Quebecsrelrgrous composition changing 0s revolution virtualr or l7 LESLIE IAIIII The atrial revolution nl ill 19 llrwgltl political and air lal upheaval to ember quieter molutlon In the im in changing the rcllgiourinm podtion al the provide one dmibcd I71 Pope Pin xn uhLi moil Culboilr The MI twain remicd that per cent olrcurbeca Klan oi III million de aeribed limit In Roman Catli oilr mud obuna pm any nannies lhat all Fknch THEALLIANCELCHURCH martible hooduux and report unusual growth Panicconlai churchu Christian Brethren ammblloi uni lnu Baptlot groups artport wpcroem membership growth during pool lour years 1hcir omirni incrnbcrehip iiguru by lhcmsclm arr hardly impmalvc The icnic costal ohmchrs claim 12m mombera the Christian lerrilillcl 1350 the Fellowship at Evangelical iinpliai hurtha 72 and the Union at Fririch Baptist hurchcn 300 But the bare ligurcs dont tall the lull rtory Canadians It In the Catholic STANDARDS IlllIID column At marl lancrcr domminrtlona moat numcrlcally limit luvs churches Stilt rm our oil than groupr hair made rr All rii lhuise cliurthcl have rigid mernbcnhlp mind and countonIy hapllrnd bell verr lleonugcrr and militia who lune roaucsirti immcp IIOD The Felluwrhlp Prof ougggestppv more honsty 1y GEORGE ir curman mun Writer NEWYDIIK AP tan and stickers circulated in Christian groqu these days is Smile God loves you The lmpllratlon that bell Iers mould have constant hmnv goa rlxrut lilc Iittt ltl not advises paycholoat devout hell itimac Chrlatlaiis samciirncl try in giro lb impression that 104 prcroncc tram us at naya on cloud nino whcn we yrrw liar iinm ul demo raya Dr Stanley Union ii l3 Ill railniii itont can he tom of dithanniy and it can bosom psy choagicaliy damaging to the norm allccting it In also lur ohrrt When we miarcpruscnl or build up latte expectation In other lnr lhuntcltcs itltcii create the problem lor them too be will In an exchange olccrrcslonzlcnrei We nccd to deman inara honcsiy about the alatr Ire In minors iiaon Undqutrt prolcssur ul pay rlilo Czllrrltiu State Univ ly al Frrsno sayI Christian dctounli of their illthylend to imply lhu It brings NIIIIILIDI stat of victorious wallbring an ca llld moan ililI no dcieal But It know vary well llra lilo iI not alwaya like that he added itllrn iliti lionnl iilohonccly olicn can lead to iirrpalr ItlLI othcr my chnlvgtrl IIIIIEIIJ One can Ionl hlmlrll liy IltiliIDYI oi cnmilonal dishon ri scii il xit Iiili rl hnocan Inolothon much III medium by vibrant tcatl problcni muny in what in until roalltyiil his lilo LanquisL writes the evangelical weekly Chrlxilaniiy Today phrase common on lapel but ilovicvcr we ermtudy l0 dad nth this mlrui rerantniloii In ollicr ways web as pursiby ran ttrllun to physical disordcr lhri amns to appear mystc rlouIly LAN IIICII llIlIiilh Llrtdqulal lounddr and iii rrcior oi LinkCarr Founlu iiun which nerve to hclp mlI iionnrim and other Chrlatlan workcrr who ham emotional lt rricicrr hy openly Iacln lliclr unxlclici can help nlliurl handlo their own timrs ul discwrhgcmbni Each llmz are emo ilrviy driomat and li OME latte picture ti lorlour Christian zxprrlonce we are domivlng olhers ol the opportunity to know ur bcllcr and to gmw spiritually and perlsnaly in the pruccu he nal Knowing that oilicrI havr cunllicl loo and aru Liininl with them gives hope in Chrlsllaitr ho are lit lhc midst ul doarcrslan The hubblin luuniniii oi IIID that bit all wartl to ex pcrlcnm all the time II In reality wuxing and waning of many rxprrlcnccr Tn ilc inrm lilu It are that rict above the allure liiyi allowr in In ca prricnca lhr imv painlr nlllle in urdrr to teach an lessons wr could not learn in any uy The way we learn not Iatronr it not to deny the Iullilgl but in mi tho mrnnlnrr underlying them in thI mannrr or grow lo hccnmca more like the pcrwnl trod wanta iii to be The rrli ncrn lire may well be the W1 problch we ex perience it we dcny that thou lotling axial wa deny tablishcd Evangelical Ba in Church tor example calm only mrrriherl but inrth those ehurchczt amung MI In ihclr Sunday rooming can icei lion algotllcant Ira iwo oihcr lactorr 1hr tour churches areool newcomer to Quebec Thmol them have operated Fruichkn guagc