GIYPHON muma din production Slum opens liab dvll MIDI end viitrim thooy Mar For was tion as nil II Dont Bert wttootu us we tend out tiIvebeenirolnuto on MIN Ind Iiukuter VII the me drive by Dorothy Melindas at It l2upns too an am entitled Ilth Imambylhr CITY mm 11m alum mm DAY AUGUST ms htIgthi iliusbu including earring in three vice by the Wicked Witch oi the West are the prime torturet tn the live oilbottng restitution rt IdetItlntt oi the Frank nettm that th Wturd oi Or is produced by Philip store It mallets and is rponsor rd by th Esme tttnor Lec nsu Associetlw Due iormnnce oi the pit rnoglcoluebow Ls scheduled in theeta Aug 16 It 130 pm It Barrie Cuitrrl collegiate Iu dltorltml Mr Morris took two end bail run with the prothictlon lnctudtng writing the ell script and supervising the scene de GARDEN NOTES Junior Wizard of Oz tidtttttt2t Iiih the lithe oi two new clubs or the room season sign and roasted reeordinx km In an other illusions in the play in Wm atm mdu hide person led thl am writing wick Wild in hm 1hr ttdtour snow is complete MM with In countries mm not but CNN Netmural nodmen boas on Ltellnhlellbesamvy mm mm 1ch went seasons moped Wt Amy Mutt costume Mb dictator In name at tho my Thehildontulo loop Itit rr min pretlnllllnetilly Home on burn to churn to time dur in tho Ibo with to mt elalr Cow strait with nurt Cots ml mum mm OrdilI Tnyrivms Midland rty my mp era and Collingsood dilute Sports cited to perm mm hand who champions complete the emo im an alarm oi tog iot turn turns us Evil Mai scene lprclll Tbr term will slut tie the his and bubblensatter ch Iuionsnitcntty metres end at ACCIDENT MULCASlERCO Two teams join league ilrst no drum no iiu reliably use aerate snbed non lane oi Bush It turned luguI runner Several crtIngn have oilsenson Ictlttlvs IitlIln the tongue Both Nihilqu Ind Kerrie hm new coaches Eddie Busts will handle the reins tor the oiBtuesIbtleDonuonlsthe new coed ot the Dolls The Dolls else here new manager Jim Short short is lineup in hockey circles iot at out this lhl Butte Fly ers oi the thatqu Hockey An soelotton Senior circuit One oi Shorts senior hockey rivIls Bill hiccttt is insurer oi the Drill Club iloIts inmost or bubbles SMOKING GREASE TEE CORNER oi Cuddlon Budel ilr department Br Chance to exhibit Dan rut sIld this morning the reptiniest looted Insoktnz both accented The tee is hi and Inyonerroutrtng more in tormntlon ls uted to tdepbooe 75710 LENst FUNDMISle AlbeBIrrietiloorAs at shows fairs on not mm lacrosse Held In BNCL run it to nthtUniEt moron it manhunt will Iii or itletl 8th to hipster piece otsuspeusc The turn Iswell the plsy by Anthony Sltatler pt crowds Now11to Gryp Company brings ritts top clIss thriller with plot whose tots tuous twtsts are ndtshly cun ninu to GeurgtsoCottege Aud itorium this week privileiod to have spocl rtntorvlew with ltorllnrry In John Gardiner Who will play the oi the princh potcmtes 1n the excttiu who durilt The the actors have on err viable reputations Ind have be come Important names to then ire they each shsre slnsllsr views on meny subtrots yet they are tundameiitstiy quite ditterent in ettarrcter line lived in CInadI hr ltl yesre Much oi his cnreer we tormed here and Gourde there torr is very much his home Now he lives in hos lorries where he does most or his prov leulnnli wortt ivory Barry like John Gsrdtn ls ouirtjsnd tuntrolted ott ate tortestrnt unltly in his make no rind rancy in his speech that misites nothing he says most interesting lle ll ilii with typical Eng lttt complexion and the expected cautltulmanners oi the weillt born English gentleman llr It rumor the role ot Andrew Wit Is It born to the Norman manor house it is net suftrrislngihul only torrntty