Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1975, p. 6

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In Arm nemzrz MrKEllZIE Amwtnamtml FRAllCK retortrm or mm 29 ohm v1 comma xii rive lhe meld ot It INLAND has GEQRGE covert ltr and lln Kenneth Georre huh loll or woddlng Irrp teEquICIIIdItollwln tbelr fmIrrtIge It Trlnlly United Chmh Thornton ldmuca neortdeuwtmmm nrn leo oar mammogram Err the 51 he brtleI lockable moths cl lhe brlda ebou deem em in Ihedu with Mllll poll teem llrr tom we mlrld The In re Italy blue mm mm Ind tom tr fl mother Ind tether Ind demoted by Mn hkllllm mI mm rm the Metth the lnmtly llo re VI held It the other For trIveltlnlrte western 0n tIrlo the bride won looI wtmdjm In Ilene of how mold of tar tone June and blue wtth Im 11 Berry cunt Mime smug Klm Sillllltr Ind SIrldm leKlrulg we brldurenldo The brtdeeroru Mll AND lllrl ll lab hctte Ire Ihawn lolluwlng thelr murrloze It 5L Hqu ltr mIn Cntholtc Gulth llurle The hrldc the Inner De mun hllnllc ulurdr lttlrle The bride II the former no orth Anna llwlrmell daughter ehlle ordrld Mr Ind Mn lllellemJe wlll reruth ed MOmbobeun Aot hoof worm or III JeII Webb demure tr end Mr Eduard Webb ltlt Thornton the btldeoroome poreo Ire htr Ind Mr Ken Ieth Wllll Merle st IlIrrleu llev Full Full olllcltltd Il the Ilteenean erernony mm mIrrlIII by her thev therbttdelrbhu looI gown fol menu mr ut lztI dawned on emplre llII DelIla trlmmed the MAW mrur llIhlroed bodlee no Inset wltbleeeIIdlremlloenrlnIA drooellenglh trIlI lrll mmj the tulotbtclr ten heeddrquhdd htr Ilmulderlmlh ml nylon Mmmcd Mlh tlny dllal she rlrrled bouquet el yellow dIlry mmu vetted wllh while more Ind hebyI breath BrldIyIttenAutI He lllte chrtrtlIeCroeble eeuIln ollhe brlde Edmonton AlberlI lllII BIIbIrI bush rlrter et the brldeoroom Ind llllu Ute Lorenr were heldeunnlor Mlu Shelley Breedhrr em ower lri tutu LANDERS lifes liknocks neIr AuntIdem lm Ilek Ind tlred ot edvlcode mother to leo uhen the turI ol lhelr drltdmr my be ItIke trounmer to IIVI em relerrlox to your lIteel Idvlee to the bombed ll Ihe thou worn her no Ihout but temper ol HIJune hyengIll ll you IIw you dqulIer lo the path of In oocemlnx eIr wouldnt you do evgrythln to err Would youlet her turn rsthand wbIt ltr lllre to be hlt by tnreltt become eh wognt wlte mount to look where one wet golnlt Several yrIrI no hallowed your Idvtce llllJ Into Inthlnl ol llr and Mn DonIld lell hell ol Im M0 11 brlderroorn II the at Jlr Ind Mn Gerald Bobbette at DIrrle ltlo nettlywtdr In rerldlrux It It ltnre St her He ltelnglrd studln PoLLtis POINTERS lly FULLY CIIAMEH DIM lOLLYllly vet tc Lt wllh ImIll elutrlo ewlmes that hero UHEOVIVIIKM plttl Ind do not come wlth In Maple plut ltort lumemrrkv yen do not We thII tlem on Media the nwllInu eInnot bn Ind untlt brie Ion rhoeolnx It Home lhII Imelt Irllelo reuld b6 llllddMAHGE pzAn hlAllOlLYeur pom Ientludg me It themnhy eltlld we Il lure beulht only dlleev leerheel II chrtrt rnII Abel bettean teen need elm hId themrum mm to the Mn ltultn Ilanz roll at summed trInI orient trope A1 buy ueh rlroduet thIt hII coupon In wlth IpeclIl otter tape the cou to the Irtlele lhlI wayjl know em Ietttnr III the arm ll brought coupmll heh rueh the dweltour nter Ilrnrly remove the tlWWlll Ind led the In over to It wlll not nlrk In other rott puma lhlnlr thlI else rm ruler tor the eohler llell It or not quIlly uve Ibou mlnl touporl lrle VON FAEI ALFU IllONE mull DUAL runners laurull blather The mlrtnke when my deuter mmled th wron guy NewleverIl yeIrI Ind lbrtorchlldrrn laterthey Ire gettlno dlv ea lcould have med thIt Irl untold any It hadnt tluened to you No FII at Your DrIr NI Flux Bony but the MM ll Illll MYOII Yo euld have Hood on your heed Ind Jung the