churches lor more than years but the exploriia gmwili hu come in the put lonr yran gt Evcn more MIEMO in the lad that Ilncal moit oi the ministerial lorco has coma irom Frthanadian member oi lhe Qucbtc churches Until mo mosi oi the pauora oi tha Evangelical rlapilsi churches arm from France Swllzcriaiid other Francophone lands or lram Twentyloo oi the now lull time norkcn IIncIiml Ira FrancisCanadian ONCE IAIPIIIBONED in those Baptist lhi prcrmt Iltugilon norm in removed train their will when lherprcachera wrro impruonco in notihvirsi onto bro Tno at time preachcr bin riiornc and liurray tlcrvn mlnlsler ltouynVal dOrNarandr rnln ing area when more than at yran ago they um impris and while rehchlng in lira open air by lth hm Frenchspeaking tongrrgatluns prtath un ra thalliud can urclhtin In hrlp us Vr ralusc iaprulil lrani thorn to learn lrom them now to grow in our unwlioiial and rplritual lllc And our emo Ilnnal diclrancsiy may in creating problems lur othcrr Emotional honerty in ncccaaary tor onai own Iplrl tila growth and italsu twins other to gct iha right por iprcllve all their own err hcrioncn iilllii PLAN REVEALED iiinosiiiiiA tiltuteri oty nllicinls released Thursday Ii dzciuncnt they said gave drialla til it U5 plan to drop third atomic bomb on Japan during the Second World War The lirat on dmppcc hora Aug 1545 nnd the mood on Nngasntl Aug The war in tho Facilit nnrlcd on Aug is The munici pal olilrc said Thursday tho Us hurl planrxd to drop it third hnmh Nina lime altrr Aug 11 nuaii mat HENLEY England Allv AmrrItunbnrn iarnu iillrh hailed ar matter at Icicncp itctlan died at Mr hnmo hero Wtdnauday alter long illness in lamily raid lie was bl lir aidcn orlglnll north and wortn oi Iclmlarahln IiiiiIlrWM lh paperback verIlonr oi thn Star ircll min on television THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHIN CANADA CENTENNIAL YEAR 1875 I975 lmlivltilitn Ijliurrh 59 It It mm Alta lilnlmr rtzv ttmrn liylurd llAilDlv iin ti Alhrlirll vunIilIt lilrnlng Yrtlilp ll lirt Tllll IOIIEII IV Ill WORDS an Jr to Er Illgh lliW lml lltllul Nanerr to Primary in All Wciromr 51 41Wth lmbyizrlan tiittrrrll Owen Ind Warnlry Sir iliilplcr lluv Ilirliurl Slrwlil Iut Ill llll orgpniti Larr Illnirrl liUlIdIliII UNION Ylillllllli II Illlhl IlAllINI in nnu iridiin HEY GANDHI BTEWAIIT All Vrltiunto warm IrthylmIn cram no ilrleell slnur Puget Illinltlcr Int niua lit Li ilornlug iiinrrhlp nirinNutc AND rnnnnnvunawcwv Ntirvrry litttliirtl lrtliraria mi nan IIIIIIP bluvi lriryrr Iivrryunr Walton to ChtIIlCrnttrrl hIInIIIlY NEW BIBLE INTEREST lug thatdociiirloiigoclite lnQuebccI New YorkiUnltod run Ilium um ammo Amp rm up iuiiititAii CHURCH II 220 SIDLISITOIIBIIII IllovJohn Klein Pastor rig tint martial tram titullly the lab or beaming canvlctlom devotbu Iod pectin corni WORSHIP ssnvrce moo am SUNDAY SCHOOL thou MISSIONARY cnuncn Crawlfl IL Barrie tourm Sunday Mon ivr tho mt Iluallr um Inn Morning timid Ian tinlag lurk Wednesday I200 part MIMI Growth llr it WIyIa Donia mam lar loud in good transporpxh airuggios lor aoclal luailcc Vitihottt ludilnl the rdiglaus roou ol titho dim lI milling institutional tidbit nld ltov John Nullu oi Brookltu tuihenn llo raid the health nl ill cburoboarequlmo lint thtyibo dlItlncllvo mush to worrant mi gut commitment by door Iiiilll awareness oi ultimate values and purpose Without tbai Ill laid chmInf tom their vitallalog core They also are denying the din and taiavklon and con world lbr dirtinctlv perception duct outdoorhmt meetings and rmumol the clairllap Spokdmen tor the tour community ha said mix Clsiwhlhlii Catholic and momma onu rp empac are Those who rcmain mat to mt coolarcnca IIponsurud bare SUMMER UNION lhl Catholic Church are oon by the United church oi Grill lured over the larmeot and on problerna oi church growth lt change In that church aald all ara Idiooatoo iii ylox Rev Maurice Bellini general rciiglan principle on rcioa to lt Como and Banlit From tho Full Prognm At mom sr CHURCH SERVICE sunoav SCHOOL II AM TESTIMONY MEETING IND WED EACH MONTH PM RaIdln Room apan Tum Wart Thura 730910 prn Tai 7261602 Inertia mull irl Horton DIVIII Madly Weleama Auto You mreiary oi the Union or lMpmv social