mono coo won cl Im al CIaIdI 4W IW gfm will Iory nl DnIIrIa corIInulalllu 123m MI Iho moln utlww IVIICX 0131leth In um mm In In on kl3 In In MomKan In or his in wrlm oo III mulnx alum release on Iho lull WIN III III IHulonolazl Th unvrlllnp at plaque Ia mu Wm Illl ondI no In Ilocllpll Illa mod erII who Munro on Ir ad ll Queen oy uy welaly II In IIIDI Gillian Sly WM Mu min on Ilembetollhol We women recolth mllara IIIGGIII of III man In Iho WM lhom IWrdloll moalmldn 001 calm III Min hlfho ml DISTWaUlIllzn Inamuzn Ionaeuly tlelmn um and IIcre doom mm Io no any Ira Ionlnlula became Oolarlaa bfalgaallmll reachld lar 1m lllvmloryhmu uorld auwgatgl og Iad Aadll Bumu oI Clnull WM MI clly on lulyIIhII you Jr nurhlo tInI own any man IloaI you Ilup wldl hlm II II III Tho Canadlan Pro II who mwmlpmry lg wmn you IIIe ulllllod Io Illo ulo lor lo and you lose your wolloro ulwmmn IIIIT IVIIdIIIODIEIII MI Irovlnclal 11an mol II amloudwa Founded cl Ind rm IllahII prim Men In lawman mwh hm had oo dovelapcd lllIo on on Cam tho oluaaod WY zlll really row on ol moccoa mil Irml mlww wall blcnfadlalcl and II or llon oI lha Welland ml on Io pen on pahl calloa 01 Ill non dlwllllr cheque mm om new INK THE ea In hll vow Mind to II II hull Mow llllilll almd lm mm Iho whllc WWII donglermnl ol olIthtllIl lpull 331 WOULD VOFFA Th WW 11 new AMPX lWMwmC Canada and hull II VklovII nonalme in Can Ian super FEW SENATORS Ior and alto Ihl local no no drnlu lll IIIIIIT COYION amour hrlrlaola Ilonlml and Milan nurkota Illll ll do III Imlu whlhhodlhordn once oI mm as Imllvld IIy ml Iha nmmunlly hrldae Inwarmanyumhgr uc And mummy mlllm will your Falhor whlch Tho Burl Ellmll Illl uIII Iald IIrI Igvlnel lwa uwmllla I14 populallnn oom llohmmu polnlcd ruulalory own In II In IIQIVIIIMIIIINW rm chylhl In All orldnalodm All uvtn wolnoa mm the ol no Homo yoaro lam woo Ilwl oorloaco In thlld genrroualy nan IIAIIIII WM 11 JIM WWW WNW pamahM has been karma and Mllll on at the lunar hood ol moon no Wollond mwol ol upon how Yor quI clear Ihal alod by lmllml Ind l=oxlsorlalca or than our InIIII In Canada wu hull OInII bola hull II cnmlllyv and won on they are ado no man who IIIlr Io Imlvo WW In In th rm must rlmcmhortheremunllxolonwmlml malted IoIhlo Inn lacrost In In ml Canadlm mm Iowanmar wholmlvzn Comm RIM Num II II Immoral canon luluyo and Inwlodulolonxlnmlnrl nu olblslneu Ior produclni Could IIlIIhoIIlI loomumany be M15 mum l1 hluhand Iway Irom WIIIIO II alawly blol oloIdlly my Ulhor ducrndanu IIIo had more lhIn Iholr Illollod ouou our mum on MI gelling Ihumlvo and cannot mm and llourlrllod ImIllII how has diollnlllldudwm ol up hmth gt and hold lmuoooo room mm rolougdlla II