he played Dr Watson in titrertocit lttlniee TV sorter in his Anglgtea hlyetery theatre seems to be his thing Just now because he lust vintdcted epart the tiny Artur Streetknown It lines of people the as inilpbtttn the him nor towards them One is tntho slon plsy St Joan Both rotors Icrred Goorgtsn llowesinvltcdto pintno one Auditorium ItIgs is excellent oi the lnqutsitor Ignlnthisyclr on mommy MIeg but did not went to return to theatre nit Mr Berry Strattord st prosciu Ittd lm led to Ice that The mobility oi hls lore and it mm which my tho teennlcel Iblltty to be Ibis used even though lome pity use every part irt body harm Norma wes quite discernible during re may mm my bronal Then he ill that inher mm um ent ability to be the character when in in during those minutes onstrgo ut one play year most oi llr oon int trio itttsbruotten in am Wk Paw llootmi Is troll Is Sharon Polo lorks And on Goes You in tie enjoys the last two modtu although there are many dtltrr Vim in rnt technical problems with TV Mm worm who Incl lllm miner tho importance oi bctol Enro hir Barry is quite excited est about Sleuth The pIrt oi Arier Wyre ts iittfithdiiiltt Upper level prices lowered Irhniiongo to keep up with Gerdlncr lie lorers mo in Mtk ticket prices tor ihrrrmntn hard He is Ile totmmer hit two vim scheduled by the cd tnthe role and to extremely English borst Mr Barry ood By contrast physicallydohu Gardiner her dark brown hIir mm he too has the quietness and control oi the prntessionet stilt $32912 iittitretnttlgllWm Pemechsml The tire seems to Imoulder be snrne rnIn dtiicreot kinds ol livoneint tiny l5 Davis ot les No doubt this on the reason tiurnnby 30 will arrive tn Bare that he was sskedto remain rle Saturdoy tor the lath annual with the Strutiord Theatre Cont liorrle area Tent Onissde Bil Iit etuyedyitlthe Company litVey Pesntcoortel urch tor it years Bet ers Tutti Crusade Chair ttio he titled in one chsric msn Ind has lndlcrted that let lers trans Shatosprnrr talli titrs will be conducted rvery time niitironr 196010 in ltl rictitn except iitortduy thru in England and At t7 it ly JEAN CABLE llocetNIistbetlnuoiLhe year when sit the big loner IbowsIndiItiialrIIlllbeeom in along llIJdllMlY Ibout eorno oi the things In Inhibitor ebouid now First oi my to you dont have to be In expert to exhibit in Inythiog Try once recttty your nristtlu next time keep trying Ind some day you will be In expert NW exhibitors are absolutely necessary to keep up competition Ind riotpr to keep aban intac eating Once you hove Inhibited any thing you usually keep right on nhcther tt Ls toms ol bread owers or craitr Atwar try to got your Idth utea we lgdvehxcne gt study it ma on an to exhibit Tile ruics tor exillhltlll should he clearly ttetcd its run to rend them There Will be other loiorrns tlon like hours ot entry Iheri you can pick it up unelher Notalners are provided bow tour and my others but all dit lcrrnt kindl but oi the one kind CRIPPLED Culllle oi ower Barrie illelllbiersnild new the cord nest ottrn ls bets ol the rit tttosnts club people think are setting it Its tor rattle basket is tht murcb Ind tun oo In Inttoue ersi ttowrrs In men out lo groupe hold this hssbet is container or torslse moneytor pi rst Armrtsiwslsel host 1353 children ths car is denied by illndltl it this bundle that mm is the Illckler Usuelty learn one DOWNTOWN htLVtBtis third at the handle mowing Tho Downiovm Ares Improve Hit It another problem ii the mrnt Board has councile Ip schedule esyr you use ttil provel to operate It its expense my Otherwise stint to the In expertmeotsl rhuttts hos mt lioer own tolls Alvnys try vice durinz Aunut Ind Septem Eyw come oturwtth her senih downtown Ind Cur lennlnl