pi 2mmth 59 EE tartE or teti rt Record crowd attend raceway Elii it if its Inch will It Ethnonton doesnt hm the thenold ma Ihnva our vived the pnlrlo Illtim to but Wilktnaon Forget the stern teams For IhoerexdlnmtthoWutwinl dithIwa ntmetl rspecnhle 017000 The eighth race oi the ovenilu won by itevoneh Abbe but Kotla hichh in tho return ot $2010 or their $200 inme lmtin Fireball iiveyeIroid ding by Fireball lienover Ind lea Dalting wu driven to ilvtctory by lleu lieory Ind went ioilItodrlroittttoonetn VreturnI 08100 000 and 300 in hla Ihort tamer luotln fifireholl he record oi oi IrtIrta tWo win one aocond Ind one third or total urnlnze oi MN The ieaturodrixtia rIce wu won by Proud Vikinx med hy Laverne Moore oi lherold Ind trulned Ind drivenby Eu rune llooreihe dxhtyeorotd totisprtna ot6mart Tait trotted tine mile In to have rorniortnhin moigin over Shar Voutlet recond Ind BrirevInder Tbh alder oi Itxth and aecond the rut Iter oi the wu Joanne Rick II the cut Nib tartna moo or 29 Ind hall to 100 06 which Ire hoilt luck mm the Iunromn mm mm 1y tired tile iouryearoiti Innre Indehehndtouttloiorihn thaw Ierd hevonnh Abbe iotaryenrold roIn hone ownnd mined and driven by Geode Moir oi Cooke town took over It tbehnll and moved up root to ittlllil the mlletn tilztoandeiineltlme It 200 tint Wen Chelle owned by lion locum oi Coilinwa nllhed writ tor the pine Iunrd The winntnl combination oi Wll Inl Andy and The Gold Blndlt in that order at llnlrh retIIned very handleme price oi mm or the uaetor mhmfifmd Ii yoi the ilvoonrotd Adm went at at 00 to one oddi BARBIE RACEWAY RESULTS Inntvdtm Loi mill 0400 your Fireball DIn Hark Dilltr Time 21093 IanIIcim pace mile it Katie hicNah 0000 1300 700 Bllaterl hltNab 1050 70 gleenow Greentm time 10 330 250 Ill Double you WI rdeene pm mile 0100 guns 100 110 rp 100 Tim Erartert paid 0910 onrthdm pace mile 0100 ottth Bnire 500010250 Sometth 400170 in 160 ltrrioi Button 50 paid 0230 libwild peer unlit 0400 any Luigi 510 350 250 my 010 ogi ODlrect 250 Time 12 re Butter le0 00160 lbwrel trot mill 0700 mid Vlklill 3000 910 Lin erpto riamnder 10 Time 200 25 Eueto poll one up too eleventhBond we write 0100000390 mm Ahel 710 200 11 lionert Waverly 10021 Rehoboih Dream 11 Time Euetorx poll 01010 Etyhtheond peer mile 0550 Revth Abbe 840 100 100 Wee Girlie 270 240 Jeanna itlek 010 Time 200 Butter 14 pald 01110 Ntnthelm pun mile M00 Wll 147i Aody 000 170 800 The Gold Bandit 110010 Petr Pulney 000 Time $5 Elector led $24470 frntlnlm om mile 0500 Star iitil 710 L20 150 Mr Goiophene 100 100 Sunset Anne Time 200 Exacteri 014 013 REPLACE PUPOVlC PITTSBURGH AP Plitb bur lI Pirates pent Menu In liel or Paul Papovieh to their Otnrlatm Va iorm duh Tuesdry and replaced him with rookie Willie Randolph ANNOUNCE OPENING NANIIQUE Shoo Inner MAIN ROAD leairy and kompletn goiterl line Sperlaitrlng nBrIIe leiurna 456 3537 lielord Seolorr Ind troouIJIornu mu the load 03 bIeXand lorth tnIBIrriIIndlttxirenlorloaouIIdlon will Duhu Senior SoithIil lune he tonkht with Georxoa Furni tame Wednudey pint It titre mi Perk hotorelindlord edit wontnd tnwiri mentor were trailing we in thevmih inll they went towork in more three run Ier on our hlta Ind but the Nahum 07 Cook relieved Bill Ew ton ItIrtesl the nine tor ErIdtord Iod the pelt gave up it hits whlie rooordlu nine atrtlrenutI 1th Millennium tntidd loo Belcourt up only tour hits oouniod out Ind keptGoorgeI moi lure oil the Imam Don MeFIdden Ive up only three hits coon eight eirlhe oute