Stuswelled ltnnnrr Ind your doumter STlLb would We mIrrled the mm 5a llop beellng WEI llElltl not YOURS It wouldlm lovely ll pmnie could tunnel lnte thehetulr el lhelr ehlhlren the Wltltltlm Ilned through yeIrI ol ex perlem But they cant All Wren eon do to vrovlde them wlth emollenol Iupport and er lovlno environment They cant nor rtwutd lhey try to dived thelr ehlldrenn llver Semetlmee rhtltlron must Iturnble end lullInd even It How homobefore my on wrllrlndeportdentl and be remnIlble or lhmue anr Ann Lumen Home help me or wlll lore my lob work with llbcrttlen Ind lm el tors ROBERTSON Lrqwn Iltll unlIm moon Ilium Addicts llll lAlllllli CUBTtlJ MAlllZ IllllAllllEe IBEUXPIIEMM CIllItEll tllEClltLll IEXPEM lllcl INSTALLATION lt7 eouoH HWEBBIRITES The ItlendIhtI leer 0de ol embroidered Imel Iheer were lubloned ulrh emka wIlrt mwmmuuwmw er were now L0FTAUS DORION low HNUODn rlefllr Ind Hm Ilemnrd clue Ind palml lattoeol Ill Phelpenuere Idontd lhelelllrgol SI PW pxeote ol the Itholle Gunh lbelp The lllndlht nwee were laeblahed ol pelreeter rte9e wlth Idhrln troll marl pelted ol Hon deer Ird bell Id bowl It the welt beck lhe mItrooolhemr Ind Pow er Illlltlrd bouquele bl yet low eprlyed rrrume blob cIrlt IItloru Ind bbbyl breath to minaret thel dresses The br quot ol men ed InumI lnlr eerIIlloru ur bIhyI rub Imtted thtlr yellow dreeree FIbrle ower 114ml oheer to match the me terlIl tn the deem ot thelr tom were lIIhlohed tote bend dreem lot the IlldhdmJ Gordon Gov wee best men men woe llrllh Ind Stephen letter brother yroom Thetreeeptlen Jrl curled bollle et Hue tlIl ed dIIIleI to meld tbelr drum no the brldeunIldI halide were tletrd yellow Jdlery PItterIon brotherlo tn ol the brldegroom tendon Ill beet vman when were Men MllJnd lllllul WM brother of IhI bride wktotu recwtloo held It BeyrtIln Lodge lllo ttI Poer lo melve new the brldeI mother more gown ot peechoolmter III the beldemoml mother Inleted em mu at mer men Comm ol tlny Bttrdheln rom molded thelr enumbler Followlnx motor trlo lo the Best mall dd Mn 00W Ire rerldlnz It ll Dulterln 5L llmle Outottm Illcodod mm mm IodWllllnldeh Alherte ltuuell MmltobI lon doI motor Surboroudl Ter oer Mluleuuu GrIVIlthrIrIL Caldweler lluntIvllle Ind oltI ag oheh best teacher lerxle to lt Allhourh em only it are old my hInds Ind tree loo llke lm Io When come home It Ilebt In lot bl vlnerrr Ind wrter to rotlove the ltchtnl lt helye or whlle bul that let Imell bummed my IltlI end the MM drlvu me out olmy mlnd Clo IuneIt Ieme medleln lhI mlrht helplII bllrery Deer lllI ll you Ire luelry you wllL lou mt Mt be own you IvaroIlly tlont vae Mt mum to qult Ne lob worth whot youre lolnn through For heeveII IIkI glrl get yourlell out of that plant II mu II poulble CONFIDENTIAL la llllnl 0r lllrlt IIWI VIry lrom state to etete lo tome Ireu mlnepw IentItlen lI rrourtdl lor Ihnul ment Let thle be lemn to you Next tlme dont Ia hue bundleunlln wllh MIX eounler ETnAUSH HONORED The lloth blrthdey at Johunn Elmore VlenrlII wnllr kllll ht hetnI celebrated thlI war In VIennI Speelnl corteertuprodlu ehl lelelelhI broaden and Bull program Ire lenlnrlmz II muslrel mntrlbutlon to law to lid DUNLOP ST ttllft clttcrtrrts KATE LrALLI BMueu et yet whlle from tern rlckt Iten tor the woddlnz Bad oddte In Ind Wllllun Maul IM BlI well olllcleled The brldo WM world to utter by her lIIJuvAutel Joe wb Dorlonuhhe time ow polyuufntln been month The ho dleo rm deemed ulth mop ed necllloe Ind omen deem butloood It the wrlel Whlte lll It the yelley AuItrlII haul the root IeImlor 1e ml the cum ol the long Iluvel lullelle up ol polyeeter llll trlmmed wltb AuetrlII her held lde brldeI Ihwldet len tlered vell ol tulle ll wlth IcIllepod edrlnx sea curled bouquet Il red rota Ihd bebye hrInth