Midlllonl French Baptist uiurohca in But they noted balancing the uncammlrlod are looking lionsthou thloh hm bent in dillrrcni dlroclionr lor now most active on Iociol lawn and mum what mootberohlp baa Pentecostal Aurmblic oi vgcdlo restore morn arrvpb Canada Ipukooman agreed un the nadlrnenlary lash oi Although thcy may Iilll nourishingch oomph and with to ho marriod and hay principtn their childe bapllrcd in lhe Dr IIIui llnrrlroa Dapllol church many ilvcln aplrl and pruiciwr ol rodgluua riud tuIl vacuum he contendrd ios at Penn State Ualvarrlly Iald the ilrot WW oi the hut nheo lhr gsiablishcd church norlhlp which Institutional ch is Iaid to mean developing rdatlon be luring lla on French Ihl with the etarnal II Canada evangelicalr are dis bar lot viewingrecondary coverlng an unprcczdrniad in ruos ltrost in the Bible and aplrl ilonuvIr he said the drama lunrwpimm morwphiaciimiidiinlgai oo may ave oat can em wot iidence in the Roman Critical dramatle raucirneni at rdl IS LIFE WHAT you Church but they rill bdlcvl gion being loat the heart or ID MAKE lT la Godtl ruggutod Arthur llglon has been octiprod gt llill Shcrhrooke medical liov Throdure it Erlcltaonnl mum oi Cbrlstlah Mumbllco Christ planning Ipeclliistfsaid Evangelicals with their em that to revitalim the cause phaslr an iiible leaching and chandler rhuuid abandon the personal Nttloihn hare Zuyatcrnol lune congregational mind rarrly response Dalton and rcpluca them with ilr Buliiiit caullons how ieam leadmhlp Itrmrlng edu ovrr that thera is iI marked notion in basic Christian can trend towards materialism cepit in every laccl oil the and nationalism churcha program lor young Most oi the Additions to and old irrnchspoaltlng evangelical This wouldnt tie it today churches are yauog poopie wonder he raid but In 10 with iarga proportion ni your it could do much to rip high school graduates and vii church growth and university atudrntr CanIda great unnum ol tread in mainline droominm 11 St Vlncant Siroi Darrlo Woralay auiioav it 51 ANDRE Sunday at Milan Blhlu School IorIllagIa damn It Wnraloyl RayWuut Sparking Guoat Sololat Mil Jain Black 101m Rm skim 700 pm Guul Soiolrt Mn small rrrur out Mismatch par 10 pint llttLE Mouton iiiml THE ANGLICANCHIIRCH TRINITYCHURCII STGEORGE5 eiiiu It Niu Blilc hartan radarmitt nlv lutllt rr min Cam in NI Aul II Cardinal Tho Ven Didi Titan suudny Service summer SERVICES Iio mi tom gumall mil and limb and AM AND It iio Ivlmaito IRUIIDIV WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD lAilA5Ai0ll comma irrao Itli IAruiibiivr mun sr runric acnoor ninnii Mr Larry Grtlrler hltnlttor no Box artfaurir Walch in Inner fed Armalrung INIflltli CKVIIcIV Chittan Sunday iinun CIIEXJV Chanel lllltrdlyg Hill run CilcllIV Channel 11 Saturday ll lll ltrclar rm liar Ii Kan aA but Tho our ANNUAL Arnmbllu oI Carminay TENT CRUSADE INCLUDE US IN YOLIR SUMMER PLANS gt SUNDAY inri METHODIST CHURCH lIrv Curl unit an up lutnr Auguri 545 min Full Sunday School Program 00 Morning Worrhlp Servic Patlor Bull Pruehlng Naluro OI Now Man 730 prn Evonln Sarvleo PrIiraPr Ir rolehlng An inlorrnli AimoIphIrI Luealod at Dalton MO AM FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL II AM AND PM EVANELIST ROY DAVIS ruasoav SATURDAY no air Patton VISITORS Richrd Grain ALWAYS WELCOME Howard Courtney THEUNITEDCHURCHOFCANADA CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH lion direct iiarrie Onlnrio Wothlp iolacloek Eormonr Clllzlnr Source of Gmtnouf Nurraryvlaellltiu avaliahll Tha Conuranallon oI ColliarSirIat Unlind Church worthlpplng It CInIrII during Auguri Cardlai Waleomog to Colitam and Vlrltorail ET IIAIIYI LIIUIICII Roman Catholic IiUNDoNALIi ariutia 1mm mm massas laiurday 1rliii pan unniu Inn lll rm limit Itihl nunl GRACE UNITED Grpvrsl nutritional iir lnrll iouiu iriln tit IVlirIltlp II lll raran illnltiort llev Arthur Marcy IDzlli Im BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH slihlliilit vunrnn lilElIVlilIIil AYIIIINIZSDAY llVliNIMiS run him orrrrdrn Pariah Unvnttnn Illist vilitiava tinie hililltlrri Ilnt It lurdon Orguuiaii iilr it nrrrauy Fur Tranrportatlun ram norm Iii airr III MD EVERYONE WELL EillMANllEt limit riiuiiui sr GILES CHURCH