Ind Iilooiod hut one run to lotto rumour tour Burl no Diotriot Senior Mqu be aneia took moi at 10 umr Ir In one lining no 01 alter two at damu tar Goorxaa innlnu Hun McEvoy reared in Wmedm done in the 1m tint into on double Ito MWL Miller mild in beuuui do rylndmov inaecondonnwlld Elma Torry iletn nm pitch Cor Mum then walk etart on the mound tor Cbnmh Ive up it Min and counted in rtriirooqu end Burton reared rune Wl Pdrvde Wednnndoy eveninl in the mend itinan on tour hltr mood hue amtmunch nerliioed Earn molt Oil 13hclmr$1nf iioidera choice whidI Illowed Ith my mu mm Littler to word and put Adama dim out at third hare 3111 hkevtrw ocetterod two in mm In third Inninrr Me Nb Ind did no more dImI cInn Ind Suihrrllnd added ruiu Wm My Iblv iv in the ruin Inninr to moire the 13de in 1W Emma Indmannaod Iinrlo hit in Mk 1h mlnym unit at the iourill illlh Ilqu mm mm Wm pm 0mm and youth inalhn However Indierry Kin werin on two WWI iii And my Mind and LIkeIIlew mode one error lord error or the vialtoro play 559 dim ednoop halkliyIlnemponrtlyE even was ra no It not pounded Noiiawa loses tour hltl Ind reared Randy ler ry hteEvoy Ind Colin Jack meteor end Portud insurance tIIurch remchIclt rIlly loll hammered AnxuaoitIvII Elec Ihort intho eighth inning with tile 101 Wodlmday night in the King being thrown out Ii Ihe opener at iinrrle Ind District pinto to mull the oreitut pro Meier Fortbaii League play It erimilton been St Catharine By 11 CANADIAN PEEP St lethaltool litr iaakett mluedtheir thence to more into iirlt place in the west divi Iton oi the Ontario thall pe an doubleheadu to lumllioo Snow and ti in other romeo orian ionyI took inking Beileville hieDnnehdI Glome wontwo Ill VIM end lmdon dropped two to Wm 10 and $2 in iiIrnlltoil pinchhitter ied ond some delimit IlIIrnned tworun the bi inntnxei then too homerover altreileid lance Glohola the sixth II the with two out in the hut innlnl mart Ime when they ox te elvo Hamilton ita win to the plum tor oeva hlta Ind tlve Irennd lame rum to break il deadlock Wllly Dick picked tlp the victory in the ni tea while the lone west to int 13M nIII McNeil in tmteti twohitter in the to tend Scrapped to thcr win Keri won the lorer threw Glohalliimvod out oi the wart divirlon roller by their double win iii Kitchehlrv while Ihe Evergreen tltt into the apet they vooeted YOUNG one win momma iohn Young tired Iixhitter tho haven inolnl of and then come back to to out Mnnlnl lithi hIndrr lie Martin in the rec in it do too while Terry Gal lemon dropped hls 1m in17 3ACCOUNT FOR YOURxTIME The cmmu oenuat AccountIII AnorIatlon ollIIa ouo oi the tow eooIIu oi III tlIIId Von eIII work while you atudy mom Notionllly neeonlnd Ieeouotlnp dutpiiltlrn gt Whyiiotlatyour me till mutt toi you in ntahllehlng lltlidll ptoteaalaiiat meal For mote intoimalion will or phone THE CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTI ASEOCIAHON OF ONTARIO 15 Adailldl llillt lltl Toronto Ontario ill 3004901 over Church Homes eight strikeonalunint nu win the mountain er mehlna nix mod recent WNW Dirr thu out Grow no It Elmvole nuI Pork woo 1mm erth and crowned their leod with oveniudurlnx the Iixth period Rod had two rand Lllml 7th record to dIte is three th Noe could muster little ot hiIrtln inked ue htI 10th win to Bhdiprd Senir ire EEa minim up nine hlto Ind reeord live 553 i3 two ItrInupIUI in tut two nine rich the or were on ruaatnthe hath were cIlieoo mournineu ImmotneroeIhImnadauee Next action ier Hester lI lheov dIy