Melton at honor VII Mn hob ert llIyeI hlteleI JIIlleltI Dore tan me MI tonne IlItero bl hrldeerwm were brlduenIleh Mlle Donny Orr lawmylrh tluler Tlmmy JIeebI VIII lllll bemrr lhe brloleI me IleeveeI Ice trlm lhe brlde pueItI Ire Mn Ind MrI qulon bl llll llorgt IldeIt hlolre hlr ml lllrluK ll aunt ler ol llertle Illlwllllrh the monument ot thetr deulhler Judy Mllheell GWIK THIN Inn at Mr Ind HAIRLOOM FORMIILY HOUSE OF HAIR 7261731 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP to Chute JOANN Helm vnnmtpnwpl llOUllll ll lllltllNl LIMIrIn error Arm wrvrs neouwr enter new TOMARRY lN AUGUST htro Karel Ttller ht AurtrlI The weddlnz Vlll tulle Plltcl on AuI Photongphy by lIvernl 30 30 so 36H 39 on brldeawm mlhl men IldI bou Iod leeres ol the brlde mo dooce oar ty me hold It the Rent Corr IdlIn beaten llIll 5t Vlocehl Eerrlt Piece Eugenia to mrttuerkn DI ll er worn pm Iult with whlte Memories hlr Ind Mn lolluowlll re SL Alli 0M irHIswrrtttesrrclAt 113 72 72 lil 7d 75 xj7l2llt 9100 All Flrrt QUIIIIV HInh Uonrlty Foam mus THIERRIEN tutt Dleobe nobln till we hinet low mg bibolumhhle Chutes marten Inan Lynne acumenmeld or Ind op before Bey hated the brldeblklmpnll baud MIrtIthL Auburomd Undo met brleesuuldo Prubylerlut Guml1 Balm no one tube dlmla Mr Mnth Robert Lilly ol to 1mm AvIBIr rte The hrldeuoorhe mu Mr Ind tln JIrneI mar Thenlen 110 Ml Rd Illn elr Pelntn Atrrrdlttorul town at whlte Illendaotl were lwl drumjlo ordeeelzn It blue Ind Mplewh rultled eoltIrI Ind euttr lhey rented bottom at Itqu Ind mole eIrnItleIr lelklndllu VII the ezloer coerce let brweddhut mm WW any The dreII moulmmmdtmmmmm 1th rounded eeekllee Idxnd lo leer loo Ileevee mt witty IIlherrdietln mm rm III IleI Contlhentel loo Irate tore hedddmenl hoe untrue It evenlnloldaoqlnl held her ml at tulle wanton oewlywedoIm reeldlu Thelbrldll bouquet we ol yel It roeJturweetelux lurle IN SEPTEMBER 71 Appoith members rotfehd leadership lrdiriig coorse lrcIldenl othemoenlelt trlet Womeoe lllllll Hm eutetootorut The ovehlhl ode mo reve Ind the Mary stewul polleet The motto old butlhlw Iblch thelIded my mm but meowdee Mm Cmbdl 1sz muonlmmbentgberle mob Iron the llnore Inf Wt broke lorflt which Idll lIvol the entire oomunlly MuttonM nodule 1mm lumber Joeepb WIlterI VII Iuest Ioeeb er II the July rrteetley at Goth rte Wl She dtrermed totereott lul polnu Ihout leIdenhllt lulnlrll progrmu Inrl trIlolru Iehobll hire mtn Ind Ilro ll Campbell were IDWnlfd dele Ietul to mend leaderehlb raurre weremed by the Dam ruent If Aulctrllure enlltledl SIlute tot Vexelehlee the guru wlll be conducted Sept hlemberl rre leo told they rhould be uurul to the cornmqu lllrr Weller was hrmnted ullh the book the lllrtery ol Ore by Mn llwerd Comp bell hlelolkll etrrIlor who wet ehIrye ol the mmm hlrt Couleev pmldent ol Guthrlo wt Uptlned themccllnu wlllr the lellowlrll quot Do lull nethlno the moat tlmomo PbLLYs mum13$ DEAIl lOLLVl huterlll towered WIY to really out on myleumlry ml clemlnlt ex penrer alto ehupell deederent hlX hon lo plullo be ls must wlth me eleenI hleell more err Ill lrommy roe chttnlr IonI hIntll utd remom le grease loom hlI elolhlnll lusl wet lnrmrnt ml rub In Illa mp let ll IoIk Iwhlle llld then rub between tho hamle well nrlr worn on may stator and to or ruse Itnlne too Somoeothinz hed very Ituly horn underarm ItIlIs thIt rI tuxed toeome out tn the wuh but elwol mnlh wllh the va took me ol It too 1th tn the world heeIuIe Inddontykhoyy whlehweyratum calma Who rresm mom You an glad you out from MAlTRESS llltltlls 5700 397x 72 $1800 or 1409 4Ixr2 oso tournwttfzaeo 54 72 logo 54lx72 1700 1159 256w Ilene anlt overallsrtqlggHANDSIORIT mm cur mm more CoIIIltItlon Ily Aoyolollbeot

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