t5 cooksrowrt Urttrso CHURCH Peru poor 154 but embarrassrrig =1 WAX CF the poor in Pau leol good but it ulnally lI ambamninau rrdl up Cam priest who thin mm mention in hi home archdiocese ol llIillIx belure ralnrninl to the povnty $61500 Ammonnnatim Rev Jaw momma lor alth two vearrwithin loan it Hanan Calholll priests Ind sister at charity rent hy the llalllax Nadine lo Vit toriI NneVI barrio ol the oily WNW mile ninth ol nu PIlher Marti Ialdhll odd hollon Ind loll nancial backing from the Irddocoso given him freedom the Permian poor in never have Yon cInt be mmplttdy with than yet you can under stand Ind armada with than Miniatertnz to the nuke yon Ibio to iivo that much cloecr to the ideal ol what Grist oath you to it make you loch llillo blt balm That We not heirs hero or Inythlny like that Umaily ttl embar rmlog Thu mission team lives in HM more goVernment levels Should ghl ination EDOAWNWN ltus AP You know that little vacaton youvo been drearnlnl tt1 Ination in Ipendin the Inm mer there too TrIvol analyeta ray this prob Ibty wont ruop you lmm Lolita placed But you might not rlIy as long And youre moro likely to stick closer to home Food Importation Incom rrrodation even lpenny candy theyre Ill kcly in cost more than they did last year For Mr everythinz elu thou am piece ol rurnmer paradioe loin up in price research centre rpeeialixtox to lure Ind Iourilm repan that it min In average at 107 cent rter to buy reatIurant meals and rnaeka than it did lug year motd Ind hotel rIleI Ire It In Ivarago at pa leeoi and rrcreationnl rervirer are up per cent tervod poverty by North Arwlcan standards but they Ire better oll than many nl up our roundlu pool ha uid We eat bottarl than they do We can Illord low good out heel when it In Ivnilnhle They have to may cheaper cuts to feed lIreo Inllllca WI have Vollrawnzen Ind Ford pickup while some ol thorn out Illord Ibieyclr We thI rncratnr in not very good out we Ilil how light they have to buy nan diea other ltidurdr told he nd the rotunda at workinr Intona the poor are oltm more profound and immodiaiely ratio dying than moon the alnent lha Peruvian poor have no little Ind rtnnio Io bnrrl to live that any minor Imam pllrhment Lt at mine lot treat celebration The Iwbdloceoc ha Inb lirhed church of St loo mil the Worker with two It taclwd mlaxlonr to nerve pop ulation ol 6000 Abord cent that lmo been baptized Girlsthnll but most have novrrroaily had any opportunity to know Tho criminalion battled the United sum Travel Date Miler lI AnMPIdu1 non ptot ration based to Wuhlngton EC it lathe la tistiul inlormallon about the travel industry it rcporla that railroad Ira Ire in per cent blotter than last year bur lam are up 10 per cent Iir Ire Iro nlno per cent him Gmllne prim Iro Ibout the aroma as late ycar but they are to per cent higher than twoycan no tho centre IayI This mean lnmily that spent $1000 last year lorrtloo worth oljal mo tor accom modatonl tit tlor load Ind $100 tor recreation will 5PM about um lhlbyalnv The American ltulomebilo Ar uclaiion MA rcportI that two yearI Izo the Ivorauo role lor hotel or motel room or nos or ii $33 n3 is ii in giro 525 gig Therowlllhonemlcointho