Beach subject to thy The like service meetlngsillexalrrqtdre the otisgo was like Is writ mnu We Wm3 1mm rnittce Mcommendrd Ippmval our pilot Ind bIrdrn them otlt Iiit mrettng with But kl tutti hoxt seek ill kit past chairmen do this DRAWING LESSON SOCETY Nil Butte sculptor too llpau LI The second bus to Sutton mam mm mm on lntmelt mt naming mt gag his studio or interested trusts lost its mitt tn tourl idt the Wkamwtnlut yeIr However the tour ttsritmk glm Wu excellent end those who htr Gardiner is not msrrled lio dabble in watts and tar don tn ltrronto where be has his home At this point lie is Ible to select to some exs twist the roles he wkbes to play lie leclr Sleuth is marvelous play will constructed in wltlrh the excitement builds steadily to the crushing cltmIL And it is more than tint he must delvo into the rs much more opt ban to the usual mystery play What makes Andrew the way be or etc or is it llocentty be has Ippcsrod in ientousy methlrig else it looks Is it Steuth be the hit at tho Gryphons so so the play opens lloiutny Tickets Ire available It the theatre pnetrietrl so Season tlrkel hot seats wiltbe moved to the outside mas ol the lower srr rim or dine dryphon Theatre proup thl been reduced tor Ill cuts in the upper levels ot the GeorutIn The llrial play ot tho mitt Prices tor Sleuth which starts Dont Stert Vltltbttl Mt in ms Alme Hominy trill be than don Ill open Aumill third the eyes and one can read ret he has to underlying etV tly see how it is that ha Slit at holds Tent Crusade now presenting their local tens onions in the church Various atnptnu ruoups Involved in these services Ench weeknight It tttl end is Sundays at it arts and 7pm crowds will outlier lmtkt lite rams Adequate partln tacit lilel Ito nvotlohio tn the tieuty invert parkinu lot lvl perms wishing to attend the service Ind people ot the community old be welcomed WIN It Antsttttt Null loctionl colleclton usually Home by It the Islest 1111109 means In Issortment oi colors Supper It to hleil potential or vertettee oi one rpectesittrr Richard Grrcn altar oi Firstly htr Gardinrrnantrd it Saturday evenings become to get away trnm the chairs Gospcl ttlusic titrlite out this and do dtlterent roles try TV week will tlnd Phil and Nate ronuiscrctsle etc So in mo he linoltumphrey pirating their vo lott stratiord tor wider hortrons cIl mangemeut Ind interesting liehas eoeated some roles story ot their transition irons nhm no mortal mun betnr ntolst rtith rittnielnm to end tiny e00 the Gated Tlnlb sratlnr repIetty oi LN Perl WM gt much space you have who the Will bad greet day turtrr silt br etc While there is wsittng list It ts very discouraging lo tum oi its bulloads to Swas Aug sty In exhibitor who had spent hours bi work on something lust because the deadline tor entries has passed or In most cases Judges dg Clarice Coo ot htonto St elston Hull Also esdont TM is the new book coo have to want gay my venei Ind recent conteoer tor dont deem to exhth worthy country Folr st lust has live lltttethougbt nan MN tot were to collect so hope iolh ot hassles When exhibiting iiovt ll be ers brine knlte Iiond tome ttrs Gnu Omr has mew tctssors tetv extra blooms in ed charge oi tickles relishes can on Ls broken and lelites Site It in Ottawry Aims bsvr some string mu Are planemtw WI In still you and pail and small we iookind tor help on tho tun Ind tering can or pitcher 9mm mummie ttavlnx these things mores Next tour is Aug to you independent or some e13 motion at the Shaw lestir IVOVWW entry logs ready bum hiii Be sure they on Ittscbcd selt Auditst to is but guderi tour weir to tour um itl to not ms Ugly may your xpesu te coin 05 met tIlners On Aug the local Society In Irrenxement classes