when Barry Foote hit In day at pm auinot hIrri Do It Queena Perl Ind Nollawe Electric loco Elmvrle 11min Iolwent wait tor doubt nooaie saline hwo pitcher Steve Roma iMled In citthith tor hla Ieeend complete line to more neIdIy It pm DafeafiMnesing record to erthe tensor minnow In Manley led Emilnit pm homer at the yen hiontmlI balanced nilente me led by Milo lo men who hit Itnxle and hi nmmhonu run of ed ea 3th enlist tourtn pkg ilolm otldoed In the he would one In hit the ld like unto hit um it we roared It runs every um all our pttdr Ira ewld be winners our no In the emith lull Jorlrnaenhlt solo homer nlnu innilu rune Main on Iournny Burris so in the yithtd up their only run oi the 13m to up menu ll Expoa opmod the Ioorin latheueendettertwowmeui Senior base all mug mum Erna Cooke Carton AI detailed mane In mam r5 the erlting ilolte Auto PIrtI Janna um uid 1010 in Barrie Senior Bauball you mm on It steel SI Put The Expoa Indeo mother run WIdorsdny nltht in the Min to chuthurrtaen Willa Pitdhor wee Glenn ltrn Dwyera double and urry Hrelee hiittnere linole then Icorod lillthu dotblea wuysiari Crock their line run in the elm on lord Steve Crooked Ind Mike doohh by Foil Ind alnslo by hallboth hlttrtplu and hem Battle Meadow homo tun lnother Karrie and District Meier Nathan Lane action EhrIVIio Memhm whipped tunednaluventlee 121 It in DIri Edwardl aIve up In hill tor tnewlnntol Elmulo round Ind much out 10 button looser wea Bill mNIhh who ttvothltero Elinvtle scored lIIII runa in he lint tnntno one hi the third one in tho tillh one in the am win two lorruIndIooe line neopt in the eighthtn tied Nextaomeil lui11at rang chiu filled the hem Mu lioniron Pith on lntldd it by Den limi peer Mod Ind ioao Ceri deulhutim Monte tiled Bnrrieincrouo outtomdihelnnint Billie OVWMDWH dtiiIt ell Midland in Burte lA ereon Pee Wee dividon plIy It MidlIad Wednesday militia Scar tor Barrie were Steve Mill wth tour ll mtg grzwzndomldll mendI mm It Steele am Paul Hohn ooorlnftlve loll 13 lming nditohladmrepllodwhhl outlier Mellie Ioriuino ifmi guru to Maple Grove when it couldnt field tan It hinple Flag football Grove in BIrrla Fla FoothIll Ptt Ihotuoii othrroutmiioo wm erlleinolhistlorldiurpedarend Emmlud scarIo end on View tlovorleb 207 end in the Fold mood lune Chem Chum Actinnroaurme next iursdayi dawned Ecndley Men 1117 It aIe pm with Maple Grove Wednesdly wrote It 5thlon host or Steele sum CIuIdles ax liellhtl It loluon stud and Nexthdoei Iy I170 It or lohnlaead Stzihlorlleae It the mini lenruo omen Staela Street Minersoomri st himieoa Ind Steele Street tied in Bento Optimist hillt or soccer Aaaochilmaction letm Vleniley and 10mm Street Dorian Parkerylioyor oi the Corporation oi City of Barrio by virtue oi resolution of tho Colin cit oi the City oi Barrio do hereby pmclnim lion day August 1015 at Civic Holiday Porton Parker MIyor 55 322 aggagg Eggigs E5 62 as swlilfcbtu Fresh picked Excellent mind n00 Ipperent home run which only aermm NIwPheiII 73 4000 innintn inn tremendoua public runonn tenni fBOOKASEI MIcuaI Come on lurid tIkI your choice $500 Indup PARKLAND TlREIi SMuleutI St 7102220 TENNIS invitationto SUNNloALE no 124C9NCESSION VESPRA TOWNSHIP with IIInun In lilt the limo onovn TENNIS CLUB For the tithe helojpn you play on the nowuh TENNIS couprerow OPEN Jiltllihd Courtr lEMAiRE Alli SERVICES Mldiahd Airport Fiving Treiinngr 1Privote Commoreiei Dinetrumeni Cinetrueior Rating QChaiior andKSitIhtroelng 5005 5268224 in otherle level play St