myrn nltAd am here on many rental in Arm and In are Mr and aid Ind Shah Woodrock John WW ol Tom Mr Ind In Budlnxtoo whom my to meet MGllll no it not one italn Chord Any The roam Intro moor II In Daily llehl Bible School rebool IKMMIAW loltrt xloin WORSHIP sawtcc Hmong leieonte AoIltI You SUMMER union WORSHIP AT 93 Room on 7303M pm Tel norm open Tm Wad Thorn 14 pm mud mlrh trI hire me Foster lrom London Mr and Mn No Kinney ol Toronto Mr Indhlrr ElstttbTornrny Ind Therm ol Woodrtnck Ill with and Mn Prod lluulnr Mn llIrt Ind lmtho art at Whit htmrrst Harlot tlor preseo Th lllii Whack vialtod Mr and Mn Crooer lentil COME moor MOUNTAIN Ilaan M31 mnglemnl Hopinl to makaa better llv log roost have moved into the WWW 1an barrio non loo iurroulrdiny Marmommm were on mountain arm who rlettI their Mme tmm me am my mi one lrlpto lilInor SIrk to vldt was celdnatcd only once you Do DEWl Ind tit WIN ma wu cm gr cummer Mr Indllrr John limo lr celohmilon It THIICGBIY Ont lilrr 11 um my my Boyle at Toronto vlaitcd Mn plritnnlinm have combined to Pi trodnm rdt Mr nd lira George Comp lstiool win Arnerienn Cathoil orneonled hir vmmelizlosldy iI discarcnxed In More ntuo many to tho parish believe ll om mun be other priorltlu rue5 ny ltl HANDY llr and hire llex Craig end so in it churches there no no Ioao Neil Ind Tom Ipeltt low Italuuor lieatu About 1200 resident ol the tourinr IoulhemOntIrlo barrio Iitand mark mule and at Easter tho churches packed to the doors open to Ill ehlldcn horn HI dernIrten Io ind trill opu IlI until Aunt from to pan Anyone furth nlorrnatlon tumor Kerr It mmor KIron Cut bertsen It 1W mm Al HIM Tho Film Department the Band Public Library oootinuca rerler ol lreI lilrnl tor chil dren todayIt m1he hip pot Film Show in on Anx It with the final rhol Au containing Walt Disney ltnrl Durlnr Barrio FIir film out he Iheun daily It tholIlrxrnunde nousEHQlD mm round hmdyr rot llullyu tablupoon ndded FIRST minor Clapperton WWW rtmnav 1m with sr Anorcwis to Ian our on llblodclnd utn ammdmgttoorturumef banerro tltlneurlyhcd material trill he Mimif coauthorN IUNDAY tunnu III neIlII to provide help intrudeLN orva outv HUMAN eezoeorttam owdrwl enboillnlrlcnhmllwltllrd boliiru cabin or overtrying liIh reducer eooklnl lrrrh lrnlt prevenu from in brunt However lemon juice rhcud ho rated minty II more than moderate ImounlI ll all to dentrey certoln nutrttln odoru ert TRINITY cHuncH sr oronocs Illl lld altIm much nunsdunno TorteIII Promoa homo omen It in III DAlLYVBIBLlKMESSAGI garmt THE ArtottcArt CHURCH srfcttcs cHurtcH Coot the construction era in the pariah is over and ellorto now Ire being concentrated on color rnunity Ind rnirrion work But FIther Ridtnrd uld tho toarn it not in tho bu ineo at producing rice Citrirt no vhoao laittt would he dnpendeot upon handoutr two person WI day To dIy tI $21 MA tirurerrnealr coat In IvarIro 89 dIy in ma Now they the more It on The Image prico oi ll lonot uwuaacrntolnlm Today tI as new Were lindi nationally am When pectic rive thcy Ire Itaan clone to home raid Steve Kirchner It Diaovvnf Amnch Travel Orlaninatlotu in Wilmington whose httinal is monitoring the dawnla trIvel industry Fannie Ira