low will tour the City oi Brent on may usually or serum lords Parks end lttetoricsl plac trons someone Itsol garden but It mm NM NM in specimen ctrsser they must lion Director in liarrtr Std Arm wsys be groin by the exhibitor strong work there and will pre would rather ere it WI Willis ere used drown hi thedaxttiogi Brantlord is tho lormer home tors to eooou the ot our locel Parts Superinth more mw entBli Grovesnndhtremrovos lioittevrr many peoptI Just do Wbon Perks and Recreation Corry not have Isidro yrt like to II mttttes amalgamated in Barrie range flowers Ind they Idd much those in than picked Brunltord to how Is the tried set up tor such ll show lasts more then one more day dispin Iltouitl be reluyrn tI shstt go and see it Home Ited by rrplscinr willed om ti meosuritir up to what these with treeh ltovrer oi identical mote anyhow norm in or it Irirty There is ueaily only years I20 We shall Ice the lletl one entry per person in em llomcated hiohsvtt Chapel Ind clots out sometimrs morn have picnic lunch in Mohawk Iro Iltowod so read the enhzd Perk ere lizll lleimrtai Park War liemorisl Perk Tons thusrde till iew nurttiohs hrsrd oi Part borne Perk Vietnrte Path in It rhows Ire Glenhmt Gardens which is Shouirt mm the bud In to icre rstIte bequeathed to the utteryea budshowing rotor city by Edmund Ooehbutt counts as noncr Well see the City Greenhouses Vhatdoyou mean by tpray Ind hour as Kiddo the man in Irrity is lntrrol branch charge oi ltorttoulture for their trout tho main stem srtr Tuto picnic lunch what do you mean by ml rtttnctoo ltotd em nut Ito Ill dttlereot kiddo oi belonlos or hire Florence Loclhert moois dvrIri inertgolds Airth moth bliss elartoite YeItoo roe WEATHE The runpstgn nu kicked all hot week end orwtiurs In new in the prom oi birth pros pts to solicit donsttnos by trie ALLANDALI nus men usuaarIcrrcWoodIy change the mute ot the Aliso dsie bus so it trovets enstrrly Ileng Heldwtn Leno trorn min ttl Street to Mill Street Ind then southerly Iioisg liIthIlt Street The lesson Ls to se rommodm residents oi the 100 senior cttiotn home in theIm Mil ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Association oi hintide llies oi Ontulo WHO is tiled to insect during the Innurl rontrrence to hunter to WednesdIy It the Royet York Hotel Vpe lot ddeIItaI tn the comedian Include hin blle ltomes WIsied ll Preservation Ind RItttoI oi Core Busioe Area end tloul Services to Conr rnunltles then is model program echeduicd tor spouses or the delegates Hot humid iion expected Ito continue today Saturday 313 hot Ind humid weather is rxpectrd to continue today Ind Saturday lttghs both days it torrent 31 to ulth inns tonight to to 11 Toronto ltisty hot and humid today Ind Snturdry illgh both days hour 50 except water ear Lake Ontario law over ntuht around tC llrmiiton Wiml Damion Peterborough Lotto St Clair LskI lIrle latte lturnri Niag ara Late Donnie Southern Georgian Bay ltuy hot usd humLt iodity oixi Saturday tllgh both days 320 to 5C rs te cooler near the Grunt Eases law overnirhl tw to Sudbury North titty Slith ton Nerdtern Georgtsri Bey Ah gomo Tenugemi tbile litter Cochransi sunny hot Indhu mid today Irtd Saturday lilgh bot hdnys slit to MC except cooler near the Great LIle bow overnight 13C to tic rent near let in the White litter region Montreal Ottawa humid olten today and saturd if 36 on VI night 210 to 23C In LII lglh lodIr Overnlelt Set 31 2t 31 at It Kitchener it Mount Forest st linghom at Owen Sound at Muskohn it tianutton at St Guilt ll Tnmnin 3h trrnton at Kingston lit Peterboinugtr letawouI 11 North Boy at Sudbury as Eartton il ss at White lllvrr Gnrnldion hioosnnea do EXEC critter itiutirif in Brettttgrld To relIJenreo phone