reeln area in their borne mice or netlhboo to rtata rather than travell Along diam mo manomzo The North Magnetic Polo wu dimmed by Jamar iten in 1681 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH INCAllADA CENTENNIAL YEAR 1875 I975 oad thyterlan Church 44 19 EIII llth It llnrton Are Mlnlltul luv Gern1 lllylrIrd BA lllDlV hlrl it it Morten nrllnrttat llnrnln Wurrhln no Ila rtLto Er um 111W Irnrotant Normy to lrtmnry lr 11 Welcome 51 WA thyterlln Church Owen Ind WorIiry Stu Minister lltv Enmrul lierrlrt MA ll DIV oreunln CIra VII llemert SUMMER UNION WillisllllI AT FIRST llAlllSl 1o Im anthlp shown STEWART All tlrlcqme 01mm Prrrhylerin Church slur at Pom Minister em turn to on hlornlar Wonhlp lineal llliolrlerr Tha ilmrend gt LlleGorvn Nnncrr Provided Wedneiday 1x30 more new Ind Pruer Errryena VWCleI II ChriIlCrntred Mlnlrtry Mrs LerryWeodonttn Ier lole Muller Mum pGehtin deettrlzl variouI Indlrlendalrom Hamilton rpent mm mm mm th holiday thdr Iummr hm hm Ivor add Iny loll lton Grcavel nl ottavo rpoot aml Hm haw tho woolend with bl pmtr sincere pathy ta cxpmw ed to the Imtiy ol ltlrJennett who peered own in Toronto horplnl Tho lunerd vIII held in mono Mn Arnum Ind Ion Bill onloyod Ionta holidays at North DIV Ind 50de Mu lillendrlcit vhttea lnienda Itt North nay menlly ConrrItuiItlonI Ao Mr Ind auto thrill Your Community FREE MEYHODISE CHURCH IIylleld ItDIltoI Street Old Bull BA DD Puter MN MS Calla lnnday wool at baby boy mbmiw hooteIr Womena Institute rncet lnoather home facedy evo Iinr Plenr were made to exhibit It the Barrio Fair him it Ellrrnerc prodded It the moeiln in the abamco ol tho pruldent llrr Stnton Mn Onward violtad alt week with lricndr in Barrie me no nmtu unloc laln II or thlI romeo Iertn ol Irenach tron to Iron WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD momma oounnnr tom atmnAYI amour or mug swoon Irma ltlr LIIr1 areldor Inlrter no an Atlanta WIlelI tho Gum Ted Armlrenl Provno camTV mm mm to In mxvrv Channel 11 eatram mu orientv mm ll moron rt In Ramon Catholic DUNDONAH AMELIA no men SUNDAY MASSBS Moray 71 almondmom mu Iovn CENTRAL Em and TereIte DAV Donald BA LD liar LL ILDI klvoelocl WEDNISDAY EVENING lxll MI ldua yrecrded Iry IIlllll Mullen nIor mom Marci min Ioeelal Weleonu to anthem Vhlten CIInIl Artlnl mo Ian mt III the melee or lIvlleI You to Worlhlll It tonler It tun Put omen uV lame reunion AND no Ivlltlottl vHUrroIv out no rrmr mu em or Hotor AII IVlIlI ll MA 85 llto Pentecostal Ammblln Rule of Canada amusement not no tone on Wr The Kayo Thevemnuilluh SUMMER services 810 mm roman VVVVVVVVVVVMW rruratuslor onvaltoausr ROY DAVIS ornaerotNo PHILLIP REUNlON or HIWAV stuorrts Richard Green Howard DuCourlnIy UNtrcocHurcH ltr otl IM AM bleditatlur Word For rm null Nnnrry can limit kmonlde NanftXlllnrrln THEUNITEDCHURCHOF tr lnrltr You To loll lJI or limit It lulu BURTON AVENUE Untroo CHURCH Mlnllterl on mo OrrIIlrII Mr 17 Gunny MAN PM TUESDAY smuxoav 145 PM ISpocill flitiolc Each Sorvlco 4mm For TM Sick VlrllorI AlwaI ereonn GRACE UNITED noontrtInIstotcoonre hllolrtm Iir Arthur non 1th mm Iowan tram lameu Tronrunner roommm IVIIYONE mm EliiMllNllEt onus cHURcH Vtan srmt tlorrlo